Salon Implies Secret Service Men "Who Disputed" Hutchinson's "Steering Wheel" Story Are Liars

Because that would wreck the Dem's witch hunt.
It's very telling when trumpanzee's call holding criminals accountable a "witch hunt". They give all their loyalty to their orange godlet, NONE to this country and our Constitution.

"They may testify" isn't an answer.

Why take a second-hand story when you can get the first-hand account?....They're supposed to have the subpoena power that can put a guy like Peter Navarro in leg irons and a solitary cell for hours on end, but they cant get some Secret Service agents to show up?

Oh yeah....Them straws ain't gonna grasp at themselves.
Yes....they are welcome to is the fat former pig. Under oath. For some reason, he's afraid to.
Derp. They had this woman testify at last 4-times in private (how can she afford the lawyering?).

They knew the crap she was going to spew. The Joke 6 committee could have had their sworn statement long ago but chose not to.
They knew the crap she was going to spew because they gave her the lines to say. Couldn't you tell that she was trying to remember her lines. The excessive blinking, eyes looking toward the ceiling, hand movements. All indications of coerced testimony.
Until they testify under oath their statements could just as easily be lies. It’s not like you haven‘t been shredding Hutchinson’s character and she at least was under oath.
Coffe feathers are more legitimate now?
But the J6 Committee can't indict or prosecute thus her Hearsay testimony is a waste of time and looks more like it was a deliberate attempt to smear Trump in public without worry about cross questions to challenge a non-witness claims.

They are being grossly unfair over it and in my opinion invalidates the need for the committee to continue if all they have are smears to offer.
Don't need to.They can make a referral to Biden's Justice Dept.
With what Tucker Carlson explained last night.Biden's head of
Justice is Merrick Garland as Attorney General.In only a year and a
half this guy has been the most blatant Partisan AG in American History.
Carlson went thru the number of outright arrests of Only Trump
affiliates with the obvious blessing from Biden's FBI and of course
Merrick Garlands Justice Dept.
NOW we know why the Left went bonkers when Senate Majority
Leader Mitch McConnell refused to allow Garland come up for
a Scotus nomination.That in a general Election year it is rarely
allowed.The left knew what kind of partisan he'd make.
However not the degree to which he would sell out Americans.
Why hasn't Schiff subpoenaed them then?
Enough of this paleface California twit.McCarthy was on - Gutfeld -
last night and made an assurance that once his House Republicans
have a majority he's already got a lot { i can't remember if it was
50 or 500 } papers ready to roll.Meaning serious lawsuits and
Investigations.And that Schiff will be taken off the House Intelligence
Committee along with Swallwell.
I'm not sure how that works.If Schiff can be outright taken off
a Committee,especially since being the Ranking Democrat for years.
But if Pelosi can pull a January 6th Select Hearing which ain't
a hearing AT ALL.then the worlds an open oyster for Republicans
come the first week of January 2023.
Until they testify under oath their statements could just as easily be lies. It’s not like you haven‘t been shredding Hutchinson’s character and she at least was under oath.
why weren't they called to testify?
My guess is the "beast" can be used as a generic term for the secure vehicle the prez is in at the time. But again, these are insignificant discrepancies the MAGAnuts are using to obfuscate the larger point.
Bobby Engel, testified earlier before the committee about the disagreement between him and Trump, in the Beast, after the ellipse rally, and how Trump fought to go to the Capitol with him and he told Trump NO!

SO THERE IS ALREADY COLLABORATING testimony that the disagreement took place. Don't know if the embellished story telling by Tony Ornato, Trump's operation guy is true or not though.

Here's a link, that is about bobby engels testimony on it that was from 3 weeks ago, before Ms. Hutchinson was called to testify.


And also a quote from Trump about it....

In an interview in April with The Post, Trump voiced regret over not marching to the U.S. Capitol the day his supporters stormed the building. He said he pressed to join the march that day but was stopped by his security detail.
“Secret Service wouldn’t let me,” Trump said. “I wanted to go. I wanted to go so badly. Secret Service says you can’t go. I would have gone there in a minute.”
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Bobby Engel, testified earlier before the committee about the disagreement between him and Trump, in the Beast, after the ellipse rally, and how Trump fought to go to the Capitol with him and he told Trump NO!

SO THERE IS ALREADY COLLABORATING testimony that the disagreement took place. Don't know if the embellished story telling by Tony Ornato, Trump's operation guy is true or not though.

Here's a link, that is about bobby engels testimony on it that was from 3 weeks agi, before MS Hutchinson was called to testify.


And also a quote from Trump about it....

In an interview in April with The Post, Trump voiced regret over not marching to the U.S. Capitol the day his supporters stormed the building. He said he pressed to join the march that day but was stopped by his security detail.
“Secret Service wouldn’t let me,” Trump said. “I wanted to go. I wanted to go so badly. Secret Service says you can’t go. I would have gone there in a minute.”
so what, what's the crime? you still haven't stated that. since when it is a crime to want an ice cream?
so what, what's the crime? you still haven't stated that. since when it is a crime to want an ice cream?
Watch the hearings in full! From the first one.... So you can follow...

The Whitehouse lawyer, Cipprioni, warned it was a crime or several crimes he would be at risk for....

Inciting a riot, interfering with an official proceeding, and the lord knows what else, depending on what he had his armed rioters do, that he was told ahead of time were at his rally, outside of the metal detectors....

Trump's state of knowledge, what he knew and when he knew it, with what his actions were,

is developing the theory that he planned, with his minions, every part of 1/6 including the incitement of a riot with his big lie created about the election being stolen from him, which he began to spread prior to the election, the pulled in to the scheme congress critters and senators objecting to the electoral count, to the conspiracy to send fake Trump electors, to trying to get legislators to change their election certifications, to trying to illegally coerce Pence in to rejecting the certified electoral votes from the states etc etc etc....

Which all leads to him attempting an illegal, Self Coup de'tat...keeping himself illegally in power.after he was legally voted out, by the States and citizens within.
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Watch the hearings in full! From the first one.... So you can follow...

The Whitehouse lawyer, Cipprioni, warned it was a crime or several crimes he would be at risk for....

Inciting a riot, interfering with an official proceeding, and the lord knows what else, depending on what he had his armed rioters do, that he was told ahead of time were at his rally, outside of the metal detectors....

Trump's state of knowledge, what he knew and when he knew it, with what his actions were,

is developing the theory that he planned, with his minions, every part of 1/6 including the incitement of a riot, the congress critters and senators objecting to the electoral count, to the conspiracy to send fake Trump electors, to trying to get legislators to change their election certifications, to trying to illegally coerce Pence in to rejecting the certified electoral votes from the states etc etc etc....

Which all leads to him attempting an illegal, Self Coup de'tat...keeping himself illegally in power.
Why? It’s not a court room and has zero power to bring to court
It's very telling when trumpanzee's call holding criminals accountable a "witch hunt". They give all their loyalty to their orange godlet, NONE to this country and our Constitution.
The irony being their fervent belief supporting a traitor like Trump is their patriotic duty.

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