Sanders now saying Hillary not qualified to be president


Yes, in fact I understand it so well that I know better than to trust just any random dumbfuck to know how to handle firearms, or to be smart enough to not shoot the wrong people by mistake.

Good for you. I may let you serve as a rifleman in my militia.:eusa_angel:
I've considered forming my own local militia. The way things are going you never know when you might need to defend your neighborhood from other militias.

I belong to an Old Farts militia. We sit around telling exaggerated war stories, eating BBQ, bragging about our shooting skills, complaining about our ailments and bad mouthing Obama.
You sound like a great group of Americans, Good luck with all that.

Just reported by Rachel Maddow. Looks like Sanders is turning really nasty. So much for his "clean" campaign.

Apparently his senility is getting the best of him - because he is apparently under the impression that Hillary had previously said on Morning Joe that he was not qualified to be president - but Hillary never said that.
she's not qualified.

not even close, her grasp of reality is tenuous at best.

damn, her blaming bengazi on a video should've sank her career

The video was involved.
are you a liar or really really dumb?
lol, he's a combination of both; he's a Democrat
"Sanders now saying Hillary not qualified to be president"

…now he’s saying she is.

Such is politics.
oh shit, nearly forgot

Sanders is a sexist pig woman hater that is on the front lines of the war on women.

almost forgot, that even though he's right, he can't speak out against her, it's not allowed
Shrillary said she didn't say Bernie wasn't qualified, she just implied it, which shows her dishonesty. Those that support her are as stupid as Trump supporters.
She didn't imply it. Scarborough asked her if she thought Bernie's half thought our foreign policy made him disqualified. And she refused to agree.
She implied it by saying his ideas were not realistic in regards to breaking up corporate banks and lobbies and corrupt campaign financing.....all of which she is taking million$ from.
Just reported by Rachel Maddow. Looks like Sanders is turning really nasty. So much for his "clean" campaign.

Apparently his senility is getting the best of him - because he is apparently under the impression that Hillary had previously said on Morning Joe that he was not qualified to be president - but Hillary never said that.

He is right

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