San Jose police chief associated with La Raza

Is La Raza (the race) the Hispanic version of the KKK?

La Raza is a fascist Mexican supremacy organization to keep the borders between Narco-Mex and your jobs OPEN! It’s all about the WALMARTing of America. Just look at what it has done to LA RAZA LAND NEVADA!

La Raza has total contempt for freedom of speech. Anyone that disagrees is a “racist”. La Raza means “the race”... the Mexican race! In sanctuary county of Los Angeles Mexican gangs are murdering African-AMERICANS to “cleanse” the communities they are taking over. Google it!

La Raza has endorsed and promotes illegals voting illegally. You’ve heard... “the Latino vote”... To understand the dynamics of La Raza you must understand that American laws and ordinances are like our borders; just stupid gringo jokes. Loretta Sanchez of Orange County, California didn’t win a gig in Congress because highly conservative Orange County republicans voted for her! This area is now virtually in the control of the illegals, and they’re voting for amnesty candidates.

La Raza has an operating budget of nearly 100 million per year. This comes from big business, such as La Raza donors Bank of America and Wells Fargo, both of which illegally open bank accounts for illegals and make billions off sub-prime mortgages to them. Another is La Raza donor Bill Gates, an advocate of open borders to depress wages for stupid gringos. La Raza also receives millions of dollars in your tax money. Yes, I repeat; your tax dollars go to support this racist party of the invaders. Harry Reid recently went to Congress and easily obtained another 5 million dollars for this racist organization. The Mexican government is obviously a major financier of La Raza and is spending 100 million in PR costs to keep the invasion in full momentum.
Do you know how many anti-Trump protesters were US citizens or how many would have shown up if Trump hadn't declared Mexicans to be rapists? It is possible the brown shirts won't win American street fights and the brown skins will.

Spoken like a typical libtard racist.

Go hide, white coward and maybe the brown skin people will forgive you for being white, lol.
Have you noticed the number of white and black skins among the anti-Trump protesters? When he moves into the White House and begins his ethnic cleansing campaign, can you guess how many more of us will be in the streets?

With our papers.
Have you noticed the number of white and black skins among the anti-Trump protesters? When he moves into the White House and begins his ethnic cleansing campaign, can you guess how many more of us will be in the streets?
The political left is the only group that engages in ethnic cleansing, from Lenin to Stalin to Mao to Hitler and Pol Pot.

So stop your lying, moron.
The far right started it long ago, and you guys are lying about that?

The rest of world knows differently.

Ethnic cleansing has been practiced by the left, the center, and the right.

But Trump won't be president, so no worry about that exists.
The idea that American citizens were attacked by illegals, and an American police force stood by and let it happen should be appalling to all non-liberal Americans.
Do you know how many anti-Trump protesters were US citizens or how many would have shown up if Trump hadn't declared Mexicans to be rapists? It is possible the brown shirts won't win American street fights and the brown skins will.
Good grief!!
All the do gooders and liberals that want to end racism and hunger and all the other ills of the world, warms the cockles of your heart. But all they are is a bunch of neo socialist conformist with a hit list and hate and vitriol. Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.
All the do gooders and liberals that want to end racism and hunger and all the other ills of the world, warms the cockles of your heart. But all they are is a bunch of neo socialist conformist with a hit list and hate and vitriol. Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.
The bad form of socialism is Marxist socialism and most socialism in the Western world and that Sanders supports is not Marxist socialism.
Fire this dishonorable police chief.

Any commander whose men stand and watch as innocents are assaulted should be fired on the spot. But his a raging liberal too.

Explains it.

La Rasa....."The Race".
Have you noticed the number of white and black skins among the anti-Trump protesters? When he moves into the White House and begins his ethnic cleansing campaign, can you guess how many more of us will be in the streets?
The political left is the only group that engages in ethnic cleansing, from Lenin to Stalin to Mao to Hitler and Pol Pot.

So stop your lying, moron.
Your country was built on slavery and genocide, Einstein!

Hitler was one of yours.
Someone Andy would have had kind words for.
I actually HAVE my birth certificate, my parents were Americans and were born here as well. Why all the vitriol against real Americans ?Ambiguity is no excuse. Lots of people actually tried damned hard to legally immigrate. I am not feeling any sympathy for illegals. Try HARDER. Stop blaming the bloody SYSTEM. Then we can all get past this.
No wonder the force stood down and allowed Mexican illegals assault American citizens.

San Jose Police Chief Under Fire for Allowing Attacks on Trump Supporters is Affiliated With La Raza
The Mercury News reported:

San Jose police chief defends officers accused of failing to protect Trump supporters from violence

A day after a melee erupted outside a Donald Trump rally, the San Jose police chief and mayor on Friday defended themselves from a national backlash over their handling of the dramatic and at times violent protest.

San Jose Police Chief Under Fire for Allowing Attacks on Trump Supporters is Affiliated With La Raza
Under fire?

why not under arrest?
Have you noticed the number of white and black skins among the anti-Trump protesters? When he moves into the White House and begins his ethnic cleansing campaign, can you guess how many more of us will be in the streets?
The political left is the only group that engages in ethnic cleansing, from Lenin to Stalin to Mao to Hitler and Pol Pot.

So stop your lying, moron.
Your country was built on slavery and genocide, Einstein!

Hitler was one of yours.
Someone Andy would have had kind words for.
what race did we wipe out?

name the country that didn't use slaves.

name the countries slavery is still allowed in.
Your country was built on slavery and genocide, Einstein!..
Hitler was one of yours.
Someone Andy would have had kind words for.
You are an ignoramus. Most of the Amerindians that died on the Trail of Tears were killed by the weather and intratribal fighting, not by white people.

When will you stop lying and slandering this great country, you piece of shit?
what race did we wipe out?

name the country that didn't use slaves.

name the countries slavery is still allowed in.
We were the only nation to fight a major war to end slavery internally, and all we get are these lying ideological bastards telling us that we are genocidal maniacs, bunch of Marxist fucktards.
what race did we wipe out?

name the country that didn't use slaves.

name the countries slavery is still allowed in.
We were the only nation to fight a major war to end slavery internally, and all we get are these lying ideological bastards telling us that we are genocidal maniacs, bunch of Marxist fucktards.
watched an episode of Greatest Warrior on Spike, they had the Cherokee on, they boasted that with horse and lance they killed all members of another tribe.

they committed genocide and were proud of it.
You are an ignoramus. Most of the Amerindians that died on the Trail of Tears were killed by the weather and intratribal fighting, not by white people.
Greedy, racist white people like your hero Trump PUT those Indians on the Trail of Tears, remember? So they could steal their land. The fact that the US has turned out great has little to do with bigots like you and the Donald.
You are an ignoramus. Most of the Amerindians that died on the Trail of Tears were killed by the weather and intratribal fighting, not by white people.
Greedy, racist white people like your hero Trump PUT those Indians on the Trail of Tears, remember? So they could steal their land. The fact that the US has turned out great has little to do with bigots like you and the Donald.
The Cherokee kept starting wars, and so they got evicted. That is what happens when YOU LOSE WARS THAT YOU START, dumbass.

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