Sanctions on Iran to cost Boeing and Airbus 20 billion each AND

I grew up in Iran, lived there from half way through my 3rd grade year till the end of my 7th grade. My family left about 6 to 7 months before the Shah did. I personally believe that most Iranians are not unlike most of us, they just want what is best for their families and their country. They do not agree with what their leaders are saying anymore than I agree with most of what Obama or Trump or Bush or Clinton did.

I have never been to the middle east... I do agree with you that most folks are the same... Did Obama fail the Iranian people during the Persian Spring? It would have threw a wrench in his "deal" if he would have backed this political movement...

You feel about the present POTUS as I feel about pbo... Everything he done was about building his legacy and Library... And don't get me started on Valerie Jarrett...
Yes, Trump has every right to fuck Boeing out of 20 billion dollars, and that is what he did. ANd just like the good little statist you are, you kiss his ass for doing so
Gator he did no such thing...did you know before signing a trade deal with certain nations like Iran or unstable regimes like in Iraq companies like Boeing take out insurance? Just in case the deal falls through...
So we should back a regime like Iran for a few jobs......holy shit.....the self righteous left is now turning practical....except it's on the wrong issue.....just like you guys couldn't hit water from a boat.

If we try to reinstate sanctions all by our lonesome selves, it won't really hurt Iran that much - they'll just buy from other countries.

It'll only hurt American companies.

Wrong again, dumbass......the Frogs are contemplating cancelling a big natural gas contract to avoid pissing off Trump. He will sanction any country we catch trading with your beloved ragheads. Once again your hatred for Trump overshadows you giving crap about our Nation's welfare.
I think these people aren't familiar with people who make things happen....they are used to the lead from behind Obama types.
I'll tell you what...the more time I spend on this board the more convinced I'm becoming that us Trump supporters are the real liberals and libertarians...the Liberals on this board are turning into establishment hacks...they toss out all of their long held views due to hatred of one man...the media is full of fake liberals...maybe that's what is going on....look how easy it was for Obama to turn them....
I agree, we are classical liberals......the others want a stronger more dominant govt, because they have no faith in themselves or people in general.
I grew up in Iran, lived there from half way through my 3rd grade year till the end of my 7th grade. My family left about 6 to 7 months before the Shah did. I personally believe that most Iranians are not unlike most of us, they just want what is best for their families and their country. They do not agree with what their leaders are saying anymore than I agree with most of what Obama or Trump or Bush or Clinton did.

I have never been to the middle east... I do agree with you that most folks are the same... Did Obama fail the Iranian people during the Persian Spring? It would have threw a wrench in his "deal" if he would have backed this political movement...

You feel about the present POTUS as I feel about pbo... Everything he done was about building his legacy and Library... And don't get me started on Valerie Jarrett...

Sadly I felt that way about him also.

I think Bush II actually meant well but was too dumb and easily controlled.
Yes, Trump has every right to fuck Boeing out of 20 billion dollars, and that is what he did. ANd just like the good little statist you are, you kiss his ass for doing so.

That's bullshit and you know it is... Any Company the size of Boeing has contingency plans when deals fall apart... How can you lose something you never had?
If you think Trump is right for going it alone on the Iran deal, then you have to conclude that Iran thinks it's in their interests to have a nuclear arms race in the ME, and the EU, Russia and China are all wrong in thinking we're nuts for following John Bolton about that.
Well I've never been one to worry about what the EU or China thinks.....they may have gone along with it because of bribes...who's a bad deal. Republicans have passed deals before with dem presidents, but couldn't get this one done....even Schumer wasn't on board......
But Trump leads.....he gathers info, makes a decision.....he's doing well, he has to take on dems, anti trump republicans, the media, academia, Hollywood.......Obama had those people (except maybe the republicans) and couldn't persuade people it was good....And the real reason it sucks, is because we have to trust Iran........which is a joke and they've already broken it with their intervention in Iraq and Syria........

the EU and china will come around, just as they have on NK, we now have a President that makes it happen, not one that hopes it will.
/----/ The deal was never ratified by the Senate as required by the Constitution so it was 5 countries and Obozo's promise. And Iran never signed it.

Perhaps you might want to look up the term "executive agreement", it is a term that explains the Iran deal.

It is also a very common practice, more than 18,000 of them have been completed in the history of the country.

Just the Facts: Treaty vs. Executive Agreement - No Labels
/----/ However, under United States constitutional law, executive agreements are not considered treaties for the purpose of the Treaty Clause of the United States Constitution, which requires the advice and consent of two-thirds of the Senate to qualify as a treaty.

Plus Iran never signed it. Spin that away.

Thank you for proving it was not a treaty. I love
It when you sheep refute your own statements but are too stupid to know you did it

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/----/ So Trump has every right to shytcan the rotten deal and he did. Now you go out there and enjoy the rest of your day.

Yes, Trump has every right to fuck Boeing out of 20 billion dollars, and that is what he did. ANd just like the good little statist you are, you kiss his ass for doing so.

He's the president, he can do whatever.
Perhaps you might want to look up the term "executive agreement", it is a term that explains the Iran deal.

It is also a very common practice, more than 18,000 of them have been completed in the history of the country.

Just the Facts: Treaty vs. Executive Agreement - No Labels
/----/ However, under United States constitutional law, executive agreements are not considered treaties for the purpose of the Treaty Clause of the United States Constitution, which requires the advice and consent of two-thirds of the Senate to qualify as a treaty.

Plus Iran never signed it. Spin that away.

Thank you for proving it was not a treaty. I love
It when you sheep refute your own statements but are too stupid to know you did it

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/----/ So Trump has every right to shytcan the rotten deal and he did. Now you go out there and enjoy the rest of your day.

Yes, Trump has every right to fuck Boeing out of 20 billion dollars, and that is what he did. ANd just like the good little statist you are, you kiss his ass for doing so.

He's the president, he can do whatever.

Yes he can, just like the POTUS before him. They are amazingly similar.
Yes, Trump has every right to fuck Boeing out of 20 billion dollars, and that is what he did. ANd just like the good little statist you are, you kiss his ass for doing so.

That's bullshit and you know it is... Any Company the size of Boeing has contingency plans when deals fall apart... How can you lose something you never had?

You do not just replace a 20 billion dollar order, there are not that many places in need of new commercial airliners.

But I would say that the chances are very good that Comac steps in and takes the orders that both Boeing and Airbus lost. Giving China one more economic win over the US
You do not just replace a 20 billion dollar order, there are not that many places in need of new commercial airliners.

But I would say that the chances are very good that Comac steps in and takes the orders that both Boeing and Airbus lost. Giving China one more economic win over the US

Boeing's sales force needs to hit the bricks and find 4 Five Billion dollar orders if they are so dependent on these numbers... And you failed to answer how can they miss something they never had... These orders were possibilities... Hope they are not spending possibilities...
So we should back a regime like Iran for a few jobs......holy shit.....the self righteous left is now turning practical....except it's on the wrong issue.....just like you guys couldn't hit water from a boat.

How is Iran any different than the scum dictator lead countries we deal with all the time?
Iran leads the world in state sponsored terrorism.
Good. No one should be selling anything to the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. You might want to do a bit of reading on Iran's mullahs, their murders, their funding of terrorism all over the place, their suppression of basic rights in Iran, etc., etc.
So we should back a regime like Iran for a few jobs......holy shit.....the self righteous left is now turning practical....except it's on the wrong issue.....just like you guys couldn't hit water from a boat.

How is Iran any different than the scum dictator lead countries we deal with all the time?
Iran leads the world in state sponsored terrorism.

According to whom?

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/----/ However, under United States constitutional law, executive agreements are not considered treaties for the purpose of the Treaty Clause of the United States Constitution, which requires the advice and consent of two-thirds of the Senate to qualify as a treaty.

Plus Iran never signed it. Spin that away.

Thank you for proving it was not a treaty. I love
It when you sheep refute your own statements but are too stupid to know you did it

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/----/ So Trump has every right to shytcan the rotten deal and he did. Now you go out there and enjoy the rest of your day.

Yes, Trump has every right to fuck Boeing out of 20 billion dollars, and that is what he did. ANd just like the good little statist you are, you kiss his ass for doing so.

He's the president, he can do whatever.

Yes he can, just like the POTUS before him. They are amazingly similar.
Falsehood again. So Obama would have got us out of his insane nuke deal? Obama would have got us out of the Paris BS? Obama would have made Kim back down? Obama would have given tax cuts? Obama would have helped the military? Etc, etc. lol
So the same people that sold us on invading Iraq.

Time is not on you side with this one gg... Anyone with enough seniority to be involved in the decision making process to invade Iraq is either dead, retired or in jail... The process of attrition alone will eliminate most of the old timers... 15 years at the State Department is a long time...
So the same people that sold us on invading Iraq.

Time is not on you side with this one gg... Anyone with enough seniority to be involved in the decision making process to invade Iraq is either dead, retired or in jail... The process of attrition alone will eliminate most of the old timers... 15 years at the State Department is a long time...

True, but Iran has been on this list for a very long time, passed down from one Admin to the other. Our country needs a boogieman to justify many of our actions, they are in short supply these days so Iran is always around to pull out when needed.
So we should back a regime like Iran for a few jobs......holy shit.....the self righteous left is now turning practical....except it's on the wrong issue.....just like you guys couldn't hit water from a boat.

How is Iran any different than the scum dictator lead countries we deal with all the time?
Are you really this stupid?

Well show me other ones that want to blow Israel off the map
show me other ones that are going for nukes

since it's timmy, lets just start with 2...wouldn't want to strain him.........

Iran isn't going to nuke Israel. Whether Iran has nukes or not.

The reason for that?

The leaders of Iran have bothered to do something a lot of people here in America have failed to do.

They looked at a map.

They also have taken the time to learn about nuclear blasts.

They see that if they nuke Israel, they also nuke Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran.

They also know all about nuclear fallout and the fact that it gets blown with the wind so it will poison the whole area for decades to come. Thus killing themselves and poisoning their future generations.

Iran and all other middle eastern nations aren't going to do that.

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