"America is Ready for Socialism!" (Didn't we fight against Socialism in WW II?)

except it was not wholly a socialist state operation, capitalist still operated many industries...

Private owners <> Capitalist

Further, the Nazis stuffed the boards of ALL major industry with Nazi stooges. The means of production was completely controlled by the Nazis.
Fascism and Socialism are two schools of thought that show some difference between them when it comes to their principles and concepts. Fascism is an authoritarian, nationalistic political ideology. On the other hand, socialism is an economic system in which the means of production are either owned by the state or owned commonly but cooperatively controlled,you see that both fascism and socialism are ideologies where strict rules are applied to the members of the society.

Fascism - the official socioeconomic system adopted by FDR in 1935 , the means of prodution are private but heavily regulated.

Under socialism, all the means of production will be owned by Bernard Sanders and the state

Actually it was socialist ideals that won world war two.

It was the government which organised labour to fight the war, the army is a socialist institution...

Real lack of understanding what socialism is here.
“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”
Benito Mussolini

The corporation as the vehicle of state control over the economy was the foundation of Mussolini's economic system.

Now the quote is a fake, Mussolini never said it, and Italy had no corporations in the sense of English common law, entities of commerce with distinct identity. What Italy did have were Latifundia, the social structures with a captain ruling over underlings in a particular enterprise. It was these which Mussolini (like Augustus Caesar) based his economy upon. The latifundia operated at the pleasure of the state, and under the direction of the state. The captains and their minions were allowed to profit from their activities, but those always flowed from the state. It is a roughly feudal structure save the captains were not nobility, but rather businessmen who had earned favor.
Actually it was socialist ideals that won world war two.

It was the government which organised labour to fight the war, the army is a socialist institution...

Real lack of understanding what socialism is here.

Sheepboi Ted - you're a drooling fucking retard.

Clearly the English educational system makes the American system look downright effective, by comparison.
Actually it was socialist ideals that won world war two.

It was the government which organised labour to fight the war, the army is a socialist institution...

Real lack of understanding what socialism is here.

You mistake the military, whish is this...


Nothing to do with socialism!
Actually it was socialist ideals that won world war two.

It was the government which organised labour to fight the war, the army is a socialist institution...

Real lack of understanding what socialism is here.

You mistake the military, whish is this...


Nothing to do with socialism!


Jefferson would have never involve the US in WWII

"Commerce with all nations, entangling alliances with none"
The funny thing is, I just took one of those "who do you agree with most" political tests and Bernie edged out Rand Paul - only barely, and the test was pure bunk. But I'd vote for him before anyone the Dems or Rethugs are likely to nominate.
Actually it was socialist ideals that won world war two.

It was the government which organised labour to fight the war, the army is a socialist institution...

Real lack of understanding what socialism is here.

You mistake the military, whish is this...


Nothing to do with socialism!


Jefferson would have never involve the US in WWII

"Commerce with all nations, entangling alliances with none"
As you leftards always state, he would have evolved....

Actually it was socialist ideals that won world war two.

It was the government which organised labour to fight the war, the army is a socialist institution...

Real lack of understanding what socialism is here.

And you see how the far left upholds the ideals of the military industrial complex as socialism, yet they want to dismantle it.

So why is the far left against socialism now?
Didn't we fight against Socialism in WW II?

No, actually we fought to protect the socialism FDR gave us in the 30's.

And thank goodness we won.
We fought socialism in world war 2? Really? We fought with the USSR against the fascist pigs. In the words of a fascist: "Fascism is a mix of corporate and state power"

You are such a fucking genius, why are you here?

Socialists caused World War II. History refresher ...
Socialists caused World War II. ... During World War II, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics formed an alliance with the ... in the United States, ...
Ah, such factual dishonesty and stupidity is astounding. The nazi's only took the word "socialism" to appeal to the lower classes, they did nothing even remotely close to trying to achieve socialism. Then again, your posts are a journey in stupidity.

I think the Socialists only took the word "Democrat" to appeal to the lower classes.

Also, fuck you.
We fought socialism in world war 2? Really? We fought with the USSR against the fascist pigs. In the words of a fascist: "Fascism is a mix of corporate and state power"

We actually fought the lesser of two evils. We should have let them destroy each other.
We fought socialism in world war 2? Really? We fought with the USSR against the fascist pigs. In the words of a fascist: "Fascism is a mix of corporate and state power"

You are such a fucking genius, why are you here?

Socialists caused World War II. History refresher ...
Socialists caused World War II. ... During World War II, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics formed an alliance with the ... in the United States, ...
Ah, such factual dishonesty and stupidity is astounding. The nazi's only took the word "socialism" to appeal to the lower classes, they did nothing even remotely close to trying to achieve socialism. Then again, your posts are a journey in stupidity.

Of course SOCIALISM, the TAKING AWAY OF ONES WEALTH TO GIVE IT TO THOSE THAT DON'T DO SHIT, AND THUS BUY THEIR VOTE IS UP FOR GRABS! Your subversiveness is following you like a trail of diarrhea!
Not at all, socialism is democratic ownership of the means of production. You're an idiot.

The USSR....China.....The Soviet Bloc were Democratic? You're a fucking idiot. :lol:
We fought socialism in world war 2? Really? We fought with the USSR against the fascist pigs. In the words of a fascist: "Fascism is a mix of corporate and state power"

You are such a fucking genius, why are you here?

Socialists caused World War II. History refresher ...
Socialists caused World War II. ... During World War II, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics formed an alliance with the ... in the United States, ...
Ah, such factual dishonesty and stupidity is astounding. The nazi's only took the word "socialism" to appeal to the lower classes, they did nothing even remotely close to trying to achieve socialism. Then again, your posts are a journey in stupidity.

Of course SOCIALISM, the TAKING AWAY OF ONES WEALTH TO GIVE IT TO THOSE THAT DON'T DO SHIT, AND THUS BUY THEIR VOTE IS UP FOR GRABS! Your subversiveness is following you like a trail of diarrhea!
Not at all, socialism is democratic ownership of the means of production. You're an idiot.

The USSR....China.....The Soviet Bloc were Democratic? You're a fucking idiot. :lol:
Oh lord, they all followed state capitalism, no one is claiming they were socialist, they had some socialist layers that occasionally blossomed.
You are such a fucking genius, why are you here?

Socialists caused World War II. History refresher ...
Socialists caused World War II. ... During World War II, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics formed an alliance with the ... in the United States, ...
Ah, such factual dishonesty and stupidity is astounding. The nazi's only took the word "socialism" to appeal to the lower classes, they did nothing even remotely close to trying to achieve socialism. Then again, your posts are a journey in stupidity.

Of course SOCIALISM, the TAKING AWAY OF ONES WEALTH TO GIVE IT TO THOSE THAT DON'T DO SHIT, AND THUS BUY THEIR VOTE IS UP FOR GRABS! Your subversiveness is following you like a trail of diarrhea!
Not at all, socialism is democratic ownership of the means of production. You're an idiot.

The USSR....China.....The Soviet Bloc were Democratic? You're a fucking idiot. :lol:
Oh lord, they all followed state capitalism, no one is claiming they were socialist, they had some socialist layers that occasionally blossomed.

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