San Fransico Raises Min-wage to $15. Results in THIS:

RodISHI said:
Looked to me like it wasn't bother anyone to pay those high prices in that video. Personally I'd just move

So... because the product price is what you consider 'high', you feel that this provides for 'high wages' in exchange for services that represent no discernible value?

You're basing this on what?
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The Bay Area is an extremely expensive place to live.
$15 an hour is nothing there. When I graduated from high school I was living in Palo Alto and my summer job paid $3 more than the minimum wage in the early 80s.

All this increase in the minimum wage is accomplishing is two things:

- Less minimum wage jobs, which has an inordinate impact on teenagers who are denied the opportunity to develop good work habits.

- To make fast food and other high labor local good and services Much More Expensive, which impacts poor people the most.

Poor people should eat all fast food? or should they be fixing food at home? Teenagers can't mow lawns anymore or go around and offer to pull weeds, sweep or whatever?

Where did Bod claim that "Poor people should eat all fast food?" It is a well known fact that far more poor peeps eat FF than wealthy peeps. Push up the price of FF and the poor are hurt most.
He didn't. It was a question I posed as yes I know more poor people eat fast food than rich. The rich donate to their favorite charities, ballrooms and entertainment that the poor cannot afford tickets too. Then the rich claim how they donate more than anyone to charities like they are really doing something great. Utter hogwash. Anyhow families need a decent wage and they need to be able to actually cook their own food.
The Bay Area is an extremely expensive place to live.
$15 an hour is nothing there. When I graduated from high school I was living in Palo Alto and my summer job paid $3 more than the minimum wage in the early 80s.

All this increase in the minimum wage is accomplishing is two things:

- Less minimum wage jobs, which has an inordinate impact on teenagers who are denied the opportunity to develop good work habits.

- To make fast food and other high labor local good and services Much More Expensive, which impacts poor people the most.

Poor people should eat all fast food? or should they be fixing food at home? Teenagers can't mow lawns anymore or go around and offer to pull weeds, sweep or whatever?

Where did Bod claim that "Poor people should eat all fast food?" It is a well known fact that far more poor peeps eat FF than wealthy peeps. Push up the price of FF and the poor are hurt most.
He didn't. It was a question I posed as yes I know more poor people eat fast food than rich. The rich donate to their favorite charities, ballrooms and entertainment that the poor cannot afford tickets too. Then the rich claim how they donate more than anyone to charities like they are really doing something great. Utter hogwash. Anyhow families need a decent wage and they need to be able to actually cook their own food.

Are you smoking pot today?
The Bay Area is an extremely expensive place to live.
$15 an hour is nothing there. When I graduated from high school I was living in Palo Alto and my summer job paid $3 more than the minimum wage in the early 80s.

All this increase in the minimum wage is accomplishing is two things:

- Less minimum wage jobs, which has an inordinate impact on teenagers who are denied the opportunity to develop good work habits.

- To make fast food and other high labor local good and services Much More Expensive, which impacts poor people the most.

Poor people should eat all fast food? or should they be fixing food at home? Teenagers can't mow lawns anymore or go around and offer to pull weeds, sweep or whatever?

Where did Bod claim that "Poor people should eat all fast food?" It is a well known fact that far more poor peeps eat FF than wealthy peeps. Push up the price of FF and the poor are hurt most.
He didn't. It was a question I posed as yes I know more poor people eat fast food than rich. The rich donate to their favorite charities, ballrooms and entertainment that the poor cannot afford tickets too. Then the rich claim how they donate more than anyone to charities like they are really doing something great. Utter hogwash. Anyhow families need a decent wage and they need to be able to actually cook their own food.

Are you smoking pot today?
No I am just telling the truth of the matter as I have watched this going down now for some years now.

Should have added I don't do pot or any kind of drugs, although I have seen a lot of lawyers, ritzy contractors and such that do.
I love how the same people who want everyone to get paid nothing also want no welfare and small government. Sorry but high wages are how you lower welfare and decrease the size of governent. All this increasing inequality is increasing government dependence and the size of government. Not to mention slowing the economy.
Their concern is with the business or corporation rather than the employee.

Artificially high wages - those not determined by productivity but rather gov't mandated - simply distort the economy creating inflationary pressure on prices which leave the poorest among us in exactly the same situation they are now.
The concern is always with balance and stability.
Like the multimillion dollar salaries of CEOs?

The average CEO earns $180,000/yr.
Ever notice that NBA stars earn many times more than average players and rookies? That they all earn more than the average American worker?
Wonder why that is?
Answer: Supply and demand for TALENT.
Once no one can afford the games they will either have to raise salaries or quit playing.

Nice dodge. The point you so assiduously avoided is that the supply of highly qualified peeps is limited, however your supply and demand point is valid ... when consumers stop buying the NBA's product, the price of tickets and player salaries will stop rising or fall. When the price of McD's rises - because of gov't mandated wage increases - beyond its value to consumers, they will seek other options.
Once no one can afford the games they will either have to raise salaries or quit playing.

Who is John Galt?
No clue who is it? I should have worded that differently have not had TV for near twenty years.


You think someone who actually lives in a real world verses someone who watches TV to try to understand what real living is hysterical? We did not have one when the children grew up either. But hey my daughter was top of her class throughout high school and graduated with honors. She could run a company with forty plus employees when she was nineteen could you? Our son could run every type of construction equipment you can shake a stick at by the time he was eighteen and build a house; including do all the concrete and finishing to start that building on, could you do that at eighteen? I doubt it.
I love how the same people who want everyone to get paid nothing also want no welfare and small government. Sorry but high wages are how you lower welfare and decrease the size of governent. All this increasing inequality is increasing government dependence and the size of government. Not to mention slowing the economy.
Their concern is with the business or corporation rather than the employee.

Artificially high wages - those not determined by productivity but rather gov't mandated - simply distort the economy creating inflationary pressure on prices which leave the poorest among us in exactly the same situation they are now.
The concern is always with balance and stability.
Like the multimillion dollar salaries of CEOs?

The average CEO earns $180,000/yr.
Ever notice that NBA stars earn many times more than average players and rookies? That they all earn more than the average American worker?
Wonder why that is?
Answer: Supply and demand for TALENT.

No it is a rigged game. Even bad ceos get paid tons and get golden parachutes when finally fired.
Their concern is with the business or corporation rather than the employee.

Artificially high wages - those not determined by productivity but rather gov't mandated - simply distort the economy creating inflationary pressure on prices which leave the poorest among us in exactly the same situation they are now.
The concern is always with balance and stability.
Like the multimillion dollar salaries of CEOs?

The average CEO earns $180,000/yr.
Ever notice that NBA stars earn many times more than average players and rookies? That they all earn more than the average American worker?
Wonder why that is?
Answer: Supply and demand for TALENT.
Once no one can afford the games they will either have to raise salaries or quit playing.

Nice dodge. The point you so assiduously avoided is that the supply of highly qualified peeps is limited, however your supply and demand point is valid ... when consumers stop buying the NBA's product, the price of tickets and player salaries will stop rising or fall. When the price of McD's rises - because of gov't mandated wage increases - beyond its value to consumers, they will seek other options.
The Bay Area is an extremely expensive place to live.
$15 an hour is nothing there. When I graduated from high school I was living in Palo Alto and my summer job paid $3 more than the minimum wage in the early 80s.

All this increase in the minimum wage is accomplishing is two things:

- Less minimum wage jobs, which has an inordinate impact on teenagers who are denied the opportunity to develop good work habits.

- To make fast food and other high labor local good and services Much More Expensive, which impacts poor people the most.

Poor people should eat all fast food? or should they be fixing food at home? Teenagers can't mow lawns anymore or go around and offer to pull weeds, sweep or whatever?

Where did Bod claim that "Poor people should eat all fast food?" It is a well known fact that far more poor peeps eat FF than wealthy peeps. Push up the price of FF and the poor are hurt most.
He didn't. It was a question I posed as yes I know more poor people eat fast food than rich. The rich donate to their favorite charities, ballrooms and entertainment that the poor cannot afford tickets too. Then the rich claim how they donate more than anyone to charities like they are really doing something great. Utter hogwash. Anyhow families need a decent wage and they need to be able to actually cook their own food.

So you admit you lied to make a point. Nice.
The wealthy do indeed donate to charity and to what charities and how much is none of your biz. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet operate a charitable foundation, founded in 2000, that employs 1376 people just to give their money away. Your disdain for the successful among us is as baseless as it is envious.
Total grant payments since inception: $33.5 billion
All this increase in the minimum wage is accomplishing is two things:

- Less minimum wage jobs, which has an inordinate impact on teenagers who are denied the opportunity to develop good work habits.

- To make fast food and other high labor local good and services Much More Expensive, which impacts poor people the most.

Poor people should eat all fast food? or should they be fixing food at home? Teenagers can't mow lawns anymore or go around and offer to pull weeds, sweep or whatever?

Where did Bod claim that "Poor people should eat all fast food?" It is a well known fact that far more poor peeps eat FF than wealthy peeps. Push up the price of FF and the poor are hurt most.
He didn't. It was a question I posed as yes I know more poor people eat fast food than rich. The rich donate to their favorite charities, ballrooms and entertainment that the poor cannot afford tickets too. Then the rich claim how they donate more than anyone to charities like they are really doing something great. Utter hogwash. Anyhow families need a decent wage and they need to be able to actually cook their own food.

Are you smoking pot today?
No I am just telling the truth of the matter as I have watched this going down now for some years now.

Should have added I don't do pot or any kind of drugs, although I have seen a lot of lawyers, ritzy contractors and such that do.

That's too bad. If you were on drugs, you could sober up. But as it is, you will still be stupid in the morning.

(H/T to Winston Churchill.)
The Bay Area is an extremely expensive place to live.
$15 an hour is nothing there. When I graduated from high school I was living in Palo Alto and my summer job paid $3 more than the minimum wage in the early 80s.

All this increase in the minimum wage is accomplishing is two things:

- Less minimum wage jobs, which has an inordinate impact on teenagers who are denied the opportunity to develop good work habits.

- To make fast food and other high labor local good and services Much More Expensive, which impacts poor people the most.

Poor people should eat all fast food? or should they be fixing food at home? Teenagers can't mow lawns anymore or go around and offer to pull weeds, sweep or whatever?

Where did Bod claim that "Poor people should eat all fast food?" It is a well known fact that far more poor peeps eat FF than wealthy peeps. Push up the price of FF and the poor are hurt most.
He didn't. It was a question I posed as yes I know more poor people eat fast food than rich. The rich donate to their favorite charities, ballrooms and entertainment that the poor cannot afford tickets too. Then the rich claim how they donate more than anyone to charities like they are really doing something great. Utter hogwash. Anyhow families need a decent wage and they need to be able to actually cook their own food.

So you admit you lied to make a point. Nice.
The wealthy do indeed donate to charity and to what charities and how much is none of your biz. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet operate a charitable foundation, founded in 2000, that employs 1376 people just to give their money away. Your disdain for the successful among us is as baseless as it is envious.
Total grant payments since inception: $33.5 billion
I did not lie to make a point dimwat, I asked a question. My disdain for the corrupt who fraud the people is real. I have no problem with people being rich. I do though when they use their fucking false pretenses and claim they are doing the people a favor in lining their own pockets and pleasures then telling the people to fuck off and die.
Once no one can afford the games they will either have to raise salaries or quit playing.

Who is John Galt?
No clue who is it? I should have worded that differently have not had TV for near twenty years.


You think someone who actually lives in a real world verses someone who watches TV to try to understand what real living is hysterical? We did not have one when the children grew up either. But hey my daughter was top of her class throughout high school and graduated with honors. She could run a company with forty plus employees when she was nineteen could you? Our son could run every type of construction equipment you can shake a stick at by the time he was eighteen and build a house; including do all the concrete and finishing to start that building on, could you do that at eighteen? I doubt it.

Should their compensation be determined by what a laborer or entry-level worker earns or on their value to the company?
Answer: the same dynamic is at work in CEO comp.
Once no one can afford the games they will either have to raise salaries or quit playing.

Who is John Galt?
No clue who is it? I should have worded that differently have not had TV for near twenty years.


You think someone who actually lives in a real world verses someone who watches TV to try to understand what real living is hysterical?

I know you're an ignorant wretch. Who speaks of catastrophically foolish ideas, as if they're the purest essence of reason.

And it is HYSTERICAL! (In every sense of the word)
Poor people should eat all fast food? or should they be fixing food at home? Teenagers can't mow lawns anymore or go around and offer to pull weeds, sweep or whatever?

Where did Bod claim that "Poor people should eat all fast food?" It is a well known fact that far more poor peeps eat FF than wealthy peeps. Push up the price of FF and the poor are hurt most.
He didn't. It was a question I posed as yes I know more poor people eat fast food than rich. The rich donate to their favorite charities, ballrooms and entertainment that the poor cannot afford tickets too. Then the rich claim how they donate more than anyone to charities like they are really doing something great. Utter hogwash. Anyhow families need a decent wage and they need to be able to actually cook their own food.

Are you smoking pot today?
No I am just telling the truth of the matter as I have watched this going down now for some years now.

Should have added I don't do pot or any kind of drugs, although I have seen a lot of lawyers, ritzy contractors and such that do.

That's too bad. If you were on drugs, you could sober up. But as it is, you will still be stupid in the morning.

(H/T to Winston Churchill.)

I don't think he's stupid but he certainly has that loony lib blind spot.
All this increase in the minimum wage is accomplishing is two things:

- Less minimum wage jobs, which has an inordinate impact on teenagers who are denied the opportunity to develop good work habits.

- To make fast food and other high labor local good and services Much More Expensive, which impacts poor people the most.

Poor people should eat all fast food? or should they be fixing food at home? Teenagers can't mow lawns anymore or go around and offer to pull weeds, sweep or whatever?

Where did Bod claim that "Poor people should eat all fast food?" It is a well known fact that far more poor peeps eat FF than wealthy peeps. Push up the price of FF and the poor are hurt most.
He didn't. It was a question I posed as yes I know more poor people eat fast food than rich. The rich donate to their favorite charities, ballrooms and entertainment that the poor cannot afford tickets too. Then the rich claim how they donate more than anyone to charities like they are really doing something great. Utter hogwash. Anyhow families need a decent wage and they need to be able to actually cook their own food.

So you admit you lied to make a point. Nice.
The wealthy do indeed donate to charity and to what charities and how much is none of your biz. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet operate a charitable foundation, founded in 2000, that employs 1376 people just to give their money away. Your disdain for the successful among us is as baseless as it is envious.
Total grant payments since inception: $33.5 billion
I did not lie to make a point dimwat, I asked a question. My disdain for the corrupt who fraud the people is real. I have no problem with people being rich. I do though when they use their fucking false pretenses and claim they are doing the people a favor in lining their own pockets and pleasures then telling the people to fuck off and die.

So you've a true disdain for Progressives? HEY! Me TOO! The difference between you and I is that I didn't vote for obama, either time.
All this increase in the minimum wage is accomplishing is two things:

- Less minimum wage jobs, which has an inordinate impact on teenagers who are denied the opportunity to develop good work habits.

- To make fast food and other high labor local good and services Much More Expensive, which impacts poor people the most.

Poor people should eat all fast food? or should they be fixing food at home? Teenagers can't mow lawns anymore or go around and offer to pull weeds, sweep or whatever?

Where did Bod claim that "Poor people should eat all fast food?" It is a well known fact that far more poor peeps eat FF than wealthy peeps. Push up the price of FF and the poor are hurt most.
He didn't. It was a question I posed as yes I know more poor people eat fast food than rich. The rich donate to their favorite charities, ballrooms and entertainment that the poor cannot afford tickets too. Then the rich claim how they donate more than anyone to charities like they are really doing something great. Utter hogwash. Anyhow families need a decent wage and they need to be able to actually cook their own food.

So you admit you lied to make a point. Nice.
The wealthy do indeed donate to charity and to what charities and how much is none of your biz. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet operate a charitable foundation, founded in 2000, that employs 1376 people just to give their money away. Your disdain for the successful among us is as baseless as it is envious.
Total grant payments since inception: $33.5 billion
I did not lie to make a point dimwat, I asked a question. My disdain for the corrupt who fraud the people is real. I have no problem with people being rich. I do though when they use their fucking false pretenses and claim they are doing the people a favor in lining their own pockets and pleasures then telling the people to fuck off and die.

Your "question" was based on a Straw Man. You created the issue out of thin air just so you could exhibit your loony leftist "concern" for the less fortunate among us.
Bod never claimed that all poor peeps should eat FF.
You did.

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