Sanders now saying Hillary not qualified to be president

They say that now. But many of them might change their minds depending on the platform and what happens the over the next few months.
I wouldn't count on it. The TV political pundits haven't been right about anything yet. I won't vote for Clinton under any circumstances.

Then Sanders will end up campaigning for Hillary or subtley sabortage his campaign..He want to reshape the Democrats agenda, not lead them into the Whitehouse.
Wrong again, that's what the corporate media would like us to believe.

Actually, Sanders talked about this years ago. He talked about the ups and downs of running for the nomination and how an outside campaign is actually can reshape the agenda.

You don't need to win. You just need the party to agree with some of your ideas.

All his attacks are based on old Democrats ideas.

Free trade, campaign reform, a firm but cautious foreign policies---even breaking up banks. All old Democrats ideas and promises!

If anything, Sanders campaign is like the ghost of the Democrats past. Before they became the face of Wall street.
Old Democratic ideas like Glass-Steagall.....right. The kind Hilary's donors oppose.
WHAT? HUH? Got a link for that....? is the late 1990's the ''old democratic era''?

Legislative history
The banking industry had been seeking the repeal of the 1933 Glass–Steagall Act since the 1980s, if not earlier.[5][6] In 1987 the Congressional Research Service prepared a report that explored the cases for and against preserving the Glass–Steagall act.[7]

Sen. Phil Gramm (R, Texas), Rep. Jim Leach (R, Iowa), and Rep. Thomas J. Bliley, Jr. (R, Virginia), the co-sponsors of the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act.
Respective versions of the Financial Services Act were introduced in the U.S. Senate by Phil Gramm (Republican of Texas) and in the U.S. House of Representatives by Jim Leach (R-Iowa). The third lawmaker associated with the bill was Rep. Thomas J. Bliley, Jr. (R-Virginia), Chairman of the House Commerce Committee from 1995 to 2001.

During debate in the House of Representatives, Rep. John Dingell (Democrat of Michigan) argued that the bill would result in banks becoming "too big to fail." Dingell further argued that this would necessarily result in a bailout by the Federal Government.[8]

The House passed its version of the Financial Services Act of 1999 on July 1, 1999, by a bipartisan vote of 343–86 (Republicans 205–16; Democrats 138–69; Independent 0–1),[9][10][note 1] two months after the Senate had already passed its version of the bill on May 6 by a much-narrower 54–44 vote along basically-partisan lines (53 Republicans and 1 Democrat in favor; 44 Democrats opposed).[12][13][14][note 2]

Final Congressional vote by chamber and party, November 4, 1999
When the two chambers could not agree on a joint version of the bill, the House voted on July 30 by a vote of 241–132 (R 58–131; D 182–1; Ind. 1–0) to instruct its negotiators to work for a law which ensured that consumers enjoyed medical and financial privacy as well as "robust competition and equal and non-discriminatory access to financial services and economic opportunities in their communities" (i.e., protection against exclusionary redlining).[note 3]

The bill then moved to a joint conference committee to work out the differences between the Senate and House versions. Democrats agreed to support the bill after Republicans agreed to strengthen provisions of the anti-redlining Community Reinvestment Act and address certain privacy concerns; the conference committee then finished its work by the beginning of November.[16][17] On November 4, the final bill resolving the differences was passed by the Senate 90–8,[18][note 4] and by the House 362–57.[19][note 5] The legislation was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on November 12, 1999.[20]

The numbers show a President Clinton veto would have been over ridden...
Hillary is NOT qualified to wipe an ass. What an evil, man-hating beast she is. No wonder her husband went the pervert route.

which candidate is more qualified to be POTUS than hillary? :lol: (no one)
When you put it that way...Hillary is the only one who lived 8 years in the white house, and knows how that place works, and was both a Senator and Secretary of State.

The GOP has a business man, and a Senator.

Yep after 8 years she knows the ins and outs better than anyone, like where they hide the extra toilet paper and the key to the liquor cabinet
bernie sanders lied when he claimed that hillary supposedly said he was unqualified.

joe scarborough asked her that question, trying to bait her, and she answered gracefully and substantively.

"And she has been saying lately that she thinks that I am, 'not qualified to be president,’ " he told the crowd. :eusa_liar:

^ bernie completely fabricated that lie in order to justify his own shameless bluster.

one journalist asks a question and another writes a headline...

and lying bernie tells his fans that hillary said something she did not say. :eusa_liar:

During an April 6 rally at Temple University in Philadelphia, Sanders contended that in the wake of Clinton's loss in Wisconsin, she is getting a little nervous. "And she has been saying lately that she thinks that I am, 'not qualified to be president,’ " he told the crowd.

"So is he qualified?" Scarborough said, asking if she thought Sanders was "ready to be president." Clinton said she thought Sanders hadn't done his homework and "that does raise a lot of questions."

Scarborough tried again, asking "But do you think he is qualified?" Again, Clinton didn't give a yes or no answer.

The lead paragraph on the Washington Post story: "Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton on Wednesday questioned whether her rival in the Democratic presidential primary, Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.), is qualified to be president."

But Clinton saying that Sanders' answers raise questions about his qualifications is very different from saying he's "not qualified."

Did Hillary Clinton say Bernie Sanders 'not qualified' to be president? Not directly
This started Wednesday morning when Clinton appeared on Morning Joe and Joe Scarborough—jumping off from Sanders’s wobbly Daily News editorial board interviewtried to ask her four times whether she thought Sanders was qualified to be president. Here’s the full exchange so you can decide for yourself:

JS: In light of the questions he had problems with, do you believe this morning that Bernie Sanders is qualified and ready to be president of the United States?

HC: Well, I think the interview raised a lot of really serious questions, and I look at it this way. The core of his campaign has been break up the banks, and it didn't seem in reading his answers that he understood exactly how that would work under Dodd-Frank and exactly who would be responsible, what the criteria were; and that means you really can't help people if you don’t know how to do what you are campaigning on saying you want to do. And then there were other—

JS: So is he qualified?...And I’m serious, if you weren't running today and you looked at Bernie Sanders would you say this guy is ready to be president of the United States?

HC: Well, I think he hadn’t done his homework and he’d been talking for more than a year about doing things that he obviously hadn’t really studied or understood, and that does raise a lot of questions and really what it goes to is for voters to ask themselves, can he deliver what he’s talking about, can he really help people—

JS: What do you think?

HC: Can he help our economy, can he keep our country strong...Well, obviously, I think I’m by far the better choice—

JS: But do you think he is qualified and do you think he is able to deliver on the things he is promising to all these Democratic voters?

HC: Well, lemme put it this way, Joe. I think that what he has been saying about the core issue in his whole campaign doesn’t seem to be rooted in an understanding of either the law or the practical ways you get something done. And I will leave it to voters to decide who of us can do the job that the country needs, who can do all aspects of the job. Both on the economic domestic issues and on national security and foreign policy.

I don’t know how you read that, but I read it as Scarborough trying four times to get Clinton to say outright that Bernie Sanders is not qualified to be president, and her refusing to do so.

Bernie Sanders’ PUMA Moment: Hillary Clinton ‘Not Qualified’
Questioning Hillary Clinton’s Qualifications Doesn’t Sit Well With Women Backing Her

Many of these women have been told their whole lives that they’re not as qualified as men.

When talking to women rooting for Hillary Clinton, one reason comes up over and over again about why they stick by her: She is, simply, the most qualified person to be president.

“She’s the most highly qualified candidate of the Republicans and the Democrats. She has the experience,” New Hampshire state Rep. Mary Heath (D) said during a canvassing event in Manchester in January.

“She’s the most qualified, the smartest person. Her grasp of the issues is just amazing,” agreed Kathy Sullivan, a former chairwoman of the state Democratic Party.

Responses like those are why Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) recent comment that Clinton isn’t qualified to be president have caused such a backlash with her supporters.

More: Sanders' 'Qualified' Comments About Clinton Sparks Intense Backlash

Sanders is making a lot of female enemies - and they will work even harder to put Hillary in the White House.

Someone noticed! " If she is....". Is much weaker than the accusative " because she is....."!

In fact, if she isn't, then the attack is defused!

By the way--seen how that crowd cheered Sanders on?

Problematic in the Generals.
Hillary is NOT qualified to wipe an ass. What an evil, man-hating beast she is. No wonder her husband went the pervert route.

which candidate is more qualified to be POTUS than hillary? :lol: (no one)
When you put it that way...Hillary is the only one who lived 8 years in the white house, and knows how that place works, and was both a Senator and Secretary of State.

The GOP has a business man, and a Senator.

Yep after 8 years she knows the ins and outs better than anyone, like where they hide the extra toilet paper and the key to the liquor cabinet
Yeah well this election will be decided by the mental imagery that voters have running through their heads when they pull the lever.

Hillary: Those smart 90's outfits, the white house, New York Senator, and all those foreign leaders she posed for photo ops with while SOS.

Trump or Cruz: The Apprentice. Ted Cruz wearing a suit.
This started Wednesday morning when Clinton appeared on Morning Joe and Joe Scarborough—jumping off from Sanders’s wobbly Daily News editorial board interviewtried to ask her four times whether she thought Sanders was qualified to be president. Here’s the full exchange so you can decide for yourself:

JS: In light of the questions he had problems with, do you believe this morning that Bernie Sanders is qualified and ready to be president of the United States?

HC: Well, I think the interview raised a lot of really serious questions, and I look at it this way. The core of his campaign has been break up the banks, and it didn't seem in reading his answers that he understood exactly how that would work under Dodd-Frank and exactly who would be responsible, what the criteria were; and that means you really can't help people if you don’t know how to do what you are campaigning on saying you want to do. And then there were other—

JS: So is he qualified?...And I’m serious, if you weren't running today and you looked at Bernie Sanders would you say this guy is ready to be president of the United States?

HC: Well, I think he hadn’t done his homework and he’d been talking for more than a year about doing things that he obviously hadn’t really studied or understood, and that does raise a lot of questions and really what it goes to is for voters to ask themselves, can he deliver what he’s talking about, can he really help people—

JS: What do you think?

HC: Can he help our economy, can he keep our country strong...Well, obviously, I think I’m by far the better choice—

JS: But do you think he is qualified and do you think he is able to deliver on the things he is promising to all these Democratic voters?

HC: Well, lemme put it this way, Joe. I think that what he has been saying about the core issue in his whole campaign doesn’t seem to be rooted in an understanding of either the law or the practical ways you get something done. And I will leave it to voters to decide who of us can do the job that the country needs, who can do all aspects of the job. Both on the economic domestic issues and on national security and foreign policy.

I don’t know how you read that, but I read it as Scarborough trying four times to get Clinton to say outright that Bernie Sanders is not qualified to be president, and her refusing to do so.

Bernie Sanders’ PUMA Moment: Hillary Clinton ‘Not Qualified’
More like trying to get Hillary to say SOMETHING positive about Sanders, and Hillary could not bring herself to do it!

Think about the situation. Would it not improve Hillary's image if she humbly praised her 'vanquished' opponent?

The charisma of dead fish! Sanders is not a Republican, and how she treats him is key to winning the anti-Hillary voters!!

I just don't get her!!
This started Wednesday morning when Clinton appeared on Morning Joe and Joe Scarborough—jumping off from Sanders’s wobbly Daily News editorial board interviewtried to ask her four times whether she thought Sanders was qualified to be president. Here’s the full exchange so you can decide for yourself:

JS: In light of the questions he had problems with, do you believe this morning that Bernie Sanders is qualified and ready to be president of the United States?

HC: Well, I think the interview raised a lot of really serious questions, and I look at it this way. The core of his campaign has been break up the banks, and it didn't seem in reading his answers that he understood exactly how that would work under Dodd-Frank and exactly who would be responsible, what the criteria were; and that means you really can't help people if you don’t know how to do what you are campaigning on saying you want to do. And then there were other—

JS: So is he qualified?...And I’m serious, if you weren't running today and you looked at Bernie Sanders would you say this guy is ready to be president of the United States?

HC: Well, I think he hadn’t done his homework and he’d been talking for more than a year about doing things that he obviously hadn’t really studied or understood, and that does raise a lot of questions and really what it goes to is for voters to ask themselves, can he deliver what he’s talking about, can he really help people—

JS: What do you think?

HC: Can he help our economy, can he keep our country strong...Well, obviously, I think I’m by far the better choice—

JS: But do you think he is qualified and do you think he is able to deliver on the things he is promising to all these Democratic voters?

HC: Well, lemme put it this way, Joe. I think that what he has been saying about the core issue in his whole campaign doesn’t seem to be rooted in an understanding of either the law or the practical ways you get something done. And I will leave it to voters to decide who of us can do the job that the country needs, who can do all aspects of the job. Both on the economic domestic issues and on national security and foreign policy.

I don’t know how you read that, but I read it as Scarborough trying four times to get Clinton to say outright that Bernie Sanders is not qualified to be president, and her refusing to do so.

Bernie Sanders’ PUMA Moment: Hillary Clinton ‘Not Qualified’
More like trying to get Hillary to say SOMETHING positive about Sanders, and Hillary could not bring herself to do it!

Think about the situation. Would it not improve Hillary's image if she humbly praised her 'vanquished' opponent?

The charisma of dead fish! Sanders is not a Republican, and how she treats him is key to winning the anti-Hillary voters!!

I just don't get her!!

Apparently you live in isolation. Hillary praised Sanders today by saying she would prefer him over Trump or Cruz.
This started Wednesday morning when Clinton appeared on Morning Joe and Joe Scarborough—jumping off from Sanders’s wobbly Daily News editorial board interviewtried to ask her four times whether she thought Sanders was qualified to be president. Here’s the full exchange so you can decide for yourself:

JS: In light of the questions he had problems with, do you believe this morning that Bernie Sanders is qualified and ready to be president of the United States?

HC: Well, I think the interview raised a lot of really serious questions, and I look at it this way. The core of his campaign has been break up the banks, and it didn't seem in reading his answers that he understood exactly how that would work under Dodd-Frank and exactly who would be responsible, what the criteria were; and that means you really can't help people if you don’t know how to do what you are campaigning on saying you want to do. And then there were other—

JS: So is he qualified?...And I’m serious, if you weren't running today and you looked at Bernie Sanders would you say this guy is ready to be president of the United States?

HC: Well, I think he hadn’t done his homework and he’d been talking for more than a year about doing things that he obviously hadn’t really studied or understood, and that does raise a lot of questions and really what it goes to is for voters to ask themselves, can he deliver what he’s talking about, can he really help people—

JS: What do you think?

HC: Can he help our economy, can he keep our country strong...Well, obviously, I think I’m by far the better choice—

JS: But do you think he is qualified and do you think he is able to deliver on the things he is promising to all these Democratic voters?

HC: Well, lemme put it this way, Joe. I think that what he has been saying about the core issue in his whole campaign doesn’t seem to be rooted in an understanding of either the law or the practical ways you get something done. And I will leave it to voters to decide who of us can do the job that the country needs, who can do all aspects of the job. Both on the economic domestic issues and on national security and foreign policy.

I don’t know how you read that, but I read it as Scarborough trying four times to get Clinton to say outright that Bernie Sanders is not qualified to be president, and her refusing to do so.

Bernie Sanders’ PUMA Moment: Hillary Clinton ‘Not Qualified’
More like trying to get Hillary to say SOMETHING positive about Sanders, and Hillary could not bring herself to do it!

Think about the situation. Would it not improve Hillary's image if she humbly praised her 'vanquished' opponent?

The charisma of dead fish! Sanders is not a Republican, and how she treats him is key to winning the anti-Hillary voters!!

I just don't get her!!

Apparently you live in isolation. Hillary praised Sanders today by saying she would prefer him over Trump or Cruz.
I was talking in reference to the interview with Joe Scarborough.

Better than Trump or Cruz? Not many people worst than them!
This started Wednesday morning when Clinton appeared on Morning Joe and Joe Scarborough—jumping off from Sanders’s wobbly Daily News editorial board interviewtried to ask her four times whether she thought Sanders was qualified to be president. Here’s the full exchange so you can decide for yourself:

JS: In light of the questions he had problems with, do you believe this morning that Bernie Sanders is qualified and ready to be president of the United States?

HC: Well, I think the interview raised a lot of really serious questions, and I look at it this way. The core of his campaign has been break up the banks, and it didn't seem in reading his answers that he understood exactly how that would work under Dodd-Frank and exactly who would be responsible, what the criteria were; and that means you really can't help people if you don’t know how to do what you are campaigning on saying you want to do. And then there were other—

JS: So is he qualified?...And I’m serious, if you weren't running today and you looked at Bernie Sanders would you say this guy is ready to be president of the United States?

HC: Well, I think he hadn’t done his homework and he’d been talking for more than a year about doing things that he obviously hadn’t really studied or understood, and that does raise a lot of questions and really what it goes to is for voters to ask themselves, can he deliver what he’s talking about, can he really help people—

JS: What do you think?

HC: Can he help our economy, can he keep our country strong...Well, obviously, I think I’m by far the better choice—

JS: But do you think he is qualified and do you think he is able to deliver on the things he is promising to all these Democratic voters?

HC: Well, lemme put it this way, Joe. I think that what he has been saying about the core issue in his whole campaign doesn’t seem to be rooted in an understanding of either the law or the practical ways you get something done. And I will leave it to voters to decide who of us can do the job that the country needs, who can do all aspects of the job. Both on the economic domestic issues and on national security and foreign policy.

I don’t know how you read that, but I read it as Scarborough trying four times to get Clinton to say outright that Bernie Sanders is not qualified to be president, and her refusing to do so.

Bernie Sanders’ PUMA Moment: Hillary Clinton ‘Not Qualified’
More like trying to get Hillary to say SOMETHING positive about Sanders, and Hillary could not bring herself to do it!

Think about the situation. Would it not improve Hillary's image if she humbly praised her 'vanquished' opponent?

The charisma of dead fish! Sanders is not a Republican, and how she treats him is key to winning the anti-Hillary voters!!

I just don't get her!!

Apparently you live in isolation. Hillary praised Sanders today by saying she would prefer him over Trump or Cruz.
When Sanders wins in New York do you think Hilary should endorse him?
This started Wednesday morning when Clinton appeared on Morning Joe and Joe Scarborough—jumping off from Sanders’s wobbly Daily News editorial board interviewtried to ask her four times whether she thought Sanders was qualified to be president. Here’s the full exchange so you can decide for yourself:

JS: In light of the questions he had problems with, do you believe this morning that Bernie Sanders is qualified and ready to be president of the United States?

HC: Well, I think the interview raised a lot of really serious questions, and I look at it this way. The core of his campaign has been break up the banks, and it didn't seem in reading his answers that he understood exactly how that would work under Dodd-Frank and exactly who would be responsible, what the criteria were; and that means you really can't help people if you don’t know how to do what you are campaigning on saying you want to do. And then there were other—

JS: So is he qualified?...And I’m serious, if you weren't running today and you looked at Bernie Sanders would you say this guy is ready to be president of the United States?

HC: Well, I think he hadn’t done his homework and he’d been talking for more than a year about doing things that he obviously hadn’t really studied or understood, and that does raise a lot of questions and really what it goes to is for voters to ask themselves, can he deliver what he’s talking about, can he really help people—

JS: What do you think?

HC: Can he help our economy, can he keep our country strong...Well, obviously, I think I’m by far the better choice—

JS: But do you think he is qualified and do you think he is able to deliver on the things he is promising to all these Democratic voters?

HC: Well, lemme put it this way, Joe. I think that what he has been saying about the core issue in his whole campaign doesn’t seem to be rooted in an understanding of either the law or the practical ways you get something done. And I will leave it to voters to decide who of us can do the job that the country needs, who can do all aspects of the job. Both on the economic domestic issues and on national security and foreign policy.

I don’t know how you read that, but I read it as Scarborough trying four times to get Clinton to say outright that Bernie Sanders is not qualified to be president, and her refusing to do so.

Bernie Sanders’ PUMA Moment: Hillary Clinton ‘Not Qualified’
More like trying to get Hillary to say SOMETHING positive about Sanders, and Hillary could not bring herself to do it!

Think about the situation. Would it not improve Hillary's image if she humbly praised her 'vanquished' opponent?

The charisma of dead fish! Sanders is not a Republican, and how she treats him is key to winning the anti-Hillary voters!!

I just don't get her!!

Apparently you live in isolation. Hillary praised Sanders today by saying she would prefer him over Trump or Cruz.
When Sanders wins in New York do you think Hilary should endorse him?

Are you retarded? She should only endorse him if he wins the Democratic Primary - and Sanders should do the same if she wins.

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