San Francisco guaranteed income program for pregnant black women to expand across California

Is this racist or what?

I'm going to mention this thread in another thread where pro life mother fuckers are saying there is no good reason to get an abortion. I told them if you eliminate the reasons why people get abortions, like how much raising a kid costs, then I'll be pro life too. But right now, abortion is a necessary evil. Otherwise, we have to have programs like this.

But if you value life, this is a good program. Obamacare, good program. Child tax credit, good idea. Free pre school and day care? Good ideas if a society wants to encourage people to have kids. Do we want that? No. I say the world is overpopulated.
I'm going to mention this thread in another thread where pro life mother fuckers are saying there is no good reason to get an abortion. I told them if you eliminate the reasons why people get abortions, like how much raising a kid costs, then I'll be pro life too. But right now, abortion is a necessary evil. Otherwise, we have to have programs like this.

But if you value life, this is a good program. Obamacare, good program. Child tax credit, good idea. Free pre school and day care? Good ideas if a society wants to encourage people to have kids. Do we want that? No. I say the world is overpopulated.
The Nazis thought the world had too many Jews. Aren't you part of the crowd that accuse Christians of shoving their beliefs on society?
Is this racist or what?

I didn't see the marriage requirement for these pregnant black women to receive these funds.
So let's look at the behvior being rewarded: single black women getting pregnant. Can anybody possibly see good consequences in this?

And this, of course, is the intention of the Marxist left: to further degrade colored families, and enrage whites who have to pay for this scam. It's all about division and degradation of society. The people who approved this bill cannot have the best interests for blacks in mind. Or for society.
I'm going to mention this thread in another thread where pro life mother fuckers are saying there is no good reason to get an abortion. I told them if you eliminate the reasons why people get abortions, like how much raising a kid costs, then I'll be pro life too. But right now, abortion is a necessary evil. Otherwise, we have to have programs like this.

But if you value life, this is a good program. Obamacare, good program. Child tax credit, good idea. Free pre school and day care? Good ideas if a society wants to encourage people to have kids. Do we want that? No. I say the world is overpopulated.
It's called "no sex until marriage". That solves 95% of all problems. But this is a foreign thought to leftwingers.
The Nazis thought the world had too many Jews. Aren't you part of the crowd that accuse Christians of shoving their beliefs on society?
I don't think there are too many Jews. Actually Israel seems overpopulated too. They could lower their birth rates too in fact I believe inflation is one way "they" get us to slow down. High cost of college? High housing prices? Low wages? How is anyone going to buy a home, get married, put their kids through college, save enough for retirement???
I'm going to mention this thread in another thread where pro life mother fuckers are saying there is no good reason to get an abortion. I told them if you eliminate the reasons why people get abortions, like how much raising a kid costs, then I'll be pro life too. But right now, abortion is a necessary evil. Otherwise, we have to have programs like this.

But if you value life, this is a good program. Obamacare, good program. Child tax credit, good idea. Free pre school and day care? Good ideas if a society wants to encourage people to have kids. Do we want that? No. I say the world is overpopulated.
It's Bull shit. And you're an idiot.
First thing that happens with any government program is people will abuse it.
Girls will get knocked up just to get a little free cash.
And then having children out of wedlock will skyrocket.
Which will only perpetuate poverty in the black community, because once their 18 months are up....they're stuck with the kid and having to raise them without government assistance.
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Good, maybe all the black women in the sane states will move to CA.

Jeez, you glass half empty types. ;)
I'm going to mention this thread in another thread where pro life mother fuckers are saying there is no good reason to get an abortion. I told them if you eliminate the reasons why people get abortions, like how much raising a kid costs, then I'll be pro life too. But right now, abortion is a necessary evil. Otherwise, we have to have programs like this.

But if you value life, this is a good program. Obamacare, good program. Child tax credit, good idea. Free pre school and day care? Good ideas if a society wants to encourage people to have kids. Do we want that? No. I say the world is overpopulated.
You do realize the pill is free now?
I don't think there are too many Jews. Actually Israel seems overpopulated too. They could lower their birth rates too in fact I believe inflation is one way "they" get us to slow down. High cost of college? High housing prices? Low wages? How is anyone going to buy a home, get married, put their kids through college, save enough for retirement???
Abortion isn't the solution to overpopulation.
I'm going to mention this thread in another thread where pro life mother fuckers are saying there is no good reason to get an abortion. I told them if you eliminate the reasons why people get abortions, like how much raising a kid costs, then I'll be pro life too. But right now, abortion is a necessary evil. Otherwise, we have to have programs like this.

But if you value life, this is a good program. Obamacare, good program. Child tax credit, good idea. Free pre school and day care? Good ideas if a society wants to encourage people to have kids. Do we want that? No. I say the world is overpopulated.
First off, the underlined word choice shows your maturity level. However, no one is encouraging people to have kids, we are encouraging people not to kill kids. Don't want kids, then don't get pregnant. Once your pregnant it isn't okay for you to kill your kid, or on me to give you "free stuff".
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