San Juan mayor: 'I am begging, begging anyone who can hear us to save us from dying'

This mayor sounds just like former Louisiana democrat governor Kathleen Blanco saying 'we're dying' during a press conference in the aftermath of Katrina.
There were. All planned in advance. This is bullshit. And I'm fucking sick to death of liberal whack jobs trying to turn this into a Katrina. By the way Katriana's disaster was never Bushes fault but the fucking Democrats in charge of the state and Ashole Nagin in New Orleans.

I'm not trying to pin this on Trump. I really don't care about that. It's my opinion though that the response to Puerto Rico was less than adequate. Maybe I am overreacting because I have family over there. Really all I'm trying to do is bring more attention to this issue. These people need help and there isn't enough discussion about it.

I have this thing about hurricanes. They're personal. When that bitch Katrina blew in she cost me my life in Louisiana. I was on my way with my foundation sire and bitch of catahoulas to move to Ponchatoula when she rolled in and destroyed a dream. Years later hurricanes still haunt because family and friends are all along their pathway. My father in law is dying in a hospice right now in Titusville because of Irma. His generator cut out during her stay in Florida and with all his chemo he couldn't take the heat. Literally waiting for a call. The bags are packed for our flight. He's in a coma and barely hanging on because of that bitch IRMA.

So I obsess about hurricanes needless to say. PR and the Virgin Islands were planned for. Well a best they could be planned knowing everything will be destroyed. If you realy want to know what is going on go to the FEMA website because they give up to date and in depth reports on the rescue and aid efforts/ areas where they are winning AND losing. No hype. Facts about the situation n the ground that all the agencies are facing.

The devastation is immense. Frankly I'm amazed at the low death count. But truly never fear because it is all hands on deck 24/7 I just saw an amazing video of a Belgian Malinois as part of a rescue team clearing a road of tree branches. Dog was in heaven. Talk about a game of fetch. :)
This mayor sounds just like former Louisiana democrat governor Kathleen Blanco saying 'we're dying' during a press conference in the aftermath of Katrina.

The script was written was it not? Same here.

ETA: Steve I can't beleive that the left are trying AGAIN to pin this situation on a R President. The Katrina bullshit was bad enough but now they are trying again to use a natural disaster against political opponents. Disgusting.
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How long will the left keep up the racist claims? That is what the deranged OP is saying. I am not inclined to explain logistics to the loser. How it is an island that over 1000 miles away from Florida.

Not one finger lifted from any other country. Not one bit of relief and this pathetic propaganda moronic OP is blaming Trump.

If the US sent 1000 ships down there, it would still take months. Their island was a third world toilet with no adequate provisions. They had their opportunity to become a state a long time ago.

Now, here the liberals are using this tragedy as a political opportunity. There the sheep are, delightfully lapping up the milk the MSM puts out. Meanwhile, it is completely untrue.

Where is the beloved the clinton foundation. Did that fraudulent organization even help out Houston? Oh, that is right. That is the south. They would never do a thing. Well, unless there was money to be made.

The left wing using the race card every chance they get. How long can they possibly get away with this. As it is, the OP is a miserable deranged liar.
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This mayor sounds just like former Louisiana democrat governor Kathleen Blanco saying 'we're dying' during a press conference in the aftermath of Katrina.

The script was written was it not? Same here.
Indeed it was and by the way, I'm gonna be passing through Ponchatoula Monday and stopping in Manchac for lunch at Middendorfs. Small world!


© Getty Images
Puerto Ricans living in areas outside of San Juan say President Trump’s response to Hurricane Maria is a “disaster.”

Locals who spoke with The Associated Press said relief efforts have been disorganized, delayed and scarce, particularly for those in remote areas.

Several people told the AP they have not received any federal help in their towns, and many are still without food and clean drinking water.
How long will the left keep up the racist claims?

I don't think Trump is a racist.

OP is blaming Trump.

No, I'm not. In an earlier post I conceded that maybe I was overreacting. This tragedy is impacting members of my family, so I'm a bit emotional about it. I was also unaware of some of the things people have told me in this thread. I am still inclined to believe we could have been better prepared, but at no point was I trying to pin this on one man. I'm sure Trump wants to help.

© Getty Images
Puerto Ricans living in areas outside of San Juan say President Trump’s response to Hurricane Maria is a “disaster.”

Locals who spoke with The Associated Press said relief efforts have been disorganized, delayed and scarce, particularly for those in remote areas.

Several people told the AP they have not received any federal help in their towns, and many are still without food and clean drinking water.
They live in remote rural areas. They need to be patient and wait their turn to be helped. These Puerto Ricans seem to have the victim mindset of a negro.
Have to go back to sleep. Waiting on that call. Sorry if I seem harsh but I can't take people slagging the good works of so many on the ground in PR and the US Virgin Islands. When you diss the President over politics in a natural disaster you slag the whole teams of rescue and aid personnel. I will not abide that.
A large amount of aid should have already been there by now. It should have been prepared before the hurricane hit and mobilized the moment it passed. It wasn't until days AFTER the hurricane that any efforts began. We have all but completely failed our fellow Americans in Puerto Rico. People are running out of water and dying in hospitals that are running out of gas to run their generators.

Not so

I'm calling bs on you
Theres 10000 containers at san juan
But truckers wanna be paid first
Unions are looking for a way to politicize this

Beyond the hyperbolic trash being shoveled by the MSM and the melodramatic pleas of the mayor, there are a few pragmatic points that need to be brought here.

1) The Puerto Rican debt crises is a separate issue from from the hurricane disaster.

2) The complete lack of planning and malfeasance, if not criminality, of Puerto Rican elected officials, contributed greatly to this disaster and cannot be overstated.

3) Trumps brainless tweets are being overshadowed by the MSM, at the risk misinforming the public as to the real amount of aid getting through.​

How long will the left keep up the racist claims?

I don't think Trump is a racist.

OP is blaming Trump.

No, I'm not. In an earlier post I conceded that maybe I was overreacting. This tragedy is impacting members of my family, so I'm a bit emotional about it. I was also unaware of some of the things people have told me in this thread. I am still inclined to believe we could have been better prepared, but at no point was I trying to pin this on one man. I'm sure Trump wants to help.
That is all you are blaming. When you claim we are ill prepared and nothing being done, that is exactly what you are doing.

Not one liberal has asked what the UN is doing or why those stink shit holes in South America are not lifting a finger.

No, this is just another perceived opportunity for left to use a tragedy for political gain. The fact that you cannot see it or wont acknowledge how the left panders and patronizes minority for political gain is you being a blind fool.

What is also evident is that many people are waking up to this long 60 year tactic of the democrats. Many more people than you realize.

I sure hope the left continues to use it. Then again, the democrats pretty much have to use it. They literally do nothing else. Race card, war on women, class warfare, on and on and on. If any democrat does not claim to be a victim of some kind, they are not with the party. The best is when liberal millionaires claim to be a victim.
From what I'm hearing, containers full of supplies are stacked up because they have no drivers. Apparently the Puerto Rican truck drivers are union and want their money up front. That's why we're having to send US military truck drivers there.

That is all you are blaming. When you claim we are ill prepared and nothing being done, that is exactly what you are doing.

Not one liberal has asked what the UN is doing or why those stink shit holes in South America are not lifting a finger.

No, this is just another perceived opportunity for left to use a tragedy for political gain. The fact that you cannot see it or wont acknowledge how the left panders and patronizes minority for political gain is you being a blind fool.

What is also evident is that many people are waking up to this long 60 year tactic of the democrats. Many more people than you realize.

I sure hope the left continues to use it. Then again, the democrats pretty much have to use it. They literally do nothing else. Race card, war on women, class warfare, on and on and on. If any democrat does not claim to be a victim of some kind, they are not with the party. The best is when liberal millionaires claim to be a victim.

You know little about what I believe or why I believe it. You shouldn't make giant assumptions about people that don't share your exact world view. We're all varied, myself included. I am not some left wing drone, and I resent the implication. It's not uncommon for me to be berated in a similar way by angry jerks from the left when my thinking is not in line with theirs.
A large amount of aid should have already been there by now. It should have been prepared before the hurricane hit and mobilized the moment it passed. It wasn't until days AFTER the hurricane that any efforts began. We have all but completely failed our fellow Americans in Puerto Rico. People are running out of water and dying in hospitals that are running out of gas to run their generators.

Not so

I'm calling bs on you
Theres 10000 containers at san juan
But truckers wanna be paid first
Unions are looking for a way to politicize this
US Government Questions Reports That Tons Of Supplies Are Reportedly Sitting In A Puerto Rico Port

FEMA is declining that these 10000 containers are even there............secondly they say they aren't theirs to distribute..............They said to commodities trailers containing various items and many were there before the storm.

Why don't they show the manifest of the containers for proof if they are really for the disaster............

This report is NOT VERIFIED and very possibly OVER EXAGGERATED......

Secondly, I watched the video where the mayor made the plea..........behind her was supplies stacked up in a warehouse..............I then looked at the map and the majority of the city is only about 3 miles away...........You could use a dang fork lift to ship that just down the road to a heavily populated area.......provided the roads are open.

It is obvious that the main thrust of problems would be in rural areas still cut off by road damage and can only be resupplied by air........Must be what the fuss is about......yet our helicopters have been flying round the clock delivering supplies across the island.

Doesn't make sense what is being reported.
A large amount of aid should have already been there by now. It should have been prepared before the hurricane hit and mobilized the moment it passed. It wasn't until days AFTER the hurricane that any efforts began. We have all but completely failed our fellow Americans in Puerto Rico. People are running out of water and dying in hospitals that are running out of gas to run their generators.

She says they're all dying yet she's standing in front of pallets of food and water.
Maybe if she got off her ass and started distributing that food and water there would be less dying....or is that her stash?
Its obvious the left is in the Mayors ear telling her she needed to take advantage of this situation to further there anti-American agenda


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