Salon Surrender: 'She CAN'T Win!"

I don't know how any of your points can crucify her when it's all been out in the open and discussed ad nauseum for the past year.
It's already crucifying her -- again, she only won 1 demographic in NH: the '64+yo' Demographic. She was REJECTED by every other one.
Clinton will be CRUCIFIED by the GOP if she squeaks by and wins the nomination. As Salon points out, she has more baggage than all the passengers on the Titanic combines. :p

And that's what I say - put her on a debate stage with little old me - I will CRUCIFY her in 3 minutes. Put her on a stage with any of the other candidates - and she is dead before the first round is over.
I don't know how any of your points can crucify her when it's all been out in the open and discussed ad nauseum for the past year. Do you think anyone's forgotten the allegations? No. Her supporters just don't believe them anymore than Trump supporters think he's less-than-presidential material.

I will say this about the woman and her "husband". they walk that very thin line between legal and illegal (and have gotten away with it for years). What stupefies me, is how any person, in their right mind, could actually, in clear conscience vote for that old hag. I mean, seriously. She is incapable of managing a marriage, but she is capable of managing a country? Seriously? Her old man has cheated on her with (who knows?) 50-75-100 women, and sh'e OK with that? Hell, he cheats on her to this day with a woman the Secret Service calls the "energizer" and she says nothing? She made over $100,000 from a $5,000 wall street investment in cattle futures in ONE DAY!?!?! And then there is Benghazi, Emails, Clinton Foundation, the law firm in Arkansas, and on and on and on....Hell, I don't understand how the hell she isn't in Leavenworth...

And yet there are Americans who ACTUALLY believe that she would give one shit about THEM!?!?! Jesus people, wake the hell up.....

Meet Bill Clinton's Latest Mistress - The Political Insider
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I don't know how any of your points can crucify her when it's all been out in the open and discussed ad nauseum for the past year.
It's already crucifying her -- again, she only won 1 demographic in NH: the '64+yo' Demographic. She was REJECTED by every other one.

Well, and that's the other thing....the democrats are putting forth a 70 year old criminal and a 75 year old communist. How the hell do they HONESTLY expect to appeal to the younger voting block?
I don't know how any of your points can crucify her when it's all been out in the open and discussed ad nauseum for the past year.
It's already crucifying her -- again, she only won 1 demographic in NH: the '64+yo' Demographic. She was REJECTED by every other one.
Yes, but by another "democrat," not a republican. When the rubber hits the road, I fear if the RNC doesn't start easing up a bit on its extreme goof ball antics, she's going to win due to no other choice. And she WILL be the democrat's nominee.
Yes, but by another "democrat," not a republican. When the rubber hits the road, I fear if the RNC doesn't start easing up a bit on its extreme goof ball antics, she's going to win due to no other choice. And she WILL be the democrat's nominee.
The Democrat has not brought up / pushed the issues at all. If they are killing her already, wait until a Republican candidate DOES actively, aggressively go after her on those issues. The ONLY thing Hillary would be able to do is pull out the 'Gender' card and claim they were being 'mean' to her because she's a 'woman'.
I'll be surprised if Hillary OR Bernie make it through November. They both have one foot in the grave.
I'll be surprised if Hillary OR Bernie make it through November. They both have one foot in the grave.

One thing I WOULD advise old Bernie is that it would be extremely smart for him to hire a food never know with Hillary. Just ask Vince Foster.
Hillary's fate rests with the blacks, esp in the South and rust belt, and with latinos, esp in the West. Neither demographic has yet come into play. Dem primaries are all proportional. IF she can run 50-50 in Nev, and take SC 3-2, Bernie may look a bit tarnished.

I suppose it's true that the Donald may suffer in closed primaries, and the latter ones tend to be the winner take all. But on the other hand, if the Donald's ceiling is 35%, by the time you're down to 3 candidates, that may not be enough in any case.
Really, what is Bernie going to run on? As soon as he starts bloviating about free shit any Republican will just ask him how he intends to pay for it and his two answers will be 1) Keep writing bad checks or 2) raise taxes on an already over-taxed Middle Class.

Bernie is running on the idea that the "land of the free" means no one has to work. Oh, and that it will add another 20 Trillion to the National Debt. The man is insane.
Clinton will be CRUCIFIED by the GOP if she squeaks by and wins the nomination. As Salon points out, she has more baggage than all the passengers on the Titanic combines. :p

Salon didn't point this out, the writer did. You really need to read all that this H.A. Goodman has written. He's really out there.
"You do get simple math, right. You have to get 3 million people who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for your guy in 2016." -- JoeB

Except YOU forget that when narcissist Obama made the 2014 elections all about HIMSELF - HIS agendas, HIS ideology, HIS rules/regs/policies - the DNC had lower turnouts than they had in decades and the Liberals lost in an historic, record-setting ASS-KICKING.

Democrats don't want a 3rd Obama Term with Hillary as the President. Again, she only won the '64+yo' demographic in NH.... YOU do the simple math....try winning the lection with ONLY the '64+yo' demographic voting for you.

You know what Easy, Joe wants to believe that Hillary is going to have the Democratic turnout Obama did. NOT!

And then he again uses faulty logic, and thinks that the GOP vote will not be stronger.

It is the faulty logic of the left, that the voting strength has been at 100%, (or they seem to never take that into account to confuse the issue) and that now we have to swing 3 million votes. No we don't!!!!!!!

It is THEIR job to get all those voters out for Hillary to stay even, and as we can see, there is NO ENTHUSIASM for a Hillary Presidency.

On the other hand, we have had a massive INCREASE in voters and registrations, for the GOP primary. Tremendous enthusiasm.

So they can paint the picture all they want; and of course they will, but nobody in politics who knows anything is thinking Hillary is in good shape if she makes the general.

Can things turn around? Of course they can. To say they can't would be an out and out lie.......almost as big a lie as pretending that we have to steal 3 million votes to win, lol.
Really, what is Bernie going to run on? As soon as he starts bloviating about free shit any Republican will just ask him how he intends to pay for it and his two answers will be 1) Keep writing bad checks or 2) raise taxes on an already over-taxed Middle Class.

sanders is "clever" He is running on the "I WILL STEAL FROM THE RICH AND
GIVE TO THE POOR" ------fortunately the overwhelming majority of americans
consider themselves POOR and their next door neighbors SWIMMING IN GOLD


And what the hell does Sanders do when all the "rich" move to say, Switzerland? Who the hell is he going to steal from then? These can't help but laugh at them.

you are preaching to the choir. IMHO----sanders would be a disaster
That's their goal,

They are praying for a Sanders win, thus the kid gloves with him now and the never ending regurgitation of lies about Hillary....

but during the election, you can bet your bottom dollar, the RNC/GOP will be out full force, nailing Bernie left and right as being a Socialist, his age, him picking Justices, him never having a paying job crapola, until 40 yrs old, etc etc etc....
Really, what is Bernie going to run on? As soon as he starts bloviating about free shit any Republican will just ask him how he intends to pay for it and his two answers will be 1) Keep writing bad checks or 2) raise taxes on an already over-taxed Middle Class.

sanders is "clever" He is running on the "I WILL STEAL FROM THE RICH AND
GIVE TO THE POOR" ------fortunately the overwhelming majority of americans
consider themselves POOR and their next door neighbors SWIMMING IN GOLD


And what the hell does Sanders do when all the "rich" move to say, Switzerland? Who the hell is he going to steal from then? These can't help but laugh at them.

you are preaching to the choir. IMHO----sanders would be a disaster
That's their goal,

They are praying for a Sanders win, thus the kid gloves with him now and the never ending regurgitation of lies about Hillary....

but during the election, you can bet your bottom dollar, the RNC/GOP will be out full force, nailing Bernie left and right as being a Socialist, his age, him picking Justices, him never having a paying job crapola, until 40 yrs old, etc etc etc....
That's the way it works. Kinda like when Democrats were nice to McCain until he got the nomination, then the dumb bastard couldn't understand why they were all turning on him.
"You do get simple math, right. You have to get 3 million people who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for your guy in 2016." -- JoeB

Except YOU forget that when narcissist Obama made the 2014 elections all about HIMSELF - HIS agendas, HIS ideology, HIS rules/regs/policies - the DNC had lower turnouts than they had in decades and the Liberals lost in an historic, record-setting ASS-KICKING.

Democrats don't want a 3rd Obama Term with Hillary as the President. Again, she only won the '64+yo' demographic in NH.... YOU do the simple math....try winning the lection with ONLY the '64+yo' demographic voting for you.

You know what Easy, Joe wants to believe that Hillary is going to have the Democratic turnout Obama did. NOT!

And then he again uses faulty logic, and thinks that the GOP vote will not be stronger.

It is the faulty logic of the left, that the voting strength has been at 100%, (or they seem to never take that into account to confuse the issue) and that now we have to swing 3 million votes. No we don't!!!!!!!

It is THEIR job to get all those voters out for Hillary to stay even, and as we can see, there is NO ENTHUSIASM for a Hillary Presidency.

On the other hand, we have had a massive INCREASE in voters and registrations, for the GOP primary. Tremendous enthusiasm.

So they can paint the picture all they want; and of course they will, but nobody in politics who knows anything is thinking Hillary is in good shape if she makes the general.

Can things turn around? Of course they can. To say they can't would be an out and out lie.......almost as big a lie as pretending that we have to steal 3 million votes to win, lol.
The gop has enthusiasm, but the polls also show gop voters have little enthusiasm for each other's candidates.
"You do get simple math, right. You have to get 3 million people who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for your guy in 2016." -- JoeB

Except YOU forget that when narcissist Obama made the 2014 elections all about HIMSELF - HIS agendas, HIS ideology, HIS rules/regs/policies - the DNC had lower turnouts than they had in decades and the Liberals lost in an historic, record-setting ASS-KICKING.

Democrats don't want a 3rd Obama Term with Hillary as the President. Again, she only won the '64+yo' demographic in NH.... YOU do the simple math....try winning the lection with ONLY the '64+yo' demographic voting for you.

You know what Easy, Joe wants to believe that Hillary is going to have the Democratic turnout Obama did. NOT!

And then he again uses faulty logic, and thinks that the GOP vote will not be stronger.

It is the faulty logic of the left, that the voting strength has been at 100%, (or they seem to never take that into account to confuse the issue) and that now we have to swing 3 million votes. No we don't!!!!!!!

It is THEIR job to get all those voters out for Hillary to stay even, and as we can see, there is NO ENTHUSIASM for a Hillary Presidency.

On the other hand, we have had a massive INCREASE in voters and registrations, for the GOP primary. Tremendous enthusiasm.

So they can paint the picture all they want; and of course they will, but nobody in politics who knows anything is thinking Hillary is in good shape if she makes the general.

Can things turn around? Of course they can. To say they can't would be an out and out lie.......almost as big a lie as pretending that we have to steal 3 million votes to win, lol.
The gop has enthusiasm, but the polls also show gop voters have little enthusiasm for each other's candidates.

This is true, but...............they have total disdain for Hillary, and a Socialist will drive 85% of them to the polls...............the RNC poll workers will drive the rest, lol.
"You do get simple math, right. You have to get 3 million people who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for your guy in 2016." -- JoeB

Except YOU forget that when narcissist Obama made the 2014 elections all about HIMSELF - HIS agendas, HIS ideology, HIS rules/regs/policies - the DNC had lower turnouts than they had in decades and the Liberals lost in an historic, record-setting ASS-KICKING.

Democrats don't want a 3rd Obama Term with Hillary as the President. Again, she only won the '64+yo' demographic in NH.... YOU do the simple math....try winning the lection with ONLY the '64+yo' demographic voting for you.

You know what Easy, Joe wants to believe that Hillary is going to have the Democratic turnout Obama did. NOT!

And then he again uses faulty logic, and thinks that the GOP vote will not be stronger.

It is the faulty logic of the left, that the voting strength has been at 100%, (or they seem to never take that into account to confuse the issue) and that now we have to swing 3 million votes. No we don't!!!!!!!

It is THEIR job to get all those voters out for Hillary to stay even, and as we can see, there is NO ENTHUSIASM for a Hillary Presidency.

On the other hand, we have had a massive INCREASE in voters and registrations, for the GOP primary. Tremendous enthusiasm.

So they can paint the picture all they want; and of course they will, but nobody in politics who knows anything is thinking Hillary is in good shape if she makes the general.

Can things turn around? Of course they can. To say they can't would be an out and out lie.......almost as big a lie as pretending that we have to steal 3 million votes to win, lol.
The gop has enthusiasm, but the polls also show gop voters have little enthusiasm for each other's candidates.
But after the primaries they will rally behind the nominee (unless there is a brokered convention).
The Rubio in this race just told a SC audience that cops were "racists".
Rubio leaves the race after he gets his ass kicked in Nevada.
100% positive. He literally is running on donor fumes.

The electorate of the United States has only a six month memory span. Wait and watch.
"You do get simple math, right. You have to get 3 million people who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for your guy in 2016." -- JoeB

Except YOU forget that when narcissist Obama made the 2014 elections all about HIMSELF - HIS agendas, HIS ideology, HIS rules/regs/policies - the DNC had lower turnouts than they had in decades and the Liberals lost in an historic, record-setting ASS-KICKING.

Democrats don't want a 3rd Obama Term with Hillary as the President. Again, she only won the '64+yo' demographic in NH.... YOU do the simple math....try winning the lection with ONLY the '64+yo' demographic voting for you.

You know what Easy, Joe wants to believe that Hillary is going to have the Democratic turnout Obama did. NOT!

And then he again uses faulty logic, and thinks that the GOP vote will not be stronger.

It is the faulty logic of the left, that the voting strength has been at 100%, (or they seem to never take that into account to confuse the issue) and that now we have to swing 3 million votes. No we don't!!!!!!!

It is THEIR job to get all those voters out for Hillary to stay even, and as we can see, there is NO ENTHUSIASM for a Hillary Presidency.

On the other hand, we have had a massive INCREASE in voters and registrations, for the GOP primary. Tremendous enthusiasm.

So they can paint the picture all they want; and of course they will, but nobody in politics who knows anything is thinking Hillary is in good shape if she makes the general.

Can things turn around? Of course they can. To say they can't would be an out and out lie.......almost as big a lie as pretending that we have to steal 3 million votes to win, lol.
The gop has enthusiasm, but the polls also show gop voters have little enthusiasm for each other's candidates.
But after the primaries they will rally behind the nominee (unless there is a brokered convention).
I seriously doubt that. Trump is divisive.
Really, what is Bernie going to run on? As soon as he starts bloviating about free shit any Republican will just ask him how he intends to pay for it and his two answers will be 1) Keep writing bad checks or 2) raise taxes on an already over-taxed Middle Class.

sanders is "clever" He is running on the "I WILL STEAL FROM THE RICH AND
GIVE TO THE POOR" ------fortunately the overwhelming majority of americans
consider themselves POOR and their next door neighbors SWIMMING IN GOLD


And what the hell does Sanders do when all the "rich" move to say, Switzerland? Who the hell is he going to steal from then? These can't help but laugh at them.

you are preaching to the choir. IMHO----sanders would be a disaster
That's their goal,

They are praying for a Sanders win, thus the kid gloves with him now and the never ending regurgitation of lies about Hillary....

but during the election, you can bet your bottom dollar, the RNC/GOP will be out full force, nailing Bernie left and right as being a Socialist, his age, him picking Justices, him never having a paying job crapola, until 40 yrs old, etc etc etc....
"You do get simple math, right. You have to get 3 million people who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for your guy in 2016." -- JoeB

Except YOU forget that when narcissist Obama made the 2014 elections all about HIMSELF - HIS agendas, HIS ideology, HIS rules/regs/policies - the DNC had lower turnouts than they had in decades and the Liberals lost in an historic, record-setting ASS-KICKING.

Democrats don't want a 3rd Obama Term with Hillary as the President. Again, she only won the '64+yo' demographic in NH.... YOU do the simple math....try winning the lection with ONLY the '64+yo' demographic voting for you.

You know what Easy, Joe wants to believe that Hillary is going to have the Democratic turnout Obama did. NOT!

And then he again uses faulty logic, and thinks that the GOP vote will not be stronger.

It is the faulty logic of the left, that the voting strength has been at 100%, (or they seem to never take that into account to confuse the issue) and that now we have to swing 3 million votes. No we don't!!!!!!!

It is THEIR job to get all those voters out for Hillary to stay even, and as we can see, there is NO ENTHUSIASM for a Hillary Presidency.

On the other hand, we have had a massive INCREASE in voters and registrations, for the GOP primary. Tremendous enthusiasm.

So they can paint the picture all they want; and of course they will, but nobody in politics who knows anything is thinking Hillary is in good shape if she makes the general.

Can things turn around? Of course they can. To say they can't would be an out and out lie.......almost as big a lie as pretending that we have to steal 3 million votes to win, lol.
The gop has enthusiasm, but the polls also show gop voters have little enthusiasm for each other's candidates.
But after the primaries they will rally behind the nominee (unless there is a brokered convention).
I seriously doubt that. Trump is divisive.

c'mon----when push comes to shove--------it will be <gulp> "OUR FAVE SON"

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