Samantha Bee loses sponsor for insulting Trump's daughter

Why apologize? I don't know Ivanka. She could be the nicest person in the world. You could be a ****. Fuck if I know. :dunno:
what did samantha bee say that was false....she will now face the consequences of her words

You know, it's not what she said so much as it is the words she chose... seriously, cvnt is one of the ugliest, most vile words in the English language. Particularly when used to describe a woman. Any woman.
Many times these TV personalities try to boost their ratings by being controversial.

Samantha Bee is the perfect example of how one talented person can make others appear more talented than they really are. No one can deny that John Stewart was and is talented and funny, probably one the best late night funnymen since Johnny Carson. His talent lifted all of those on his show, it enhanced their, in some cases, limited talent. Samantha Bee is one of those...
Actually Stewart is very lame. He just read his teleprompter and made faces.
She should have used another word. That one is still “bad” enough to draw fire. Societal norms dictate that using that particular phrase in certain circumstances will lead to trouble.

The advertiser is perfectly fine to pull their ad. I expect others to follow. It’s the way of media.

She won’t be arrested and she is free to use that word a hundred more times if she likes.

I don’t expect any people in leadership positions to defend or or try to deflect for her by whining on her behalf.

Next outrage.
I have no idea who she is anyway, and I don't watch TV.
Ivanka posted this picture as a dig at the mothers at the border whose children were being ripped from their arms and separated as they cried in terror.

Oh, so now you know the hearts and minds of everyone? You know their intent? You arrogant fuck, provide a link proving your hypothesis...

Christ, I wish you people would quit making me defend these people...

With SO DAMN MUCH to criticize it really harms the overall point when all you do is point and come up with caustic shit to call people.

It is interesting to see this play out along side the Rosanne tweet though.
Ivanka posted this picture as a dig at the mothers at the border whose children were being ripped from their arms and separated as they cried in terror.

Oh, so now you know the hearts and minds of everyone? You know their intent? You arrogant fuck, provide a link proving your hypothesis...

Christ, I wish you people would quit making me defend these people...

With SO DAMN MUCH to criticize it really harms the overall point when all you do is point and come up with caustic shit to call people.

It is interesting to see this play out along side the Rosanne tweet though.

To be fair. That is not all she did. She was making a point. A solid point.
So for those who were offended by remarks about Moochelle having roots on The Planet of The Apes....I apologize. To The Planet of The Apes.
GOP and rumpers have aligned with PUTIN and RUSSIA against America and Americans
SAVE ME from your CONCERN over the use of a word you call your wives daily.

Oh, and FUCK each and every one of you!
GOP and rumpers have aligned with PUTIN and RUSSIA against America and Americans
SAVE ME from your CONCERN over the use of a word you call your wives daily.

Oh, and FUCK each and every one of you!

Just checking. What is your take on asylum seeking immigrants from South America? Let them in?
Samantha Bee us an ugly, vulgar, piece of shit and should be fired. Good for the sponsors for pulling out. To bad her father didn't do the same.
For all you people who are losing your minds over Samantha Bee's "****" comment, that makes it apparent to me that you have never been to the UK. Why do I say that? Because people from the UK use that word like Americans use the word "asshole".

Yes, it is an insult, but it's not the worst one you can call someone over there. And, for the record, in the UK, a **** can be male or female. Just depends on what gender you are pissed at.

Besides, it came on AFTER prime time (10:30 EST), and it was on a cable channel, where they can get by with salty language on occasion.

If you were worried about your kids learning a new word, you can bet they are learning it from the news and not from Samantha Bee.
GOP and rumpers have aligned with PUTIN and RUSSIA against America and Americans
SAVE ME from your CONCERN over the use of a word you call your wives daily.

Oh, and FUCK each and every one of you!

No I don't call my wife that. But it's exactly what you are.
Trump has NOT apologized for:
— Mocking disabled reporter
— Calling Mexicans “rapists”
— Calling NFL players “sons of bitches”
— Calling African nations “shitholes”
— Attacking FBI & Free Press
— Lying to the American people every day He can apologize with a resignation letter.
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are vile, vicious, disgusting racist thieving rat fucks.
Samantha Bee and Joy Reid are going to be under CONSTANT attack because they are on the side of goodness and decency.

NO word in the language is as abhorrent as any one of a number of ACTIONS by this horrid and disgusting family.
Truth just doesn't matter to you, does it?
Ivanka posted this picture as a dig at the mothers at the border whose children were being ripped from their arms and separated as they cried in terror.

Oh, so now you know the hearts and minds of everyone? You know their intent? You arrogant fuck, provide a link proving your hypothesis...

Christ, I wish you people would quit making me defend these people...

With SO DAMN MUCH to criticize it really harms the overall point when all you do is point and come up with caustic shit to call people.

It is interesting to see this play out along side the Rosanne tweet though.

To be fair. That is not all she did. She was making a point. A solid point.
Rosanne thought she was too. Bee used it in the context of her show and, honestly, that really makes it worse if you ask me. Hers was premeditated. Rosanne was just being an idiot. Her point really was not solid either - it was a rant. Bringing in the picture did not support anything but an emotional response and that does not make a point solid at all.

Personally, I don't really care either way though. I prefer the angry ditto heads be they racial, political or any other stripe right there out in the open. I don't need media companies to censor people so my sensibilities are not harmed. It is also why I tire of the whole apology tour - the only thing that either of them was sorry for is that they had to deal with consequences.
Ivanka posted this picture as a dig at the mothers at the border whose children were being ripped from their arms and separated as they cried in terror.

Oh, so now you know the hearts and minds of everyone? You know their intent? You arrogant fuck, provide a link proving your hypothesis...

Christ, I wish you people would quit making me defend these people...

With SO DAMN MUCH to criticize it really harms the overall point when all you do is point and come up with caustic shit to call people.

It is interesting to see this play out along side the Rosanne tweet though.

To be fair. That is not all she did. She was making a point. A solid point.
Rosanne thought she was too. Bee used it in the context of her show and, honestly, that really makes it worse if you ask me. Hers was premeditated. Rosanne was just being an idiot. Her point really was not solid either - it was a rant. Bringing in the picture did not support anything but an emotional response and that does not make a point solid at all.

Personally, I don't really care either way though. I prefer the angry ditto heads be they racial, political or any other stripe right there out in the open. I don't need media companies to censor people so my sensibilities are not harmed. It is also why I tire of the whole apology tour - the only thing that either of them was sorry for is that they had to deal with consequences.

Rosanne thought she was making a point?

What was that?

Bee was expressing exasperation over the treatment of children. She called on Ivanka to appeal to her father as a mother. It was a solid point.

You might have a weird way of seeIng things. That is to be expected.

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