San Francisco Ignoring Murder Of Woman By Illegal Because Fox News Is Reporting The Crime


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
This is the effect of brainwashing. It has infected all levels of government. Supervisor Scott Weiner tells Fox News Reporter that he won't be answering their questions simply because he thinks Fox News isn't real news. This idiot is a prime example of the radical left. He's running for State Senate. Can he be trusted to represent everyone or just liberals? People like this are living in a fantasyland.


SF Supervisor Scott Weiner (D)

This is why San Francisco is allowing illegals to do whatever they want in their city. Because Fox News isn't real news. Another supervisor claimed that a Fox News reporter was being rude to her for simply being from Fox News.

All this is is bigotry folks. These people are so hateful that they will not answer questions from reporters and feel they don't even have to answer to the public for their criminal acts. The effects of their criminal policies blows up in their faces and all they want to do is act like it never happened.

S.F. supe Scott Wiener to reporter Fox News isn t real news - SFGate Blog


The Obama Administration was asked at a WhiteHouse briefing about the murder of a SF woman in a random killing by an illegal alien who had stolen a weapon from a federal agent. He was just out busting caps and this lovely woman got in the way.
Woman mourned suspect held in random killing on S.F. pier - SFGate

Nobody on the left gives a flying fuck about it. Josh Earnest was asked, and he referred the WhiteHouse correspondent to the Department of Homeland Security. When the DHS director was asked about the case yesterday, he claimed not to know a thing about it.
Disgrace DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson Has No Idea Who Kate Steinle Is - Katie Pavlich

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson testified on Capitol Hill today about a series of ongoing immigration, illegal immigration and security issues. When asked about whether the Obama administration had reached out to the family of Kate Steinle, the 32-year-old woman who was killed in San Francisco two weeks ago by an illegal alien who had been deported five times, Johnson had no idea who she was.

"Has the administration reached out to the Steinle family, to your knowledge?" Rep. Steve Chabot asked Johnson.

"To who?" Johnson replied.

"To the family of the woman who brutally murdered by this individual who had committed seven different felonies in four different states and to my understanding had been deported, kept coming back, has the administration reached out to that family?" Chabot asked again.

"I'm sorry, I don't know the answer to that question sir," Johnson said.

The answer is no, not a single person in the Obama administration has reached out to the Steinle family and it's a disgrace. Jeh Johnson and President Obama should watch a few interviews of Steinle's family talking about Kate's death and show some respect.

"I wish someone would reach out to us," Brad Steinle said during an interview onThe Kelly File last night.

When the White House was asked last week to comment on the Kate Steinle case, Press Secretary Josh Earnest said comment on "this specific case" could not be issued and that reporters should refer to DHS for information. It turns out the guy who leads DHS has no clue about who Kate Steinle is. Again, a disgrace. (H/T JazzShaw)

Obama has the time to call Gay basketball players personally, call the families of Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, but he doesn't have the time to offer personal condolences to a white murder victim's family.

And you people wonder why I don't consider Obama to be my president. It painfully clear who he cares about. Sure as shit isn't White law-abiding American citizens.
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This is the effect of brainwashing. It has infected all levels of government. Supervisor Scott Weiner tells Fox News Reporter that he won't be answering their questions simply because he thinks Fox News isn't real news.


SF Supervisor Scott Weiner (D)

This is why San Francisco is allowing illegals to do whatever they want in their city. Because Fox News isn't real news. Another supervisor claimed that a Fox News reporter was being rude to her for simply being from Fox News.

All this is is bigotry folks. These people are so hateful that they will not answer questions from reporters and feel they don't even have to answer to the public for their criminal acts. The effects of their criminal policies blows up in their faces and all they want to do is act like it never happened.

S.F. supe Scott Wiener to reporter Fox News isn t real news - SFGate Blog


The Obama Administration was asked at a WhiteHouse briefing about the murder of a SF woman in a random killing by an illegal alien who had stolen a weapon from a federal agent. He was just busting caps. Nobody on the left gives a flying fuck about it. Josh Earnest was asked, and he referred the WhiteHouse correspondent to the Department of Homeland Security. When the DHS director was asked about the case yesterday, he claimed not to know a thing about it. Woman mourned suspect held in random killing on S.F. pier - SFGate

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson testified on Capitol Hill today about a series of ongoing immigration, illegal immigration and security issues. When asked about whether the Obama administration had reached out to the family of Kate Steinle, the 32-year-old woman who was killed in San Francisco two weeks ago by an illegal alien who had been deported five times, Johnson had no idea who she was.

"Has the administration reached out to the Steinle family, to your knowledge?" Rep. Steve Chabot asked Johnson.

"To who?" Johnson replied.

"To the family of the woman who brutally murdered by this individual who had committed seven different felonies in four different states and to my understanding had been deported, kept coming back, has the administration reached out to that family?" Chabot asked again.

"I'm sorry, I don't know the answer to that question sir," Johnson said.

The answer is no, not a single person in the Obama administration has reached out to the Steinle family and it's a disgrace. Jeh Johnson and President Obama should watch a few interviews of Steinle's family talking about Kate's death and show some respect.

"I wish someone would reach out to us," Brad Steinle said during an interview onThe Kelly File last night.

When the White House was asked last week to comment on the Kate Steinle case, Press Secretary Josh Earnest said comment on "this specific case" could not be issued and that reporters should refer to DHS for information. It turns out the guy who leads DHS has no clue about who Kate Steinle is. Again, a disgrace. (H/T JazzShaw) Disgrace DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson Has No Idea Who Kate Steinle Is - Katie Pavlich

Obama has the time to call Gay basketball players personally, call the families of Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, but he doesn't have the time to offer personal condolences to a white murder victim's family.

And you people wonder why I don't consider Obama to be my president. It painfully clear who he cares about. Sure as shit isn't White law-abiding American citizens.

Obama is President to everyone but actual Americans......
Why would the government reach out to this family? The administration did its job by deporting the killer 5 times. If someone is determined to keep coming back, there is nothing anyone can do to stop them.

Building a wall is useless, because they just come in by boat or private planes.

The administration had no part in or responsibility for her death.
Why would the government reach out to this family? The administration did its job by deporting the killer 5 times. If someone is determined to keep coming back, there is nothing anyone can do to stop them.

Building a wall is useless, because they just come in by boat or private planes.

The administration had no part in or responsibility for her death.

Oh for god's sake! They aren't coming over the Mexican border by boat and private plane! They're pouring across a porous border that our politicians refuse to seal up because they're all too afraid of alienating the Latino vote! When the Obama Administration refuses to enforce the immigration laws we have on the books...then yes, they do have partial responsibility for the actions of those illegals they refuse to jail.
Why would the government reach out to this family? The administration did its job by deporting the killer 5 times. If someone is determined to keep coming back, there is nothing anyone can do to stop them.

Building a wall is useless, because they just come in by boat or private planes.

The administration had no part in or responsibility for her death.

SF ignored a federal detain order last April, and released him into the streets. They have released 30,000 criminal illegals because they are following Obama's lead....refusing to enforce immigration laws.
he won't be answering their questions simply because he thinks Fox News isn't real news.
To be honest, Weiner shouldn't be allowed to get away with this excuse. If he does, then it opens the door to anyone who wants to avoid talking to the press. What he said should be considered an insult, regardless of the press agency involved.

Good luck getting that State Senate seat when the media unilaterally decides that he isn't a "real candidate".

Regarding Jeh Johnson - it's not surprising that he didn't know who Ms. Steinle was... he doesn't look bright enough to recognize himself in the mirror, from a lot of the pictures I've seen of him.
If a story comes from FOX News it never really happened...
Only what is reported by CNN or MSNBC actually happened.

I guess that's the new law now.
The echo chamber in full hysteria ^^^ - how usual.

Notice within the echo's there is no effort to offer a viable solution to a serious problem, or to try to understand the policy in The City is no different than others in over 300 other American Cities.

Q. Why are there Sanctuary Cities

A. Ask Boehner and McConnell, they have the power to put forth comprehensive immigration reform.

Q. Why haven't they

A. Because they want to pander to the base, the arch conservatives Trump is now kissing up to with his demagoguery.
The echo chamber in full hysteria ^^^ - how usual.

Notice within the echo's there is no effort to offer a viable solution to a serious problem, or to try to understand the policy in The City is no different than others in over 300 other American Cities.

Q. Why are there Sanctuary Cities

A. Ask Boehner and McConnell, they have the power to put forth comprehensive immigration reform.

Q. Why haven't they

A. Because they want to pander to the base, the arch conservatives Trump is now kissing up to with his demagoguery.
Boner could bring it to a vote but Obozo would just veto why waste the time and money.
The echo chamber in full hysteria ^^^ - how usual.

Notice within the echo's there is no effort to offer a viable solution to a serious problem, or to try to understand the policy in The City is no different than others in over 300 other American Cities.

Q. Why are there Sanctuary Cities

A. Ask Boehner and McConnell, they have the power to put forth comprehensive immigration reform.

Q. Why haven't they

A. Because they want to pander to the base, the arch conservatives Trump is now kissing up to with his demagoguery.
Boner could bring it to a vote but Obozo would just veto why waste the time and money.

Bullshit. How much time and money has been spent on repealing the PPACA (Obamacare)? Why must you lie?
The echo chamber in full hysteria ^^^ - how usual.

Notice within the echo's there is no effort to offer a viable solution to a serious problem, or to try to understand the policy in The City is no different than others in over 300 other American Cities.

Q. Why are there Sanctuary Cities

A. Ask Boehner and McConnell, they have the power to put forth comprehensive immigration reform.

Q. Why haven't they

A. Because they want to pander to the base, the arch conservatives Trump is now kissing up to with his demagoguery.
Boner could bring it to a vote but Obozo would just veto why waste the time and money.

Bullshit. How much time and money has been spent on repealing the PPACA (Obamacare)? Why must you lie?
Repeating the same mistakes expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

Obama has shown to be an ideolog.....He's not about to change.

And calling me a liar is pretty rich coming from a dickwad who knowingly supports one in Obama.

If they decided to create a bill getting rid of sanctuary cities Obama will veto it and you will criticize it. Guaranteed.
The echo chamber in full hysteria ^^^ - how usual.

Notice within the echo's there is no effort to offer a viable solution to a serious problem, or to try to understand the policy in The City is no different than others in over 300 other American Cities.

Q. Why are there Sanctuary Cities

A. Ask Boehner and McConnell, they have the power to put forth comprehensive immigration reform.

Q. Why haven't they

A. Because they want to pander to the base, the arch conservatives Trump is now kissing up to with his demagoguery.
Boner could bring it to a vote but Obozo would just veto why waste the time and money.

Bullshit. How much time and money has been spent on repealing the PPACA (Obamacare)? Why must you lie?
Repeating the same mistakes expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

Obama has shown to be an ideolog.....He's not about to change.

And calling me a liar is pretty rich coming from a dickwad who knowingly supports one in Obama.

If they decided to create a bill getting rid of sanctuary cities Obama will veto it and you will criticize it. Guaranteed.

You're not a psychic; your biases alone prevent you from seeing the future with an clairity. Obama has called for comprehensive Immigration reform, the call is unheeded by the Republican Leadership, That's reality, you fantasies are irrelevant.
The echo chamber in full hysteria ^^^ - how usual.

Notice within the echo's there is no effort to offer a viable solution to a serious problem, or to try to understand the policy in The City is no different than others in over 300 other American Cities.

Q. Why are there Sanctuary Cities

A. Ask Boehner and McConnell, they have the power to put forth comprehensive immigration reform.

Q. Why haven't they

A. Because they want to pander to the base, the arch conservatives Trump is now kissing up to with his demagoguery.
Boner could bring it to a vote but Obozo would just veto why waste the time and money.

Bullshit. How much time and money has been spent on repealing the PPACA (Obamacare)? Why must you lie?
Repeating the same mistakes expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

Obama has shown to be an ideolog.....He's not about to change.

And calling me a liar is pretty rich coming from a dickwad who knowingly supports one in Obama.

If they decided to create a bill getting rid of sanctuary cities Obama will veto it and you will criticize it. Guaranteed.

You're not a psychic; your biases alone prevent you from seeing the future with an clairity. Obama has called for comprehensive Immigration reform, the call is unheeded by the Republican Leadership, That's reality, you fantasies are irrelevant.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform is code for "Amnesty".

Obama had a chance to address it 6 years ago when he had control of Congress and refused.

Republicans can't get any assurances that Democrats will apply any new laws equally, so their hands are tied.
The echo chamber in full hysteria ^^^ - how usual.

Notice within the echo's there is no effort to offer a viable solution to a serious problem, or to try to understand the policy in The City is no different than others in over 300 other American Cities.

Q. Why are there Sanctuary Cities

A. Ask Boehner and McConnell, they have the power to put forth comprehensive immigration reform.

Q. Why haven't they

A. Because they want to pander to the base, the arch conservatives Trump is now kissing up to with his demagoguery.
Boner could bring it to a vote but Obozo would just veto why waste the time and money.

Bullshit. How much time and money has been spent on repealing the PPACA (Obamacare)? Why must you lie?
Repeating the same mistakes expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

Obama has shown to be an ideolog.....He's not about to change.

And calling me a liar is pretty rich coming from a dickwad who knowingly supports one in Obama.

If they decided to create a bill getting rid of sanctuary cities Obama will veto it and you will criticize it. Guaranteed.

You're not a psychic; your biases alone prevent you from seeing the future with an clairity. Obama has called for comprehensive Immigration reform, the call is unheeded by the Republican Leadership, That's reality, you fantasies are irrelevant.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform is code for "Amnesty".

Obama had a chance to address it 6 years ago when he had control of Congress and refused.

Republicans can't get any assurances that Democrats will apply any new laws equally, so their hands are tied.

More and more bullshit. Your opinions are worthless, because they are 100% partisan.
This idiotic supervisor and exhibitionist former New York Congressman give sausages a bad name.

Wiener - are these two idiots brothers separated at birth?

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