Sanctions on Iran to cost Boeing and Airbus 20 billion each AND

True, but Iran has been on this list for a very long time, passed down from one Admin to the other. Our country needs a boogieman to justify many of our actions, they are in short supply these days so Iran is always around to pull out when needed.

Well I don't see to many demonstrations with Death to the French here in the U.S., so Iran's designation may very well be deserved... This list is more than likely pretty well thought out... Iranians are well know for their financial and weaponry backing of the Hezbollah to the tune of $100 million a year... As a wise man once said "Send Money, Guns and Lawyers"...

Others on the list of State Sponsored Terrorists are juvenile delinquents compared to Iran... I am surprised you would even passively defend Iran...
So we should back a regime like Iran for a few jobs......holy shit.....the self righteous left is now turning practical....except it's on the wrong issue.....just like you guys couldn't hit water from a boat.

How is Iran any different than the scum dictator lead countries we deal with all the time?
Are you really this stupid?

Well show me other ones that want to blow Israel off the map
show me other ones that are going for nukes

since it's timmy, lets just start with 2...wouldn't want to strain him.........

Iran isn't going to nuke Israel. Whether Iran has nukes or not.

The reason for that?

The leaders of Iran have bothered to do something a lot of people here in America have failed to do.

They looked at a map.

They also have taken the time to learn about nuclear blasts.

They see that if they nuke Israel, they also nuke Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran.

They also know all about nuclear fallout and the fact that it gets blown with the wind so it will poison the whole area for decades to come. Thus killing themselves and poisoning their future generations.

Iran and all other middle eastern nations aren't going to do that.

It is even more simple than that. Nuking anyone equals suicide. The leaders of Iran are just like the leaders everywhere, they like to be alive

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/----/ The deal was never ratified by the Senate as required by the Constitution so it was 5 countries and Obozo's promise. And Iran never signed it.

Perhaps you might want to look up the term "executive agreement", it is a term that explains the Iran deal.

It is also a very common practice, more than 18,000 of them have been completed in the history of the country.

Just the Facts: Treaty vs. Executive Agreement - No Labels
/----/ However, under United States constitutional law, executive agreements are not considered treaties for the purpose of the Treaty Clause of the United States Constitution, which requires the advice and consent of two-thirds of the Senate to qualify as a treaty.

Plus Iran never signed it. Spin that away.

Thank you for proving it was not a treaty. I love
It when you sheep refute your own statements but are too stupid to know you did it

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/----/ So Trump has every right to shytcan the rotten deal and he did. Now you go out there and enjoy the rest of your day.

Yes, Trump has every right to fuck Boeing out of 20 billion dollars, and that is what he did. ANd just like the good little statist you are, you kiss his ass for doing so.
/——/ What is it with you libs? Is all about the money. Screw everything else just $$$$$$$
Yes, Trump has every right to fuck Boeing out of 20 billion dollars, and that is what he did. ANd just like the good little statist you are, you kiss his ass for doing so.

That's bullshit and you know it is... Any Company the size of Boeing has contingency plans when deals fall apart... How can you lose something you never had?

You do not just replace a 20 billion dollar order, there are not that many places in need of new commercial airliners.

But I would say that the chances are very good that Comac steps in and takes the orders that both Boeing and Airbus lost. Giving China one more economic win over the US
/—-/ Then load up on Comac stock, buttercup

I'll buy that...

But... Congress controls the purse strings... Did pbo have congressional approval to deliver pallets full of cash?

Obama didn't need congressional approval to give Iran back their own money.

It's been explained countless times on this board and in the media.

It was their money that we froze in 1979 when they took our citizens as hostages at our embassy. As was when the first of many sanctions on Iran started.

Obama didn't need anyone's permission to give Iran back their own money.

It wasn't our money.
/----/ The deal was never ratified by the Senate as required by the Constitution so it was 5 countries and Obozo's promise. And Iran never signed it.

Perhaps you might want to look up the term "executive agreement", it is a term that explains the Iran deal.

It is also a very common practice, more than 18,000 of them have been completed in the history of the country.

Just the Facts: Treaty vs. Executive Agreement - No Labels
/----/ However, under United States constitutional law, executive agreements are not considered treaties for the purpose of the Treaty Clause of the United States Constitution, which requires the advice and consent of two-thirds of the Senate to qualify as a treaty.

Plus Iran never signed it. Spin that away.

Thank you for proving it was not a treaty. I love
It when you sheep refute your own statements but are too stupid to know you did it

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/----/ So Trump has every right to shytcan the rotten deal and he did. Now you go out there and enjoy the rest of your day.

Yes, Trump has every right to fuck Boeing out of 20 billion dollars, and that is what he did. ANd just like the good little statist you are, you kiss his ass for doing so.
No Bombers for Nukes.
No Bombers for Nukes.
No Bombers for Nukes.
No Bombers for Nukes.
Sanctions on Iran Cost Boeing, Airbus About $20 Billion Each

Big round of applause for President Zionist Puppet he just cost Americans 100k jobs!

When it announced the Iran Air deal, Boeing said such an order would support 100,000 U.S. jobs. That same month, Boeing's rival Airbus announced a deal to sell 100 planes to Iran Air. A list of Airbus' orders through the end of April included more than 100 planes on order for Iran Air and Iran Aseman Airlines. Airbus did not immediately respond to a request for comment."

Boeing may lose $20 billion in aircraft deals as Trump to pull US out of Iran nuclear pact


That an ultra-leftist suddenly feels concern for corporate profits.

I'll buy that...

But... Congress controls the purse strings... Did pbo have congressional approval to deliver pallets full of cash?

Obama didn't need congressional approval to give Iran back their own money.

It's been explained countless times on this board and in the media.

It was their money that we froze in 1979 when they took our citizens as hostages at our embassy. As was when the first of many sanctions on Iran started.

Obama didn't need anyone's permission to give Iran back their own money.

It wasn't our money.

Obama didn't need anyone's permission to give Iran back their own money.

You know the first thing you do when you have a bunch of money that belongs to bad guys who support terror groups around the world?

You don't give it back to the bad guys who will use it to support terror.
Perhaps you might want to look up the term "executive agreement", it is a term that explains the Iran deal.

It is also a very common practice, more than 18,000 of them have been completed in the history of the country.

Just the Facts: Treaty vs. Executive Agreement - No Labels
/----/ However, under United States constitutional law, executive agreements are not considered treaties for the purpose of the Treaty Clause of the United States Constitution, which requires the advice and consent of two-thirds of the Senate to qualify as a treaty.

Plus Iran never signed it. Spin that away.

Thank you for proving it was not a treaty. I love
It when you sheep refute your own statements but are too stupid to know you did it

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/----/ So Trump has every right to shytcan the rotten deal and he did. Now you go out there and enjoy the rest of your day.

Yes, Trump has every right to fuck Boeing out of 20 billion dollars, and that is what he did. ANd just like the good little statist you are, you kiss his ass for doing so.
No Bombers for Nukes.
No Bombers for Nukes.
No Bombers for Nukes.
No Bombers for Nukes.

They were not selling them bombers, they were selling them commercial airliners.

Do try and keep up
Yes, Trump has every right to fuck Boeing out of 20 billion dollars, and that is what he did. ANd just like the good little statist you are, you kiss his ass for doing so.

That's bullshit and you know it is... Any Company the size of Boeing has contingency plans when deals fall apart... How can you lose something you never had?

You do not just replace a 20 billion dollar order, there are not that many places in need of new commercial airliners.

But I would say that the chances are very good that Comac steps in and takes the orders that both Boeing and Airbus lost. Giving China one more economic win over the US
/—-/ Then load up on Comac stock, buttercup

They are a state owned company you fucking moron. Figures you would be the one cheering that China gets one more win over the US.
/——/ What is it with you libs? Is all about the money. Screw everything else just $$$$$$$

I know, you socialist are not fond of money, you want the Govt to control it all.

Me, I am a capitalist through and through.
True, but Iran has been on this list for a very long time, passed down from one Admin to the other. Our country needs a boogieman to justify many of our actions, they are in short supply these days so Iran is always around to pull out when needed.

Well I don't see to many demonstrations with Death to the French here in the U.S., so Iran's designation may very well be deserved... This list is more than likely pretty well thought out... Iranians are well know for their financial and weaponry backing of the Hezbollah to the tune of $100 million a year... As a wise man once said "Send Money, Guns and Lawyers"...

Others on the list of State Sponsored Terrorists are juvenile delinquents compared to Iran... I am surprised you would even passively defend Iran...

What was the last country that Iran invaded?

I no longer believe the US has any moral high ground in such areas
Sanctions on Iran Cost Boeing, Airbus About $20 Billion Each

Big round of applause for President Zionist Puppet he just cost Americans 100k jobs!

When it announced the Iran Air deal, Boeing said such an order would support 100,000 U.S. jobs. That same month, Boeing's rival Airbus announced a deal to sell 100 planes to Iran Air. A list of Airbus' orders through the end of April included more than 100 planes on order for Iran Air and Iran Aseman Airlines. Airbus did not immediately respond to a request for comment."

Boeing may lose $20 billion in aircraft deals as Trump to pull US out of Iran nuclear pact

Shit happens when you deal with the worlds largest supporter of terrorist, Iran was cheating, The anointed one isn’t running the show anymore, we got a leader with biggons!

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So we should back a regime like Iran for a few jobs......holy shit.....the self righteous left is now turning practical....except it's on the wrong issue.....just like you guys couldn't hit water from a boat.

If we try to reinstate sanctions all by our lonesome selves, it won't really hurt Iran that much - they'll just buy from other countries.

It'll only hurt American companies.

And you’re point is? They still chant DEATH TO AMERICA, are you ok with that, isn’t that hate speech to a liberal or not?

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Airbus isn't an American company, they're French, and their planes are made in France.

Unless France backs out of the Iran deal, I see no reason why their order will be cancelled.

They use a crap ton of parts made in the US on their planes and as such will have to choose between doing that or selling to Iran.

Trump fucked people all over the world just to help Iran get their nukes faster.

We gave them pallets of money and Obama signed an executive order for a deal that only was for 10 years and 2 have gone already, and they have been cheating on the deal, but hey anything that gets your Trump hate going. You pick Iran over America, that’s just sad, you poor poor liberal!

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Airbus isn't an American company, they're French, and their planes are made in France.

Unless France backs out of the Iran deal, I see no reason why their order will be cancelled.

They use a crap ton of parts made in the US on their planes and as such will have to choose between doing that or selling to Iran.

Trump fucked people all over the world just to help Iran get their nukes faster.

We gave them pallets of money and Obama signed an executive order for a deal that only was for 10 years and 2 have gone already, and they have been cheating on the deal, but hey anything that gets your Trump hate going. You pick Iran over America, that’s just sad, you poor poor liberal!

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Please provide the proof they have been cheating on the deal...


I'll buy that...

But... Congress controls the purse strings... Did pbo have congressional approval to deliver pallets full of cash?

Obama didn't need congressional approval to give Iran back their own money.

It's been explained countless times on this board and in the media.

It was their money that we froze in 1979 when they took our citizens as hostages at our embassy. As was when the first of many sanctions on Iran started.

Obama didn't need anyone's permission to give Iran back their own money.

It wasn't our money.

Obama didn't need anyone's permission to give Iran back their own money.

You know the first thing you do when you have a bunch of money that belongs to bad guys who support terror groups around the world?

You don't give it back to the bad guys who will use it to support terror.

It has amazing how the same people that tell us every day we cannot trust the Govt accept their story about Iran without even a single question.

Must be fun to live life as a sheep

Airbus isn't an American company, they're French, and their planes are made in France.

Unless France backs out of the Iran deal, I see no reason why their order will be cancelled.

They use a crap ton of parts made in the US on their planes and as such will have to choose between doing that or selling to Iran.

Trump fucked people all over the world just to help Iran get their nukes faster.

We gave them pallets of money and Obama signed an executive order for a deal that only was for 10 years and 2 have gone already, and they have been cheating on the deal, but hey anything that gets your Trump hate going. You pick Iran over America, that’s just sad, you poor poor liberal!

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Please provide the proof they have been cheating on the deal...

/——/ Here ya go Sparky: Netanyahu says files show Iran lied 'big time' about developing nuclear weapons

Airbus isn't an American company, they're French, and their planes are made in France.

Unless France backs out of the Iran deal, I see no reason why their order will be cancelled.

They use a crap ton of parts made in the US on their planes and as such will have to choose between doing that or selling to Iran.

Trump fucked people all over the world just to help Iran get their nukes faster.

We gave them pallets of money and Obama signed an executive order for a deal that only was for 10 years and 2 have gone already, and they have been cheating on the deal, but hey anything that gets your Trump hate going. You pick Iran over America, that’s just sad, you poor poor liberal!

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Please provide the proof they have been cheating on the deal...

/——/ Here ya go Sparky: Netanyahu says files show Iran lied 'big time' about developing nuclear weapons


Too bad we saw that same speech given by Colin Powell right before we invaded Iraq

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