Salon Surrender: 'She CAN'T Win!"

In reality, Clinton is a liability to Democrats,

her liability:
After her most recent coughing fit Tuesday during a speech in New York City, Clinton left Chicago on Wednesday wearing her normal contact lenses. But at a photo opportunity in Las Vegas, she was observed once again wearing the thick, black glasses fitted with Fresnel prisms, suggesting she was experiencing another bout of double vision
Read more at Hillary mum on coughing fits, special eyeglasses

i believe she wants to be the shortest lived president in history!!
One thing that might light a fire under the republican voters' asses would be the chance to bury a socialist in the election
Hillary Clinton just can’t win: Democrats need to accept that only Bernie Sanders can defeat the GOP

"Hillary Clinton just can’t win: Democrats need to accept that only Bernie Sanders can defeat the GOP

Bernie Sanders is the only Democratic candidate capable of winning the White House in 2016. Please name the last person to win the presidency alongside an ongoing FBI investigation, negative favorability ratings, questions about character linked to continual flip-flops, a dubious money trail of donors, and the genuine contempt of the rival political party. In reality, Clinton is a liability to Democrats, and certainly not the person capable of ensuring liberal Supreme Court nominees and President Obama’s legacy."

I hate to be the one to tell you this - but NEITHER democrat candidate can beat the republicans. It is going to be a blood bath. However, Clinton would get slaughtered BEFORE the election. Imagine this: The debate stage between Hillary and ANY of the republican candidates. They will eat that bitch alive. She has too many skeletons in the closet that WILL be brought up.

Bernie? He will be laughed off the stage.
Dream on, Randall. The way the Republicans are radicalizing every single one of their candidates' positions, the moderate, sensible people in this country will never vote for them. I've been earnestly trying to find an alternative to the Democrats and I can't because they're taking too extreme stances.

It is good that you researched the issues. Can you relay one or two of the GOP candidates ideas you feel are too extreme? Thanks.
If Mrs. Bosnia Clinton wins the nomination and I was running against her, I would have my PACs pound home the Bosnia lie and the pardon of Marc Rich. Followed by "bimbo eruption" and how Mrs Bosnia Clinton treated those she now pretends to say, need heard and believed. How she has gotten this far is truly a sign of EXACTLY what the left rails about. Mrs Bosnia Clinton has been bought and paid for by corporations and the rich elite. Nothing else explains how a brain injured barking candidate can still be on the ballot.

I would use the following.

Bosnia, indication of her complete disregard for the truth.

Benghazi, indication of her complete incompetence when it mattered.

Marc Rich, indication of corruption without doubt. Yes, it was her husband but she is clearly the major player in the Clinton crime family.

Her Iraq war vote, supported it until well after the war was over, then when it came politically expedient she drops support. Clearly she is two faced.

The prism glasses she wears, clearly worn because her physical condition dictates it.
If Mrs. Bosnia Clinton wins the nomination and I was running against her, I would have my PACs pound home the Bosnia lie and the pardon of Marc Rich. Followed by "bimbo eruption" and how Mrs Bosnia Clinton treated those she now pretends to say, need heard and believed. How she has gotten this far is truly a sign of EXACTLY what the left rails about. Mrs Bosnia Clinton has been bought and paid for by corporations and the rich elite. Nothing else explains how a brain injured barking candidate can still be on the ballot.

I would use the following.

Bosnia, indication of her complete disregard for the truth.

Benghazi, indication of her complete incompetence when it mattered.

Marc Rich, indication of corruption without doubt. Yes, it was her husband but she is clearly the major player in the Clinton crime family.

Her Iraq war vote, supported it until well after the war was over, then when it came politically expedient she drops support. Clearly she is two faced.

The prism glasses she wears, clearly worn because her physical condition dictates it.

You know what Free.............regardless of what the lefties on here tell you, this race is the Republicans to lose as soon as they have their candidate, if the winner on the Democratic is actually Clinton or Sanders.

And how can it not be, even looking at the race from a none partisan point of view?

You have 1 candidate running on creating another term of Obama that every poll shows Americans do not want. And trying to put forth that notion, you have someone untrustworthy to even their own party's voters.

The other candidate is running as a Socialist. The Socialist is giving the purveyor of a 3rd term of Obama fits in the primaries, (which tells you how much they like Clinton) and America will not elect a Socialist, and even many Liberals on this board agree 100% with that. They either will not vote, vote for the GOP, or possibly 3rd party.

I am sorry to all Democrats, but in my opinion, the Presidency is being decided in the GOP primary as long as the Democrats steadfastly keep their only choices Clinton and Bernie.

From not only a logical, but political point of view, it is virtually impossible for the Democrats to win because of mathematical factors that disprove their economic theories. Even historical evidence goes against what they say. Were it not for the establishment giving us an ideological squish in GW for the Democrats to consistently point to, besides California, New York, and Illinois along with a couple of others, the Republicans would be setting up to almost run the table.

We shall see what happens, and all the indices of issues show the GOP is in the drivers seat, but then again, we are facing lefties, and we know how long they kept control of the USSR. They had it almost up to the day it collapsed. Hopefully Americans will see what is actually happening and VOTE on it, instead of relying on someone else to decide for them, going along, to get along.
Is that the basis for your thought process? Then I suppose Carter beat Reagan since he was consistently up in the polls by 10, 6 weeks out. (or was it up by 6, 10 weeks out? 6 of one, 1/2 dozen of the other) I find using a poll this far out beneath you Joe; you know better, but hey......if that's your story, stick to it by all means.

I think that if you are going to draw on an argument, you should probably understand it.

Here', Wiki can help you.

Historical polling for U.S. Presidential elections - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Reagan pulled ahead of Carter in June 1980 and pretty much stayed there for the rest of the campaign. Carter pulled even during his convention, but soon lost his bounce as they always do.

I think Sanders could beat Cruz, for no other reason is that Bernie is likable and means well, while Cruz just comes off as kind of an asshole.

I do find the ascendancy of Trump and Sanders to be an indication that the electorate is angry at the status quo.
If Mrs. Bosnia Clinton wins the nomination and I was running against her, I would have my PACs pound home the Bosnia lie and the pardon of Marc Rich. Followed by "bimbo eruption" and how Mrs Bosnia Clinton treated those she now pretends to say, need heard and believed. How she has gotten this far is truly a sign of EXACTLY what the left rails about. Mrs Bosnia Clinton has been bought and paid for by corporations and the rich elite. Nothing else explains how a brain injured barking candidate can still be on the ballot.

I would use the following.

Bosnia, indication of her complete disregard for the truth.

Benghazi, indication of her complete incompetence when it mattered.

Marc Rich, indication of corruption without doubt. Yes, it was her husband but she is clearly the major player in the Clinton crime family.

Her Iraq war vote, supported it until well after the war was over, then when it came politically expedient she drops support. Clearly she is two faced.

The prism glasses she wears, clearly worn because her physical condition dictates it.

All those things appeal to people like you who have hated the Clintons since the 1990's, but how does that get REGULAR NORMAL people to vote for your guy?
If Mrs. Bosnia Clinton wins the nomination and I was running against her, I would have my PACs pound home the Bosnia lie and the pardon of Marc Rich. Followed by "bimbo eruption" and how Mrs Bosnia Clinton treated those she now pretends to say, need heard and believed. How she has gotten this far is truly a sign of EXACTLY what the left rails about. Mrs Bosnia Clinton has been bought and paid for by corporations and the rich elite. Nothing else explains how a brain injured barking candidate can still be on the ballot.

I would use the following.

Bosnia, indication of her complete disregard for the truth.

Benghazi, indication of her complete incompetence when it mattered.

Marc Rich, indication of corruption without doubt. Yes, it was her husband but she is clearly the major player in the Clinton crime family.

Her Iraq war vote, supported it until well after the war was over, then when it came politically expedient she drops support. Clearly she is two faced.

The prism glasses she wears, clearly worn because her physical condition dictates it.

All those things appeal to people like you who have hated the Clintons since the 1990's, but how does that get REGULAR NORMAL people to vote for your guy?

I have no guy. I am waiting hoping someone else enters the race.

The Clintons should have be removed from political consideration the day that Marc Rich was pardoned. But no they hang around and hang around. What is wrong with the DNC?
From not only a logical, but political point of view, it is virtually impossible for the Democrats to win because of mathematical factors that disprove their economic theories. Even historical evidence goes against what they say. Were it not for the establishment giving us an ideological squish in GW for the Democrats to consistently point to, besides California, New York, and Illinois along with a couple of others, the Republicans would be setting up to almost run the table.

Guy, the last five recessions have happened under Republican watches. If something is "disproven", it's the Supply Side, Voodoo Economics, I've got mine, fuck you policies your side has been peddling for the last 40 years.

We shall see what happens, and all the indices of issues show the GOP is in the drivers seat, but then again, we are facing lefties, and we know how long they kept control of the USSR. They had it almost up to the day it collapsed. Hopefully Americans will see what is actually happening and VOTE on it, instead of relying on someone else to decide for them, going along, to get along.

Quite the contrary. The reason why your side will lose is that your economic policies of putting corporate greed above the interests of working people has created more government dependency, not less.

When so many working families are depending on middle class entitlements to make ends meet, you guys simply aren't going to be able to sell your snake oil to people.
From not only a logical, but political point of view, it is virtually impossible for the Democrats to win because of mathematical factors that disprove their economic theories. Even historical evidence goes against what they say. Were it not for the establishment giving us an ideological squish in GW for the Democrats to consistently point to, besides California, New York, and Illinois along with a couple of others, the Republicans would be setting up to almost run the table.

Guy, the last five recessions have happened under Republican watches. If something is "disproven", it's the Supply Side, Voodoo Economics, I've got mine, fuck you policies your side has been peddling for the last 40 years.

We shall see what happens, and all the indices of issues show the GOP is in the drivers seat, but then again, we are facing lefties, and we know how long they kept control of the USSR. They had it almost up to the day it collapsed. Hopefully Americans will see what is actually happening and VOTE on it, instead of relying on someone else to decide for them, going along, to get along.

Quite the contrary. The reason why your side will lose is that your economic policies of putting corporate greed above the interests of working people has created more government dependency, not less.

When so many working families are depending on middle class entitlements to make ends meet, you guys simply aren't going to be able to sell your snake oil to people.

Funny though how these economic issues are usually years and sometimes decades in the making but like most of your ilk you are incapable of thinking beyond a presidential term
I have no guy. I am waiting hoping someone else enters the race.

The Clintons should have be removed from political consideration the day that Marc Rich was pardoned. But no they hang around and hang around. What is wrong with the DNC?

Why? Frankly, I find it hard to really get upset that Marc Rich was dealing with the Iranians at the same time Reagan was selling them missiles. If Ollie North gets a pass, Marc Rich gets a pass.

You know why Marc Rich got a pardon? Because the Israelis demanded it. I can think of about a hundred other places that we need to stand up to the Zionists that are higher priority than Marc Rich.
I don't know who you are talking to since I am not a republican, never have been, never will be

I know. You are a Libertarian, with your whopping >1% of the vote, but we totally need to listen to you guys because you have rich sugar daddies like the Koch Brothers.

Funny though how these economic issues are usually years and sometimes decades in the making but like most of your ilk you are incapable of thinking beyond a presidential term

go back and read what I said, and then have someone help you with the big words.
she'll also be the FIRST women president despite all the crap thrown at her ,,,,
....Susan Sarandon said, 'I don't vote with my vagina'. Evidently neither do hardly any other women in the US, as in MH the ONLY demographic Hillary won was the '64+yo' group. That's why she's getting her ass kicked - hard to win the nomination when the only people voting for you are the ones 64 years old and older.
Think people are missing the fact not one single conservative woman is going to vote for Hildabeast, not a one. How many women does that leave to vote for her??
Feminazis going to vote for Bill Clinton??
If she's sick or has a head injury how many people will be voting for her??
Salon is generally left of Karl Marx. They have a huge erection for Bernie because he legitimizes the fucked up leftist ideology into which these millennial pricks have be indoctrinated.
she'll also be the FIRST women president despite all the crap thrown at her ,,,,
....Susan Sarandon said, 'I don't vote with my vagina'. Evidently neither do hardly any other women in the US, as in MH the ONLY demographic Hillary won was the '64+yo' group. That's why she's getting her ass kicked - hard to win the nomination when the only people voting for you are the ones 64 years old and older.
Think people are missing the fact not one single conservative woman is going to vote for Hildabeast, not a one. How many women does that leave to vote for her??
Feminazis going to vote for Bill Clinton??
If she's sick or has a head injury how many people will be voting for her??
if you had 1 capable candidate she might have a hard time winning ,,,but alas,,,,,you don't,, just a bunch of morons bashing each other ,,and the king of idiots is leading you down the path
she'll also be the FIRST women president despite all the crap thrown at her ,,,,
....Susan Sarandon said, 'I don't vote with my vagina'. Evidently neither do hardly any other women in the US, as in MH the ONLY demographic Hillary won was the '64+yo' group. That's why she's getting her ass kicked - hard to win the nomination when the only people voting for you are the ones 64 years old and older.
Think people are missing the fact not one single conservative woman is going to vote for Hildabeast, not a one. How many women does that leave to vote for her??
Feminazis going to vote for Bill Clinton??
If she's sick or has a head injury how many people will be voting for her??
if you had 1 capable candidate she might have a hard time winning ,,,but alas,,,,,you don't,, just a bunch of morons bashing each other ,,and the king of idiots is leading you down the path
The campaign trail is only going to get rougher, we maybe seeing a candidate that's only getting weaker??
I have no guy. I am waiting hoping someone else enters the race.

The Clintons should have be removed from political consideration the day that Marc Rich was pardoned. But no they hang around and hang around. What is wrong with the DNC?

Why? Frankly, I find it hard to really get upset that Marc Rich was dealing with the Iranians at the same time Reagan was selling them missiles. If Ollie North gets a pass, Marc Rich gets a pass.

You know why Marc Rich got a pardon? Because the Israelis demanded it. I can think of about a hundred other places that we need to stand up to the Zionists that are higher priority than Marc Rich.

And yet you defend the pardon.

Rich was probably a Mossad agent, if not the next best thing.
And yet you defend the pardon.

Rich was probably a Mossad agent, if not the next best thing.

I don't think it's a big deal. Bush-41 pardoned everyone involved in Iran Contra, which was a lot worse than anything Marc Rich did.

Hey, you want to get me to not vote for Hillary, tell me how one of your guys (and it will probably just be down to Rubio, Cruz and Trump after today) is going to make my life better. Don't go whining about how Marc Rich got a pardon or how Hillary embellished her visit to Bosnia.

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