San Fran Nan Walks Into Ambush On NBC!


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2013
The highlight of the morning so far was watching the 73 year old crook try to spin Obama-Care.....(WAIT....she won't call it she never did), on Meet the Press. She no doubt thought she could duck a couple questions, change the subject, and walk away to the cheers of her suckers. But it didn't go like she planned. :eusa_hand:


David Gregory, to his credit for a change, wouldn't let Pelousy spit the bit....kept after her, interrupted her when she tried to dance away, and ambushed her wrinkly old ass with clips of her lying through her teeth in the run up to the ACA gettting passed.

Nancy was not a happy communist by the time her segment ended. She'd been exposed as every bit the liar that Barry is and it the close she could barely manage a fake smile for the host....and afterward I bet Gregory got an earful from the old hag. :lol:
Couldn't happen to a more deserving person... lying old hag...​

[ame=]Pelosi: "We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It" - YouTube[/ame]
I had it on but the minute I saw Pelosi's face I changed the channel and missed it.
Damn straight, Penny! Nancy Pelosi is a liar and people like Gregory let her get away with telling the lies.

If the main stream media had done it's "job" and given the American people a clear view of what ObamaCare consisted of and what the reality of it would be then the bill never would have passed because people would have told their elected representatives not to vote for it.
When the mainstream media starts doing it's job democrats better watch out.

Heck, White, forget about the media...when Middle Class Americans start getting their new healthcare bills they are going to be out on the streets with torches and pitchforks screaming for the Democrats to come out and answer for what they've done! This is going to get UGLY!!!
I'm sure she will be going straight to her jet to get drunk at tax payers expense.

:lol: When she was Speaker she regularly booked military aircraft to be on call should she decide to head back to Frisco on a Friday night....the plane was stocked with food and booze fit for a rajah.....lobster, prime rib, the best wine and liquor...all on our dime. When she didn't show, everything that could be salvaged was, the rest tossed in the garbage. Nancy has lived like a queen/commisar for years....and got herself several million$ setting up the Visa IPO as a windfall for her and her crook husband. She should be hanged.
I still miss Tim Russert, Gregory works from notes and doesn't think on his feet.

And how do you think Tim Russert would have handled that interview with Nancy Pelosi, Wry?

Russert didn't respond well to people trying to bullshit him. Pelosi was shoveling some Grade A manure. Think he wouldn't have called her on it?
Couldn't happen to a more deserving person... lying old hag...​

Pelosi: "We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It" - YouTube

Wait.....this is my fav:

"Sen. Dianne Feinstein appeared on CBS’ Face the Nation yesterday in part to face the music. Bob Schieffer led off this portion of her appearance by noting that the Obama administration has failed to deliver on many promises of ObamaCare, not the least of which was “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan.” Feinstein tries to explain that the promise was true … up until the bill passed.

FEINSTEIN: Well, as I understand it, you can keep it up to the time — and I hope this is correct, but this is what I’ve been told — up to the time the bill was enacted, and after that, it’s a different story. That part of it, if true, was never made clear."
Feinstein: Hey, you could have kept your plan ? until we enacted ObamaCare « Hot Air

".....up to the time the bill was enacted, and after that, it’s a different story."

I thought it was an SNL skit......
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Lol, even the thing obama wants to be remembered for. Is a failure, and libedals are still making excuses for him. Shows their intelligence.
Lol, even the thing obama wants to be remembered for. Is a failure, and libedals are still making excuses for him. Shows their intelligence.

This is what Liberals will do.

The very dumbest among the herd will do as you say....defend the indefensible.

But most will simply move on down the road, whistling a tune...pretending the scandals never happened, memorizing the latest bumper-sticker about Bush.

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