Salt...I hate to say "I told you so"...but I did.

Going without is more dangerous that consuming *too much*.

"...unknown to many shoppers urged to buy foods that are “low sodium” and “low salt,” this longstanding warning has come under assault by scientists who say that typical American salt consumption is without risk.
"Moreover, according to studies published in recent years by pillars of the medical community, the low levels of salt recommended by the government might actually be dangerous."

Yup it can result in electrolyte disturbance which in turn can fuck with the rhythm of your heartbeat, and that can kill you.
More scientists doubt salt is as bad for you as the government says - The Washington Post
Buy Kosher salt or sea salt. It tastes great and it's good for you.
Regular salt is good too.

The iodine in regular salt can cause insomnia - a Pastor informed me about that some years ago. I sleep very well but for those who don't? Avoid regular salt with iodine. You'll sleep better at night. I like the crunch in a salt. Table salt is too fine and doesn't give me that. (crunch)
Going without is more dangerous that consuming *too much*.

"...unknown to many shoppers urged to buy foods that are “low sodium” and “low salt,” this longstanding warning has come under assault by scientists who say that typical American salt consumption is without risk.
"Moreover, according to studies published in recent years by pillars of the medical community, the low levels of salt recommended by the government might actually be dangerous."

Yup it can result in electrolyte disturbance which in turn can fuck with the rhythm of your heartbeat, and that can kill you.
More scientists doubt salt is as bad for you as the government says - The Washington Post
Buy Kosher salt or sea salt. It tastes great and it's good for you.
Regular salt is good too.

The iodine in regular salt can cause insomnia - a Pastor informed me about that some years ago. I sleep very well but for those who don't? Avoid regular salt with iodine. You'll sleep better at night. I like the crunch in a salt. Table salt is too fine and doesn't give me that. (crunch)
Going without is more dangerous that consuming *too much*.

"...unknown to many shoppers urged to buy foods that are “low sodium” and “low salt,” this longstanding warning has come under assault by scientists who say that typical American salt consumption is without risk.
"Moreover, according to studies published in recent years by pillars of the medical community, the low levels of salt recommended by the government might actually be dangerous."

Yup it can result in electrolyte disturbance which in turn can fuck with the rhythm of your heartbeat, and that can kill you.
More scientists doubt salt is as bad for you as the government says - The Washington Post
Buy Kosher salt or sea salt. It tastes great and it's good for you.
Regular salt is good too.

The iodine in regular salt can cause insomnia - a Pastor informed me about that some years ago. I sleep very well but for those who don't? Avoid regular salt with iodine. You'll sleep better at night. I like the crunch in a salt. Table salt is too fine and doesn't give me that. (crunch)
A high quality sea salt is full of benefical minerals and not processed like the typical shitty table salt.

I have to agree that sea salt is very healthy and for those who are concerned about price - you can go to stores such as T.J. Maxx and buy a high quality sea salt at clearance price - it's worth it. Once you try sea salt you won't want to go back to the table salt.
Going without is more dangerous that consuming *too much*.

"...unknown to many shoppers urged to buy foods that are “low sodium” and “low salt,” this longstanding warning has come under assault by scientists who say that typical American salt consumption is without risk.
"Moreover, according to studies published in recent years by pillars of the medical community, the low levels of salt recommended by the government might actually be dangerous."

Yup it can result in electrolyte disturbance which in turn can fuck with the rhythm of your heartbeat, and that can kill you.
More scientists doubt salt is as bad for you as the government says - The Washington Post
Buy Kosher salt or sea salt. It tastes great and it's good for you.
Regular salt is good too.

The iodine in regular salt can cause insomnia - a Pastor informed me about that some years ago. I sleep very well but for those who don't? Avoid regular salt with iodine. You'll sleep better at night. I like the crunch in a salt. Table salt is too fine and doesn't give me that. (crunch)
A high quality sea salt is full of benefical minerals and not processed like the typical shitty table salt.

I have to agree that sea salt is very healthy and for those who are concerned about price - you can go to stores such as T.J. Maxx and buy a high quality sea salt at clearance price - it's worth it. Once you try sea salt you won't want to go back to the table salt.
Ok. So we have established that iodine causes insomnia hahahaha.

And that Schlep has a learning disability.
Going without is more dangerous that consuming *too much*.

"...unknown to many shoppers urged to buy foods that are “low sodium” and “low salt,” this longstanding warning has come under assault by scientists who say that typical American salt consumption is without risk.
"Moreover, according to studies published in recent years by pillars of the medical community, the low levels of salt recommended by the government might actually be dangerous."

Yup it can result in electrolyte disturbance which in turn can fuck with the rhythm of your heartbeat, and that can kill you.
More scientists doubt salt is as bad for you as the government says - The Washington Post

Been chided by my Mom all my life for 'using too much salt.' Yet every physical my blood pressure is optimal and at 43 no health problem other than a small kidney stone years back from all the soda. Joked with the doc, "thought the carbonated water counted towards the 8 glasses a day thing?" :) He didn't laugh. Need to work on my delivery. :)
Going without is more dangerous that consuming *too much*.

"...unknown to many shoppers urged to buy foods that are “low sodium” and “low salt,” this longstanding warning has come under assault by scientists who say that typical American salt consumption is without risk.
"Moreover, according to studies published in recent years by pillars of the medical community, the low levels of salt recommended by the government might actually be dangerous."

Yup it can result in electrolyte disturbance which in turn can fuck with the rhythm of your heartbeat, and that can kill you.
More scientists doubt salt is as bad for you as the government says - The Washington Post

I have pretty much said that all along, although it might not be the best thing for those who already have high blood pressure. For those with normal blood pressure, I don't see how it is a problem. I use plenty of salt, but I'm not stupid about it.
Going without is more dangerous that consuming *too much*.

"...unknown to many shoppers urged to buy foods that are “low sodium” and “low salt,” this longstanding warning has come under assault by scientists who say that typical American salt consumption is without risk.
"Moreover, according to studies published in recent years by pillars of the medical community, the low levels of salt recommended by the government might actually be dangerous."

Yup it can result in electrolyte disturbance which in turn can fuck with the rhythm of your heartbeat, and that can kill you.
More scientists doubt salt is as bad for you as the government says - The Washington Post
Well at least you didnt claim salt doesnt dehydrate you like you did last time. :laugh:

Salt doesn't dehydrate, you loon. Unless you're wrapped up in it and hung in the smokehouse.
Why do you get thristy after eating something salty? Think hard. :laugh:
It's because your body needs freshwater to flush out excess sodium.
Everything in moderation.
I can say, however, after dining at a chain restaurant, I feel like I've dined on a salt lick.

Agreed. The worst overuse of salt, imo, is in processed-packaged foods. One shouldn't eat those for the sugar and refined carbs, so the salt is the least of the potential issues.

that right there was the main reason for the obesity problem, plus lack of exercise because of those electronics that helped in making our lives better. When I was a youngster, many moons ago.... I was outside until the last ray of daylight. Of course we didn't have all that fancy electronics like Gameboys, etc back

Agreed. I am SOOOOO glad I got my little boy a dog. He's always wanted to go out and play and be active, and it frequently had to be put off because the rest of the family was too busy to play outside right then. I was concerned that he was starting to spend too much time watching TV instead. Now that we have Malcolm, he's out in the backyard, playing run-and-chase everyday until it gets dark. They exhaust each other.

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