Sanctions on Russia would mainly punish Europe, cutting off 40% of their energy supply.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
One thing about the Biden bad as domestic policy decisions have been,
foreign policies are as bad or worse.

In fact, economic sanctions won't phase Putin and his rich friends anyway.
Notoriously, sanctions end up hurting the average citizens, not the governments they're intended for.

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One thing about the Biden bad as domestic policy decisions have been,
foreign policies are as bad or worse.

In fact, economic sanctions won't phase Putin and his rich friends anyway.
Notoriously, sanctions end up hurting the average citizens, not the governments they're intended for.

There's going to be a lot of cold Germans this coming winter, when Putin shuts the flow of LPG to them, as well as Austria, France, Poland and the Ukraine.
He did it in 2009, he'll surely do it again and soon.
One thing about the Biden bad as domestic policy decisions have been,
foreign policies are as bad or worse.

In fact, economic sanctions won't phase Putin and his rich friends anyway.
Notoriously, sanctions end up hurting the average citizens, not the governments they're intended for.

Only costed Putin 3.5 million to Biden to get his dream. Talk about Russia collusion.
There's going to be a lot of cold Germans this coming winter, when Putin shuts the flow of LPG to them, as well as Austria, France, Poland and the Ukraine.
He did it in 2009, he'll surely do it again and soon.

Thank goodness Germany is shutting down their coal and nuke plants.
It'd be a shame if keeping alive with electric heat melted the poles.

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