San Bernardino musta been staged and fake

Persons out there who argue about -----rifle for war and rifle and gun for not war----
please note-------a single 22 caliber bullet rarely kills--------but it can------tiny piece of lead --------in the brain---------tiny---looks like nothing happened-----except the person is brain dead. Sometimes it is hard to find the entry hole-------

okay, but you see, the thing is, that rifle would have to fired at very close range in order to penetrate the skull.

Meanwhile, the AR-15 and it's .556mm ammo was designed specifically to 'tumble', so that a smaller caliber weapon could do comparable damage to the .764mm ammo it was replacing. It was designed for use on the battlefields of Vietnam.

And these weapons have no business in the hands of a guy like Sayeed Farook or Adam Lanza or James "Joker" Holmes. That's the point I keep trying to get across to you people.

But you want to ignore Lanza and Holmes and concentrate on Farook because he has a scary Islamic name.

yes joe----CLOSE RANGE------when you least expect it-------a gun up against the side of your head-----a little gun------a tiny little gun. A bunch of ardent shahida sluts can do lots with that little weapon
Today, thanks to the Gun Manufactuers and the National Rampage Association, we have nearly 400 million guns out there, including guns that were designed to be used on a battlefield and have no business being in ANYONE'S home.

How Naziesque.
You want to take away our computers next?
Man - it'll be just like China here in the U.S. if nitwits like you are allowed your way.
Be gone with you and your stupid ideas.
calm yourself and your delusions JOE----- people swearing allegiance to allah
are a VERY SIGNIFICANT part of our problem------they are not acne nor the common cold-------but they do murder in the name of the filth they worship------
Quakers don't, Pentecostals don't-----even Mormons don't. Not only do they murder here in the USA-----they murder just about wherever they reside

Yes, if you live in a Muslim Country, you are more likely to be killed by a Muslim.

And if you live in America, you are most likely to be killed by an AMERICAN.

Of course, we have 16,000 murders in the US every year (far higher than most Islamic Countries that aren't undergoing civil wars we instigated), and most of them aren't committed by Muslims. They are committed by people the victim knows.

Is that all, and there are around 325 mil + in the US. That is not many at all really.
One girl shot in belly and arm, out of hosp next day. Landlord showing apt. Of course argument with a Jew, oh Messianic Jew who dressed the part, sure sound like fantasy lane, seriously. Its also a good thing they were bad shoots, what 65-72 rounds in a room of around 80 and only 14 dead, bullets that used shrapnel. I find a lot of it suspect.
One girl shot in belly and arm, out of hosp next day. Landlord showing apt. Of course argument with a Jew, oh Messianic Jew who dressed the part, sure sound like fantasy lane, seriously. Its also a good thing they were bad shoots, what 65-72 rounds in a room of around 80 and only 14 dead, bullets that used shrapnel. I find a lot of it suspect.

I find lots of suspect too-----it is clear to me that you were involved------bad shot. For a person who claims to be a health care provider----it is clear that you have very little
experience with bullet wounds. The seriousness of a bullet wound DEPENDS on its path and its final destination One shot in the thigh CAN KILL----or turn out being
trivial. No matter what a person does in a hospital-----he would EVENTUALLY end
up knowing that. Long long ago I evaluated a patient with gunshot would to the head. The perpetrator had placed the gun very near the man's head and fired. ----
As it turned out the bullet struck the mastoid bone and-----went nowhere. GOOD!!!!! all is well. I did other things and came back------the kid was LYING on his back with a terrified look on his face. I asked "what is it" He said "I AM WAITING" I said "waiting for what"? he said "waiting to die"-----I said----"you are not dying'" He said ----as if INFORMING ME-----"I WAS SHOT IN THE HEAD"-----I explained the situation to him-------for quite some time until he was
CONVINCED. Well ---to cut to the chase------He was not admitted to neurosurgery or to neurology-------he was probably not admitted. Shot can
mean all kinds of things with injuries from serious all the way to utterly trivial. Two idiots spraying a room with bullets is not likely to kill EVERYONE-----lots of the injuries will be------from a life threatening POV ---trivial. Killing 14 people is
quite an accomplishment for the worshippers of allah. ON THE OTHER HAND----
a stray bullet can kill -----even a bullet that RICOCHETS can kill
Watching the news last night, it's as though San Bernardino never happened. So it musta been faked. Those 14 people must all be alive and well on some government paid vacation somewhere abroad. What a relief! Here I was all upset over another terrorist incident with dead Americans when really it was just a fake event for some strange reason.

Usual bs once more. Politicking, fund raising, and partisan attacks. Not like they're still scrubbing the blood and guts off the walls and floors. So nice when murdered citizens become ephemera for Washington.
Welcome to the new normal. Lots of people get week we are on to something else. Sandy Hook taught us that.
Watching the news last night, it's as though San Bernardino never happened. So it musta been faked. Those 14 people must all be alive and well on some government paid vacation somewhere abroad. What a relief! Here I was all upset over another terrorist incident with dead Americans when really it was just a fake event for some strange reason.

Usual bs once more. Politicking, fund raising, and partisan attacks. Not like they're still scrubbing the blood and guts off the walls and floors. So nice when murdered citizens become ephemera for Washington.
Welcome to the new normal. Lots of people get week we are on to something else. Sandy Hook taught us that.

Yes you far left drones are so concerned that you dismiss black on black crimes and their mass shootings..
Persons out there who argue about -----rifle for war and rifle and gun for not war----
please note-------a single 22 caliber bullet rarely kills--------but it can------tiny piece of lead --------in the brain---------tiny---looks like nothing happened-----except the person is brain dead. Sometimes it is hard to find the entry hole-------

I read somewhere that .22s kill more people a year than any other caliber.
Persons out there who argue about -----rifle for war and rifle and gun for not war----
please note-------a single 22 caliber bullet rarely kills--------but it can------tiny piece of lead --------in the brain---------tiny---looks like nothing happened-----except the person is brain dead. Sometimes it is hard to find the entry hole-------

I read somewhere that .22s kill more people a year than any other caliber.

Could be----.22 caliber is the most commonly used caliber on the street-----kinda like
there are lots of pennies in the gutter -------there are lots but they don't buy much as "INDIVIDUALS" similarly there are lots of .22 caliber bullets casings in the gutter---but as INDIVIDUALS they do not kill very efficiently.
Persons out there who argue about -----rifle for war and rifle and gun for not war----
please note-------a single 22 caliber bullet rarely kills--------but it can------tiny piece of lead --------in the brain---------tiny---looks like nothing happened-----except the person is brain dead. Sometimes it is hard to find the entry hole-------

I read somewhere that .22s kill more people a year than any other caliber.

Could be----.22 caliber is the most commonly used caliber on the street-----kinda like
there are lots of pennies in the gutter -------there are lots but they don't buy much as "INDIVIDUALS" similarly there are lots of .22 caliber bullets casings in the gutter---but as INDIVIDUALS they do not kill very efficiently.

No doubt it has to do with availability but the fact is a .22 is plenty deadly, especially when using hollow points.
Persons out there who argue about -----rifle for war and rifle and gun for not war----
please note-------a single 22 caliber bullet rarely kills--------but it can------tiny piece of lead --------in the brain---------tiny---looks like nothing happened-----except the person is brain dead. Sometimes it is hard to find the entry hole-------

I read somewhere that .22s kill more people a year than any other caliber.

Could be----.22 caliber is the most commonly used caliber on the street-----kinda like
there are lots of pennies in the gutter -------there are lots but they don't buy much as "INDIVIDUALS" similarly there are lots of .22 caliber bullets casings in the gutter---but as INDIVIDUALS they do not kill very efficiently.

No doubt it has to do with availability but the fact is a .22 is plenty deadly, especially when using hollow points.

can be-----depending upon it's momentum, path and endpoint------given a .22. vs a .38 with the same initial velocity and the same entry point-------the .38 is more deadly. How you shape the head is your business. -----for my part you can coat it in poison.
Persons out there who argue about -----rifle for war and rifle and gun for not war----
please note-------a single 22 caliber bullet rarely kills--------but it can------tiny piece of lead --------in the brain---------tiny---looks like nothing happened-----except the person is brain dead. Sometimes it is hard to find the entry hole-------

I read somewhere that .22s kill more people a year than any other caliber.

Could be----.22 caliber is the most commonly used caliber on the street-----kinda like
there are lots of pennies in the gutter -------there are lots but they don't buy much as "INDIVIDUALS" similarly there are lots of .22 caliber bullets casings in the gutter---but as INDIVIDUALS they do not kill very efficiently.

No doubt it has to do with availability but the fact is a .22 is plenty deadly, especially when using hollow points.

can be-----depending upon it's momentum, path and endpoint------given a .22. vs a .38 with the same initial velocity and the same entry point-------the .38 is more deadly. How you shape the head is your business. -----for my part you can coat it in poison.

Well of course it is.
But a .22 will still penetrate over nine inches into ballistic gel.
Persons out there who argue about -----rifle for war and rifle and gun for not war----
please note-------a single 22 caliber bullet rarely kills--------but it can------tiny piece of lead --------in the brain---------tiny---looks like nothing happened-----except the person is brain dead. Sometimes it is hard to find the entry hole-------

I read somewhere that .22s kill more people a year than any other caliber.

Could be----.22 caliber is the most commonly used caliber on the street-----kinda like
there are lots of pennies in the gutter -------there are lots but they don't buy much as "INDIVIDUALS" similarly there are lots of .22 caliber bullets casings in the gutter---but as INDIVIDUALS they do not kill very efficiently.

No doubt it has to do with availability but the fact is a .22 is plenty deadly, especially when using hollow points.

can be-----depending upon it's momentum, path and endpoint------given a .22. vs a .38 with the same initial velocity and the same entry point-------the .38 is more deadly. How you shape the head is your business. -----for my part you can coat it in poison.

Well of course it is.
But a .22 will still penetrate over nine inches into ballistic gel.

oh ok I am ok------my fat pad is 12 inches
Persons out there who argue about -----rifle for war and rifle and gun for not war----
please note-------a single 22 caliber bullet rarely kills--------but it can------tiny piece of lead --------in the brain---------tiny---looks like nothing happened-----except the person is brain dead. Sometimes it is hard to find the entry hole-------

I read somewhere that .22s kill more people a year than any other caliber.

Could be----.22 caliber is the most commonly used caliber on the street-----kinda like
there are lots of pennies in the gutter -------there are lots but they don't buy much as "INDIVIDUALS" similarly there are lots of .22 caliber bullets casings in the gutter---but as INDIVIDUALS they do not kill very efficiently.

No doubt it has to do with availability but the fact is a .22 is plenty deadly, especially when using hollow points.

Did they use special bullets that blew up into shrapnel? Doesn't a shrapnel bullet spray and burst before hitting something. This confuses me.
Persons out there who argue about -----rifle for war and rifle and gun for not war----
please note-------a single 22 caliber bullet rarely kills--------but it can------tiny piece of lead --------in the brain---------tiny---looks like nothing happened-----except the person is brain dead. Sometimes it is hard to find the entry hole-------

I read somewhere that .22s kill more people a year than any other caliber.

Could be----.22 caliber is the most commonly used caliber on the street-----kinda like
there are lots of pennies in the gutter -------there are lots but they don't buy much as "INDIVIDUALS" similarly there are lots of .22 caliber bullets casings in the gutter---but as INDIVIDUALS they do not kill very efficiently.

No doubt it has to do with availability but the fact is a .22 is plenty deadly, especially when using hollow points.

Did they use special bullets that blew up into shrapnel? Doesn't a shrapnel bullet spray and burst before hitting something. This confuses me.

They were essentially using hollow points.
Some are designed to expand on impact to make a larger hole basicly,and other are designed to fragment on impact making multiple wound channels.
They dont blow up or anything it's all based on impact.
Pretty good video showing the difference between soft point ammo and metal jacketed rounds.
While the soft point isnt technically a hollow point it does the same thing.

Note the penetration isnt as deep with the soft point but the wound channel is much larger.
Persons out there who argue about -----rifle for war and rifle and gun for not war----
please note-------a single 22 caliber bullet rarely kills--------but it can------tiny piece of lead --------in the brain---------tiny---looks like nothing happened-----except the person is brain dead. Sometimes it is hard to find the entry hole-------

I read somewhere that .22s kill more people a year than any other caliber.

Could be----.22 caliber is the most commonly used caliber on the street-----kinda like
there are lots of pennies in the gutter -------there are lots but they don't buy much as "INDIVIDUALS" similarly there are lots of .22 caliber bullets casings in the gutter---but as INDIVIDUALS they do not kill very efficiently.

No doubt it has to do with availability but the fact is a .22 is plenty deadly, especially when using hollow points.

Did they use special bullets that blew up into shrapnel? Doesn't a shrapnel bullet spray and burst before hitting something. This confuses me.

unlike you -----I am not involved in islamo Nazi filth------I know of no bullet that EXPLODES before impact. Some bullets are so constructed for use military or off the battlefield by islamo Nazi pigs that they fragment or explode in expansion on impact in order to kill whatever the killer wants killed. The issue is special treatment of the tip-----hollow tip or some nefarious structures on the tip----
but the bullet must hit something ------it does not race around LOOKING for a target no matter how much you pray to allah. In this case----two islamo Nazi pigs sprayed bullets around a crowded room------hoping that the pile of shit in the sky---allah would direct each bullet to the point that they killed all the innocent
unarmed people in the room-------they killed lots but not enough for shit like you
Pretty good video showing the difference between soft point ammo and metal jacketed rounds.
While the soft point isnt technically a hollow point it does the same thing.

Note the penetration isnt as deep with the soft point but the wound channel is much larger.

So they were using the soft point (hollow). Looks to me like the soft point would do much more damage, right?
Pretty good video showing the difference between soft point ammo and metal jacketed rounds.
While the soft point isnt technically a hollow point it does the same thing.

Note the penetration isnt as deep with the soft point but the wound channel is much larger.

So they were using the soft point (hollow). Looks to me like the soft point would do much more damage, right?

They are banned by the Geneva Convention for use in war.
Only full metal jacket allowed.

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