Sanders now saying Hillary not qualified to be president

Oh gawd, has she played the 'It's because i'm a woman' card on this one yet? Stay tuned.
Apparently you live in isolation. Hillary praised Sanders today by saying she would prefer him over Trump or Cruz.
When Sanders wins in New York do you think Hilary should endorse him?

Are you retarded? She should only endorse him if he wins the Democratic Primary - and Sanders should do the same if she wins.
She would probably kiss his ass if he agreed to serve in her cabinet. But she knows Sanders won't take a deal.

Why would she want a 25 year never do nothing Senator to be a part of her cabinet?

Anyone that praised one of the most brutal murderous dictators to come out of the 20th century, you definitely do not want to be associated with. That's political suicide.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview


Wow, Republicans would have a field day with that if Sanders won the DNC nomination.

That's what they were hoping for, but they didn't get a Bernie Sanders nominee.
The Clinton campaign started this by implying Sanders is partly complicit for the Sandy Hook tragedy because he is against suing gun manufacturers, and implying he is unqualified to be president. Sanders is rightfully pushing back at this narrative implying she is unfit because of her vote on the Iraq war and ties to big money etc.

The narrative that Sanders is being a big meany head and is the one hitting below the belt is bullshit. Clinton is running a shitty campaign that is not energizing undecided Democrats and Independents, just like the last time against Obama.

Also part of this has to do with trustworthiness. Clinton has changed positions her whole career and polls show she ranks very low in this metric. Sanders is the exact opposite, trustworthy and true to his positions, many which have been correct in hindsight.

Actually, this all started with senile socialist Sanders giving a really dumb interview about Sandy Hook and guns - then the backlash scared the shit out of him. He can't blame Hillary for that.
The Clinton campaign's narrative that Sanders is pro gun is what flopped. Clinton is going for the mud because she is scared.

I don't think Hillary Clinton has to worry about Bernie Sanders. At this point it is mathematically impossible for him to catch her. He's done, you can stick a fork in him.
It’s Really Hard To Get Bernie Sanders 988 More Delegates

Sanders is gonna fix the markets by breaking up the 'Too Big to Fail Banks' and that should have been done a long damned time ago.

The Clinton campaign started this by implying Sanders is partly complicit for the Sandy Hook tragedy because he is against suing gun manufacturers, and implying he is unqualified to be president. Sanders is rightfully pushing back at this narrative implying she is unfit because of her vote on the Iraq war and ties to big money etc.

The narrative that Sanders is being a big meany head and is the one hitting below the belt is bullshit. Clinton is running a shitty campaign that is not energizing undecided Democrats and Independents, just like the last time against Obama.

Also part of this has to do with trustworthiness. Clinton has changed positions her whole career and polls show she ranks very low in this metric. Sanders is the exact opposite, trustworthy and true to his positions, many which have been correct in hindsight.

Actually, this all started with senile socialist Sanders giving a really dumb interview about Sandy Hook and guns - then the backlash scared the shit out of him. He can't blame Hillary for that.
The Clinton campaign's narrative that Sanders is pro gun is what flopped. Clinton is going for the mud because she is scared.
At this point it is mathematically impossible for him to catch her. He's done, you can stick a fork in him.
It’s Really Hard To Get Bernie Sanders 988 More Delegates


The Clinton campaign started this by implying Sanders is partly complicit for the Sandy Hook tragedy because he is against suing gun manufacturers, and implying he is unqualified to be president. Sanders is rightfully pushing back at this narrative implying she is unfit because of her vote on the Iraq war and ties to big money etc.

The narrative that Sanders is being a big meany head and is the one hitting below the belt is bullshit. Clinton is running a shitty campaign that is not energizing undecided Democrats and Independents, just like the last time against Obama.

Also part of this has to do with trustworthiness. Clinton has changed positions her whole career and polls show she ranks very low in this metric. Sanders is the exact opposite, trustworthy and true to his positions, many which have been correct in hindsight.

Actually, this all started with senile socialist Sanders giving a really dumb interview about Sandy Hook and guns - then the backlash scared the shit out of him. He can't blame Hillary for that.
The Clinton campaign's narrative that Sanders is pro gun is what flopped. Clinton is going for the mud because she is scared.

I don't think Hillary Clinton has to worry about Bernie Sanders. At this point it is mathematically impossible for him to catch her. He's done, you can stick a fork in him.
It’s Really Hard To Get Bernie Sanders 988 More Delegates


Lies and cartoons, not a good look. Enjoy being a tool.
Sanders is gonna fix the markets by breaking up the 'Too Big to Fail Banks' and that should have been done a long damned time ago.

He's not going to be fixing anything, he's not going anywhere. Right now he would have to win every single state left, including New York and Pennsylvania, and he would have to win the remaining states BIG by 74%. Then he would have to convince the Democrat Super delegates to dump Hillary Clinton and support him. Not going to happen. She is leading him by 32 points in New York, and she also has a double digit lead in Pennsylvania. We are headed into several large "closed" primary states where he typically gets clobbered.

But hey if you think that's possible don't let math stop you from breaking out your checkbook and donating more money to his campaign--LOL

Sanders will likely have a heart attack before the DNC convention. He already looks like he needs a rabies shot.
Sanders will like have a heart attack before the DNC convention.

Yes, watching him during the debates, there were several occasions that I thought he was going to pass out, and someone needed to call in the paramedics. This guy looks like a 100 miles of bad road. John McCain is older than Bernie Sanders is, and it's clear he's in better shape and he was tortured for 5 years.
Lol, yes, Clintons 'inevitability' is all her supporters talk about as to why one should support that hag.

One day soon that bubble might pop and people realize it was all complete bullshit and then its over.
Sanders is gonna fix the markets by breaking up the 'Too Big to Fail Banks' and that should have been done a long damned time ago.

He's not going to be fixing anything, he's not going anywhere. Right now he would have to win every single state left, including New York and Pennsylvania, and he would have to win the remaining states BIG by 74%. Then he would have to convince the Democrat Super delegates to dump Hillary Clinton and support him. Not going to happen. She is leading him by 32 points in New York, and she also has a double digit lead in Pennsylvania. We are headed into several large "closed" primary states where he typically gets clobbered.

But hey if you think that's possible don't let math stop you from breaking out your checkbook and donating more money to his campaign--LOL

Yeah, Sanders cant win because your Magic 8 Ball says so!

Come on, 20 years ago Democrats would have wanted a person who took tens of millions of bucks cash from big corproations and Wall Street banks while running for the PResidency!

But now that is all AOK because the 'inevitable' nominee is going to win regardless?

My Gawd, can you people hear yourselves?
Sanders will like have a heart attack before the DNC convention.

Yes, watching him during the debates, there were several occasions that I thought he was going to pass out, and someone needed to call in the paramedics. This guy looks like a 100 miles of bad road. John McCain is older than Bernie Sanders is, and it's clear he's in better shape and he was tortured for 5 years.

Where do you people come UP with this shit....
Clinton, Sanders and Rump are all about the same age. Of the three, Sanders is the only one who doesn't color his hair. And possibly the only one who doesn't color his skin. Bernie was also a long distance runner in his youth.

In other words, what that means is that Bernie's the only one of the three who's willing to show you what he really looks like.

Running in a Presidential campaign is way more grueling than running the actual job -- or pretty much anything. If there were health issues, any one of them would have shown an inability to keep up by now. Not one has. Actually the only one who shows signs of ill health is Rump. Not for the orange skin, but because of the obesity. He'll be the first to go.

But you go on watching the superficial and pretend to be making actual analyses through your nervous laughter.
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