San Fransico Raises Min-wage to $15. Results in THIS:

Most businesses cannot afford to pay $15 hr.
Many of those who began to get $15 asked to cut the number of hrs they work so they don't loose benefits from the state.

and consumers will have to pay more for everything
You'd allow businesses who can't afford to pay $15. to pay less. Sounds like welfare for the business.
If they can't afford to compete in San Francisco they should go elsewhere.
Most businesses cannot afford to pay $15 hr.
Many of those who began to get $15 asked to cut the number of hrs they work so they don't loose benefits from the state.

and consumers will have to pay more for everything
You'd allow businesses who can't afford to pay $15. to pay less. Sounds like welfare for the business.
If they can't afford to compete in San Francisco they should go elsewhere.

You'd allow businesses who can't afford to pay $15. to pay less.

If they can't afford to pay $15, they shouldn't pay $15.

If they can't afford to compete in San Francisco they should go elsewhere.

They can compete, until the government does something stupid and drives them out of business or out of town.
Well lets see how long it takes businesses to automate everything. Would be cheaper than paying someone $15 and hour especially if you employ a lot of people.

Automation ruined it for the Auto makers. Lets see how long it takes to ruin it for every employable person out there.

It would be expensive to start with but would pay for itself in no time.

No one would have a job. Welcome to the world of idiots who want to up minimum wage.

LOL- and you think raising the minimum wage is to blame for that?

Supermarket cashiers generally get paid considerably above minimum wage- and guess what supermarkets are trying to automate check out.

I am no fan of automation replacing workers- but there is little correlation between automation and minimum wages.
Do you think minimum wage jobs require more than a minimal mental skill set? If that is true, which it is, then if someone wants to make more of, and in life, should realize that with that goal comes working on increasing one's worth, through improving one's skill set. And you wait to have a family until such occurs.
So, let me ask my fellow posters, what should the minimum wage be in San Francisco?
Question two, do you folks also complain about people on Food Stamps?
The Bay Area is an extremely expensive place to live.
$15 an hour is nothing there. When I graduated from high school I was living in Palo Alto and my summer job paid $3 more than the minimum wage in the early 80s.
I know couple of people live in Palo Alto. Home prices there are almost the same as here in La Jolla San Diego. $15 or $20 is nothing.
Most businesses cannot afford to pay $15 hr.
Many of those who began to get $15 asked to cut the number of hrs they work so they don't loose benefits from the state.

and consumers will have to pay more for everything
The $15. Minimum wage is an incremental. No one is paying $15 min. wage. Try to get that in your thick skull.
From theseattletimes-
Joseph Sabia, an economics professor at San Diego State University, said his research on the effects of the proposed jump in the federal minimum wage found that fewer than 15 percent of minimum-wage workers live in poverty.

“In contrast to the myth that a common minimum- wage worker is a poor single mother head-of-household struggling to make ends meet, the typical minimum-wage worker is actually a second- or third-earner in their 20s from a nonpoor household,” Sabia said.

And his research-

Only 11.3% of workers who will gain from an increase in the federal minimum wage to $9.50 per hour live in poor house holds, an even smaller share than was the case with the last federal minimum wage increase(15.8%). Of those who will gain, 63.2% are second or third earners living in households with incomes twice the poverty line, and 42.3% live in households with incomes three times the poverty line, wellabove $50,233, the income of the median household in 2007.
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Well lets see how long it takes businesses to automate everything. Would be cheaper than paying someone $15 and hour especially if you employ a lot of people.

Automation ruined it for the Auto makers. Lets see how long it takes to ruin it for every employable person out there.

It would be expensive to start with but would pay for itself in no time.

No one would have a job. Welcome to the world of idiots who want to up minimum wage.
It doesn't matter even if the MW is $8. we are still going to modern technology called AUTOMATION.
Yes automation ruin the auto industry... that's just sad isn't it.
76% of Americans were for raising the minimum wage, looking at that 76%, it included Republicans.
The Republicans wouldn't bring it to vote. They claimed that it would cause inflation and cause unemployment. However, neither has ever happened. Go lookup the dates when the minimum wage took effect, then look as t historic inflation (CPI) and historic unemploymen numbers. There was absolutely no spikes with inflation and unemployment numbers. The GOP lied their heads off.
Secondly, according to the conservative Cato Institute said that raising the minimum wage benefits 70% of the middle class.
Now let's come to something very current. During the 2014 election,the GOP ran on boosting the middle class, they didn't raise the minimum wage, but they did help the wealthiest 0.02% with their death tax legislation. Today, the GOP's favorability is at a 18 year low. They broke their promise to the middle class who has been spinning their wheels for decades,not a smart move. That demographic is getting pissed (see Sanders huge crowds in even Red States).
Now back to San Francisco, it's an expensive city, this doom and gloom protests by our posters reminds me of when Seattle went to $15 per hour. People here made some pretty dire predictions about businesse closing. But none of it happened. As a matter of fact, Seattle had a record number of new restaurant openings.
Kool-aid drinking makes people stupid.
I went several 12 rounds with several members of this board to prove or show me a restaurant or any establishment that closed because of MW hike. NOBODY. There are no $15. MW in Seattle its incremental.
Most businesses cannot afford to pay $15 hr.
Many of those who began to get $15 asked to cut the number of hrs they work so they don't loose benefits from the state.

and consumers will have to pay more for everything
You'd allow businesses who can't afford to pay $15. to pay less. Sounds like welfare for the business.
If they can't afford to compete in San Francisco they should go elsewhere.
You Leftwats are under the delusion that you can name a salary and it will be paid regardless of the markets ability to support it. You really think a genie can grant wishes and it just happens.



You can lead Leftists to reason, but you can't make 'em THINK!

I saw this kind of technology when I was in Singapore last year. Applebee's has introduced this technology several of their restaurants as pilot test this year. And I like it.
Don't tell me only leftist has this cool idea.

The Left didn't come up with the idea... the idea came as a means to cut out the illiterate dead weight common to the "Minimum Wage" lobby.

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So, let me ask my fellow posters, what should the minimum wage be in San Francisco?
Question two, do you folks also complain about people on Food Stamps?

So, let me ask my fellow posters, what should the minimum wage be in San Francisco?

The same as everywhere else, $0.
Where in the world do you live that MW should be ZERO?


You can lead Leftists to reason, but you can't make 'em THINK!

I saw this kind of technology when I was in Singapore last year. Applebee's has introduced this technology several of their restaurants as pilot test this year. And I like it.
Don't tell me only leftist has this cool idea.

The Left didn't come up with the idea... the idea came as a means to cut out the illiterate dead weight common to the "Minimum Wage" lobby.

Even if the MW is $8. Do you think MW will stop this kind of (automation) new idea? Left or right it doesn't matter. We are going to automation either you like it or not.
Where in the world do you live that MW should be ZERO?

The Minimum wage is ZERO EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD. And this without exception.

By raising the MINIMUM WAGE TO $15, you're merely setting $15... AS ZERO!


You can lead Leftists to reason, but you can't make 'em THINK!

I saw this kind of technology when I was in Singapore last year. Applebee's has introduced this technology several of their restaurants as pilot test this year. And I like it.
Don't tell me only leftist has this cool idea.

The Left didn't come up with the idea... the idea came as a means to cut out the illiterate dead weight common to the "Minimum Wage" lobby.

Even if the MW is $8. Do you think this kind of automation will stop this kind of new idea? Left or right it doesn't matter. We are going to automation either you like it or not.

No... It wouldn't. Because taking orders for FOOD... is a service that is nearly absent value.

Locally... I am a customer of a company that charges me $5... to DELIVER FOOD TO MY HOME FROM ANY RESTAURANT IN TOWN.

Do you understand?


Now... what does that mean in terms of a person who walks up to the table at which I am sitting, writes down my order and walks it from the kitchen to my table?

And what is does THAT value do to the value of a person who punches in my order at a counter and picks up the food, turns and sets it on the counter for ME to pick up.

Let me make it easy for you... as that seems to be your wheelhouse... THAT IS NOT WORTH A DAM' THING. ZERO! NADA... ZILCH!
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You can lead Leftists to reason, but you can't make 'em THINK!

I saw this kind of technology when I was in Singapore last year. Applebee's has introduced this technology several of their restaurants as pilot test this year. And I like it.
Don't tell me only leftist has this cool idea.

The Left didn't come up with the idea... the idea came as a means to cut out the illiterate dead weight common to the "Minimum Wage" lobby.


Why are you crying?
It does not matter if you or I like it or not this is the modernization of technology.
I had this experience last year in Singapore using an iPad and it's awesome.
As I mentioned repeatedly. It doesn't matter even if the MW is $8. this modernization will happen and will not stop.
Where in the world do you live that MW should be ZERO?

The Minimum wage is ZERO EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD. And this without exception.

By raising the MINIMUM WAGE TO $15, you're merely setting $15... AS ZERO!
I traveled quite a bit around the globe and I have not seen MW that are zero.

Then you're not an adult human being.

As a 55 year old man who has been employed and an employer... the MINIMUM WAGE: is ZERO. (It's actually far less than that... as some people should be paying YOU to work FOR THEM, until they become WORTH ZERO.)

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