San Jose police chief associated with La Raza

"What protesters and police can and can't do during RNC demonstrations in Cleveland:"
What protesters and police can and can't do during RNC demonstrations in Cleveland: Mark Naymik
"CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Protesters have rights.

"So do the police.

"Both sides will get to test those rights in July, when they will undoubtedly meet on the streets and sidewalks of Cleveland during the Republican National Convention."

If I were you I'd be more concerned about the fireworks at the DNC convention from your own side.
I think we'll see the usual fireworks between protesters and police at the DNC, but Republicans complicate that disorder with warring bands of partisans who support and oppose their nominee. I don't think the police in Cleveland or Philadelphia will be as reserved as those in San Jose were when it comes to using the monopoly of violence to maintain order.
The police at the conventions will bash heads as needed.

I don't think the Berns will be as violent as the anti-Trumps, and only time will tell.
By the way, over the last couple of weeks there have been numerous Hillary and Bernie rallies in California.
Have there been any assaults and or riots perpetrated by the right ?
By the way, over the last couple of weeks there have been numerous Hillary and Bernie rallies in California.
Have there been any assaults and or riots perpetrated by the right ?
They got the message their faces would be re-arranged. If only they had been polite in the first place.
You are an ignoramus. Most of the Amerindians that died on the Trail of Tears were killed by the weather and intratribal fighting, not by white people.
Greedy, racist white people like your hero Trump PUT those Indians on the Trail of Tears, remember? So they could steal their land. The fact that the US has turned out great has little to do with bigots like you and the Donald.
trump has been in the public eye for over 30 years, but all of a sudden he's a racist.

does the fact you're an idiot sink in?
All people as rich as Trump are racists.
Are you saying Trump isn't rich?
Here Are 10 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist

"The Justice Department sued his company — twice — for not renting to black people

"When Trump was serving as the president of his family’s real estate company, the Trump Management Corporation, in 1973, the Justice Department sued the company for alleged racial discrimination against black people looking to rent apartments in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island.

"The lawsuit charged that the company quoted different rental terms and conditions to black rental candidates than it did with white candidates, and that the company lied to black applicants about apartments not being available.

"Trump called those accusations 'absolutely ridiculous' and sued the Justice Department for $100 million in damages for defamation.

"Without admitting wrongdoing, the Trump Management Corporation settled the original lawsuit two years later and promised not to discriminate against black people, Puerto Ricans or other minorities."

"All people as rich as Trump are racists."

Wait, whaaaaaa ?

Blame the rich and not the people for racist attacks
"Blame the Rich and Not the People for Racist Attacks! Beat Back the State-Organized Racist Attacks!
Statement of the West Indian People’s Organization Issued on the Occasion of the November 6, 1977 Demonstration Against State-Organized Racist Attqcks."
Connect the dots?
The police at the conventions will bash heads as needed.

I don't think the Berns will be as violent as the anti-Trumps, and only time will tell.
Judging from the few minutes of video I've watched, many of the anti-Trump fighters appear more likely to belong to street gangs than to organized political groups. Possibly, their numbers are fewer in the mid-west? Maybe the Donald will throw a few blows of his own (since he missed the party in Vietnam)???
You are an ignoramus. Most of the Amerindians that died on the Trail of Tears were killed by the weather and intratribal fighting, not by white people.
Greedy, racist white people like your hero Trump PUT those Indians on the Trail of Tears, remember? So they could steal their land. The fact that the US has turned out great has little to do with bigots like you and the Donald.
trump has been in the public eye for over 30 years, but all of a sudden he's a racist.

does the fact you're an idiot sink in?
All people as rich as Trump are racists.
Are you saying Trump isn't rich?
Here Are 10 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist

"The Justice Department sued his company — twice — for not renting to black people

"When Trump was serving as the president of his family’s real estate company, the Trump Management Corporation, in 1973, the Justice Department sued the company for alleged racial discrimination against black people looking to rent apartments in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island.

"The lawsuit charged that the company quoted different rental terms and conditions to black rental candidates than it did with white candidates, and that the company lied to black applicants about apartments not being available.

"Trump called those accusations 'absolutely ridiculous' and sued the Justice Department for $100 million in damages for defamation.

"Without admitting wrongdoing, the Trump Management Corporation settled the original lawsuit two years later and promised not to discriminate against black people, Puerto Ricans or other minorities."
so nothing was proven and nothing new since 1973

you don't know how dumb you are
You are an ignoramus. Most of the Amerindians that died on the Trail of Tears were killed by the weather and intratribal fighting, not by white people.
Greedy, racist white people like your hero Trump PUT those Indians on the Trail of Tears, remember? So they could steal their land. The fact that the US has turned out great has little to do with bigots like you and the Donald.
trump has been in the public eye for over 30 years, but all of a sudden he's a racist.

does the fact you're an idiot sink in?
All people as rich as Trump are racists.
Are you saying Trump isn't rich?
Here Are 10 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist

"The Justice Department sued his company — twice — for not renting to black people

"When Trump was serving as the president of his family’s real estate company, the Trump Management Corporation, in 1973, the Justice Department sued the company for alleged racial discrimination against black people looking to rent apartments in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island.

"The lawsuit charged that the company quoted different rental terms and conditions to black rental candidates than it did with white candidates, and that the company lied to black applicants about apartments not being available.

"Trump called those accusations 'absolutely ridiculous' and sued the Justice Department for $100 million in damages for defamation.

"Without admitting wrongdoing, the Trump Management Corporation settled the original lawsuit two years later and promised not to discriminate against black people, Puerto Ricans or other minorities."

"All people as rich as Trump are racists."

Wait, whaaaaaa ?
he doesn't see his own bigotry
What are you afraid of beside karma?

When you burn crosses on my lawn, it leaves scorch marks.

Hey, you're a Nazi, a well known race hater. Your hatred of America and desire for it to be subdued by a foreign power is understood.

You of the left seek the complete destruction of the land of the free. It's just what you do.

You're losing your edge.
Hey Georgie, since you believe all rich people are racist, I take it you're voting for old man Bernie tomorrow ?
I recall how gleeful you right wingers were when protesters were being attacked and punched at Drumpf rallies. You invited liberals to come to his rallies so you could hit them. Especially non-white protesters. Not one right winger here condemned that violence.

Now that Drumpf supporters are getting the crap beat out of them, it's a disgrace.


There were people trespassing into Trumps PRIVATELY RENTED rallies, dear, and these TRESPASSERS got the shit kicked out of them in many cases because they were deliberately provoking people there so they could get some camera shots of being the victim so that idiots like you could weep over them.

Now Trump started telling them to cool it and just get the bastards out of the rallies.

And you laugh and say that Trump supporters are all to blame for the actions of a very few of them?

Yeah, you schew that racist cud every day or just when you talk about Trump?

What is going to happen is that when Trump gets elected, few white people will have any sympathy for the illegals here because they will remember this fascist shit you moron libtards are pulling on u s.

Yes, Karma is a real bitch, dumbass.

These were PUBLIC events. Trump encouraged his supporters to attack people who protested him. So much for the right of free speech.
These were not public events. They were private rallies paid for by the Trump campaign.

What on Earth makes you think that they were public events?

And no one has the right to intrude/trespass on private events and disrupt them.

Those who do deserve to get the shit beat out of them then thrown on the sidewalk for the emergency services to get to them.

Trump people will start packing heat to these rallies and using deadly force in self defense, as being attacked by more than one person is considered a lethal threat by definition in almost every state.
What are you afraid of beside karma?

When you burn crosses on my lawn, it leaves scorch marks.

Hey, you're a Nazi, a well known race hater. Your hatred of America and desire for it to be subdued by a foreign power is understood.

You of the left seek the complete destruction of the land of the free. It's just what you do.

You're losing your edge.
You never had an edge, you racist piece of shit.

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