San Fran Supervisor leads profanity-laced chant aimed at police officer's union

Unions are the life blood of California politicians
San Francisco Board of Supervisors....a small group of people at odds with sanity and good judgement.
Is it Pelosi's district? People are living and dying under tarps on the street. The body fluids and shit and piss from an estimated 10,000 people is flowing into the Bay bypassing sewage plants every time it rains and alleged elected representatives are at war with the Police? It's gotta be a sign of the end times.

San Francisco likely elected an anti-police District Attorney this week as well. Chesa Boudin is the son of Unrepentant Terrorists Bernadette Dohrn and Bill Ayers is the probably winner in that election. That family is best known for blowing up the New York PD headquarters as well as other terror ventures. Police Officers really are going to have to be extra careful not to offend San Francisco's Dope Pushers, Pimps and racketeers if they want to maintain their freedom. I would suggest to members of the force to concentrate their efforts on enforcing SF's parking regulations.

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