San Fransico Raises Min-wage to $15. Results in THIS:

Once no one can afford the games they will either have to raise salaries or quit playing.

Who is John Galt?
No clue who is it? I should have worded that differently have not had TV for near twenty years.


You think someone who actually lives in a real world verses someone who watches TV to try to understand what real living is hysterical?

I know you're an ignorant wretch. Who speaks of catastrophically foolish ideas, as if they're the purest essence of reason.

And it is HYSTERICAL! (In every sense of the word)
I agree it will be when people as such mention fully fail and fall. Its been happening for a=while not but there are a few just hanging in there thinking they can keep on keeping on. I can see it on the horizon as certain ones start saying, 'Gee, we never thought of that; no wonder the people are rising up'.
So you feel that because rents are high, the government should deflate the currency further, injuring everyone who trades in that currency, equally?

How long have you presented these irrefutable signs of idiocy?

I didn't say anything about deflating the currency. Only someone with no reasoning ability would say that.

Another idiot to put on my ignore roster.
I love how the same people who want everyone to get paid nothing also want no welfare and small government. Sorry but high wages are how you lower welfare and decrease the size of governent. All this increasing inequality is increasing government dependence and the size of government. Not to mention slowing the economy.
Their concern is with the business or corporation rather than the employee.

Artificially high wages - those not determined by productivity but rather gov't mandated - simply distort the economy creating inflationary pressure on prices which leave the poorest among us in exactly the same situation they are now.
The concern is always with balance and stability.
Like the multimillion dollar salaries of CEOs?

The average CEO earns $180,000/yr.
Ever notice that NBA stars earn many times more than average players and rookies? That they all earn more than the average American worker?
Wonder why that is?
Answer: Supply and demand for TALENT.

No it is a rigged game. Even bad ceos get paid tons and get golden parachutes when finally fired.

Well such is the nature of Progressivism (Relativism).
Poor people should eat all fast food? or should they be fixing food at home? Teenagers can't mow lawns anymore or go around and offer to pull weeds, sweep or whatever?

Where did Bod claim that "Poor people should eat all fast food?" It is a well known fact that far more poor peeps eat FF than wealthy peeps. Push up the price of FF and the poor are hurt most.
He didn't. It was a question I posed as yes I know more poor people eat fast food than rich. The rich donate to their favorite charities, ballrooms and entertainment that the poor cannot afford tickets too. Then the rich claim how they donate more than anyone to charities like they are really doing something great. Utter hogwash. Anyhow families need a decent wage and they need to be able to actually cook their own food.

So you admit you lied to make a point. Nice.
The wealthy do indeed donate to charity and to what charities and how much is none of your biz. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet operate a charitable foundation, founded in 2000, that employs 1376 people just to give their money away. Your disdain for the successful among us is as baseless as it is envious.
Total grant payments since inception: $33.5 billion
I did not lie to make a point dimwat, I asked a question. My disdain for the corrupt who fraud the people is real. I have no problem with people being rich. I do though when they use their fucking false pretenses and claim they are doing the people a favor in lining their own pockets and pleasures then telling the people to fuck off and die.

Your "question" was based on a Straw Man. You created the issue out of thin air just so you could exhibit your loony leftist "concern" for the less fortunate among us.
Bod never claimed that all poor peeps should eat FF.
You did.
It was based on what I know. As I said I posed a question. Glad I did though because it shows me what and who you are.
So you feel that because rents are high, the government should deflate the currency further, injuring everyone who trades in that currency, equally?

How long have you presented these irrefutable signs of idiocy?

I didn't say anything about deflating the currency. Only someone with no reasoning ability would say that.

Another idiot to put on my ignore roster.

Minimum wage, axiomatically deflates the currency that is used in exchange of the inflated wage.

(Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted)
Where did Bod claim that "Poor people should eat all fast food?" It is a well known fact that far more poor peeps eat FF than wealthy peeps. Push up the price of FF and the poor are hurt most.
He didn't. It was a question I posed as yes I know more poor people eat fast food than rich. The rich donate to their favorite charities, ballrooms and entertainment that the poor cannot afford tickets too. Then the rich claim how they donate more than anyone to charities like they are really doing something great. Utter hogwash. Anyhow families need a decent wage and they need to be able to actually cook their own food.

So you admit you lied to make a point. Nice.
The wealthy do indeed donate to charity and to what charities and how much is none of your biz. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet operate a charitable foundation, founded in 2000, that employs 1376 people just to give their money away. Your disdain for the successful among us is as baseless as it is envious.
Total grant payments since inception: $33.5 billion
I did not lie to make a point dimwat, I asked a question. My disdain for the corrupt who fraud the people is real. I have no problem with people being rich. I do though when they use their fucking false pretenses and claim they are doing the people a favor in lining their own pockets and pleasures then telling the people to fuck off and die.

Your "question" was based on a Straw Man. You created the issue out of thin air just so you could exhibit your loony leftist "concern" for the less fortunate among us.
Bod never claimed that all poor peeps should eat FF.
You did.
It was based on what I know. As I said I posed a question. Glad I did though because it shows me what and who you are.

What was it that you 'know'? And please be specific.
I love how the same people who want everyone to get paid nothing also want no welfare and small government. Sorry but high wages are how you lower welfare and decrease the size of governent. All this increasing inequality is increasing government dependence and the size of government. Not to mention slowing the economy.
Their concern is with the business or corporation rather than the employee.

Artificially high wages - those not determined by productivity but rather gov't mandated - simply distort the economy creating inflationary pressure on prices which leave the poorest among us in exactly the same situation they are now.
The concern is always with balance and stability.
Like the multimillion dollar salaries of CEOs?

The average CEO earns $180,000/yr.
Ever notice that NBA stars earn many times more than average players and rookies? That they all earn more than the average American worker?
Wonder why that is?
Answer: Supply and demand for TALENT.

No it is a rigged game. Even bad ceos get paid tons and get golden parachutes when finally fired.

Here's a clue for you: not ever hiring works out. Shit happens. The vast majority of CEO's quietly and diligently go about their jobs to the best of their ability just, one would hope, as you do.
BTW, if you were a biz wiz you too might get a shot at the brass ring. All I see is from you is lots of envious, loony leftist whining and sniveling.
So you feel that because rents are high, the government should deflate the currency further, injuring everyone who trades in that currency, equally?

How long have you presented these irrefutable signs of idiocy?

I didn't say anything about deflating the currency. Only someone with no reasoning ability would say that.

Another idiot to put on my ignore roster.

So you don't like having your nose dipped in the shit you've been shoveling?
You only like speaking with those who share your loony left silliness?
Why am I not surprised.
Just so you know: it isn't important that you say higher wages results in higher prices, only that you understand the concept.
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Where did Bod claim that "Poor people should eat all fast food?" It is a well known fact that far more poor peeps eat FF than wealthy peeps. Push up the price of FF and the poor are hurt most.
He didn't. It was a question I posed as yes I know more poor people eat fast food than rich. The rich donate to their favorite charities, ballrooms and entertainment that the poor cannot afford tickets too. Then the rich claim how they donate more than anyone to charities like they are really doing something great. Utter hogwash. Anyhow families need a decent wage and they need to be able to actually cook their own food.

So you admit you lied to make a point. Nice.
The wealthy do indeed donate to charity and to what charities and how much is none of your biz. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet operate a charitable foundation, founded in 2000, that employs 1376 people just to give their money away. Your disdain for the successful among us is as baseless as it is envious.
Total grant payments since inception: $33.5 billion
I did not lie to make a point dimwat, I asked a question. My disdain for the corrupt who fraud the people is real. I have no problem with people being rich. I do though when they use their fucking false pretenses and claim they are doing the people a favor in lining their own pockets and pleasures then telling the people to fuck off and die.

Your "question" was based on a Straw Man. You created the issue out of thin air just so you could exhibit your loony leftist "concern" for the less fortunate among us.
Bod never claimed that all poor peeps should eat FF.
You did.
It was based on what I know. As I said I posed a question. Glad I did though because it shows me what and who you are.

What you did was put words in Bod's mouth because her actual post didn't provide you with enough to chew on. What you've actually done is expose who and what you are ... a typically dishonest loony leftist.
He didn't. It was a question I posed as yes I know more poor people eat fast food than rich. The rich donate to their favorite charities, ballrooms and entertainment that the poor cannot afford tickets too. Then the rich claim how they donate more than anyone to charities like they are really doing something great. Utter hogwash. Anyhow families need a decent wage and they need to be able to actually cook their own food.

So you admit you lied to make a point. Nice.
The wealthy do indeed donate to charity and to what charities and how much is none of your biz. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet operate a charitable foundation, founded in 2000, that employs 1376 people just to give their money away. Your disdain for the successful among us is as baseless as it is envious.
Total grant payments since inception: $33.5 billion
I did not lie to make a point dimwat, I asked a question. My disdain for the corrupt who fraud the people is real. I have no problem with people being rich. I do though when they use their fucking false pretenses and claim they are doing the people a favor in lining their own pockets and pleasures then telling the people to fuck off and die.

Your "question" was based on a Straw Man. You created the issue out of thin air just so you could exhibit your loony leftist "concern" for the less fortunate among us.
Bod never claimed that all poor peeps should eat FF.
You did.
It was based on what I know. As I said I posed a question. Glad I did though because it shows me what and who you are.

What was it that you 'know'? And please be specific.

All he "knows" is he is uncontrollably jealous of those more successful.
Poor people should eat all fast food? or should they be fixing food at home? Teenagers can't mow lawns anymore or go around and offer to pull weeds, sweep or whatever?

Where did Bod claim that "Poor people should eat all fast food?" It is a well known fact that far more poor peeps eat FF than wealthy peeps. Push up the price of FF and the poor are hurt most.
He didn't. It was a question I posed as yes I know more poor people eat fast food than rich. The rich donate to their favorite charities, ballrooms and entertainment that the poor cannot afford tickets too. Then the rich claim how they donate more than anyone to charities like they are really doing something great. Utter hogwash. Anyhow families need a decent wage and they need to be able to actually cook their own food.

So you admit you lied to make a point. Nice.
The wealthy do indeed donate to charity and to what charities and how much is none of your biz. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet operate a charitable foundation, founded in 2000, that employs 1376 people just to give their money away. Your disdain for the successful among us is as baseless as it is envious.
Total grant payments since inception: $33.5 billion
I did not lie to make a point dimwat, I asked a question. My disdain for the corrupt who fraud the people is real. I have no problem with people being rich. I do though when they use their fucking false pretenses and claim they are doing the people a favor in lining their own pockets and pleasures then telling the people to fuck off and die.

So you've a true disdain for Progressives? HEY! Me TOO! The difference between you and I is that I didn't vote for obama, either time.
I did not vote for Obama either. In fact I voted for Romney and still think he would have made a very good president. Its too bad he decided to stand on the little too liberal side as he lost the vote of people who are church going citizens that do not believe on the queer agenda. I even met him in person and talked with him when he first considered getting into the race. But see that is part of your problem, you cannot see only accuse. I'm not Mormon either, even knowing what certain members of that clan will and can do to non Mormons. I did not hold that against him nor should have anyone else. In retrospect though, I think he and his family are better off for him not winning.

Tell me since you are so very smartttt, what happened in that plane Anne was on that the engine failed? Do you even have a clue or have you even consider it? I bet not. I can tell you that my husband can tell you it was no mere accident. Must be too much corruption still running lose in this country as she sure has too many fools that are more than willing to keep the poor down.
So you've a true disdain for Progressives? HEY! Me TOO! The difference between you and I is that I didn't vote for obama, either time.
I did not vote for Obama either. In fact I voted for Romney and still think he would have made a very good president. Its too bad he decided to stand on the little too liberal side as he lost the vote of people who are church going citizens that do not believe on the queer agenda. I even met him in person and talked with him when he first considered getting into the race. But see that is part of your problem, you cannot see only accuse...

You mean kinda like the Bozo who falsely charged Bod with insisting that "poor people should eat only FF?" See how that works? Evidently you don't like it when the shoe is on your foot.
So you admit you lied to make a point. Nice.
The wealthy do indeed donate to charity and to what charities and how much is none of your biz. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet operate a charitable foundation, founded in 2000, that employs 1376 people just to give their money away. Your disdain for the successful among us is as baseless as it is envious.
Total grant payments since inception: $33.5 billion
I did not lie to make a point dimwat, I asked a question. My disdain for the corrupt who fraud the people is real. I have no problem with people being rich. I do though when they use their fucking false pretenses and claim they are doing the people a favor in lining their own pockets and pleasures then telling the people to fuck off and die.

Your "question" was based on a Straw Man. You created the issue out of thin air just so you could exhibit your loony leftist "concern" for the less fortunate among us.
Bod never claimed that all poor peeps should eat FF.
You did.
It was based on what I know. As I said I posed a question. Glad I did though because it shows me what and who you are.

What was it that you 'know'? And please be specific.

All he "knows" is he is uncontrollably jealous of those more successful.

Well sure... and who isn't?

We're working for a client at the moment who is head of one of the largest, most successful companies in the world.

What he is spending with us alone could buy a small county and we're only modifying a small 25k sqft winter home, down on the beach. The cars in his garage; if sold at top dollar, would only fuel his G650 for a couple of days... . A brilliant man, truly. Incredible discipline. And a wife who; even at her advanced years ( now well into her 30s) still has the glow and bounce of a women barely in her mid-20s.

But hey... such extraordinary wealth is to be expected from a man who has a lovely chapel across from his bedroom. It takes up a fair percentage of the 4th floor Master's Quarters.

From those who earn much from the opportunities they earned, much is expected and, in my experience, they usually over perform.

What's not to envy?
So you've a true disdain for Progressives? HEY! Me TOO! The difference between you and I is that I didn't vote for obama, either time.
I did not vote for Obama either. In fact I voted for Romney and still think he would have made a very good president. Its too bad he decided to stand on the little too liberal side as he lost the vote of people who are church going citizens that do not believe on the queer agenda. I even met him in person and talked with him when he first considered getting into the race. But see that is part of your problem, you cannot see only accuse...

You mean kinda like the Bozo who falsely charged Bod with insisting that "poor people should eat only FF?" See how that works? Evidently you don't like it when the shoe is on your foot.
It really does not make any difference what you claim. You can't see it because you are unwilling to look. I did not have a problem answering your inquiry. Did not have to claim you been smoking too much pot or that you are stupid. You do that yourself.


You can lead Leftists to reason, but you can't make 'em THINK!

Restaurants in my area are putting them on every table and there has been no increase in minimum wage. So far I haven't seen any decrease in the number of waiters because customers value service and doing yourself is not service. I was at Red Robin last night and found the tablets really neat and useful. A waiter still took our order and provide the usually services, got us some additional fryes and made some recommendations. There were some kid games and trivia games on the tablet that were interesting and we were able to pay our bill without waiting for the waiter to bring it.

The cost of this technology is dropping rapidly. It will find it's way to most restaurants with or without wage increases. The hand writing is on wall.
So to the naysayers, have you been complaining about the folks on food stamps who are making low wages?
You can't have it both ways, ya know!

How does that differ than those who want to increase biz labor costs (by gov't fiat) while raising corporate taxes?
You can't have it both ways, ya know!
It is easy to convince the uneducated that biz is the enemy but most of us depend on biz to provide us with jobs.
Something about biting the very hand that feeds us.

And the hand that feeds us has been feeding us crumbs. There isn't an economists worth his salt that will deny that wages have been flat for over three decades.
Why is it that the U.S. used to have the most viable and wealthiest middle class in the world and now we don't. Why is it that other industrial nation's middle class have seen stronger income and wealth growth than the U.S. middle class? Why do companies in other industrial countries invest in their employees and in the U.S. they don't.
Last year I met a investor from Germany looking into invest in American companies, he told me that American technology and worker skills were about 10 years behind their Eoropean counterparts. In Europe they invest their profits back into the company which makes a solid long-term investment, in the US they funnel profits to the stockholder which doesn't solidify anything in regards to the long-term for the company.
So you've a true disdain for Progressives? HEY! Me TOO! The difference between you and I is that I didn't vote for obama, either time.
I did not vote for Obama either. In fact I voted for Romney and still think he would have made a very good president. Its too bad he decided to stand on the little too liberal side as he lost the vote of people who are church going citizens that do not believe on the queer agenda. I even met him in person and talked with him when he first considered getting into the race. But see that is part of your problem, you cannot see only accuse...

You mean kinda like the Bozo who falsely charged Bod with insisting that "poor people should eat only FF?" See how that works? Evidently you don't like it when the shoe is on your foot.
It really does not make any difference what you claim. You can't see it because you are unwilling to look. I did not have a problem answering your inquiry. Did not have to claim you been smoking too much pot or that you are stupid. You do that yourself.

I neither accused you of drug abuse or stupidity. In fact, I specifically responded to Bod that I don't think you are stupid but rather suffering from loony lib (and jealously induced) blindness. Your posts consistently reinforce my conclusion.
You did indeed falsely charge Bod with saying poor people should eat only fast food. Just admit you lied and move on. Sheesh.


You can lead Leftists to reason, but you can't make 'em THINK!

Restaurants in my area are putting them on every table and there has been no increase in minimum wage. So far I haven't seen any decrease in the number of waiters because customers value service and doing yourself is not service. I was at Red Robin last night and found the tablets really neat and useful. A waiter still took our order and provide the usually services, got us some additional fryes and made some recommendations. There were some kid games and trivia games on the tablet that were interesting and we were able to pay our bill without waiting for the waiter to bring it.

The cost of this technology is dropping rapidly. It will find it's way to most restaurants with or without wage increases. The hand writing is on wall.

Huh... So, you're saying that people can order what they want and you've seen no decrease in the people delivering the food that people ordered without assistance from a person who took their order?

My goodness... it sounds like you live in an area that truly appreciates people who will bring their food from the kitchen to their table!

I must join you in that appreciation. I very rarely dine out, but I enjoy the cuisine from a host of local eateries, which is delivered by people who drive to those restaurants and deliver the food to my home!

It's a valuable service indeed. I routinely pay up to $5 for that service and on particularly long drives I've been known to go $10.

Of course that involves a couple of tons of automobile, fuel which run $2.50 gallon, specialized training, some common sense, and prolonged periods of conscious care for my food.

Naturally... the ordering of such is done on-line, usually through the iPad... sometime on the old Macbook. But 99% of the time it goes flawlessly.
So to the naysayers, have you been complaining about the folks on food stamps who are making low wages?
You can't have it both ways, ya know!

How does that differ than those who want to increase biz labor costs (by gov't fiat) while raising corporate taxes?
You can't have it both ways, ya know!
It is easy to convince the uneducated that biz is the enemy but most of us depend on biz to provide us with jobs.
Something about biting the very hand that feeds us.

And the hand that feeds us has been feeding us crumbs. There isn't an economists worth his salt that will deny that wages have been flat for over three decades.

Would ya take the time to demonstrate the improvements that the labor force has made; increasing its value... over the last three decades; which would subsequently bring higher wages?
So to the naysayers, have you been complaining about the folks on food stamps who are making low wages?
You can't have it both ways, ya know!

How does that differ than those who want to increase biz labor costs (by gov't fiat) while raising corporate taxes?
You can't have it both ways, ya know!
It is easy to convince the uneducated that biz is the enemy but most of us depend on biz to provide us with jobs.
Something about biting the very hand that feeds us.

And the hand that feeds us has been feeding us crumbs. There isn't an economists worth his salt that will deny that wages have been flat for over three decades.
Why is it that the U.S. used to have the most viable and wealthiest middle class in the world and now we don't. Why is it that other industrial nation's middle class have seen stronger income and wealth growth than the U.S. middle class? Why do companies in other industrial countries invest in their employees and in the U.S. they don't.
Last year I met a investor from Germany looking into invest in American companies, he told me that American technology and worker skills were about 10 years behind their Eoropean counterparts. In Europe they invest their profits back into the company which makes a solid long-term investment, in the US they funnel profits to the stockholder which doesn't solidify anything in regards to the long-term for the company.

Half of American households own stock. Many use those dividends to supplement Social Security but most reinvest them either in the issuing company or in other stocks. You complain from one side of your mouth about the lack of American investment and from the other side about the gains paid to those who invest.
Frankly, I weary of the whiny, sniveling losers who have neither the self-discipline to eschew current consumption nor the cajones to put their money where their whiny sniveling mouth is.

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