Sanders now saying Hillary not qualified to be president

This started Wednesday morning when Clinton appeared on Morning Joe and Joe Scarborough—jumping off from Sanders’s wobbly Daily News editorial board interviewtried to ask her four times whether she thought Sanders was qualified to be president. Here’s the full exchange so you can decide for yourself:

JS: In light of the questions he had problems with, do you believe this morning that Bernie Sanders is qualified and ready to be president of the United States?

HC: Well, I think the interview raised a lot of really serious questions, and I look at it this way. The core of his campaign has been break up the banks, and it didn't seem in reading his answers that he understood exactly how that would work under Dodd-Frank and exactly who would be responsible, what the criteria were; and that means you really can't help people if you don’t know how to do what you are campaigning on saying you want to do. And then there were other—

JS: So is he qualified?...And I’m serious, if you weren't running today and you looked at Bernie Sanders would you say this guy is ready to be president of the United States?

HC: Well, I think he hadn’t done his homework and he’d been talking for more than a year about doing things that he obviously hadn’t really studied or understood, and that does raise a lot of questions and really what it goes to is for voters to ask themselves, can he deliver what he’s talking about, can he really help people—

JS: What do you think?

HC: Can he help our economy, can he keep our country strong...Well, obviously, I think I’m by far the better choice—

JS: But do you think he is qualified and do you think he is able to deliver on the things he is promising to all these Democratic voters?

HC: Well, lemme put it this way, Joe. I think that what he has been saying about the core issue in his whole campaign doesn’t seem to be rooted in an understanding of either the law or the practical ways you get something done. And I will leave it to voters to decide who of us can do the job that the country needs, who can do all aspects of the job. Both on the economic domestic issues and on national security and foreign policy.

I don’t know how you read that, but I read it as Scarborough trying four times to get Clinton to say outright that Bernie Sanders is not qualified to be president, and her refusing to do so.

Bernie Sanders’ PUMA Moment: Hillary Clinton ‘Not Qualified’
More like trying to get Hillary to say SOMETHING positive about Sanders, and Hillary could not bring herself to do it!

Think about the situation. Would it not improve Hillary's image if she humbly praised her 'vanquished' opponent?

The charisma of dead fish! Sanders is not a Republican, and how she treats him is key to winning the anti-Hillary voters!!

I just don't get her!!

Apparently you live in isolation. Hillary praised Sanders today by saying she would prefer him over Trump or Cruz.
When Sanders wins in New York do you think Hilary should endorse him?

Are you retarded? She should only endorse him if he wins the Democratic Primary - and Sanders should do the same if she wins.
She would probably kiss his ass if he agreed to serve in her cabinet. But she knows Sanders won't take a deal.
Just reported by Rachel Maddow. Looks like Sanders is turning really nasty. So much for his "clean" campaign.

Apparently his senility is getting the best of him - because he is apparently under the impression that Hillary had previously said on Morning Joe that he was not qualified to be president - but Hillary never said that.

Hell, I knew that Hillary wasn't qualified long before she ran - the SOB is a criminal.
Just reported by Rachel Maddow. Looks like Sanders is turning really nasty. So much for his "clean" campaign.

Apparently his senility is getting the best of him - because he is apparently under the impression that Hillary had previously said on Morning Joe that he was not qualified to be president - but Hillary never said that.

Hell, I knew that Hillary wasn't qualified long before she ran - the SOB is a criminal.

And I bet you have "credible" proof.....?
Just reported by Rachel Maddow. Looks like Sanders is turning really nasty. So much for his "clean" campaign.

Apparently his senility is getting the best of him - because he is apparently under the impression that Hillary had previously said on Morning Joe that he was not qualified to be president - but Hillary never said that.

Hell, I knew that Hillary wasn't qualified long before she ran - the SOB is a criminal.

And I bet you have "credible" proof.....?
They won't need it in the general election, all they have to do is perpetuate the perception.
Just reported by Rachel Maddow. Looks like Sanders is turning really nasty. So much for his "clean" campaign.

Apparently his senility is getting the best of him - because he is apparently under the impression that Hillary had previously said on Morning Joe that he was not qualified to be president - but Hillary never said that.

Hell, I knew that Hillary wasn't qualified long before she ran - the SOB is a criminal.

And I bet you have "credible" proof.....?
They won't need it in the general election, all they have to do is perpetuate the perception.

Are you a Zen Buddhist? Many of your posts don't make much sense.
Just reported by Rachel Maddow. Looks like Sanders is turning really nasty. So much for his "clean" campaign.

Apparently his senility is getting the best of him - because he is apparently under the impression that Hillary had previously said on Morning Joe that he was not qualified to be president - but Hillary never said that.

The sweet smell of desperation. I really don't know why Sander's is still in this race. Right now it's mathematically impossible for him to close this gap.

He would have to win every single state out there, including New York, Pennsylvania and not only win them, but win them BIG by 74%. If by some remote miracle he was able to that, he would still have to convince 700 Democrat Super Delegates to dump the party faithful in this race, Hillary Clinton and support him. That's not going to happen, he has never supported any other Democrats running for elected office, and he just changed his party status to Democrat to run in this race.
It’s Really Hard To Get Bernie Sanders 988 More Delegates

Why he's still in this race is anyone's guess. But I imagine it's for more campaign donations, donations, you can bet he won't share with other Democrats running for other seats.

This started Wednesday morning when Clinton appeared on Morning Joe and Joe Scarborough—jumping off from Sanders’s wobbly Daily News editorial board interviewtried to ask her four times whether she thought Sanders was qualified to be president. Here’s the full exchange so you can decide for yourself:

JS: In light of the questions he had problems with, do you believe this morning that Bernie Sanders is qualified and ready to be president of the United States?

HC: Well, I think the interview raised a lot of really serious questions, and I look at it this way. The core of his campaign has been break up the banks, and it didn't seem in reading his answers that he understood exactly how that would work under Dodd-Frank and exactly who would be responsible, what the criteria were; and that means you really can't help people if you don’t know how to do what you are campaigning on saying you want to do. And then there were other—

JS: So is he qualified?...And I’m serious, if you weren't running today and you looked at Bernie Sanders would you say this guy is ready to be president of the United States?

HC: Well, I think he hadn’t done his homework and he’d been talking for more than a year about doing things that he obviously hadn’t really studied or understood, and that does raise a lot of questions and really what it goes to is for voters to ask themselves, can he deliver what he’s talking about, can he really help people—

JS: What do you think?

HC: Can he help our economy, can he keep our country strong...Well, obviously, I think I’m by far the better choice—

JS: But do you think he is qualified and do you think he is able to deliver on the things he is promising to all these Democratic voters?

HC: Well, lemme put it this way, Joe. I think that what he has been saying about the core issue in his whole campaign doesn’t seem to be rooted in an understanding of either the law or the practical ways you get something done. And I will leave it to voters to decide who of us can do the job that the country needs, who can do all aspects of the job. Both on the economic domestic issues and on national security and foreign policy.

I don’t know how you read that, but I read it as Scarborough trying four times to get Clinton to say outright that Bernie Sanders is not qualified to be president, and her refusing to do so.

Bernie Sanders’ PUMA Moment: Hillary Clinton ‘Not Qualified’
More like trying to get Hillary to say SOMETHING positive about Sanders, and Hillary could not bring herself to do it!

Think about the situation. Would it not improve Hillary's image if she humbly praised her 'vanquished' opponent?

The charisma of dead fish! Sanders is not a Republican, and how she treats him is key to winning the anti-Hillary voters!!

I just don't get her!!

Apparently you live in isolation. Hillary praised Sanders today by saying she would prefer him over Trump or Cruz.
When Sanders wins in New York do you think Hilary should endorse him?

Are you retarded? She should only endorse him if he wins the Democratic Primary - and Sanders should do the same if she wins.
She would probably kiss his ass if he agreed to serve in her cabinet. But she knows Sanders won't take a deal.

Why would she want a 25 year never do nothing Senator to be a part of her cabinet?

Anyone that praised one of the most brutal murderous dictators to come out of the 20th century, you definitely do not want to be associated with. That's political suicide.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

More like trying to get Hillary to say SOMETHING positive about Sanders, and Hillary could not bring herself to do it!

Think about the situation. Would it not improve Hillary's image if she humbly praised her 'vanquished' opponent?

The charisma of dead fish! Sanders is not a Republican, and how she treats him is key to winning the anti-Hillary voters!!

I just don't get her!!

Apparently you live in isolation. Hillary praised Sanders today by saying she would prefer him over Trump or Cruz.
When Sanders wins in New York do you think Hilary should endorse him?

Are you retarded? She should only endorse him if he wins the Democratic Primary - and Sanders should do the same if she wins.
She would probably kiss his ass if he agreed to serve in her cabinet. But she knows Sanders won't take a deal.

Why would she want a 25 year never do nothing Senator to be a part of her cabinet?

Anyone that praised one of the most brutal murderous dictators to come out of the 20th century, you definitely do not want to be associated with. That's political suicide.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview


Wow, Republicans would have a field day with that if Sanders won the DNC nomination.
More like trying to get Hillary to say SOMETHING positive about Sanders, and Hillary could not bring herself to do it!

Think about the situation. Would it not improve Hillary's image if she humbly praised her 'vanquished' opponent?

The charisma of dead fish! Sanders is not a Republican, and how she treats him is key to winning the anti-Hillary voters!!

I just don't get her!!

Apparently you live in isolation. Hillary praised Sanders today by saying she would prefer him over Trump or Cruz.
When Sanders wins in New York do you think Hilary should endorse him?

Are you retarded? She should only endorse him if he wins the Democratic Primary - and Sanders should do the same if she wins.
She would probably kiss his ass if he agreed to serve in her cabinet. But she knows Sanders won't take a deal.

Why would she want a 25 year never do nothing Senator to be a part of her cabinet?

Anyone that praised one of the most brutal murderous dictators to come out of the 20th century, you definitely do not want to be associated with. That's political suicide.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

Of course....why would she want someone who's not bought and paid for the way she is?
Just reported by Rachel Maddow. Looks like Sanders is turning really nasty. So much for his "clean" campaign.

Apparently his senility is getting the best of him - because he is apparently under the impression that Hillary had previously said on Morning Joe that he was not qualified to be president - but Hillary never said that.

Hell, I knew that Hillary wasn't qualified long before she ran - the SOB is a criminal.

And I bet you have "credible" proof.....?
They won't need it in the general election, all they have to do is perpetuate the perception.

Are you a Zen Buddhist? Many of your posts don't make much sense.
It seems that way to you because you're just a little too slow.
The Clinton campaign started this by implying Sanders is partly complicit for the Sandy Hook tragedy because he is against suing gun manufacturers, and implying he is unqualified to be president. Sanders is rightfully pushing back at this narrative implying she is unfit because of her vote on the Iraq war and ties to big money etc.

The narrative that Sanders is being a big meany head and is the one hitting below the belt is bullshit. Clinton is running a shitty campaign that is not energizing undecided Democrats and Independents, just like the last time against Obama.

Also part of this has to do with trustworthiness. Clinton has changed positions her whole career and polls show she ranks very low in this metric. Sanders is the exact opposite, trustworthy and true to his positions, many which have been correct in hindsight.
The Clinton campaign started this by implying Sanders is partly complicit for the Sandy Hook tragedy because he is against suing gun manufacturers, and implying he is unqualified to be president. Sanders is rightfully pushing back at this narrative implying she is unfit because of her vote on the Iraq war and ties to big money etc.

The narrative that Sanders is being a big meany head and is the one hitting below the belt is bullshit. Clinton is running a shitty campaign that is not energizing undecided Democrats and Independents, just like the last time against Obama.

Also part of this has to do with trustworthiness. Clinton has changed positions her whole career and polls show she ranks very low in this metric. Sanders is the exact opposite, trustworthy and true to his positions, many which have been correct in hindsight.

Actually, this all started with senile socialist Sanders giving a really dumb interview about Sandy Hook and guns - then the backlash scared the shit out of him. He can't blame Hillary for that.
The Clinton campaign started this by implying Sanders is partly complicit for the Sandy Hook tragedy because he is against suing gun manufacturers, and implying he is unqualified to be president. Sanders is rightfully pushing back at this narrative implying she is unfit because of her vote on the Iraq war and ties to big money etc.

The narrative that Sanders is being a big meany head and is the one hitting below the belt is bullshit. Clinton is running a shitty campaign that is not energizing undecided Democrats and Independents, just like the last time against Obama.

Also part of this has to do with trustworthiness. Clinton has changed positions her whole career and polls show she ranks very low in this metric. Sanders is the exact opposite, trustworthy and true to his positions, many which have been correct in hindsight.

Hillary changed her mind on sumpin? You gotta be kidding!


And that is the kind of thinking and issues-stick-to-itieveness that makes me love Sanders. The guy is morally standing way above the rest of the field in honesty, personal integrity and determination to prevent another economic meltdown by making Wall Street responsible for their actions.

The Clinton campaign started this by implying Sanders is partly complicit for the Sandy Hook tragedy because he is against suing gun manufacturers, and implying he is unqualified to be president. Sanders is rightfully pushing back at this narrative implying she is unfit because of her vote on the Iraq war and ties to big money etc.

The narrative that Sanders is being a big meany head and is the one hitting below the belt is bullshit. Clinton is running a shitty campaign that is not energizing undecided Democrats and Independents, just like the last time against Obama.

Also part of this has to do with trustworthiness. Clinton has changed positions her whole career and polls show she ranks very low in this metric. Sanders is the exact opposite, trustworthy and true to his positions, many which have been correct in hindsight.

Actually, this all started with senile socialist Sanders giving a really dumb interview about Sandy Hook and guns - then the backlash scared the shit out of him. He can't blame Hillary for that.
The Clinton campaign's narrative that Sanders is pro gun is what flopped. Clinton is going for the mud because she is scared.

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