san francisco may ban infant circumsion

SF May Ban Infant Circumcision | NBC Bay Area

interesting debate... the baby obviously can't consent to it and its basically mutilating the kid so why should parents be allowed to have it done? if the ceremony was to cut their finger off I don't think it would be allowed...
The baby can't consent to being aborted, either, but SF Libtards are ok with the mother making that decision for the baby....



The problem is with individual parental decisions for THEIR child. We need to stay the hell out of LEGAL parental decisions.

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And why are people in San Fransicko so obsessed with foreskin? Says a lot about their community no? They have no problem killing a baby but don't you dare mess with those foreskins. No offense,but Socialists/Progressives in San Fransicko really are pretty stupid.

The people in San Francisco want legalized prostituton and drugs, but are against circumcision?:confused:
And why are people in San Fransicko so obsessed with foreskin? Says a lot about their community no? They have no problem killing a baby but don't you dare mess with those foreskins. No offense,but Socialists/Progressives in San Fransicko really are pretty stupid.

The people in San Francisco want legalized prostituton and drugs, but are against circumcision?:confused:

Their agendas are a bit different from America's.
Wonder why they don't concentrate on their homeless population instead of toys and foreskins.. yep.. SF is SF MFSF,:cool:
And why are people in San Fransicko so obsessed with foreskin? Says a lot about their community no? They have no problem killing a baby but don't you dare mess with those foreskins. No offense,but Socialists/Progressives in San Fransicko really are pretty stupid.

The people in San Francisco want legalized prostituton and drugs, but are against circumcision?:confused:

yea tey want personal freedom for people and are exploring the affects of circumcision...
SF May Ban Infant Circumcision | NBC Bay Area

interesting debate... the baby obviously can't consent to it and its basically mutilating the kid so why should parents be allowed to have it done? if the ceremony was to cut their finger off I don't think it would be allowed...
The baby can't consent to being aborted, either, but SF Libtards are ok with the mother making that decision for the baby....



The problem with individual parental decisions for THEIR child. We need to stay the hell out of LEGAL parental decisions.
Thank you for catching my point.

The key word being LEGAL.

While I am, obviously, against abortion it is legal.
So is a parent and/or legal guardian allowed to consent to surgery for their child.
No one is subjecting all boys to circumcision. This is a parents individual decision. There are no laws forcing anyone to do anything.

I would think you boys would have a bigger problem if all women had their breasts cut off. ...just saying.

No laws except religious pressure. Aka laws of God. And it is not just a jewish thing either.

I think many women choose to have their male children circumsized becuase they do not want to have to teach their boys how to keep their little weenies clean. A religious sexual hangup thing.

So a cleanliness issue.

Or a not wanting to teach their boys how to keep their weenies clean. Aka religious sexual hangups.
And why are people in San Fransicko so obsessed with foreskin? Says a lot about their community no? They have no problem killing a baby but don't you dare mess with those foreskins. No offense,but Socialists/Progressives in San Fransicko really are pretty stupid.

The people in San Francisco want legalized prostituton and drugs, but are against circumcision?:confused:

yea tey want personal freedom for people and are exploring the affects of circumcision...

exploring the effects of cicumcision :lol:
I bet they are
No laws except religious pressure. Aka laws of God. And it is not just a jewish thing either.

I think many women choose to have their male children circumsized becuase they do not want to have to teach their boys how to keep their little weenies clean. A religious sexual hangup thing.

So a cleanliness issue.

Or a not wanting to teach their boys how to keep their weenies clean. Aka religious sexual hangups.

I dont think circumcision has anything to do with religion, specifically jewish.

Look at phallic art and symbols thought out history. Are they cut or uncut symbols?

Many tribes throughout the world circumcise. It's a reaching manhood celebration. And it is done NOT as babies.
And you people who don't believe a circumcised penis/health/cleanliness are all interrelated please explain why the American Taxpayer is footing the bill to teach males on the African continent how to wash said penis? We'll wait.

I think you've answered your own question. Why accept lower sensitivity, when there's soap readily available. Increased cervical cancer is due to a lack of hygeine, not because the foreskin is present.

I think the point is (pardon the pun) cleanliness is harder to acheive with a forskin.[/QUOTE}

How so? Washing with soap is washing with soap.
Tell me something.. Did this subject ever come up in the locker room when you were in high school?? I bet it was brutal wasn't it?

There were a couple kids who were not circumcised in my HS and really, it was no big deal.

I never made it a habit to look at or talk about other boy's dicks. Most straight guys don't.

LOL. Yeah right. That's the definition of insecurity right there. I remember whippin mine out on the side of the road to piss when I was in high school, and the friend who was pissing next to me looked over and said, 'Damn, that's a dick." lol

So you hung out with fags. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
How bout the Government just stay out of it? They should neither mandate or ban Circumcision. Case Closed.

I never said anything about banning it.

I believe as an educated, enlightened human being that slicing body parts off of an infant is wrong.

Just as I believe docking a dog's ears is wrong. Funny how there are more veterinarians who refuse to dock a dog's ears because it's cruel and inhumane than there are doctors who refuse to slice a chunk of a baby boy's penis off.
Don't forget DECLAWING cats. Talk about inhumane. And circus's. AND rodeos.
On an unrelated note, we've killed 19 coyotes on my land THIS WEEK!!!!

Its the greatest week ever!

(unless you're a coyote) :)

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