San Fransico Raises Min-wage to $15. Results in THIS:

Their concern is with the business or corporation rather than the employee.

Artificially high wages - those not determined by productivity but rather gov't mandated - simply distort the economy creating inflationary pressure on prices which leave the poorest among us in exactly the same situation they are now.
The concern is always with balance and stability.
Like the multimillion dollar salaries of CEOs?

The average CEO earns $180,000/yr.
Ever notice that NBA stars earn many times more than average players and rookies? That they all earn more than the average American worker?
Wonder why that is?
Answer: Supply and demand for TALENT.

No it is a rigged game. Even bad ceos get paid tons and get golden parachutes when finally fired.

Here's a clue for you: not ever hiring works out. Shit happens. The vast majority of CEO's quietly and diligently go about their jobs to the best of their ability just, one would hope, as you do.
BTW, if you were a biz wiz you too might get a shot at the brass ring. All I see is from you is lots of envious, loony leftist whining and sniveling.

I have worked with many high paid ceos and trust me they can easily be replaced by people just as good willing to work for less. I have not yet met one that is all that special.

In the 70's ceo's made like 40X the average worker, now is is over 300X to do the same job. It's a rigged game. Ceo pay is not based on performance.
Artificially high wages - those not determined by productivity but rather gov't mandated - simply distort the economy creating inflationary pressure on prices which leave the poorest among us in exactly the same situation they are now.
The concern is always with balance and stability.
Like the multimillion dollar salaries of CEOs?

The average CEO earns $180,000/yr.
Ever notice that NBA stars earn many times more than average players and rookies? That they all earn more than the average American worker?
Wonder why that is?
Answer: Supply and demand for TALENT.

No it is a rigged game. Even bad ceos get paid tons and get golden parachutes when finally fired.

Here's a clue for you: not ever hiring works out. Shit happens. The vast majority of CEO's quietly and diligently go about their jobs to the best of their ability just, one would hope, as you do.
BTW, if you were a biz wiz you too might get a shot at the brass ring. All I see is from you is lots of envious, loony leftist whining and sniveling.

I have worked with many high paid ceos and trust me they can easily be replaced by people just as good willing to work for less. I have not yet met one that is all that special.

In the 70's ceo's made like 40X the average worker, now is is over 300X to do the same job. It's a rigged game. Ceo pay is not based on performance.

Name one.
Like the multimillion dollar salaries of CEOs?

The average CEO earns $180,000/yr.
Ever notice that NBA stars earn many times more than average players and rookies? That they all earn more than the average American worker?
Wonder why that is?
Answer: Supply and demand for TALENT.

No it is a rigged game. Even bad ceos get paid tons and get golden parachutes when finally fired.

Here's a clue for you: not ever hiring works out. Shit happens. The vast majority of CEO's quietly and diligently go about their jobs to the best of their ability just, one would hope, as you do.
BTW, if you were a biz wiz you too might get a shot at the brass ring. All I see is from you is lots of envious, loony leftist whining and sniveling.

I have worked with many high paid ceos and trust me they can easily be replaced by people just as good willing to work for less. I have not yet met one that is all that special.

In the 70's ceo's made like 40X the average worker, now is is over 300X to do the same job. It's a rigged game. Ceo pay is not based on performance.

Name one.

No thanks.
So to the naysayers, have you been complaining about the folks on food stamps who are making low wages?
You can't have it both ways, ya know!

How does that differ than those who want to increase biz labor costs (by gov't fiat) while raising corporate taxes?
You can't have it both ways, ya know!
It is easy to convince the uneducated that biz is the enemy but most of us depend on biz to provide us with jobs.
Something about biting the very hand that feeds us.

And the hand that feeds us has been feeding us crumbs. There isn't an economists worth his salt that will deny that wages have been flat for over three decades.

Would ya take the time to demonstrate the improvements that the labor force has made; increasing its value... over the last three decades; which would subsequently bring higher wages?

Once upon a time the iceman delivered ice daily to cool our iceboxes. When the fridge was invented, the iceman slipped into history. The vast majority of productivity gains over the last 3 decades have been powered by technology, often enabling 1 worker to do the work of many. Those who develop and build those technological wonders are well paid for their labor and those displaced must take the initiative to make themselves less iceman and more useful. That's life.
76% of Americans were for raising the minimum wage, looking at that 76%, it included Republicans.
The Republicans wouldn't bring it to vote. They claimed that it would cause inflation and cause unemployment. However, neither has ever happened. Go lookup the dates when the minimum wage took effect, then look as t historic inflation (CPI) and historic unemploymen numbers. There was absolutely no spikes with inflation and unemployment numbers. The GOP lied their heads off.
Secondly, according to the conservative Cato Institute said that raising the minimum wage benefits 70% of the middle class.
Now let's come to something very current. During the 2014 election,the GOP ran on boosting the middle class, they didn't raise the minimum wage, but they did help the wealthiest 0.02% with their death tax legislation. Today, the GOP's favorability is at a 18 year low. They broke their promise to the middle class who has been spinning their wheels for decades,not a smart move. That demographic is getting pissed (see Sanders huge crowds in even Red States).
Now back to San Francisco, it's an expensive city, this doom and gloom protests by our posters reminds me of when Seattle went to $15 per hour. People here made some pretty dire predictions about businesse closing. But none of it happened. As a matter of fact, Seattle had a record number of new restaurant openings.
Kool-aid drinking makes people stupid.

Kiwi an is a typical liberal who believes that if you say something enough people will think it is true, as well as deflecting from the root causes in order to protect Obama and the dems. The middle class, blacks, small business, and the poor are in worse shape today than when Obama came to office. The wealth disparity has exploded during obamas term. There are less people employed today than when Obama won election. Part time work has replaced good jobs as obamas policies has consistently anti growth and anti business. Republicans had many work bills that were stopped on their tracks by Harry Reid when he was leader in the senate. We have more people in poverty, more people on food stamps and twice as much debt as when Obama came to office. We have obamacare which is stopping businesses from hiring people. So let me spell,it out for kiwi. THE FACTS show that the Obama presidency has been a disaster for the middle class.

Now we have the claim that $15 wages are a panacea whose time has been a long time coming. More malarkey. As this article shows, there were unintended consequences that put a hurt on small business just to make liberals more smug and self serving about their great charity to those less fortunate, of course using someone else's money. Prices are going up, the poor are cutting their hours to hold on to,benefits, and the general public is getting hosed by a socialist plan that has always been a failure. Looks like a whole lot of people are happy with their welfare rather than working full time for a higher wage. How are liberals going to explain that one. Oh I know, they just need more money.

Seattle Sees Unexpected Fallout from $15 Per Hour Min. Wage
76% of Americans were for raising the minimum wage, looking at that 76%, it included Republicans.
The Republicans wouldn't bring it to vote. They claimed that it would cause inflation and cause unemployment. However, neither has ever happened. Go lookup the dates when the minimum wage took effect, then look as t historic inflation (CPI) and historic unemploymen numbers. There was absolutely no spikes with inflation and unemployment numbers. The GOP lied their heads off.
Secondly, according to the conservative Cato Institute said that raising the minimum wage benefits 70% of the middle class.
Now let's come to something very current. During the 2014 election,the GOP ran on boosting the middle class, they didn't raise the minimum wage, but they did help the wealthiest 0.02% with their death tax legislation. Today, the GOP's favorability is at a 18 year low. They broke their promise to the middle class who has been spinning their wheels for decades,not a smart move. That demographic is getting pissed (see Sanders huge crowds in even Red States).
Now back to San Francisco, it's an expensive city, this doom and gloom protests by our posters reminds me of when Seattle went to $15 per hour. People here made some pretty dire predictions about businesse closing. But none of it happened. As a matter of fact, Seattle had a record number of new restaurant openings.
Kool-aid drinking makes people stupid.

Kiwi an is a typical liberal who believes that if you say something enough people will think it is true, as well as deflecting from the root causes in order to protect Obama and the dems. The middle class, blacks, small business, and the poor are in worse shape today than when Obama came to office. The wealth disparity has exploded during obamas term. There are less people employed today than when Obama won election. Part time work has replaced good jobs as obamas policies has consistently anti growth and anti business. Republicans had many work bills that were stopped on their tracks by Harry Reid when he was leader in the senate. We have more people in poverty, more people on food stamps and twice as much debt as when Obama came to office. We have obamacare which is stopping businesses from hiring people. So let me spell,it out for kiwi. THE FACTS show that the Obama presidency has been a disaster for the middle class.

Now we have the claim that $15 wages are a panacea whose time has been a long time coming. More malarkey. As this article shows, there were unintended consequences that put a hurt on small business just to make liberals more smug and self serving about their great charity to those less fortunate, of course using someone else's money. Prices are going up, the poor are cutting their hours to hold on to,benefits, and the general public is getting hosed by a socialist plan that has always been a failure. Looks like a whole lot of people are happy with their welfare rather than working full time for a higher wage. How are liberals going to explain that one. Oh I know, they just need more money.

Seattle Sees Unexpected Fallout from $15 Per Hour Min. Wage

The lowest wage I pay is $15/hr.

I have three people working at that rate. Two are rookies, recent BS grads, with a few years experience in their entry level jobs.

The other is a guy that has worked for me for close to ten years now. He started at $10, 10 years ago... and is among the best technicians I've ever met, let alone employed.

He could easily be worth several times that, except he's a horrible alcoholic, prone to taking 'benders' which can last from a few days to a couple of weeks.

Over the years I've fired him many times... and swore repeatedly that he'd never work for me again.

But, over time, I've come to understand that the guy has skills which are quite valuable. He never comes to work drunk, and when he is sober, he is attentive with a very high degree of workmanship. I never have to worry about anything that I task him with.

But he will never earn more than $15 with me. If they raise the minimum wage to $500/hr, he'll earn $15.

And that is because that is what he accepts. He knows that he doesn't deserve more because he doesn't want more. To get more requires more responsibility and that... is something he simply cannot face.

I learned a LONG time ago that all I need to do to send him into a bender, is to allude to him that I am considering giving him more responsibility... (even with alluding to a significant raise in pay)... PRESTO! He doesn't show up for somewhere between a few days and a couple of weeks.

Great guy... among the nicest human beings I've ever met. But in economic terms, he has a comfort zone and that is PURELY and WHOLLY his choice.

Now some people will say that I'm nuts to keep him on and others will say that I'm exploiting him... and I couldn't give a dam what either one says, he is what he is and there is going to be no changing him.
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76% of Americans were for raising the minimum wage, looking at that 76%, it included Republicans.
The Republicans wouldn't bring it to vote. They claimed that it would cause inflation and cause unemployment. However, neither has ever happened. Go lookup the dates when the minimum wage took effect, then look as t historic inflation (CPI) and historic unemploymen numbers. There was absolutely no spikes with inflation and unemployment numbers. The GOP lied their heads off.
Secondly, according to the conservative Cato Institute said that raising the minimum wage benefits 70% of the middle class.
Now let's come to something very current. During the 2014 election,the GOP ran on boosting the middle class, they didn't raise the minimum wage, but they did help the wealthiest 0.02% with their death tax legislation. Today, the GOP's favorability is at a 18 year low. They broke their promise to the middle class who has been spinning their wheels for decades,not a smart move. That demographic is getting pissed (see Sanders huge crowds in even Red States).
Now back to San Francisco, it's an expensive city, this doom and gloom protests by our posters reminds me of when Seattle went to $15 per hour. People here made some pretty dire predictions about businesse closing. But none of it happened. As a matter of fact, Seattle had a record number of new restaurant openings.
Kool-aid drinking makes people stupid.

Kiwi an is a typical liberal who believes that if you say something enough people will think it is true, as well as deflecting from the root causes in order to protect Obama and the dems. The middle class, blacks, small business, and the poor are in worse shape today than when Obama came to office. The wealth disparity has exploded during obamas term. There are less people employed today than when Obama won election. Part time work has replaced good jobs as obamas policies has consistently anti growth and anti business. Republicans had many work bills that were stopped on their tracks by Harry Reid when he was leader in the senate. We have more people in poverty, more people on food stamps and twice as much debt as when Obama came to office. We have obamacare which is stopping businesses from hiring people. So let me spell,it out for kiwi. THE FACTS show that the Obama presidency has been a disaster for the middle class.

Now we have the claim that $15 wages are a panacea whose time has been a long time coming. More malarkey. As this article shows, there were unintended consequences that put a hurt on small business just to make liberals more smug and self serving about their great charity to those less fortunate, of course using someone else's money. Prices are going up, the poor are cutting their hours to hold on to,benefits, and the general public is getting hosed by a socialist plan that has always been a failure. Looks like a whole lot of people are happy with their welfare rather than working full time for a higher wage. How are liberals going to explain that one. Oh I know, they just need more money.

Seattle Sees Unexpected Fallout from $15 Per Hour Min. Wage

The lowest wage I pay is $15/hr.

I have three people working at that rate. Two are rookies, recent BS grads, with a few years experience in their entry level jobs.

The other is a guy that has worked for me for close to ten years now. He started at $10, 10 years ago... and is among the best technicians I've every met, let alone employed.

He could easily be worth several times that, except he's a horrible alcoholic, prone to taking 'benders' which can last from a few days to a couple of weeks.

Over the years I've fired him many times... and swore repeatedly that he'd never work for me again.

But, over time, I've come to understand that the guy has skills which are quite valuable. He never comes to work drunk, and when he is sober, he is attentive with a very high degree of workmanship. I never have to worry about anything that I task him with.

But he will never earn more than $15 with me. If they raise the minimum wage to $500/hr, he'll earn $15.

And that is because that is what he accepts. He knows that he doesn't deserve more because he doesn't want more. To get more requires more responsibility and that... is something he simply cannot face.

I learned a LONG time ago that all I need to do to send him into a bender, is to allude to him that I am considering giving him more responsibility... (even with alluding to a significant raise in pay)... PRESTO! He doesn't show up for somewhere between a few days and a couple of weeks.

Great guy... among the nicest human beings I've ever met. But in economic terms, he has a comfort zone and that is PURELY and WHOLLY his choice.

Now some people will say that I'm nuts to keep him on and others will say that I'm exploiting him... and I couldn't give a dam what either one says, he is what he is and there is going to be no changing him.
So what is your bitch about another compelled to pay $15.00 an hour?
That's a smart move. The result will not be good for those in the food service industry. spirals a little further outward from there.

All the clerks who were replaced with video screens used to have jobs that they used to spend disposal income in the greater free market at large.

And the dragon devours the last bit of its own tail..
76% of Americans were for raising the minimum wage, looking at that 76%, it included Republicans.
The Republicans wouldn't bring it to vote. They claimed that it would cause inflation and cause unemployment. However, neither has ever happened. Go lookup the dates when the minimum wage took effect, then look as t historic inflation (CPI) and historic unemploymen numbers. There was absolutely no spikes with inflation and unemployment numbers. The GOP lied their heads off.
Secondly, according to the conservative Cato Institute said that raising the minimum wage benefits 70% of the middle class.
Now let's come to something very current. During the 2014 election,the GOP ran on boosting the middle class, they didn't raise the minimum wage, but they did help the wealthiest 0.02% with their death tax legislation. Today, the GOP's favorability is at a 18 year low. They broke their promise to the middle class who has been spinning their wheels for decades,not a smart move. That demographic is getting pissed (see Sanders huge crowds in even Red States).
Now back to San Francisco, it's an expensive city, this doom and gloom protests by our posters reminds me of when Seattle went to $15 per hour. People here made some pretty dire predictions about businesse closing. But none of it happened. As a matter of fact, Seattle had a record number of new restaurant openings.
Kool-aid drinking makes people stupid.

Kiwi an is a typical liberal who believes that if you say something enough people will think it is true, as well as deflecting from the root causes in order to protect Obama and the dems. The middle class, blacks, small business, and the poor are in worse shape today than when Obama came to office. The wealth disparity has exploded during obamas term. There are less people employed today than when Obama won election. Part time work has replaced good jobs as obamas policies has consistently anti growth and anti business. Republicans had many work bills that were stopped on their tracks by Harry Reid when he was leader in the senate. We have more people in poverty, more people on food stamps and twice as much debt as when Obama came to office. We have obamacare which is stopping businesses from hiring people. So let me spell,it out for kiwi. THE FACTS show that the Obama presidency has been a disaster for the middle class.

Now we have the claim that $15 wages are a panacea whose time has been a long time coming. More malarkey. As this article shows, there were unintended consequences that put a hurt on small business just to make liberals more smug and self serving about their great charity to those less fortunate, of course using someone else's money. Prices are going up, the poor are cutting their hours to hold on to,benefits, and the general public is getting hosed by a socialist plan that has always been a failure. Looks like a whole lot of people are happy with their welfare rather than working full time for a higher wage. How are liberals going to explain that one. Oh I know, they just need more money.

Seattle Sees Unexpected Fallout from $15 Per Hour Min. Wage

This thread is just another in a long line of whiny leftist sniveling.
The free ride in America - those who pay no personal federal income tax - is limited to those earning less than $35,000/yr meaning the middle class - those making over $35,000 - do indeed help pull the train. I may have told you the source of my irritation with the current tax structure:
A long time friend - single mom with some college & 2 kids - works as much o-time as necessary to provide the kids with the little extras (hockey, dance) most of us want for our children. When o-time wasn't available she would take a 2nd job. She drove herself to have a life - nurturing, providing for & teaching her children, maintaining strong family & friend ties and working out daily - often at the cost of sleep.
She neither sought nor accepted gov't aid and always earned a bit more than the free-riders so that this hard-working, responsible mom annually paid at least some federal personal income tax which our gov't, in all its "wisdom and justice," used to supplement the income of those who couldn't or wouldn't match her effort.
She never expects or demands that society ("the rich") provide for her and hers ... she does what is necessary to be self-sufficient.
Too many neither help pull the train nor worse, game the system to minimize their labor and maximize their gov't freebies.
76% of Americans were for raising the minimum wage, looking at that 76%, it included Republicans.
The Republicans wouldn't bring it to vote. They claimed that it would cause inflation and cause unemployment. However, neither has ever happened. Go lookup the dates when the minimum wage took effect, then look as t historic inflation (CPI) and historic unemploymen numbers. There was absolutely no spikes with inflation and unemployment numbers. The GOP lied their heads off.
Secondly, according to the conservative Cato Institute said that raising the minimum wage benefits 70% of the middle class.
Now let's come to something very current. During the 2014 election,the GOP ran on boosting the middle class, they didn't raise the minimum wage, but they did help the wealthiest 0.02% with their death tax legislation. Today, the GOP's favorability is at a 18 year low. They broke their promise to the middle class who has been spinning their wheels for decades,not a smart move. That demographic is getting pissed (see Sanders huge crowds in even Red States).
Now back to San Francisco, it's an expensive city, this doom and gloom protests by our posters reminds me of when Seattle went to $15 per hour. People here made some pretty dire predictions about businesse closing. But none of it happened. As a matter of fact, Seattle had a record number of new restaurant openings.
Kool-aid drinking makes people stupid.

Kiwi an is a typical liberal who believes that if you say something enough people will think it is true, as well as deflecting from the root causes in order to protect Obama and the dems. The middle class, blacks, small business, and the poor are in worse shape today than when Obama came to office. The wealth disparity has exploded during obamas term. There are less people employed today than when Obama won election. Part time work has replaced good jobs as obamas policies has consistently anti growth and anti business. Republicans had many work bills that were stopped on their tracks by Harry Reid when he was leader in the senate. We have more people in poverty, more people on food stamps and twice as much debt as when Obama came to office. We have obamacare which is stopping businesses from hiring people. So let me spell,it out for kiwi. THE FACTS show that the Obama presidency has been a disaster for the middle class.

Now we have the claim that $15 wages are a panacea whose time has been a long time coming. More malarkey. As this article shows, there were unintended consequences that put a hurt on small business just to make liberals more smug and self serving about their great charity to those less fortunate, of course using someone else's money. Prices are going up, the poor are cutting their hours to hold on to,benefits, and the general public is getting hosed by a socialist plan that has always been a failure. Looks like a whole lot of people are happy with their welfare rather than working full time for a higher wage. How are liberals going to explain that one. Oh I know, they just need more money.

Seattle Sees Unexpected Fallout from $15 Per Hour Min. Wage

The lowest wage I pay is $15/hr.

I have three people working at that rate. Two are rookies, recent BS grads, with a few years experience in their entry level jobs.

The other is a guy that has worked for me for close to ten years now. He started at $10, 10 years ago... and is among the best technicians I've every met, let alone employed.

He could easily be worth several times that, except he's a horrible alcoholic, prone to taking 'benders' which can last from a few days to a couple of weeks.

Over the years I've fired him many times... and swore repeatedly that he'd never work for me again.

But, over time, I've come to understand that the guy has skills which are quite valuable. He never comes to work drunk, and when he is sober, he is attentive with a very high degree of workmanship. I never have to worry about anything that I task him with.

But he will never earn more than $15 with me. If they raise the minimum wage to $500/hr, he'll earn $15.

And that is because that is what he accepts. He knows that he doesn't deserve more because he doesn't want more. To get more requires more responsibility and that... is something he simply cannot face.

I learned a LONG time ago that all I need to do to send him into a bender, is to allude to him that I am considering giving him more responsibility... (even with alluding to a significant raise in pay)... PRESTO! He doesn't show up for somewhere between a few days and a couple of weeks.

Great guy... among the nicest human beings I've ever met. But in economic terms, he has a comfort zone and that is PURELY and WHOLLY his choice.

Now some people will say that I'm nuts to keep him on and others will say that I'm exploiting him... and I couldn't give a dam what either one says, he is what he is and there is going to be no changing him.
So what is your bitch about another compelled to pay $15.00 an hour?

Try to compel me to pay someone something. Bring Ice.
So, let me ask my fellow posters, what should the minimum wage be in San Francisco?
Question two, do you folks also complain about people on Food Stamps?

Asking that question, like asking what the price should be for gasoline or navel oranges. When government tries to set prices or wages they inevitably make a mess of things. Why? Because free markets automatically adjust themselves to set both prices and wages. When government sets prices or wages that doesn't happen.

The minimum wage in San Francisco should be the lowest wage that allows businesses to still train unskilled workers without getting killed on labor costs. If you ask me if that won't lead to abuses by business answer is yes...some business owners will indeed underpay their employees! What will also happen is that those business owners will have their good employees stolen away from them by their competition who will be only too happy to pay quality people more money after they've been trained elsewhere. The business that's underpaying it's staff will very quickly figure out that they aren't keeping their good employees and that the cost of training new ones to replace the ones they've lost outweighs what they were saving by underpaying. It's remarkable how well all of this functions in an unfettered free market economy.
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Thank you say it and keys for both of those poignant stories of reality. The human condition is so much more delicately layered, rich, and tragic than many will admit. There are no perfect answers.

Our loony leftists claim to have the answer: "EAT THE RICH!"


You can lead Leftists to reason, but you can't make 'em THINK!

Restaurants in my area are putting them on every table and there has been no increase in minimum wage. So far I haven't seen any decrease in the number of waiters because customers value service and doing yourself is not service. I was at Red Robin last night and found the tablets really neat and useful. A waiter still took our order and provide the usually services, got us some additional fryes and made some recommendations. There were some kid games and trivia games on the tablet that were interesting and we were able to pay our bill without waiting for the waiter to bring it.

The cost of this technology is dropping rapidly. It will find it's way to most restaurants with or without wage increases. The hand writing is on wall.

Huh... So, you're saying that people can order what they want and you've seen no decrease in the people delivering the food that people ordered without assistance from a person who took their order?

My goodness... it sounds like you live in an area that truly appreciates people who will bring their food from the kitchen to their table!

I must join you in that appreciation. I very rarely dine out, but I enjoy the cuisine from a host of local eateries, which is delivered by people who drive to those restaurants and deliver the food to my home!

It's a valuable service indeed. I routinely pay up to $5 for that service and on particularly long drives I've been known to go $10.

Of course that involves a couple of tons of automobile, fuel which run $2.50 gallon, specialized training, some common sense, and prolonged periods of conscious care for my food.

Naturally... the ordering of such is done on-line, usually through the iPad... sometime on the old Macbook. But 99% of the time it goes flawlessly.

First of all, when there is a tablet on the table at a sit down restaurant, most people order off the traditional menu. It's easy to read, and no one needs to bothered learning a new technology. Secondly, when you have 3 or 4 people at the table, the tablet has to be passed from person to person. Therefore, few people use the tablet to place orders. In reality, here is how the tablet is used in the restaurants.

The hostess seats the customer and passes out menus. A customer grabs the tablet and start playing a game. The waiter comes out and takes drink orders and describes the specials. Everyone orders from the menu. The food is served. The waiter comes to table to check on his customers, to see if they need more water, maybe another drink, and of course tries to sell the deserts.

Now is when the tablet really is used. When you're ready to leave, you just touch "pay bill" on tablet, run your card and it prints out a receipt. No waiting for the check, no waiting to have your card run. It's a great service and certainly does not have any major impact on employment.

Automation's impact on food service employment is greatly exaggerated for political reason. Jobs are lost but also jobs are created.
Computers doing low paid jobs. Isn't that a good thing?

Well it would be if the US were educating all its citizens properly so they were able to go out and get the higher paid jobs.

Computers in restaurants means.... more jobs for people making computers, more sales jobs and less minimum wage waiter/waitress jobs. It means businesses can compete better, it means a lot of things.

The main thing it means is conservatives afraid of change pooping themselves.
Computers doing low paid jobs. Isn't that a good thing?

Well it would be if the US were educating all its citizens properly so they were able to go out and get the higher paid jobs...

We can lead the ponies to water but we can't make 'em drink. Over 1/3 of NY kids do not graduate high school.
And grade school costs 'em nothing. Nada, Zilch.
They just aren't interested in education.

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