Sanders Gets Called Out for Supporting $18 Billion Wall In 2013 But Opposing $5 Billion Wall Now

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The beauty (really) of a comprehensive WALL is that it is a physical barrier preventing illegals from setting foot on US soil. “Technology” that merely allows us to detect border crossings and apprehend illegals AFTER they are on US soil merely perpetuates all of the current problems that the Demoncraps and RINOs have given us: a vast expensive legal morass in which illegals get set loose in the country for years and never ever get deported. Not to mention the vast expenses to our govt, legal system, economy, etc.

Then there are the silly objections based upon all the drug trafficking etc. which occurs at official border crossings: the fact that a WALL is not 100% effective does not mean it is not needed for the vast numbers of crossing it will stop. Yes, we still need better security at official crossings, and by air/sea as smugglers look for other options. The fact that one measure, such as the WALL, is not 100% of the solution is no reason not to make it a key part of the solution. Liberals never seem able to comprehend this (or simply refuse to admit it).

Fox News’ Bret Baier asked Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on Wednesday why he supported funding an $18-billion border wall in 2013 but is opposed to the $5-billion border wall President Trump has asked Congress to fund.

Baier asked Sanders if he thinks Democrats and Republicans can reach a deal to prevent a government shutdown, pointing out that Trump has said he will shut down the government if $5 billion for a border wall isn’t included in the continuing resolution.

“I think border security is enormously important, but I think building a wall is a very costly and inefficient way to do that,” Sanders said. “And I’m not alone. I mean, many experts think that given the kind of technology that we have today, we can protect our southern border without building the wall and spending $5 billion.”

“Yes. And senator, in 2013 you voted for comprehensive immigration that included $18 billion for a wall in border security,” Baier interjected.

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Leftist hypocrite. Every damn one of them is like that.

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