Sanders now saying Hillary not qualified to be president

More Meme TRUISMS....

Trump should ask Hilary to be his running mate........they agree on almost everything.
Just reported by Rachel Maddow. Looks like Sanders is turning really nasty. So much for his "clean" campaign.

Apparently his senility is getting the best of him - because he is apparently under the impression that Hillary had previously said on Morning Joe that he was not qualified to be president - but Hillary never said that.
she's not qualified.

not even close, her grasp of reality is tenuous at best.

damn, her blaming bengazi on a video should've sank her career
Hillary: Those smart 90's outfits, the white house, New York Senator, and all those foreign leaders she posed for photo ops with while SOS.

Trump or Cruz: The Apprentice. Ted Cruz wearing a suit.

Smart 90's outfits? She looks like a wrinkled bag of shit, douche-bag.
Just reported by Rachel Maddow. Looks like Sanders is turning really nasty. So much for his "clean" campaign.

Apparently his senility is getting the best of him - because he is apparently under the impression that Hillary had previously said on Morning Joe that he was not qualified to be president - but Hillary never said that.
she's not qualified.

not even close, her grasp of reality is tenuous at best.

damn, her blaming bengazi on a video should've sank her career

The video was involved.
Shrillary said she didn't say Bernie wasn't qualified, she just implied it, which shows her dishonesty. Those that support her are as stupid as Trump supporters.
Shrillary said she didn't say Bernie wasn't qualified, she just implied it, which shows her dishonesty. Those that support her are as stupid as Trump supporters.
She didn't imply it. Scarborough asked her if she thought Bernie's half thought our foreign policy made him disqualified. And she refused to agree.
That statement was absolutely the only thing that Sanders got correct in this whole campaign.
No shit, Sherlock - but Sanders isn't the answer.
Hilary is completely unacceptable and obviously vulnerable in the general election. Sanders polls far better against Trump or Cruz.

That may be what some polls are CURRENTLY showing - but keep in mind that Republicans haven't started trashing Sanders with opposition research dirt yet - so those polls will be changing dramatically heading into the General Election.

Hey! What about Hillary versus Trump poll?

Hillary had experienced radically changing polls with Sanders, why not Trump?
Sanders does much everyone knows.

Why does Hillary currently have 2.5 million more votes than Sanders?
Do YOU believe if Webb Hubble's daughter told her mother she was going to abort her baby Hillary would be OK with that?
Ya fucking right bitch!
Two faced fucking POS! BOTH OF YOU!
So, now Sanders is playing the "sexist" card - and pissing off lots of women. Shame on him...

Sanders Campaign Unveils Sexist New Argument Against Hillary
I wonder how many 'female babies' have been murdered on your reservation?
The reason the american indian has long ago become irrelevant to the political conversation is because they are determined to commit self genocide.
Go for it! Save the Makers many millions of tax dollars please sooner than later.
Basically a stone age people getting eliminated by the rest of the world. And helping the process by murdering most of their unborn babies.
Hope you are proud of yourselves.

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