San Fransico Raises Min-wage to $15. Results in THIS:

Like the multimillion dollar salaries of CEOs?
Therein lies the tale.

You mean therein lies the lie. American CEOs earn $180,000/yr on average.
Equilar | New York Times - 200 Highest-Paid CEO Rankings

So? The NBA's top stars earn 10 times what the bottom gets and 600 times what the equipment manager gets. I take it you are more than a bit jealous?
You're fine with that, but begrudge a worker making $15. an hour.
Like the multimillion dollar salaries of CEOs?
Therein lies the tale.

You mean therein lies the lie. American CEOs earn $180,000/yr on average.
Equilar | New York Times - 200 Highest-Paid CEO Rankings

So? The NBA's top stars earn 10 times what the bottom gets and 600 times what the equipment manager gets. I take it you are more than a bit jealous?
You're fine with that, but begrudge a worker making $15. an hour.

I'm fine with all of it and I begrudge no one anything. I have a specific problem with gov't meddling in our labor markets. If you are worth $15/hr to someone, go get it.
76% of Americans were for raising the minimum wage, looking at that 76%, it included Republicans.
The Republicans wouldn't bring it to vote. They claimed that it would cause inflation and cause unemployment. However, neither has ever happened. Go lookup the dates when the minimum wage took effect, then look as t historic inflation (CPI) and historic unemploymen numbers. There was absolutely no spikes with inflation and unemployment numbers. The GOP lied their heads off.
Secondly, according to the conservative Cato Institute said that raising the minimum wage benefits 70% of the middle class.
Now let's come to something very current. During the 2014 election,the GOP ran on boosting the middle class, they didn't raise the minimum wage, but they did help the wealthiest 0.02% with their death tax legislation. Today, the GOP's favorability is at a 18 year low. They broke their promise to the middle class who has been spinning their wheels for decades,not a smart move. That demographic is getting pissed (see Sanders huge crowds in even Red States).
Now back to San Francisco, it's an expensive city, this doom and gloom protests by our posters reminds me of when Seattle went to $15 per hour. People here made some pretty dire predictions about businesse closing. But none of it happened. As a matter of fact, Seattle had a record number of new restaurant openings.
Kool-aid drinking makes people stupid.
I went several 12 rounds with several members of this board to prove or show me a restaurant or any establishment that closed because of MW hike. NOBODY. There are no $15. MW in Seattle its incremental.

Minimum Wage Increase Killing Seattle Restaurants? Anatomy Of A Lie From Inside The Bubble

Fast-food pay hike would kill half of my restaurants, McDonald's franchise owner says

Clinton Backs Massive Wage Hike that Threatens Small Business
Like the multimillion dollar salaries of CEOs?
Therein lies the tale.

You mean therein lies the lie. American CEOs earn $180,000/yr on average.

Yes when you include home businesses with no employees maybe. But when you look at big companies they are all grossly overpaid.

Average CEO compensation for the largest firms was $16.3 million in 2014. This estimate uses a comprehensive measure of CEO pay that covers chief executives of the top 350 U.S. firms and includes the value of stock options exercised in a given year.
Aye......regardless of the minimum wage debate which there are points from either side, and i lean right........

Attention needs to be drawn to the OP himself.

Mods, usmb ppl, etc.

Yall need to know, he is a poster who has a history of making blood lusting posts versus left wingers, fantasizing about someone "kicking off" a new and violent revolution.

I dont think, given our past history of having members who actually carried out attacks....

That pussies like this should be taken lightly or taken flippantly. I think his words should be examined and taken at face value and he should be considered a threat to actual human life.

Thats my thoughts/ a friend to everyone, r or l.
Like the multimillion dollar salaries of CEOs?
Therein lies the tale.

You mean therein lies the lie. American CEOs earn $180,000/yr on average.

Yes when you include home businesses with no employees maybe. But when you look at big companies they are all grossly overpaid.

Average CEO compensation for the largest firms was $16.3 million in 2014. This estimate uses a comprehensive measure of CEO pay that covers chief executives of the top 350 U.S. firms and includes the value of stock options exercised in a given year.
Top CEOs Make 300 Times More than Typical Workers: Pay Growth Surpasses Stock Gains and Wage Growth of Top 0.1 Percent | Economic Policy Institute

They aren't over paid if they make the company different than quarterbacks or movie stars....same thing...why do you guys hate CEOs so much.......?
Aye......regardless of the minimum wage debate which there are points from either side, and i lean right........

Attention needs to be drawn to the OP himself.

Mods, usmb ppl, etc.

Yall need to know, he is a poster who has a history of making blood lusting posts versus left wingers, fantasizing about someone "kicking off" a new and violent revolution.

I dont think, given our past history of having members who actually carried out attacks....

That pussies like this should be taken lightly or taken flippantly. I think his words should be examined and taken at face value and he should be considered a threat to actual human life.

Thats my thoughts/ a friend to everyone, r or l.
The dogs here get real hungry. We been short on fresh meat lately with the rise in the cost of meat an all.


You can lead Leftists to reason, but you can't make 'em THINK!

Restaurants in my area are putting them on every table and there has been no increase in minimum wage. So far I haven't seen any decrease in the number of waiters because customers value service and doing yourself is not service. I was at Red Robin last night and found the tablets really neat and useful. A waiter still took our order and provide the usually services, got us some additional fryes and made some recommendations. There were some kid games and trivia games on the tablet that were interesting and we were able to pay our bill without waiting for the waiter to bring it.

The cost of this technology is dropping rapidly. It will find it's way to most restaurants with or without wage increases. The hand writing is on wall.

Huh... So, you're saying that people can order what they want and you've seen no decrease in the people delivering the food that people ordered without assistance from a person who took their order?

My goodness... it sounds like you live in an area that truly appreciates people who will bring their food from the kitchen to their table!

I must join you in that appreciation. I very rarely dine out, but I enjoy the cuisine from a host of local eateries, which is delivered by people who drive to those restaurants and deliver the food to my home!

It's a valuable service indeed. I routinely pay up to $5 for that service and on particularly long drives I've been known to go $10.

Of course that involves a couple of tons of automobile, fuel which run $2.50 gallon, specialized training, some common sense, and prolonged periods of conscious care for my food.

Naturally... the ordering of such is done on-line, usually through the iPad... sometime on the old Macbook. But 99% of the time it goes flawlessly.

First of all, when there is a tablet on the table at a sit down restaurant, most people order off the traditional menu. It's easy to read, and no one needs to bothered learning a new technology. Secondly, when you have 3 or 4 people at the table, the tablet has to be passed from person to person. Therefore, few people use the tablet to place orders. In reality, here is how the tablet is used in the restaurants.

The hostess seats the customer and passes out menus. A customer grabs the tablet and start playing a game. The waiter comes out and takes drink orders and describes the specials. Everyone orders from the menu. The food is served. The waiter comes to table to check on his customers, to see if they need more water, maybe another drink, and of course tries to sell the deserts.

Now is when the tablet really is used. When you're ready to leave, you just touch "pay bill" on tablet, run your card and it prints out a receipt. No waiting for the check, no waiting to have your card run. It's a great service and certainly does not have any major impact on employment.

Automation's impact on food service employment is greatly exaggerated for political reason. Jobs are lost but also jobs are created.

Yes... Wait persons are terribly convenient. Just not necessary.

Which unless I miss my guess, that tends to drive down their potential value... connnnnsiderably!

As I've often said... IF you come to work one day and a parrot is doing your job. It's not the Parrot's fault that you're out of a job.
Like the multimillion dollar salaries of CEOs?
Therein lies the tale.

You mean therein lies the lie. American CEOs earn $180,000/yr on average.

Yes when you include home businesses with no employees maybe. But when you look at big companies they are all grossly overpaid.

Average CEO compensation for the largest firms was $16.3 million in 2014. This estimate uses a comprehensive measure of CEO pay that covers chief executives of the top 350 U.S. firms and includes the value of stock options exercised in a given year.
Top CEOs Make 300 Times More than Typical Workers: Pay Growth Surpasses Stock Gains and Wage Growth of Top 0.1 Percent | Economic Policy Institute

They aren't over paid if they make the company different than quarterbacks or movie stars....same thing...why do you guys hate CEOs so much.......?

Hate is an exaggeration of my feelings. The problem is you have these people paying themselves and other executives huge wages while paying nothing at the bottom. So those at the bottom make so little they need government help and become dependent on government. Then the government grows. If government is going to get smaller we need corporations to take care of employees again instead of using corporate welfare.

Also lots of inequality slows the economy, that is bad for everyone.
Aye......regardless of the minimum wage debate which there are points from either side, and i lean right........

Attention needs to be drawn to the OP himself.

Mods, usmb ppl, etc.

Yall need to know, he is a poster who has a history of making blood lusting posts versus left wingers, fantasizing about someone "kicking off" a new and violent revolution.

I dont think, given our past history of having members who actually carried out attacks....

That pussies like this should be taken lightly or taken flippantly. I think his words should be examined and taken at face value and he should be considered a threat to actual human life.

Thats my thoughts/ a friend to everyone, r or l.
The dogs here get real hungry. We been short on fresh meat lately with the rise in the cost of meat an all.
He just deserves to have an eye on him because he behaves as the other subhumans have.
Like the multimillion dollar salaries of CEOs?
Therein lies the tale.

You mean therein lies the lie. American CEOs earn $180,000/yr on average.

Yes when you include home businesses with no employees maybe. But when you look at big companies they are all grossly overpaid.

Average CEO compensation for the largest firms was $16.3 million in 2014. This estimate uses a comprehensive measure of CEO pay that covers chief executives of the top 350 U.S. firms and includes the value of stock options exercised in a given year.
Top CEOs Make 300 Times More than Typical Workers: Pay Growth Surpasses Stock Gains and Wage Growth of Top 0.1 Percent | Economic Policy Institute

One last time: the top dogs are not "grossly overpaid" but rather - just like those in the NBA - sell their talent for what the market will bear.
Top NBA stars earn 600 times what the equipment manager does because they have - drum roll, please - TALENT. That's how a meritocracy operates. Winners and losers.
I am sorry about your condition.
Like the multimillion dollar salaries of CEOs?
Therein lies the tale.

You mean therein lies the lie. American CEOs earn $180,000/yr on average.

Yes when you include home businesses with no employees maybe. But when you look at big companies they are all grossly overpaid.

Average CEO compensation for the largest firms was $16.3 million in 2014. This estimate uses a comprehensive measure of CEO pay that covers chief executives of the top 350 U.S. firms and includes the value of stock options exercised in a given year.
Top CEOs Make 300 Times More than Typical Workers: Pay Growth Surpasses Stock Gains and Wage Growth of Top 0.1 Percent | Economic Policy Institute

One last time: the top dogs are not "grossly overpaid" but rather - just like those in the NBA - sell their talent for what the market will bear.
Top NBA stars earn 600 times what the equipment manager does because they have - drum roll, please - TALENT. That's how a meritocracy operates. Winners and losers.
I am sorry about your condition.

That is a stupid comparison. Most sports players aren't worth what they are getting paid. They are getting paid that much because some really rich owner with a huge ego will over pay to try to win.
Like the multimillion dollar salaries of CEOs?
Therein lies the tale.

You mean therein lies the lie. American CEOs earn $180,000/yr on average.

Yes when you include home businesses with no employees maybe. But when you look at big companies they are all grossly overpaid.

Average CEO compensation for the largest firms was $16.3 million in 2014. This estimate uses a comprehensive measure of CEO pay that covers chief executives of the top 350 U.S. firms and includes the value of stock options exercised in a given year.
Top CEOs Make 300 Times More than Typical Workers: Pay Growth Surpasses Stock Gains and Wage Growth of Top 0.1 Percent | Economic Policy Institute

They aren't over paid if they make the company different than quarterbacks or movie stars....same thing...why do you guys hate CEOs so much.......?

Their jealousy is obvious and clearly a powerful motivator of their hatred.
Like the multimillion dollar salaries of CEOs?
Therein lies the tale.

You mean therein lies the lie. American CEOs earn $180,000/yr on average.

Yes when you include home businesses with no employees maybe. But when you look at big companies they are all grossly overpaid.

Average CEO compensation for the largest firms was $16.3 million in 2014. This estimate uses a comprehensive measure of CEO pay that covers chief executives of the top 350 U.S. firms and includes the value of stock options exercised in a given year.
Top CEOs Make 300 Times More than Typical Workers: Pay Growth Surpasses Stock Gains and Wage Growth of Top 0.1 Percent | Economic Policy Institute

One last time: the top dogs are not "grossly overpaid" but rather - just like those in the NBA - sell their talent for what the market will bear.
Top NBA stars earn 600 times what the equipment manager does because they have - drum roll, please - TALENT. That's how a meritocracy operates. Winners and losers.
I am sorry about your condition.

That is a stupid comparison. Most sports players aren't worth what they are getting paid. They are getting paid that much because some really rich owner with a huge ego will over pay to try to win.

Aren't worth it to you but clearly worth the money to the owners and why is none of your freakin' biz. When you own something you can decide how best to allocate resources. In the meantime please quit your incessant whining!
Last edited:
Like the multimillion dollar salaries of CEOs?
Therein lies the tale.

You mean therein lies the lie. American CEOs earn $180,000/yr on average.

Yes when you include home businesses with no employees maybe. But when you look at big companies they are all grossly overpaid.

Average CEO compensation for the largest firms was $16.3 million in 2014. This estimate uses a comprehensive measure of CEO pay that covers chief executives of the top 350 U.S. firms and includes the value of stock options exercised in a given year.
Top CEOs Make 300 Times More than Typical Workers: Pay Growth Surpasses Stock Gains and Wage Growth of Top 0.1 Percent | Economic Policy Institute

One last time: the top dogs are not "grossly overpaid" but rather - just like those in the NBA - sell their talent for what the market will bear.
Top NBA stars earn 600 times what the equipment manager does because they have - drum roll, please - TALENT. That's how a meritocracy operates. Winners and losers.
I am sorry about your condition.

Indeed, even when companies boast that they tie executive compensation to company performance, the country’s largest companies routinely game those systems to ensure they get their bonuses and payouts, such as setting targets so low as to be meaningless or fluffing up their reported profits. In one example, Walmart US CEO William Simon was only supposed to get a $1.5 million bonus last year if net sales grew by 2 percent, but he got it anyway when sales only grew by 1.8 percent because the company calculated “adjusted” sales at the necessary rate. Worse, out of the highest-paid CEOs over the past 20 years, nearly four in ten were fired, caught committing fraud, or oversaw a company bailout. Incompetence doesn’t stand in the way of a big payday.

Lavish CEO Pay Has Virtually Nothing To Do With How Well A Company Performs
Aye......regardless of the minimum wage debate which there are points from either side, and i lean right........

Attention needs to be drawn to the OP himself.

Mods, usmb ppl, etc.

Yall need to know, he is a poster who has a history of making blood lusting posts versus left wingers, fantasizing about someone "kicking off" a new and violent revolution.

I dont think, given our past history of having members who actually carried out attacks....

That pussies like this should be taken lightly or taken flippantly. I think his words should be examined and taken at face value and he should be considered a threat to actual human life.

Thats my thoughts/ a friend to everyone, r or l.
The dogs here get real hungry. We been short on fresh meat lately with the rise in the cost of meat an all.
He just deserves to have an eye on him because he behaves as the other subhumans have.
Thanks I was serious about the dogs. It takes a lot to keep these big babies fed :eusa_dance:

Therein lies the tale.

You mean therein lies the lie. American CEOs earn $180,000/yr on average.

Yes when you include home businesses with no employees maybe. But when you look at big companies they are all grossly overpaid.

Average CEO compensation for the largest firms was $16.3 million in 2014. This estimate uses a comprehensive measure of CEO pay that covers chief executives of the top 350 U.S. firms and includes the value of stock options exercised in a given year.
Top CEOs Make 300 Times More than Typical Workers: Pay Growth Surpasses Stock Gains and Wage Growth of Top 0.1 Percent | Economic Policy Institute

One last time: the top dogs are not "grossly overpaid" but rather - just like those in the NBA - sell their talent for what the market will bear.
Top NBA stars earn 600 times what the equipment manager does because they have - drum roll, please - TALENT. That's how a meritocracy operates. Winners and losers.
I am sorry about your condition.

That is a stupid comparison. Most sports players aren't worth what they are getting paid. They are getting paid that much because some really rich owner with a huge ego will over pay to try to win.

Aren't worth it you you but clearly worth the money to the owners and why is none of your freakin' biz. When you own something you can decide how best to allocate resources. In the meantime please quit your incessant whining!

So ceo's and sports players are getting paid more than they are worth.
Like the multimillion dollar salaries of CEOs?
Therein lies the tale.

You mean therein lies the lie. American CEOs earn $180,000/yr on average.

Yes when you include home businesses with no employees maybe. But when you look at big companies they are all grossly overpaid.

Average CEO compensation for the largest firms was $16.3 million in 2014. This estimate uses a comprehensive measure of CEO pay that covers chief executives of the top 350 U.S. firms and includes the value of stock options exercised in a given year.
Top CEOs Make 300 Times More than Typical Workers: Pay Growth Surpasses Stock Gains and Wage Growth of Top 0.1 Percent | Economic Policy Institute

They aren't over paid if they make the company different than quarterbacks or movie stars....same thing...why do you guys hate CEOs so much.......?

Hate is an exaggeration of my feelings. The problem is you have these people paying themselves and other executives huge wages while paying nothing at the bottom. So those at the bottom make so little they need government help and become dependent on government. Then the government grows. If government is going to get smaller we need corporations to take care of employees again instead of using corporate welfare.

Also lots of inequality slows the economy, that is bad for everyone.

As always you exhibit absolutely no understanding of how the biz world works. The CEO's comp package is determined by the board which is responsible for maximizing the company's assets and maximizing the company's profits so as to pay we shareholders the maximum dividend. See how that works? The bigger the firm, the greater the need for a talented top dog and top dogs get top dog money.

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