San Bernardino musta been staged and fake

there is no terrorism -----there is only the CAPITALISTS SELLING WEAPONS
TO THE INNOCENT IMBECILES------learn the lingo. I have to admit-----
lots of my wasps neighbors -----when I was a kid in a fairly provincial town in the
North east were a bit stupid------but they knew how to use their rifles---------
venison only. I do not recall even one hunting "accident'-----among them.
A rifle decorating a wall-------was not a threat. weird---but not a threat.
I preferred the rifle on the wall to the DEER HEAD looking at me

Hey, I'm betting that deer was Jewish, which is why your Nazi Neighbors in this mythical North-east down full of Nazis shot him.

(Yes, I'm mocking you now).

Okay, serious answer time.

The problem when you were growing up in suppossedly Nazi Town in the 1950's was back then, not a whole lot of people owned guns. Only about 40-50 million guns in the whole country, most of them hunting rifles, some of them guns people brought back from the War.


Today, thanks to the Gun Manufactuers and the National Rampage Association, we have nearly 400 million guns out there, including guns that were designed to be used on a battlefield and have no business being in ANYONE'S home.

Hunting has fallen out of favor as a sport, it's become the sport of cruel rednecks, not something sophisticated people do. (Look at all the grief the poor guy who shot Cecil the Lion got.) So the Gun Manufacturers found themselves a new market, playing on people's fear. You done need to get yourself a gun because the terrorists and criminals have them.

And who gave guns tot he terrorists and criminals? Well, the gun industry did by making darned sure that we don't do background checks or anything like that.

So when there is a mass shooting, they can say, "Hey, you better go get yourself a gun before the terrorists get you!!!"
there is no terrorism -----there is only the CAPITALISTS SELLING WEAPONS
TO THE INNOCENT IMBECILES------learn the lingo. I have to admit-----
lots of my wasps neighbors -----when I was a kid in a fairly provincial town in the
North east were a bit stupid------but they knew how to use their rifles---------
venison only. I do not recall even one hunting "accident'-----among them.
A rifle decorating a wall-------was not a threat. weird---but not a threat.
I preferred the rifle on the wall to the DEER HEAD looking at me

Hey, I'm betting that deer was Jewish, which is why your Nazi Neighbors in this mythical North-east down full of Nazis shot him.

(Yes, I'm mocking you now).

Okay, serious answer time.

The problem when you were growing up in suppossedly Nazi Town in the 1950's was back then, not a whole lot of people owned guns. Only about 40-50 million guns in the whole country, most of them hunting rifles, some of them guns people brought back from the War.


Today, thanks to the Gun Manufactuers and the National Rampage Association, we have nearly 400 million guns out there, including guns that were designed to be used on a battlefield and have no business being in ANYONE'S home.

Hunting has fallen out of favor as a sport, it's become the sport of cruel rednecks, not something sophisticated people do. (Look at all the grief the poor guy who shot Cecil the Lion got.) So the Gun Manufacturers found themselves a new market, playing on people's fear. You done need to get yourself a gun because the terrorists and criminals have them.

And who gave guns tot he terrorists and criminals? Well, the gun industry did by making darned sure that we don't do background checks or anything like that.

So when there is a mass shooting, they can say, "Hey, you better go get yourself a gun before the terrorists get you!!!"'re mocking people and meanwhile you've had almost 30,000 posts since the beginning of August.:ack-1::ack-1: I didn't think that was possible for anyone!:up:

Your post here is irrelevant by the way.......not sure why you bother. Gun grabbers in America have never been as unpopular as today. Record number of Americans oppose handgun ban

You're not deterred because mental cases cant connect the dots. Not that Im complaining........its a hoot to be able to highlight fringe thinking on a public message board. Its became a hobby of mine....publically humiliating the global warming nutters and the gun grabber bozo's.

Keep it comin'.........:coffee:
Go easy on Joey. If you make him look too stupid he'll just start lying his ass off. Again.
there is no terrorism -----there is only the CAPITALISTS SELLING WEAPONS
TO THE INNOCENT IMBECILES------learn the lingo. I have to admit-----
lots of my wasps neighbors -----when I was a kid in a fairly provincial town in the
North east were a bit stupid------but they knew how to use their rifles---------
venison only. I do not recall even one hunting "accident'-----among them.
A rifle decorating a wall-------was not a threat. weird---but not a threat.
I preferred the rifle on the wall to the DEER HEAD looking at me

Hey, I'm betting that deer was Jewish, which is why your Nazi Neighbors in this mythical North-east down full of Nazis shot him.

(Yes, I'm mocking you now).

Okay, serious answer time.

The problem when you were growing up in suppossedly Nazi Town in the 1950's was back then, not a whole lot of people owned guns. Only about 40-50 million guns in the whole country, most of them hunting rifles, some of them guns people brought back from the War.


Today, thanks to the Gun Manufactuers and the National Rampage Association, we have nearly 400 million guns out there, including guns that were designed to be used on a battlefield and have no business being in ANYONE'S home.

Hunting has fallen out of favor as a sport, it's become the sport of cruel rednecks, not something sophisticated people do. (Look at all the grief the poor guy who shot Cecil the Lion got.) So the Gun Manufacturers found themselves a new market, playing on people's fear. You done need to get yourself a gun because the terrorists and criminals have them.

And who gave guns tot he terrorists and criminals? Well, the gun industry did by making darned sure that we don't do background checks or anything like that.

So when there is a mass shooting, they can say, "Hey, you better go get yourself a gun before the terrorists get you!!!"
there is no terrorism -----there is only the CAPITALISTS SELLING WEAPONS
TO THE INNOCENT IMBECILES------learn the lingo. I have to admit-----
lots of my wasps neighbors -----when I was a kid in a fairly provincial town in the
North east were a bit stupid------but they knew how to use their rifles---------
venison only. I do not recall even one hunting "accident'-----among them.
A rifle decorating a wall-------was not a threat. weird---but not a threat.
I preferred the rifle on the wall to the DEER HEAD looking at me

Hey, I'm betting that deer was Jewish, which is why your Nazi Neighbors in this mythical North-east down full of Nazis shot him.

(Yes, I'm mocking you now).

Okay, serious answer time.

The problem when you were growing up in suppossedly Nazi Town in the 1950's was back then, not a whole lot of people owned guns. Only about 40-50 million guns in the whole country, most of them hunting rifles, some of them guns people brought back from the War.


Today, thanks to the Gun Manufactuers and the National Rampage Association, we have nearly 400 million guns out there, including guns that were designed to be used on a battlefield and have no business being in ANYONE'S home.

Hunting has fallen out of favor as a sport, it's become the sport of cruel rednecks, not something sophisticated people do. (Look at all the grief the poor guy who shot Cecil the Lion got.) So the Gun Manufacturers found themselves a new market, playing on people's fear. You done need to get yourself a gun because the terrorists and criminals have them.

And who gave guns tot he terrorists and criminals? Well, the gun industry did by making darned sure that we don't do background checks or anything like that.

So when there is a mass shooting, they can say, "Hey, you better go get yourself a gun before the terrorists get you!!!"'re mocking people and meanwhile you've had almost 30,000 posts since the beginning of August.:ack-1::ack-1: I didn't think that was possible for anyone!:up:

Your post here is irrelevant by the way.......not sure why you bother. Gun grabbers in America have never been as unpopular as today. Record number of Americans oppose handgun ban

You're not deterred because mental cases cant connect the dots. Not that Im complaining........its a hoot to be able to highlight fringe thinking on a public message board. Its became a hobby of mine....publically humiliating the global warming nutters and the gun grabber bozo's.

Keep it comin'.........:coffee:
Go easy on Joey. If you make him look too stupid he'll just start lying his ass off. Again.

Wait.....he stopped?
Watching the news last night, it's as though San Bernardino never happened. So it musta been faked. Those 14 people must all be alive and well on some government paid vacation somewhere abroad. What a relief! Here I was all upset over another terrorist incident with dead Americans when really it was just a fake event for some strange reason.

Usual bs once more. Politicking, fund raising, and partisan attacks. Not like they're still scrubbing the blood and guts off the walls and floors. So nice when murdered citizens become ephemera for Washington.

And how is that any different than

Sandy Hook?
VA Tech?
Roseburg? (I had to look that one up, they've talked about it so little)

We have these shootings, someone maybe talks about tightening up the gun laws for about five minutes before the National Rampage Association shouts them down, and then we go on our merry way until the next mass shooting. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

Or do you think this one has to be different because the crazy people who never should have had guns to start with happened to be Muslims?

"A crazy guy shot up his co-workers!"

"Ho-hum, serves them right for not having everyone in the house packing."

"Oh, did I mention he was a Muslim?"


"So you'll go along with some common sense gun laws, then?"

"What, why do you hate Freedom so much?"

The topic here is terrorism dummy. You know - Muslims swearing allegance to Allah, then opening up with machine guns and killing people. You know - the same people that will kill YOU in a movie theater while you're waving your gay pride flag and screaming for equality.

Phuckking idiot.

Wake up stupid, before it's too late.

Look up the meaning of terrorism, you don't know it.
Watching the news last night, it's as though San Bernardino never happened. So it musta been faked. Those 14 people must all be alive and well on some government paid vacation somewhere abroad. What a relief! Here I was all upset over another terrorist incident with dead Americans when really it was just a fake event for some strange reason.

Usual bs once more. Politicking, fund raising, and partisan attacks. Not like they're still scrubbing the blood and guts off the walls and floors. So nice when murdered citizens become ephemera for Washington.

And how is that any different than

Sandy Hook?
VA Tech?
Roseburg? (I had to look that one up, they've talked about it so little)

We have these shootings, someone maybe talks about tightening up the gun laws for about five minutes before the National Rampage Association shouts them down, and then we go on our merry way until the next mass shooting. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

Or do you think this one has to be different because the crazy people who never should have had guns to start with happened to be Muslims?

"A crazy guy shot up his co-workers!"

"Ho-hum, serves them right for not having everyone in the house packing."

"Oh, did I mention he was a Muslim?"


"So you'll go along with some common sense gun laws, then?"

"What, why do you hate Freedom so much?"

The topic here is terrorism dummy. You know - Muslims swearing allegance to Allah, then opening up with machine guns and killing people. You know - the same people that will kill YOU in a movie theater while you're waving your gay pride flag and screaming for equality.

Phuckking idiot.

Wake up stupid, before it's too late.

Look up the meaning of terrorism, you don't know it.

Coyote wants you to "LOOK UP" the meaning of terrorism so that you will know that muslims who shoot unarmed people in cafe's or in the street or
slit the throats of babies are not engaging in TERORISM----they are doing good deeds
who the FLUCK do you thing you are telling me whom I "ignore"----btw---the name
FAROOK does not scare me--------- (btw----long ago I did some volunteer work
in a planned parenthood clinic------way back----but I never performed an abortion)

I don't see you getting out here and saying we need to do something about the non-Muslim crazies, but man, you will totally make a big deal about the rare occassion a mass shooter happens to be a Muslim.
yes joe----CLOSE RANGE------when you least expect it-------a gun up against the side of your head-----a little gun------a tiny little gun. A bunch of ardent shahida sluts can do lots with that little weapon

yes, they could. Doesn't that make living right next to them kind of stupid. Maybe you need to go tell your Zionist pals what a bad idea that is.

How Naziesque.
You want to take away our computers next?
Man - it'll be just like China here in the U.S. if nitwits like you are allowed your way.
Be gone with you and your stupid ideas.

You can't kill someone with a computer. You can just make yourself look like an idiot to more people with one.

But I think you knew that already.
Coyote wants you to "LOOK UP" the meaning of terrorism so that you will know that muslims who shoot unarmed people in cafe's or in the street or
slit the throats of babies are not engaging in TERORISM----they are doing good deeds

Um, no, I don't think that's what he meant at all.

I think he was getting at that "Terrorism" (which is a canard to start with) isn't restricted to Muslims.
Go easy on Joey. If you make him look too stupid he'll just start lying his ass off. Again.

Oh, Geez, there was like 2 pages of SPambot's nonsense lurking in there.

Anyway, still butthurt that Rush doesn't love you anymore, Dominican Rent-boy?

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