San Fransico Raises Min-wage to $15. Results in THIS:

No, these three names popped up in a review of the "Bailed Out, Booted and Busted" – a study released Wednesday by the Institute of Policy Studies in Washington DC of the 241 people who have ranked as the highest paid CEOs in the US in the past two decades.

An astonishing 38% of these titans of finance and industry have either been kicked out of their jobs, put in jail or had to have their companies be rescued from bankruptcy. Fuld, Kozlowski and Pfeiffer are three that top the list.

"Outrageous pay packets seem to encourage outrageous behavior," says Sarah Anderson, one of the authors of the new report.

Fuld raked in $466.3m in salary and stocks in seven years as CEO of Lehman Brothers, the Wall Street investment bank, before the company collapsed in September 2008, precipitating the last financial crisis. He's just one of 112 such CEOs whose companies were given a total of $258bn in taxpayer bailouts.

Want a job where you can fail and still get paid lavishly? Try corporate CEO | Pratap Chatterjee
Therein lies the tale.

You mean therein lies the lie. American CEOs earn $180,000/yr on average.

Yes when you include home businesses with no employees maybe. But when you look at big companies they are all grossly overpaid.

Average CEO compensation for the largest firms was $16.3 million in 2014. This estimate uses a comprehensive measure of CEO pay that covers chief executives of the top 350 U.S. firms and includes the value of stock options exercised in a given year.
Top CEOs Make 300 Times More than Typical Workers: Pay Growth Surpasses Stock Gains and Wage Growth of Top 0.1 Percent | Economic Policy Institute

They aren't over paid if they make the company different than quarterbacks or movie stars....same thing...why do you guys hate CEOs so much.......?

Hate is an exaggeration of my feelings. The problem is you have these people paying themselves and other executives huge wages while paying nothing at the bottom. So those at the bottom make so little they need government help and become dependent on government. Then the government grows. If government is going to get smaller we need corporations to take care of employees again instead of using corporate welfare.

Also lots of inequality slows the economy, that is bad for everyone.

As always you exhibit absolutely no understanding of how the biz world works. The CEO's comp package is determined by the board which is responsible for maximizing the company's assets and maximizing the company's profits so as to pay we shareholders the maximum dividend. See how that works? The bigger the firm, the greater the need for a talented top dog and top dogs get top dog money.

Gee and who is on this board? Lots of current and ex ceo's who either want or already received the same types of sweet deals.
Like the multimillion dollar salaries of CEOs?
Therein lies the tale.

You mean therein lies the lie. American CEOs earn $180,000/yr on average.

Yes when you include home businesses with no employees maybe. But when you look at big companies they are all grossly overpaid.

Average CEO compensation for the largest firms was $16.3 million in 2014. This estimate uses a comprehensive measure of CEO pay that covers chief executives of the top 350 U.S. firms and includes the value of stock options exercised in a given year.
Top CEOs Make 300 Times More than Typical Workers: Pay Growth Surpasses Stock Gains and Wage Growth of Top 0.1 Percent | Economic Policy Institute

One last time: the top dogs are not "grossly overpaid" but rather - just like those in the NBA - sell their talent for what the market will bear.
Top NBA stars earn 600 times what the equipment manager does because they have - drum roll, please - TALENT. That's how a meritocracy operates. Winners and losers.
I am sorry about your condition.

Indeed, even when companies boast that they tie executive compensation to company performance, the country’s largest companies routinely game those systems to ensure they get their bonuses and payouts, such as setting targets so low as to be meaningless or fluffing up their reported profits. In one example, Walmart US CEO William Simon was only supposed to get a $1.5 million bonus last year if net sales grew by 2 percent, but he got it anyway when sales only grew by 1.8 percent because the company calculated “adjusted” sales at the necessary rate. Worse, out of the highest-paid CEOs over the past 20 years, nearly four in ten were fired, caught committing fraud, or oversaw a company bailout. Incompetence doesn’t stand in the way of a big payday.

Lavish CEO Pay Has Virtually Nothing To Do With How Well A Company Performs

That is for the company to sort out without interference from Monday morning quarterbacks and is a blog that is hardly an unbiased source. It has been known to fabricate facts.

ThinkProgress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Therein lies the tale.

You mean therein lies the lie. American CEOs earn $180,000/yr on average.

Yes when you include home businesses with no employees maybe. But when you look at big companies they are all grossly overpaid.

Average CEO compensation for the largest firms was $16.3 million in 2014. This estimate uses a comprehensive measure of CEO pay that covers chief executives of the top 350 U.S. firms and includes the value of stock options exercised in a given year.
Top CEOs Make 300 Times More than Typical Workers: Pay Growth Surpasses Stock Gains and Wage Growth of Top 0.1 Percent | Economic Policy Institute

One last time: the top dogs are not "grossly overpaid" but rather - just like those in the NBA - sell their talent for what the market will bear.
Top NBA stars earn 600 times what the equipment manager does because they have - drum roll, please - TALENT. That's how a meritocracy operates. Winners and losers.
I am sorry about your condition.

Indeed, even when companies boast that they tie executive compensation to company performance, the country’s largest companies routinely game those systems to ensure they get their bonuses and payouts, such as setting targets so low as to be meaningless or fluffing up their reported profits. In one example, Walmart US CEO William Simon was only supposed to get a $1.5 million bonus last year if net sales grew by 2 percent, but he got it anyway when sales only grew by 1.8 percent because the company calculated “adjusted” sales at the necessary rate. Worse, out of the highest-paid CEOs over the past 20 years, nearly four in ten were fired, caught committing fraud, or oversaw a company bailout. Incompetence doesn’t stand in the way of a big payday.

Lavish CEO Pay Has Virtually Nothing To Do With How Well A Company Performs is a blog and is hardly an unbiased source. It has been known to fabricate facts.

ThinkProgress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then point out which facts are wrong. It's easy to find examples of ceo's not worth their pay.
You mean therein lies the lie. American CEOs earn $180,000/yr on average.

Yes when you include home businesses with no employees maybe. But when you look at big companies they are all grossly overpaid.

Average CEO compensation for the largest firms was $16.3 million in 2014. This estimate uses a comprehensive measure of CEO pay that covers chief executives of the top 350 U.S. firms and includes the value of stock options exercised in a given year.
Top CEOs Make 300 Times More than Typical Workers: Pay Growth Surpasses Stock Gains and Wage Growth of Top 0.1 Percent | Economic Policy Institute

They aren't over paid if they make the company different than quarterbacks or movie stars....same thing...why do you guys hate CEOs so much.......?

Hate is an exaggeration of my feelings. The problem is you have these people paying themselves and other executives huge wages while paying nothing at the bottom. So those at the bottom make so little they need government help and become dependent on government. Then the government grows. If government is going to get smaller we need corporations to take care of employees again instead of using corporate welfare.

Also lots of inequality slows the economy, that is bad for everyone.

As always you exhibit absolutely no understanding of how the biz world works. The CEO's comp package is determined by the board which is responsible for maximizing the company's assets and maximizing the company's profits so as to pay we shareholders the maximum dividend. See how that works? The bigger the firm, the greater the need for a talented top dog and top dogs get top dog money.

Gee and who is on this board? Lots of current and ex ceo's who either want or already received the same types of sweet deals.

Again you exhibit that monumental ignorance. The board is filled with the largest shareholders or their reps. You know ... the people who OWN the company ... and when you own something you can overpay (or underpay) or mismanage to your whining, jealous heart's content.
In 2011, Shue found that having the right friends matters a lot for executive pay. She looked at MBA graduates of Harvard Business School who were randomly assigned to different class sections. The class section assignments naturally created human networks -- people know the people they went to school with. She then looked at HBS graduates who became executives later on, and found something startling. The difference in pay between different sections was larger than the difference within different sections.

Remember that these sections were randomly created. So Shue's finding means that human networks were a very important determinant of pay levels. She also found that when one executive's industry experienced a boom, the compensation of that executive's former HBS section-mates in totally unrelated industries would go up as well.

In other words, Shue found that when it comes to executive pay, it's often who you know, rather than what you do, that determines how much you earn. Somehow, these human networks seem to persist from business school all the way to the boardroom. The fact that the pay boost holds across unrelated industries means that some of it is almost certainly not based on the real productive power of business networks, but on humans' natural tendency to pay their friends more.

When CEOs Are Accidentally Overpaid - Bloomberg View
Yes when you include home businesses with no employees maybe. But when you look at big companies they are all grossly overpaid.

Average CEO compensation for the largest firms was $16.3 million in 2014. This estimate uses a comprehensive measure of CEO pay that covers chief executives of the top 350 U.S. firms and includes the value of stock options exercised in a given year.
Top CEOs Make 300 Times More than Typical Workers: Pay Growth Surpasses Stock Gains and Wage Growth of Top 0.1 Percent | Economic Policy Institute

They aren't over paid if they make the company different than quarterbacks or movie stars....same thing...why do you guys hate CEOs so much.......?

Hate is an exaggeration of my feelings. The problem is you have these people paying themselves and other executives huge wages while paying nothing at the bottom. So those at the bottom make so little they need government help and become dependent on government. Then the government grows. If government is going to get smaller we need corporations to take care of employees again instead of using corporate welfare.

Also lots of inequality slows the economy, that is bad for everyone.

As always you exhibit absolutely no understanding of how the biz world works. The CEO's comp package is determined by the board which is responsible for maximizing the company's assets and maximizing the company's profits so as to pay we shareholders the maximum dividend. See how that works? The bigger the firm, the greater the need for a talented top dog and top dogs get top dog money.

Gee and who is on this board? Lots of current and ex ceo's who either want or already received the same types of sweet deals.

Again you exhibit that monumental ignorance. The board is filled with the largest shareholders or their reps. You know ... the people who OWN the company ... and when you own something you can overpay (or underpay) or mismanage to your whining, jealous heart's content.

You seem to know very little, no wonder you back up nothing with links. Looks like a lot of CEO people to me:
GE Board of Directors
The "minimum wage" should be determined by the marketplace, not the government.


You can lead Leftists to reason, but you can't make 'em THINK!

Restaurants in my area are putting them on every table and there has been no increase in minimum wage. So far I haven't seen any decrease in the number of waiters because customers value service and doing yourself is not service. I was at Red Robin last night and found the tablets really neat and useful. A waiter still took our order and provide the usually services, got us some additional fryes and made some recommendations. There were some kid games and trivia games on the tablet that were interesting and we were able to pay our bill without waiting for the waiter to bring it.

The cost of this technology is dropping rapidly. It will find it's way to most restaurants with or without wage increases. The hand writing is on wall.

Planet Money did a piece on these things. The huge plus it gives restaurants isn't on the ordering end. Its on the payment end. Even Busy restaurants have very few cash drawers (registers) so the bottleneck during busy times was often getting in front of a register that had a cash drawer. So a waitress would have to wait for the opportunity to run a check, make change, then return to the table. These devices allow for instant transactions where there is no "cashing out".


You can lead Leftists to reason, but you can't make 'em THINK!

The minimum wage in San Francsico is $12.25 an hour. It doesn't hit 15 an hour for 3 more years.

You were saying about 'thinking'? Because apparently it never occurred to you to fact check your claims before spouting them. Or once again, you're putting cause years after effect. Which again, isn't how causation actually works.


You can lead Leftists to reason, but you can't make 'em THINK!

The minimum wage in San Francsico is $12.25 an hour. It doesn't hit 15 an hour for 3 more years.

You were saying about 'thinking'? Because apparently it never occurred to you to fact check your claims before spouting them. Or once again, you're putting cause years after effect. Which again, isn't how causation actually works.

We have a herd of low information posters here who are little more than nuisances with all the misinformed threads and postings they saturate the site with.


You can lead Leftists to reason, but you can't make 'em THINK!

The minimum wage in San Francsico is $12.25 an hour. It doesn't hit 15 an hour for 3 more years.

You were saying about 'thinking'? Because apparently it never occurred to you to fact check your claims before spouting them. Or once again, you're putting cause years after effect. Which again, isn't how causation actually works.

We have a herd of low information posters here who are little more than nuisances with all the misinformed threads and postings they saturate the site with.

They genuinely don't give a shit if the verbal excrement dribbling from their lips is accurate. Its the nature of the right wing echo chamber that no one questions any of the silly nonsense these hapless souls tell each other. And certainly no one fact checks it.

The reason is simple: it doesn't matter if a claim is true. It matter if it *feels* true. If a claim feels accurate, for all intents and purposes, it is true to them. Their claims having any connection to reality is entirely incidental.

Theirs are purely emotional arguments. And their feeling trump any evidence. Or even cause and effect.


You can lead Leftists to reason, but you can't make 'em THINK!

The minimum wage in San Francsico is $12.25 an hour. It doesn't hit 15 an hour for 3 more years.

You were saying about 'thinking'? Because apparently it never occurred to you to fact check your claims before spouting them. Or once again, you're putting cause years after effect. Which again, isn't how causation actually works.

We have a herd of low information posters here who are little more than nuisances with all the misinformed threads and postings they saturate the site with.

They genuinely don't give a shit if the verbal excrement dribbling from their lips is accurate. Its the nature of the right wing echo chamber that no one questions any of the silly nonsense these hapless souls tell each other. And certainly no one fact checks it.

The reason is simple: it doesn't matter if a claim is true. It matter if it *feels* true. If a claim feels accurate, for all intents and purposes, it is true to them. Their claims having any connection to reality is entirely incidental.

Theirs are purely emotional arguments. And their feeling trump any evidence. Or even cause and effect.

The worst of them become crude, rude and just so low life that you don't want to deal with them. They take it as some kind of victory when posters back away from them rather than deal with the ignorant behaviour.


You can lead Leftists to reason, but you can't make 'em THINK!

The minimum wage in San Francsico is $12.25 an hour. It doesn't hit 15 an hour for 3 more years.

You were saying about 'thinking'? Because apparently it never occurred to you to fact check your claims before spouting them. Or once again, you're putting cause years after effect. Which again, isn't how causation actually works.

We have a herd of low information posters here who are little more than nuisances with all the misinformed threads and postings they saturate the site with.

They genuinely don't give a shit if the verbal excrement dribbling from their lips is accurate. Its the nature of the right wing echo chamber that no one questions any of the silly nonsense these hapless souls tell each other. And certainly no one fact checks it.

The reason is simple: it doesn't matter if a claim is true. It matter if it *feels* true. If a claim feels accurate, for all intents and purposes, it is true to them. Their claims having any connection to reality is entirely incidental.

Theirs are purely emotional arguments. And their feeling trump any evidence. Or even cause and effect.

The worst of them become crude, rude and just so low life that you don't want to deal with them. They take it as some kind of victory when posters back away from them rather than deal with the ignorant behaviour.

Many of our conservative posters are probably not the kind of person you'd want to meet in real life. And its unfortunate that they're representing conservatives. As in my experience, most conservatives are the kinda of people you'd want to meet.
So to the naysayers, have you been complaining about the folks on food stamps who are making low wages?
You can't have it both ways, ya know!
No...Wanting both ways is when one makes zero effort to improve their education or skills then demands they be paid higher wages.

Until they upgrade their skills how should they house and feed themselves?
Keep working...Unless they are homeless and destitute, there is no reason for public assistance.
What you left wingers fail to acknowledge is that once a person gets used to the government checks, they never want to stop getting them.
The system in place removes all incentive to move up and away from the level of income which permits them to collect.
Workers who've gotten raises are actually asking for reduced hours and other concessions so they can keep their benefits.....Ridiculous
Nonprofit employer: Workers requested reduced hours to stay in...
Careful what you ask for! Workers get $15 minimum wage, beg for fewer hours to keep welfare - BizPac Review
Interesting article below. The irony here is the writer is Arindrajit Dube (a left leaning scholar who supports a minimum wage rise)
Yes, New York's $15 Fast Food Minimum Wage Will Be A Failure--Why Do You Ask?
Save your "but what about" questions for someone else.
I love how the same people who want everyone to get paid nothing also want no welfare and small government. Sorry but high wages are how you lower welfare and decrease the size of governent. All this increasing inequality is increasing government dependence and the size of government. Not to mention slowing the economy.
At that point employers, mostly small business end up subsidizing government TWICE....Through taxation and again through forced government wages. This will squeeze small business into a corner where tjhey will have to make adjustments which will invariably have an adverse effect on jobs and the labor market.
I love how the same people who want everyone to get paid nothing also want no welfare and small government. Sorry but high wages are how you lower welfare and decrease the size of governent. All this increasing inequality is increasing government dependence and the size of government. Not to mention slowing the economy.
Their concern is with the business or corporation rather than the employee.
Without business, there are no jobs

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