San Bruno California In Flames.


Active Member
Jan 6, 2010

If you have family or friends in San Bruno, California please pay close attention.

At 6:00 PST last night, a 24-inch gas line owned by Pacific Gas & Electric exploded. The resulting blast and fire has destroyed 53 Homes and damaged 120 Homes. Six people are confirmed dead, that number is expected to rise. An unknown number remain injured.

If you have been unable to contact your family or wish to find out their condition the number to call is 1-650-626-7180.

The American Red Cross has put out a call for blood donors. Type 0- (Universal Donor) is in desperate need. If you can donate, please do so.

If you have family or friends in San Bruno, California please pay close attention.

At 6:00 PST last night, a 24-inch gas line owned by Pacific Gas & Electric exploded. The resulting blast and fire has destroyed 53 Homes and damaged 120 Homes. Six people are confirmed dead, that number is expected to rise. An unknown number remain injured.

If you have been unable to contact your family or wish to find out their condition the number to call is 1-650-626-7180.

The American Red Cross has put out a call for blood donors. Type 0- (Universal Donor) is in desperate need. If you can donate, please do so.

I haven't been able to follow the news today, but this is horrifying. What's the latest?

If you have family or friends in San Bruno, California please pay close attention.

At 6:00 PST last night, a 24-inch gas line owned by Pacific Gas & Electric exploded. The resulting blast and fire has destroyed 53 Homes and damaged 120 Homes. Six people are confirmed dead, that number is expected to rise. An unknown number remain injured.

If you have been unable to contact your family or wish to find out their condition the number to call is 1-650-626-7180.

The American Red Cross has put out a call for blood donors. Type 0- (Universal Donor) is in desperate need. If you can donate, please do so.

I haven't been able to follow the news today, but this is horrifying. What's the latest?

The death toll remain at Six, but authorities expect to find more bodies. Fire Fighters have entered the blast zone, no reports on what was found. An unknown number of people are injured. Acting Governor Able Maldonodo has mobilized the The CDF (California Department Forestryj) Fire Fighters to assist.

There are urgent calls for type 0- blood. I'm going to be donating later on today.

If you have family or friends in San Bruno, California please pay close attention.

At 6:00 PST last night, a 24-inch gas line owned by Pacific Gas & Electric exploded. The resulting blast and fire has destroyed 53 Homes and damaged 120 Homes. Six people are confirmed dead, that number is expected to rise. An unknown number remain injured.

If you have been unable to contact your family or wish to find out their condition the number to call is 1-650-626-7180.

The American Red Cross has put out a call for blood donors. Type 0- (Universal Donor) is in desperate need. If you can donate, please do so.

I haven't been able to follow the news today, but this is horrifying. What's the latest?

The death toll remain at Six, but authorities expect to find more bodies. Fire Fighters have entered the blast zone, no reports on what was found. An unknown number of people are injured. Acting Governor Able Maldonodo has mobilized the The CDF (California Department Forestryj) Fire Fighters to assist.

There are urgent calls for type 0- blood. I'm going to be donating later on today.

Thanks, traveler. Not much we can do from the other side of the country but pray. It's just heartbreaking. :(
Granny says, "Dat's right - make `em pay through the nose...
Calif agency says PG&E should pay $2.25B for blast
May. 6 `13 — The California agency investigating the deadly 2010 gas pipeline explosion in a San Francisco Bay Area neighborhood recommended Monday that Pacific Gas & Electric Co. pay a $2.25 billion fine for its negligence leading up to the blast.
The penalty would be the largest ever assessed by a state regulator, officials said. The California Public Utilities Commission recommended the fine and said the company's shareholders should shoulder it, not the utility's customers. The blast in San Bruno sparked a fireball that killed eight people, injured dozens more and destroyed 38 homes in the quiet bedroom community. Commission investigators and consumer advocates filed a range of proposals for fines Monday.

The City of San Bruno, which is still struggling to rebuild the neighborhood devastated in the blast, said earlier Monday that the utility's shareholders should pay no less than $1.25 billion in fines, plus at least $1 billion toward pipeline inspection and upgrade costs. PG&E will file its proposal later this month, and a judge from the utilities commission is expected to make a final decision about how much to fine PG&E later this year.

Consumer advocates said the fine the commission proposed was appropriate, given the company's myriad violations before the blast. The proposal calls for all the money to be directly invested in safety testing, replacing and upgrading hundreds of miles of PG&E's gas transmission lines, rather than being sent to the state's general fund. "It's absolutely the amount PG&E should pay for their all their past violations," said Marcel Hawiger, an attorney with the nonprofit Utility Reform Network. "This is a very big penalty, but it's not quite as big as it seems when you account for the tax benefits PG&E would accrue."

The National Transportation Safety Board unanimously agreed in 2011 that the accident was caused by what board chairman Deborah Hersman called a "litany of failures" by PG&E, as well as weak oversight by regulators. Separate from the NTSB investigation, state investigators at the California Public Utilities Commission have blamed PG&E for the explosion, which occurred when an underground pipeline ruptured at the site of a decades-old faulty weld, sparking a gas-fueled fire.

Calif agency says PG&E should pay $2.25B for blast
Granny says, "Dat's right - make `em pay through the nose...
Calif agency says PG&E should pay $2.25B for blast
May. 6 `13 — The California agency investigating the deadly 2010 gas pipeline explosion in a San Francisco Bay Area neighborhood recommended Monday that Pacific Gas & Electric Co. pay a $2.25 billion fine for its negligence leading up to the blast.
The penalty would be the largest ever assessed by a state regulator, officials said. The California Public Utilities Commission recommended the fine and said the company's shareholders should shoulder it, not the utility's customers. The blast in San Bruno sparked a fireball that killed eight people, injured dozens more and destroyed 38 homes in the quiet bedroom community. Commission investigators and consumer advocates filed a range of proposals for fines Monday.

The City of San Bruno, which is still struggling to rebuild the neighborhood devastated in the blast, said earlier Monday that the utility's shareholders should pay no less than $1.25 billion in fines, plus at least $1 billion toward pipeline inspection and upgrade costs. PG&E will file its proposal later this month, and a judge from the utilities commission is expected to make a final decision about how much to fine PG&E later this year.

Consumer advocates said the fine the commission proposed was appropriate, given the company's myriad violations before the blast. The proposal calls for all the money to be directly invested in safety testing, replacing and upgrading hundreds of miles of PG&E's gas transmission lines, rather than being sent to the state's general fund. "It's absolutely the amount PG&E should pay for their all their past violations," said Marcel Hawiger, an attorney with the nonprofit Utility Reform Network. "This is a very big penalty, but it's not quite as big as it seems when you account for the tax benefits PG&E would accrue."

The National Transportation Safety Board unanimously agreed in 2011 that the accident was caused by what board chairman Deborah Hersman called a "litany of failures" by PG&E, as well as weak oversight by regulators. Separate from the NTSB investigation, state investigators at the California Public Utilities Commission have blamed PG&E for the explosion, which occurred when an underground pipeline ruptured at the site of a decades-old faulty weld, sparking a gas-fueled fire.

Calif agency says PG&E should pay $2.25B for blast
Not a bad idea as long as the majority of it goes to the people effected by this and not into a govt acct where it will be handed out to every illegal swimming across with their hand out.
I expect the libs to start bashing cali at any moment.
Kind of like they did to Texas after the fertilizer explosion.
But this will be different somehow.
Cities, mostly. I live in a rural area.

Ah...propane tank then.
I've seen the results of one of those going aint pretty.
But at least you dont have to worry about some knuckle head with a backhoe punching a hole in it.
I've never seen a propane tank BURST FOR NO REASON! Gas lines can and do just that!
Another one about to blow up?

Huge natural gas leak in California will take months to fix, officials say
Sunday 3 January 2016 - The leak at Porter Ranch, already several months old, has forced the relocation of several thousand residents who said the stench made them sick
The escape of tons of natural gas from storage under a Los Angeles neighborhood is not likely to be fixed for at least another two months because of the specific dynamics of the leak, according to officials. The leak at Porter Ranch, already several months old, has forced the relocation of several thousand residents who said the stench made them sick. The Los Angeles Times reported on Saturday that the leak persists because workers were unable to plug it and instead have the painstaking task of drilling two relief wells.

Officials with Southern California Gas, which operates the Aliso Canyon Underground Storage Facility, estimate the new wells may not be finished until the end of February, or even later. The new pipes will meet where the well emerges from rock that forms the “capstone” which seals the gas in place. The natural repository is huge – nearly one cubic mile at a depth of a mile and a half, according to the newspaper – and holds natural gas brought from as far away as Canada. The gas company holds it underground, then distributes it to nearly 22 million customers in the region. Southern California Gas tried to plug the damaged well after the leak began in October, but both an ice blockage and upward pressure averaging 2,700 pounds per square inch wouldn’t let the mixture of mud and brine work.

Amid concerns that trying to force the mixture down might create a larger leak, the company decided to drill two relief wells, said Jason Marshall, chief deputy director of the California department of conservation, which regulates natural gas wells. If all goes to plan, those wells will intersect the damaged well where it meets the capstone, about a mile down. Workers hope that will let them plug the well below the damaged, leaky section. The cause and exact location of the leak are unclear, though Marshall said engineers speculate it is about 500ft underground.

Marshall suspects age is a factor – the well began operating in 1954, according to conservation department records. Drilling on the first relief well began 4 December, but will take weeks to complete. Drilling of the second well is expected by 20 January, Marshall said – it’s a backup, in case the first one misses the existing 7in pipe or is unable to deliver enough brine and mud to stop the leak. Trying to intercept at such a depth, Marshall told the newspaper, “is a little like trying to hit a quarter-inch target from the distance of a football field”.

Huge natural gas leak in California will take months to fix, officials say

If you have family or friends in San Bruno, California please pay close attention.

At 6:00 PST last night, a 24-inch gas line owned by Pacific Gas & Electric exploded. The resulting blast and fire has destroyed 53 Homes and damaged 120 Homes. Six people are confirmed dead, that number is expected to rise. An unknown number remain injured.

If you have been unable to contact your family or wish to find out their condition the number to call is 1-650-626-7180.

The American Red Cross has put out a call for blood donors. Type 0- (Universal Donor) is in desperate need. If you can donate, please do so.
I haven't been able to follow the news today, but this is horrifying. What's the latest?

The death toll remain at Six, but authorities expect to find more bodies. Fire Fighters have entered the blast zone, no reports on what was found. An unknown number of people are injured. Acting Governor Able Maldonodo has mobilized the The CDF (California Department Forestryj) Fire Fighters to assist.

There are urgent calls for type 0- blood. I'm going to be donating later on today.

Thank you for your posts and updates.

There has been a gas leak in California for weeks now. I don't know if it's a part of this explosion but the gas has been spewing into the air for weeks.

There is one thing I must correct. Able Maldonodo isn't the governor. He's the Lieutenant Governor.

Jerry Brown is the Governor of California.

If you have family or friends in San Bruno, California please pay close attention.

At 6:00 PST last night, a 24-inch gas line owned by Pacific Gas & Electric exploded. The resulting blast and fire has destroyed 53 Homes and damaged 120 Homes. Six people are confirmed dead, that number is expected to rise. An unknown number remain injured.

If you have been unable to contact your family or wish to find out their condition the number to call is 1-650-626-7180.

The American Red Cross has put out a call for blood donors. Type 0- (Universal Donor) is in desperate need. If you can donate, please do so.
I haven't been able to follow the news today, but this is horrifying. What's the latest?

The death toll remain at Six, but authorities expect to find more bodies. Fire Fighters have entered the blast zone, no reports on what was found. An unknown number of people are injured. Acting Governor Able Maldonodo has mobilized the The CDF (California Department Forestryj) Fire Fighters to assist.

There are urgent calls for type 0- blood. I'm going to be donating later on today.

Thank you for your posts and updates.

There has been a gas leak in California for weeks now. I don't know if it's a part of this explosion but the gas has been spewing into the air for weeks.

There is one thing I must correct. Able Maldonodo isn't the governor. He's the Lieutenant Governor.

Jerry Brown is the Governor of California.

Unfortunately, Californians never seem to learn

If you have family or friends in San Bruno, California please pay close attention.

At 6:00 PST last night, a 24-inch gas line owned by Pacific Gas & Electric exploded. The resulting blast and fire has destroyed 53 Homes and damaged 120 Homes. Six people are confirmed dead, that number is expected to rise. An unknown number remain injured.

If you have been unable to contact your family or wish to find out their condition the number to call is 1-650-626-7180.

The American Red Cross has put out a call for blood donors. Type 0- (Universal Donor) is in desperate need. If you can donate, please do so.
I haven't been able to follow the news today, but this is horrifying. What's the latest?

The death toll remain at Six, but authorities expect to find more bodies. Fire Fighters have entered the blast zone, no reports on what was found. An unknown number of people are injured. Acting Governor Able Maldonodo has mobilized the The CDF (California Department Forestryj) Fire Fighters to assist.

There are urgent calls for type 0- blood. I'm going to be donating later on today.

Thank you for your posts and updates.

There has been a gas leak in California for weeks now. I don't know if it's a part of this explosion but the gas has been spewing into the air for weeks.

There is one thing I must correct. Able Maldonodo isn't the governor. He's the Lieutenant Governor.

Jerry Brown is the Governor of California.

The OP was from 5 years ago.

If you have family or friends in San Bruno, California please pay close attention.

At 6:00 PST last night, a 24-inch gas line owned by Pacific Gas & Electric exploded. The resulting blast and fire has destroyed 53 Homes and damaged 120 Homes. Six people are confirmed dead, that number is expected to rise. An unknown number remain injured.

If you have been unable to contact your family or wish to find out their condition the number to call is 1-650-626-7180.

The American Red Cross has put out a call for blood donors. Type 0- (Universal Donor) is in desperate need. If you can donate, please do so.
I haven't been able to follow the news today, but this is horrifying. What's the latest?

The death toll remain at Six, but authorities expect to find more bodies. Fire Fighters have entered the blast zone, no reports on what was found. An unknown number of people are injured. Acting Governor Able Maldonodo has mobilized the The CDF (California Department Forestryj) Fire Fighters to assist.

There are urgent calls for type 0- blood. I'm going to be donating later on today.

Thank you for your posts and updates.

There has been a gas leak in California for weeks now. I don't know if it's a part of this explosion but the gas has been spewing into the air for weeks.

There is one thing I must correct. Able Maldonodo isn't the governor. He's the Lieutenant Governor.

Jerry Brown is the Governor of California.

The OP was from 5 years ago.

But the mass natural gas leak is RIGHT NOW and those responsible say it will take "some time" to repair.

If you have family or friends in San Bruno, California please pay close attention.

At 6:00 PST last night, a 24-inch gas line owned by Pacific Gas & Electric exploded. The resulting blast and fire has destroyed 53 Homes and damaged 120 Homes. Six people are confirmed dead, that number is expected to rise. An unknown number remain injured.

If you have been unable to contact your family or wish to find out their condition the number to call is 1-650-626-7180.

The American Red Cross has put out a call for blood donors. Type 0- (Universal Donor) is in desperate need. If you can donate, please do so.
I haven't been able to follow the news today, but this is horrifying. What's the latest?

The death toll remain at Six, but authorities expect to find more bodies. Fire Fighters have entered the blast zone, no reports on what was found. An unknown number of people are injured. Acting Governor Able Maldonodo has mobilized the The CDF (California Department Forestryj) Fire Fighters to assist.

There are urgent calls for type 0- blood. I'm going to be donating later on today.

Thank you for your posts and updates.

There has been a gas leak in California for weeks now. I don't know if it's a part of this explosion but the gas has been spewing into the air for weeks.

There is one thing I must correct. Able Maldonodo isn't the governor. He's the Lieutenant Governor.

Jerry Brown is the Governor of California.

The OP was from 5 years ago.

But the mass natural gas leak is RIGHT NOW and those responsible say it will take "some time" to repair.

No disagreement on that- just pointing out that this natural gas leak is not related to the explosion 5 years ago- as the poster apparently speculated.

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