Salon Surrender: 'She CAN'T Win!"

Really, what is Bernie going to run on? As soon as he starts bloviating about free shit any Republican will just ask him how he intends to pay for it and his two answers will be 1) Keep writing bad checks or 2) raise taxes on an already over-taxed Middle Class.

sanders is "clever" He is running on the "I WILL STEAL FROM THE RICH AND
GIVE TO THE POOR" ------fortunately the overwhelming majority of americans
consider themselves POOR and their next door neighbors SWIMMING IN GOLD
A Sanders/Trump election may lead to the lowest voter turnout of all time
Or the highest.
Doubtful. There are more moderates in this country than partisan nutjobs, and they'll stay home if it's a nutter vs. a nutter. Unless they're terrified of one of the nutters I suppose.
Like I posted before, it's only the voters from 3 states that will determine the election.

Well then hell, sonny, why even vote at all!?! Hilarious....
there's not one republican that can't be crucified to a higher degree ,,just use the ammo they've been slinging at each other
I see by eddie's response that he is obviously from Colorado, home of the legal marijuana.

From being named for Sir Edmund Hillary to being 'released' from the Watergate team for unethical behavior to dodging sniper fire in Bosnia to Travelgate to stealing the filed out of a dead man's office in the WH to stealing everything that wasn't nailed down when she and Will left the WH to demonizing/threatening/bullying/ silencing the sexual harassment / sexual assault / rape victims and women with whom Willy had affairs, to abandoning a US Ambassador to die to lying about it to calling the grieving family members liars for calling her out on her lie to jeopardizing this nation's national security to barking like a dog, no one - not even any GOP candidate - can come close to the abysmal record Hillary has.

Salon points out that never has a candidate run while being under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the espionage act and for corruption.

Were she a Republican she would have already been forced to drop out.
Really, what is Bernie going to run on? As soon as he starts bloviating about free shit any Republican will just ask him how he intends to pay for it and his two answers will be 1) Keep writing bad checks or 2) raise taxes on an already over-taxed Middle Class.

sanders is "clever" He is running on the "I WILL STEAL FROM THE RICH AND
GIVE TO THE POOR" ------fortunately the overwhelming majority of americans
consider themselves POOR and their next door neighbors SWIMMING IN GOLD


And what the hell does Sanders do when all the "rich" move to say, Switzerland? Who the hell is he going to steal from then? These can't help but laugh at them.
A Sanders/Trump election may lead to the lowest voter turnout of all time

I can absolutely understand how that might be the logical perception, however, America has awakened (as evidenced in Iowa). The turnout for whomever the republican nominee will be at record levels*.

* I just hope that it isn't for Trump.

It has been apparent for quite along time, that the Democrats were in trouble because of the issues. Obama lost on the issues also, but overcame that with being far more likable than Romney. The left painted Romney as the devil himself.

Hillary does not have that luxury, so it comes back to the issues. Bernie is just a token candidate, not showing how STRONG he is, but rather how WEAK Hillary is.

SURVEY SAYS............(just making a funny) that every GOP candidate will more than likely beat either of them, (except for Bush, but Bush could probably beat Bernie) although with different degrees of difficulty.

As far as the primaries, here is the deal-------------> nobody needs to do much of anything as long as the largest % of states voting are PROPORTIONAL. (meaning, you get 30% of the vote, you get 30% of the delegates) When they get to winner take all, especially large states, that is when the field needs to be down to 2 or 3.

I also believe some of you guys are misreading the tea leaves. Trump/Cruz voters from the GOP, almost the same people, anti-establishment. Many Trump voters are Democrats, but most "winner take all states" are closed primaries. (no Democrats or Independents, must be registered GOP) This is where Trump is going to have trouble, if he indeed does have trouble. That is why before he went to South Carolina, he made a stop or 2 in Florida. He is leading in Florida pretty well, but if a few more drop out before then, it could start spelling trouble.
A Sanders/Trump election may lead to the lowest voter turnout of all time
Or the highest.
Doubtful. There are more moderates in this country than partisan nutjobs, and they'll stay home if it's a nutter vs. a nutter. Unless they're terrified of one of the nutters I suppose.
Like I posted before, it's only the voters from 3 states that will determine the election.
which 3? I missed your post.
Virginia, Ohio, Florida.
The presidential race is wide open. Despite Republicans thinking Americans won't vote for a corrupt crony or a Socialist and Democrats thinking demographics somehow favor them preventing a GOP victory the attitude of the electorate so far and polling show this race to be 50/50 at this point.
50 50?? Every poll except one that I've seen has Hill beating all republican candidates

Then you haven't look very hard.

But go ahead and see what you want to see. Don't allow me to get in the way with reality.
A Sanders/Trump election may lead to the lowest voter turnout of all time
Or the highest.
Doubtful. There are more moderates in this country than partisan nutjobs, and they'll stay home if it's a nutter vs. a nutter. Unless they're terrified of one of the nutters I suppose.
Like I posted before, it's only the voters from 3 states that will determine the election.

Great analysis. Maybe you should look at past electoral maps, and see how different they are.
Really, what is Bernie going to run on? As soon as he starts bloviating about free shit any Republican will just ask him how he intends to pay for it and his two answers will be 1) Keep writing bad checks or 2) raise taxes on an already over-taxed Middle Class.

sanders is "clever" He is running on the "I WILL STEAL FROM THE RICH AND
GIVE TO THE POOR" ------fortunately the overwhelming majority of americans
consider themselves POOR and their next door neighbors SWIMMING IN GOLD


And what the hell does Sanders do when all the "rich" move to say, Switzerland? Who the hell is he going to steal from then? These can't help but laugh at them.

you are preaching to the choir. IMHO----sanders would be a disaster
Clinton will be CRUCIFIED by the GOP if she squeaks by and wins the nomination. As Salon points out, she has more baggage than all the passengers on the Titanic combines. :p
there's not one republican that can't be crucified to a higher degree ,,just use the ammo they've been slinging at each other
Yeah, but if the dems run commercials like Cruz's showing the Donald saying he's pro choice pro gun control pro immigrant .... the dems might vote for him!
But Cruz is now seen to be a fucking liar.Yes in the 90's Trump said he was 'pro-choice'. A few years later Trump publicly announced he had changed his mind and was then and still is pro-life.
The fucking snake Cruz was showing video from back in the 90's. now claiming Trump is pro-choice.
Trump has threatened to sue Cruz over the fucking lie.
Any guess who is going to get a public apology? Fucking GOLD STAR.
Cruz has a problem. He's a fucking sleaze ball.
After SC you watch Cruz go suck-holing to the next President.
Trump as President WILL make Cruz's life in Washington a fucking 24/7 nitemare.
The LAST person ANYONE wants as an enemy is President Trump.
Cruz knows it and the best part is Criz knows Trump knows it.
After Cruz drops out he better be thinking of setting up shop somewhere 'off-shore'. Maybe he and Crump can go chase ambulances in Puerto Rico.
Millennials believe old, self-serving career politician farts like Hillary piled on debt for them and have destroyed their future.....

They are too stupid to realize Bernie is one of those as well.

They are too stupid that in the 'Robin Hood' scenario Bernie is the Sheriff of Nottingham, stealing from the people while promising life will be as grand as 'The Big Rock Candy Mountain'.

Gruber was right, when describing the Liberals who bought all of Obama's lies about the ACA, that they really are idiots.
comment from an old lady who lived thru the ROE v. WADE -------debates-----

<drum roll> PRO CHOICE = PRO-LIFE (peoples have a right to their own lives.
Heres the thing. I don't know of one Obama supporter who has told me he wants to vote for Cruz or Rubio and only a few who will consider Trump beause hes's a TV Star.

I know a few people who voted for Romney who won't vote for any of the Current crop because they are all fucking nuts.

You do get simple math, right. You have to get 3 million people who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for your guy in 2016.

Good luck with that.

Here's the thing. The microcosm you live in is not a scientific sample of the electorate.
she'll also be the FIRST women president despite all the crap thrown at her ,,,,
....Susan Sarandon said, 'I don't vote with my vagina'. Evidently neither do hardly any other women in the US, as in MH the ONLY demographic Hillary won was the '64+yo' group. That's why she's getting her ass kicked - hard to win the nomination when the only people voting for you are the ones 64 years old and older.
Laughing at the image of trying to vote with your vagina. Quite the contortions in the voting booth.
A Sanders/Trump election may lead to the lowest voter turnout of all time

I can absolutely understand how that might be the logical perception, however, America has awakened (as evidenced in Iowa). The turnout for whomever the republican nominee will be at record levels*.

* I just hope that it isn't for Trump.

It has been apparent for quite along time, that the Democrats were in trouble because of the issues. Obama lost on the issues also, but overcame that with being far more likable than Romney. The left painted Romney as the devil himself.

Hillary does not have that luxury, so it comes back to the issues. Bernie is just a token candidate, not showing how STRONG he is, but rather how WEAK Hillary is.

SURVEY SAYS............(just making a funny) that every GOP candidate will more than likely beat either of them, (except for Bush, but Bush could probably beat Bernie) although with different degrees of difficulty.

As far as the primaries, here is the deal-------------> nobody needs to do much of anything as long as the largest % of states voting are PROPORTIONAL. (meaning, you get 30% of the vote, you get 30% of the delegates) When they get to winner take all, especially large states, that is when the field needs to be down to 2 or 3.

I also believe some of you guys are misreading the tea leaves. Trump/Cruz voters from the GOP, almost the same people, anti-establishment. Many Trump voters are Democrats, but most "winner take all states" are closed primaries. (no Democrats or Independents, must be registered GOP) This is where Trump is going to have trouble, if he indeed does have trouble. That is why before he went to South Carolina, he made a stop or 2 in Florida. He is leading in Florida pretty well, but if a few more drop out before then, it could start spelling trouble.

I couldn't agree more. I remember when George McGovern ran against Nixon in 1972. Nixon received almost 18 million more popular votes than McGovern, the widest margin of any United States presidential election. McGovern only won the electoral votes of Massachusetts and the District of Columbia. That is again, what we are looking at this time. America is not stupid. Simply looking at Hillary or Sanders and there is no way in hell that America allows a criminal or a communist to take this country over. Actually, if we are to thank the tyrant Obama for anything, it will be the last 4 years. He has literally destroyed ANY chance the democrats have to achieve anything.
she'll also be the FIRST women president despite all the crap thrown at her ,,,,

Sonny - there is no way IN HELL that the bitch wins the election.....but you did make me laugh...
randall,,,,you'll be laughing out the other side of your face comes nov elections,,,hill by a landslide

OK....but in the unlikely event that the murderer DOES win, I won't be laughing, I will be on my knees, praying to God for our country. I just can't see any situation where she or that communist wins. It's what? 10 months till the election? Many, MANY things can, and will change before that. Remember this - Conservatives outnumber liberals 3-1 in this country. The only reason Barry won re-election is because conservatives chose to stay home. That will NOT happen again. They all know that the future of this country is at stake.
You gave our future to a moron GWB who messed up more than any president in my memory Who wants to trust you again???

I don't want you to trust me for anything. Again - you folks are outnumbered 3-1. The "race" is over. America is pissed off.
yes they are pissed BUT mostly at your do nothing but bash ,congress
Pro-choice MAY HAVE once been about Pro-Life, but 'Pro-Choice' is now about 'Abortion on Demand'. There is absolutely NO REASON to have late-term abortions with the exception ONLY to save the mother's life. Hell, Obama, who calls himself 'Pro Choice', argued that the doctor and mother should have the right to kill a living, breathing baby laying on the doctor's table - fighting for life after a failed abortion - because it was the mother's desire right from the start to abort ('murder')the baby. That's isn't 'Pro Life' - that's SICK and all about 'Abortion on Demand'!
she'll also be the FIRST women president despite all the crap thrown at her ,,,,
....Susan Sarandon said, 'I don't vote with my vagina'. Evidently neither do hardly any other women in the US, as in MH the ONLY demographic Hillary won was the '64+yo' group. That's why she's getting her ass kicked - hard to win the nomination when the only people voting for you are the ones 64 years old and older.
Laughing at the image of trying to vote with your vagina. Quite the contortions in the voting booth.

not my style-------I do NOTHING that personal in public-----even behind a flimsy
Clinton will be CRUCIFIED by the GOP if she squeaks by and wins the nomination. As Salon points out, she has more baggage than all the passengers on the Titanic combines. :p

And that's what I say - put her on a debate stage with little old me - I will CRUCIFY her in 3 minutes. Put her on a stage with any of the other candidates - and she is dead before the first round is over.
I don't know how any of your points can crucify her when it's all been out in the open and discussed ad nauseum for the past year. Do you think anyone's forgotten the allegations? No. Her supporters just don't believe them anymore than Trump supporters think he's less-than-presidential material.
"You do get simple math, right. You have to get 3 million people who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for your guy in 2016." -- JoeB

Except YOU forget that when narcissist Obama made the 2014 elections all about HIMSELF - HIS agendas, HIS ideology, HIS rules/regs/policies - the DNC had lower turnouts than they had in decades and the Liberals lost in an historic, record-setting ASS-KICKING.

Democrats don't want a 3rd Obama Term with Hillary as the President. Again, she only won the '64+yo' demographic in NH.... YOU do the simple math....try winning the lection with ONLY the '64+yo' demographic voting for you.

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