San Bernardino musta been staged and fake

Yours is a failed argument because nobody is buying it and never will. If one person was carrying that day in California, 14 people might be alive. That is not rocket science. Two were responsible for the deaths that day: the terrorists and the State of California.

Uh, no, guy. Most companies insist that their employees don't bring gun into the workplace, not the state. And for kind of a good reason, you don't want that argument over who didn't reload the copier to turn into the OK Corral.

The idea that your workplace will be safer if your coworkers are packing obviously hasn't met his coworkers.
there is no terrorism -----there is only the CAPITALISTS SELLING WEAPONS
TO THE INNOCENT IMBECILES------learn the lingo. I have to admit-----
lots of my wasps neighbors -----when I was a kid in a fairly provincial town in the
North east were a bit stupid------but they knew how to use their rifles---------
venison only. I do not recall even one hunting "accident'-----among them.
A rifle decorating a wall-------was not a threat. weird---but not a threat.
I preferred the rifle on the wall to the DEER HEAD looking at me

Hey, I'm betting that deer was Jewish, which is why your Nazi Neighbors in this mythical North-east down full of Nazis shot him.

(Yes, I'm mocking you now).

Okay, serious answer time.

The problem when you were growing up in suppossedly Nazi Town in the 1950's was back then, not a whole lot of people owned guns. Only about 40-50 million guns in the whole country, most of them hunting rifles, some of them guns people brought back from the War.


Today, thanks to the Gun Manufactuers and the National Rampage Association, we have nearly 400 million guns out there, including guns that were designed to be used on a battlefield and have no business being in ANYONE'S home.

Hunting has fallen out of favor as a sport, it's become the sport of cruel rednecks, not something sophisticated people do. (Look at all the grief the poor guy who shot Cecil the Lion got.) So the Gun Manufacturers found themselves a new market, playing on people's fear. You done need to get yourself a gun because the terrorists and criminals have them.

And who gave guns tot he terrorists and criminals? Well, the gun industry did by making darned sure that we don't do background checks or anything like that.

So when there is a mass shooting, they can say, "Hey, you better go get yourself a gun before the terrorists get you!!!"

Once again I must tell you that no gun available to the public is a military weapon

I suppose you think my mini 14 which is functionally no different than an AR15 is a
battlefield weapon

Skull.........those are sick. Likely my next purchase. Just installed a ghost ring sight in my Saiga after becoming intolerant of the red dot so want to see if it helps my accuracy with iron will keep me entertained in the short run. Maybe next year though...........'re mocking people and meanwhile you've had almost 30,000 posts since the beginning of August.

I think your math is off. I didn't hit the 50K mark until last year.

Other than that, we will go back to ignoring you.
Once again I must tell you that no gun available to the public is a military weapon

I suppose you think my mini 14 which is functionally no different than an AR15 is a
battlefield weapon

I think if you own a mini 14 the only thing that is mini is your dick and a gun won't make up for htat.
You obviously don't understand that a Ruger mini14 is the same caliber as an AR15

And really if you're so interested in penises you should try another site
I may be wrong-----but as far as GUNS are concerned-----they DO exist----in large quantities and ------well----my brother once ----as a student engineer----did some
METAL CASTING------by uhm "sand casting"------no special tools-----he did it
in the basement of our little house--------very nicely done heat and sand.
I have been told that making a "satuday nite special" -----can be done by anyone
with the ambition to do so. It seems to me that a desire to kill is the issue in
terrorism -----not HOW TO GET THE WEAPON. Two million Armenians were
murdered with nothing more than clubs and knives. In the town of my childhood
where HUNTING RIFLES were common place------there was no terrorism----not
even lynching-----(the town Nazis made the place "all white")
You obviously don't understand that a Ruger mini14 is the same caliber as an AR15

And really if you're so interested in penises you should try another site

I understood what you said very clearly.

You have a tiny dick and you think owning a gun makes up for that. We've already established this.

But there's no good reason for civilians to own military grade weapons. And that we shouldn't panic only when it's a Muslim using one of these weapons to kill a bunch of people instead of some guy who didn't take his meds.
You obviously don't understand that a Ruger mini14 is the same caliber as an AR15

And really if you're so interested in penises you should try another site

I understood what you said very clearly.

You have a tiny dick and you think owning a gun makes up for that. We've already established this.

But there's no good reason for civilians to own military grade weapons. And that we shouldn't panic only when it's a Muslim using one of these weapons to kill a bunch of people instead of some guy who didn't take his meds.

Funny how all you like to do is talk about other men's dicks

maybe you don't have one at all
Persons out there who argue about -----rifle for war and rifle and gun for not war----
please note-------a single 22 caliber bullet rarely kills--------but it can------tiny piece of lead --------in the brain---------tiny---looks like nothing happened-----except the person is brain dead. Sometimes it is hard to find the entry hole-------
I may be wrong-----but as far as GUNS are concerned-----they DO exist----in large quantities and ------well----my brother once ----as a student engineer----did some
METAL CASTING------by uhm "sand casting"------no special tools-----he did it
in the basement of our little house--------very nicely done heat and sand.
I have been told that making a "satuday nite special" -----can be done by anyone
with the ambition to do so. It seems to me that a desire to kill is the issue in
terrorism -----not HOW TO GET THE WEAPON. Two million Armenians were
murdered with nothing more than clubs and knives. In the town of my childhood
where HUNTING RIFLES were common place------there was no terrorism----not
even lynching-----(the town Nazis made the place "all white")

Yeah, just because they gave your Jew-fro a swirly doesn't make them Nazis.

The problem is that in MOST of the civilized world, they don't let civilians own guns and incidents like this are rare. The United Kingdom hasn't had a mass shooting since 2009. The one prior to that was in 2002.

We can't go a week without a mass shooting in this country, because we have TOO MANY FUCKING GUNS.

I'm still waiting for you to explain to me how the guy who shot up total strangers in a Planned Parenthood Clinic wasn't "terrorism" but a guy who shot his co-workers after having an argument with them was. It seems that you are using the designation pretty loosely.
Funny how all you like to do is talk about other men's dicks

maybe you don't have one at all

I just don't think I need to own a gun to compensate for them. Frankly, i see someone talk about his guns all day, you just know he's 'compensating".
Funny how all you like to do is talk about other men's dicks

maybe you don't have one at all

I just don't think I need to own a gun to compensate for them. Frankly, i see someone talk about his guns all day, you just know he's 'compensating".

No you just talk about dicks all day long

I don't talk about guns all day long in fact most people I know have no idea I own any guns

And I certainly don't talk about other men's dicks all day long like you do
Persons out there who argue about -----rifle for war and rifle and gun for not war----
please note-------a single 22 caliber bullet rarely kills--------but it can------tiny piece of lead --------in the brain---------tiny---looks like nothing happened-----except the person is brain dead. Sometimes it is hard to find the entry hole-------

okay, but you see, the thing is, that rifle would have to fired at very close range in order to penetrate the skull.

Meanwhile, the AR-15 and it's .556mm ammo was designed specifically to 'tumble', so that a smaller caliber weapon could do comparable damage to the .764mm ammo it was replacing. It was designed for use on the battlefields of Vietnam.

And these weapons have no business in the hands of a guy like Sayeed Farook or Adam Lanza or James "Joker" Holmes. That's the point I keep trying to get across to you people.

But you want to ignore Lanza and Holmes and concentrate on Farook because he has a scary Islamic name.
Watching the news last night, it's as though San Bernardino never happened. So it musta been faked. Those 14 people must all be alive and well on some government paid vacation somewhere abroad. What a relief! Here I was all upset over another terrorist incident with dead Americans when really it was just a fake event for some strange reason.

Usual bs once more. Politicking, fund raising, and partisan attacks. Not like they're still scrubbing the blood and guts off the walls and floors. So nice when murdered citizens become ephemera for Washington.
We NEVER stop scrubbing the blood and guts off the walls and floors. This wasn`t America`s first shooting.
I may be wrong-----but as far as GUNS are concerned-----they DO exist----in large quantities and ------well----my brother once ----as a student engineer----did some
METAL CASTING------by uhm "sand casting"------no special tools-----he did it
in the basement of our little house--------very nicely done heat and sand.
I have been told that making a "satuday nite special" -----can be done by anyone
with the ambition to do so. It seems to me that a desire to kill is the issue in
terrorism -----not HOW TO GET THE WEAPON. Two million Armenians were
murdered with nothing more than clubs and knives. In the town of my childhood
where HUNTING RIFLES were common place------there was no terrorism----not
even lynching-----(the town Nazis made the place "all white")

Yeah, just because they gave your Jew-fro a swirly doesn't make them Nazis.

The problem is that in MOST of the civilized world, they don't let civilians own guns and incidents like this are rare. The United Kingdom hasn't had a mass shooting since 2009. The one prior to that was in 2002.

We can't go a week without a mass shooting in this country, because we have TOO MANY FUCKING GUNS.

I'm still waiting for you to explain to me how the guy who shot up total strangers in a Planned Parenthood Clinic wasn't "terrorism" but a guy who shot his co-workers after having an argument with them was. It seems that you are using the designation pretty loosely.

I never suggested that a person who shoots up a Planned Parenthood Clinic is not a terrorist-------you have descended into INVENTION. I am stating that people
who WANT TO KILL will------and will find a way. That is all------I do not own a gun
Persons out there who argue about -----rifle for war and rifle and gun for not war----
please note-------a single 22 caliber bullet rarely kills--------but it can------tiny piece of lead --------in the brain---------tiny---looks like nothing happened-----except the person is brain dead. Sometimes it is hard to find the entry hole-------

okay, but you see, the thing is, that rifle would have to fired at very close range in order to penetrate the skull.

Meanwhile, the AR-15 and it's .556mm ammo was designed specifically to 'tumble', so that a smaller caliber weapon could do comparable damage to the .764mm ammo it was replacing. It was designed for use on the battlefields of Vietnam.

And these weapons have no business in the hands of a guy like Sayeed Farook or Adam Lanza or James "Joker" Holmes. That's the point I keep trying to get across to you people.

But you want to ignore Lanza and Holmes and concentrate on Farook because he has a scary Islamic name.

who the FLUCK do you thing you are telling me whom I "ignore"----btw---the name
FAROOK does not scare me--------- (btw----long ago I did some volunteer work
in a planned parenthood clinic------way back----but I never performed an abortion)
Watching the news last night, it's as though San Bernardino never happened. So it musta been faked. Those 14 people must all be alive and well on some government paid vacation somewhere abroad. What a relief! Here I was all upset over another terrorist incident with dead Americans when really it was just a fake event for some strange reason.

Usual bs once more. Politicking, fund raising, and partisan attacks. Not like they're still scrubbing the blood and guts off the walls and floors. So nice when murdered citizens become ephemera for Washington.
We NEVER stop scrubbing the blood and guts off the walls and floors. This wasn`t America`s first shooting.

your point? It was catastrophic------a social center for the care of the injured
and disabled-------a gross atrocity thing. Gotta admire and appreciate the hyper-idealism of the gun grabbers. They remind us that it is indeed beneficial to manufacture dream scenarios on stuff. Like maybe I'll wake up on Christmas morning and find Natalie Portman under my tree in the buff brandishing a KalTec shotty:2up: thing. Gotta admire and appreciate the hyper-idealism of the gun grabbers. They remind us that it is indeed beneficial to manufacture dream scenarios on stuff. Like maybe I'll wake up on Christmas morning and find Natalie Portman under my tree in the buff brandishing a KalTec shotty:2up:

It's ok SKOOK dear------a fantasy is not a crime-----no matter how
perverse------just the fantasy and the stuff you do TO YOURSELF---is
not a crime

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