Salon Surrender: 'She CAN'T Win!"

Salon is generally left of Karl Marx. They have a huge erection for Bernie because he legitimizes the fucked up leftist ideology into which these millennial pricks have be indoctrinated.

As opposed to the fucked up right wing ideology that brought us wars and recessions over the last 30 years...
jow republicans shit in a hat and expect dems to wear it
Salon is generally left of Karl Marx. They have a huge erection for Bernie because he legitimizes the fucked up leftist ideology into which these millennial pricks have be indoctrinated.

As opposed to the fucked up right wing ideology that brought us wars and recessions over the last 30 years...
Socialism is at fault. Dumbass
I don't know who you are talking to since I am not a republican, never have been, never will be

I know. You are a Libertarian, with your whopping >1% of the vote, but we totally need to listen to you guys because you have rich sugar daddies like the Koch Brothers.

Funny though how these economic issues are usually years and sometimes decades in the making but like most of your ilk you are incapable of thinking beyond a presidential term

go back and read what I said, and then have someone help you with the big words.

Wrong again , Moron.

I don't belong to any political party because unlike you I think for myself

We all know what you mean when you say on a republican's watch you mean its the republicans fault

But as I said you can't think past a presidential term for example one of the biggest causes of too big to fail actually happened on your hero Blow Job Billy's watch but you're too myopic to see that
I don't know who you are talking to since I am not a republican, never have been, never will be

I know. You are a Libertarian, with your whopping >1% of the vote, but we totally need to listen to you guys because you have rich sugar daddies like the Koch Brothers.

Funny though how these economic issues are usually years and sometimes decades in the making but like most of your ilk you are incapable of thinking beyond a presidential term

go back and read what I said, and then have someone help you with the big words.

Wrong again , Moron.

I don't belong to any political party because unlike you I think for myself

We all know what you mean when you say on a republican's watch you mean its the republicans fault

But as I said you can't think past a presidential term for example one of the biggest causes of too big to fail actually happened on your hero Blow Job Billy's watch but you're too myopic to see that
So what happened to TOO BIG to fail during bushes 8 years ,,,,nothing the war monger could do??
I don't know who you are talking to since I am not a republican, never have been, never will be

I know. You are a Libertarian, with your whopping >1% of the vote, but we totally need to listen to you guys because you have rich sugar daddies like the Koch Brothers.

Funny though how these economic issues are usually years and sometimes decades in the making but like most of your ilk you are incapable of thinking beyond a presidential term

go back and read what I said, and then have someone help you with the big words.

Wrong again , Moron.

I don't belong to any political party because unlike you I think for myself

We all know what you mean when you say on a republican's watch you mean its the republicans fault

But as I said you can't think past a presidential term for example one of the biggest causes of too big to fail actually happened on your hero Blow Job Billy's watch but you're too myopic to see that
So what happened to TOO BIG to fail during bushes 8 years ,,,,nothing the war monger could do??

And how big have certain banks gotten under Obama? Hey, if you don't believe me, listen to Bernie........they have gotten totally out of control.

So who gets the blame this time? Who put the REGULATIONS IN that caused these banks to become this big? I know who, and if YOU don't know who, you better educate yourself-)
I don't know who you are talking to since I am not a republican, never have been, never will be

I know. You are a Libertarian, with your whopping >1% of the vote, but we totally need to listen to you guys because you have rich sugar daddies like the Koch Brothers.

Funny though how these economic issues are usually years and sometimes decades in the making but like most of your ilk you are incapable of thinking beyond a presidential term

go back and read what I said, and then have someone help you with the big words.

Wrong again , Moron.

I don't belong to any political party because unlike you I think for myself

We all know what you mean when you say on a republican's watch you mean its the republicans fault

But as I said you can't think past a presidential term for example one of the biggest causes of too big to fail actually happened on your hero Blow Job Billy's watch but you're too myopic to see that
So what happened to TOO BIG to fail during bushes 8 years ,,,,nothing the war monger could do??

You never heard of unintended unexpected consequences it took the real estate bubble to reveal the damage the Clinton deregulation caused
Some of Barry's puppet masters are very large world banks...
Yes, but by another "democrat," not a republican. When the rubber hits the road, I fear if the RNC doesn't start easing up a bit on its extreme goof ball antics, she's going to win due to no other choice. And she WILL be the democrat's nominee.
The Democrat has not brought up / pushed the issues at all. If they are killing her already, wait until a Republican candidate DOES actively, aggressively go after her on those issues. The ONLY thing Hillary would be able to do is pull out the 'Gender' card and claim they were being 'mean' to her because she's a 'woman'.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not voting for her, no matter what. I don't think Republicans should underestimate her, is all. She's sleazed her way into a lot of influential positions and she's got the establishment behind her. From the beginning, I didn't underestimate Trump either, and I was right.
Yes, but by another "democrat," not a republican. When the rubber hits the road, I fear if the RNC doesn't start easing up a bit on its extreme goof ball antics, she's going to win due to no other choice. And she WILL be the democrat's nominee.
The Democrat has not brought up / pushed the issues at all. If they are killing her already, wait until a Republican candidate DOES actively, aggressively go after her on those issues. The ONLY thing Hillary would be able to do is pull out the 'Gender' card and claim they were being 'mean' to her because she's a 'woman'.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not voting for her, no matter what. I don't think Republicans should underestimate her, is all. She's sleazed her way into a lot of influential positions and she's got the establishment behind her. From the beginning, I didn't underestimate Trump either, and I was right.
SOS and senator are nothing to sneeze at,,,,,probably knows more about foreign affairs than all repub candidates together
SOS and senator are nothing to sneeze at,,,,,probably knows more about foreign affairs than all repub candidates together
When we are talking about Hilary it is.

Her Fellow Senators could not name one accomplishment of hers.

As Sect of State she proved she could not handle her own staff or the agency. Her biggest feats as SoS was getting 4 Americans needlessly killed and jeopardizing national security in a scandal that far surpasses the conditions that resulted in Gen David Patraeus and Jeffrey Sterling both being arrested.
Wrong again , Moron.

I don't belong to any political party because unlike you I think for myself

We all know what you mean when you say on a republican's watch you mean its the republicans fault

But as I said you can't think past a presidential term for example one of the biggest causes of too big to fail actually happened on your hero Blow Job Billy's watch but you're too myopic to see that

So you actually put an effort into being a malignant narcissist? Aren't you special!
Wrong again , Moron.

I don't belong to any political party because unlike you I think for myself

We all know what you mean when you say on a republican's watch you mean its the republicans fault

But as I said you can't think past a presidential term for example one of the biggest causes of too big to fail actually happened on your hero Blow Job Billy's watch but you're too myopic to see that

So you actually put an effort into being a malignant narcissist? Aren't you special!

So now not following along like a blind sheep into the waiting arms of the butcher is narcissistic?

Man I know you had problems but now I think you seriously need to be committed
So now not following along like a blind sheep into the waiting arms of the butcher is narcissistic?

Man I know you had problems but now I think you seriously need to be committed

I wasn't aware that there was a widespread trade in human flesh for protein purposes.

So in addition to "malignant narcissist" we can add, "Sucks at analogies".

Sorry, man, I like living in a modern state. I like having fire protection, police protection, clean water, effective roadways, and a social safety net. so do most people.

Maybe what we need is to create a preserve for Libertarian assholes... A few months of the anarchy you crave, cannibalism probably would be a thing.
So now not following along like a blind sheep into the waiting arms of the butcher is narcissistic?

Man I know you had problems but now I think you seriously need to be committed

I wasn't aware that there was a widespread trade in human flesh for protein purposes.

So in addition to "malignant narcissist" we can add, "Sucks at analogies".

Sorry, man, I like living in a modern state. I like having fire protection, police protection, clean water, effective roadways, and a social safety net. so do most people.

Maybe what we need is to create a preserve for Libertarian assholes... A few months of the anarchy you crave, cannibalism probably would be a thing.

Where on earth have I ever said there should be no firemen, cops,clean water,or roads?

I am not a libertarian by any stretch of the imagination but since you have no imagination and no ability to think for yourself you can't figure that out

And FYI metaphors need not be literal but a 2 dimensional thinker wouldn't know that
Here Joe I read this and thought of you it's your biography

The Leaden-Eyed
Let not young souls be smothered out before
They do quaint deeds and fully flaunt their pride.
It is the world's one crime its babes grow dull,
Its poor are ox-like, limp and leaden-eyed.
Not that they starve; but starve so dreamlessly,
Not that they sow, but that they seldom reap,
Not that they serve, but have no gods to serve,
Not that they die, but that they die like sheep.

Vachel Lindsay

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