San Fransico Raises Min-wage to $15. Results in THIS:

Living in a right to work state didn't stop self checkout lines at the grocery store, the minimum wage has nothing to do with this restaurant in San Francisco.


You can lead Leftists to reason, but you can't make 'em THINK!

I saw this kind of technology when I was in Singapore last year. Applebee's has introduced this technology several of their restaurants as pilot test this year. And I like it.
Don't tell me only leftist has this cool idea.

The Left didn't come up with the idea... the idea came as a means to cut out the illiterate dead weight common to the "Minimum Wage" lobby.

Even if the MW is $8. Do you think this kind of automation will stop this kind of new idea? Left or right it doesn't matter. We are going to automation either you like it or not.

No... It wouldn't. Because taking orders for FOOD... is a service that is nearly absent value.

Locally... I am a customer of a company that charges me $5... to DELIVER FOOD TO MY HOME FROM ANY RESTAURANT IN TOWN.

Do you understand?


Now... what does that mean in terms of a person who walks up to the table at which I am sitting, writes down my order and walks it from the kitchen to my table?

And what is does THAT value do to the value of a person who punches in my order at a counter and picks up the food, turns and sets it on the counter for ME to pick up.

Let me make it easy for you... as that seems to be your wheelhouse... THAT IS NOT WORTH A DAM' THING. ZERO! NADA... ZILCH!

You can order your food via cellphone without talking to anybody and human will deliver to your food to your house. The same thing when you go to Applebee's ordering your food via iPad in your table and the sever will deliver your food to your table.
It's not my fault if your lifestyle is becoming obsolete. And WHY are you crying?
It's like the Automat (New York City). Anyone else remember that?

The only visible employees were a woman in a booth who exchanged currency for nickels, which were used to open the individual food slot doors, and the occasional appearance of a bus-man who cleared the tables and cleaned up any messes.

The place was immaculately clean and the general atmosphere was quiet and friendly. My favorite Automat item was their baked macaroni, which was delicious and cost only a quarter (five nickels). You drop your nickels in the slot, twist a little knob and a glass door pops open.

There were bins of utensils, napkins and condiments on wall shelves. Today everything would be stolen, which is one reason why such a place could no longer survive. Another reason is the homeless would take up residence there. while others would jimmy the little doors open or break the glass to steal food.

My mother loved the Automat. It fascinated her and she liked the soft music and cleanliness of the place. She had a nickel jar in the kitchen and she wasn't the only New Yorker who would take a subway ride just to dine at the Automat.

Memories of the Automat make me realize what a different world I'm living in.
76% of Americans were for raising the minimum wage, looking at that 76%, it included Republicans.
The Republicans wouldn't bring it to vote. They claimed that it would cause inflation and cause unemployment. However, neither has ever happened. Go lookup the dates when the minimum wage took effect, then look as t historic inflation (CPI) and historic unemploymen numbers. There was absolutely no spikes with inflation and unemployment numbers. The GOP lied their heads off.
Secondly, according to the conservative Cato Institute said that raising the minimum wage benefits 70% of the middle class.
Now let's come to something very current. During the 2014 election,the GOP ran on boosting the middle class, they didn't raise the minimum wage, but they did help the wealthiest 0.02% with their death tax legislation. Today, the GOP's favorability is at a 18 year low. They broke their promise to the middle class who has been spinning their wheels for decades,not a smart move. That demographic is getting pissed (see Sanders huge crowds in even Red States).
Now back to San Francisco, it's an expensive city, this doom and gloom protests by our posters reminds me of when Seattle went to $15 per hour. People here made some pretty dire predictions about businesse closing. But none of it happened. As a matter of fact, Seattle had a record number of new restaurant openings.
Kool-aid drinking makes people stupid.
Raising it to WHAT?
So to the naysayers, have you been complaining about the folks on food stamps who are making low wages?
You can't have it both ways, ya know!
No...Wanting both ways is when one makes zero effort to improve their education or skills then demands they be paid higher wages.
So to the naysayers, have you been complaining about the folks on food stamps who are making low wages?
You can't have it both ways, ya know!
No...Wanting both ways is when one makes zero effort to improve their education or skills then demands they be paid higher wages.

Until they upgrade their skills how should they house and feed themselves?
I love how the same people who want everyone to get paid nothing also want no welfare and small government. Sorry but high wages are how you lower welfare and decrease the size of governent. All this increasing inequality is increasing government dependence and the size of government. Not to mention slowing the economy.
I love how the same people who want everyone to get paid nothing also want no welfare and small government. Sorry but high wages are how you lower welfare and decrease the size of governent. All this increasing inequality is increasing government dependence and the size of government. Not to mention slowing the economy.
Their concern is with the business or corporation rather than the employee.
So, let me ask my fellow posters, what should the minimum wage be in San Francisco?
Question two, do you folks also complain about people on Food Stamps?

For 80 years you Klowns have been wrong about Min wage Bubs (as well as EVERYTHING else in your "reality")...
Kiwi is a liberal, so yea, you got it right in one posting, for a change

A loony lib in fact but Dad2 is so far down that socialist wabbit hole (or so far up his butt) he would find Karl Marx to be a hardcore RWer.
I love how the same people who want everyone to get paid nothing also want no welfare and small government. Sorry but high wages are how you lower welfare and decrease the size of governent. All this increasing inequality is increasing government dependence and the size of government. Not to mention slowing the economy.
Their concern is with the business or corporation rather than the employee.

Yes corporations are no longer taking care of employees so the government has to. And the government grows. If you want small government the corporations have to take care of employees.
With or without a minimum wage law it just makes sense that in a town where a studio apartment rents for $3,000/month you are not going to have service employees if they are not paid a whole lot more than $7.25/hr.

There is a worker problem in several of these high salary Silicon Valley communities. How much do you have to pay people to work in dry cleaners and gas stations if they have to commute to these jobs in towns they can't afford to live in?

That has long been the case for affluent communities yet nearby, less-wealthy neighborhoods always seem to eagerly fill the jobs. Most cities - including San Fran - have a mix of economic situations and not all rentals are $3,000/mo.
So to the naysayers, have you been complaining about the folks on food stamps who are making low wages?
You can't have it both ways, ya know!
No...Wanting both ways is when one makes zero effort to improve their education or skills then demands they be paid higher wages.

Spoon, did I anything about wanting it both ways? Nope.
Not that long ago, companies used to provide training to their employees to upgrade their skills, that was back when companies used to invest in their employees.
So now a low paid employee must find funds to pay for training to upgrade their skills. When they are making minimum wage, that can be quite tricky, no?
I see the GOP wants to cut funding for training programs. Well, that just adds another wall for those who want to better their skills and life.
The Bay Area is an extremely expensive place to live.
$15 an hour is nothing there. When I graduated from high school I was living in Palo Alto and my summer job paid $3 more than the minimum wage in the early 80s.

All this increase in the minimum wage is accomplishing is two things:

- Less minimum wage jobs, which has an inordinate impact on teenagers who are denied the opportunity to develop good work habits.

- To make fast food and other high labor local good and services Much More Expensive, which impacts poor people the most.


It is clear that those demanding gov't intervention in our labor market are unconcerned with the effect their demands might have on the supply of entry/exit level jobs. In fact, what is better for Demos than a larger unemployed, angry electorate which is susceptible to the Demo's Siren Song (more gov't freebies)?

INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded - in exchange for their votes - with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
So to the naysayers, have you been complaining about the folks on food stamps who are making low wages?
You can't have it both ways, ya know!

How does that differ than those who want to increase biz labor costs (by gov't fiat) while raising corporate taxes?
You can't have it both ways, ya know!
It is easy to convince the uneducated that biz is the enemy but most of us depend on biz to provide us with jobs.
Something about biting the very hand that feeds us.
With or without a minimum wage law it just makes sense that in a town where a studio apartment rents for $3,000/month you are not going to have service employees if they are not paid a whole lot more than $7.25/hr.

There is a worker problem in several of these high salary Silicon Valley communities. How much do you have to pay people to work in dry cleaners and gas stations if they have to commute to these jobs in towns they can't afford to live in?

So you feel that because rents are high, the government should deflate the currency further, injuring everyone who trades in that currency, equally?

How long have you presented these irrefutable signs of idiocy?
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So to the naysayers, have you been complaining about the folks on food stamps who are making low wages?
You can't have it both ways, ya know!
No...Wanting both ways is when one makes zero effort to improve their education or skills then demands they be paid higher wages.

Spoon, did I anything about wanting it both ways? Nope.
Not that long ago, companies used to provide training to their employees to upgrade their skills, that was back when companies used to invest in their employees.
So now a low paid employee must find funds to pay for training to upgrade their skills. When they are making minimum wage, that can be quite tricky, no?
I see the GOP wants to cut funding for training programs. Well, that just adds another wall for those who want to better their skills and life.
I still provide training to my employees based on initiative. If they want to become obsolete that's their choice but most take classes and training to get advance.
I love how the same people who want everyone to get paid nothing also want no welfare and small government. Sorry but high wages are how you lower welfare and decrease the size of governent. All this increasing inequality is increasing government dependence and the size of government. Not to mention slowing the economy.
Their concern is with the business or corporation rather than the employee.

Artificially high wages - those not determined by productivity but rather gov't mandated - simply distort the economy creating inflationary pressure on prices which leave the poorest among us in exactly the same situation they are now.
The concern is always with balance and stability.
So to the naysayers, have you been complaining about the folks on food stamps who are making low wages?
You can't have it both ways, ya know!
No...Wanting both ways is when one makes zero effort to improve their education or skills then demands they be paid higher wages.

Spoon, did I anything about wanting it both ways? Nope.
Not that long ago, companies used to provide training to their employees to upgrade their skills, that was back when companies used to invest in their employees.
So now a low paid employee must find funds to pay for training to upgrade their skills. When they are making minimum wage, that can be quite tricky, no?
I see the GOP wants to cut funding for training programs. Well, that just adds another wall for those who want to better their skills and life.
I still provide training to my employees based on initiative. If they want to become obsolete that's their choice but most take classes and training to get advance.
Oh! Tell us of these training services you provide to allow your employees to advance!

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