Sanders now saying Hillary not qualified to be president

Hillary is NOT qualified to wipe an ass. What an evil, man-hating beast she is. No wonder her husband went the pervert route.

which candidate is more qualified to be POTUS than hillary? :lol: (no one)
When you put it that way...Hillary is the only one who lived 8 years in the white house, and knows how that place works, and was both a Senator and Secretary of State.

The GOP has a business man, and a Senator.
Hillary is NOT qualified to wipe an ass. What an evil, man-hating beast she is. No wonder her husband went the pervert route.

which candidate is more qualified to be POTUS than hillary? :lol: (no one)

Kasich is a great candidate, but too many GOP voters are acting like retards these days.

Pawlenty, Kasich, Christie...all qualified, but rejected by the knuckle dragging Tea Party factions
Kasich is a great candidate, but too many GOP voters are acting like retards these days.

Pawlenty, Kasich, Christie...all qualified, but rejected by the knuckle dragging Tea Party factions

So the public must be stupid if we dont want professional career politicians, right?

Lol, no, we are tired of these whores in suits and we are taking our country back, even if we have to burn the whole damned thing down first to get it done.

I have a feeling that they will wish they had really destroyed ISIS before this is all over.
Hillary is NOT qualified to wipe an ass. What an evil, man-hating beast she is. No wonder her husband went the pervert route.

which candidate is more qualified to be POTUS than hillary? :lol: (no one)

Yeah in that ticket punching careerist sort of way, Kasich is more qualified.

I would prefer a random name out of the phone book to all of them.

from the things that Hillary and Sanders say----my impression is-----deep down THEY know----that they are not qualified------both know it
Hillary is NOT qualified to wipe an ass. What an evil, man-hating beast she is. No wonder her husband went the pervert route.

which candidate is more qualified to be POTUS than hillary? :lol: (no one)

Yeah in that ticket punching careerist sort of way, Kasich is more qualified.

I would prefer a random name out of the phone book to all of them.

from the things that Hillary and Sanders say----my impression is-----deep down THEY know----that they are not qualified------both know it

I would take Sanders over Jeb! or Rubio or Kasich or Hillary or Romney, or.....well, you get the idea.
So the public must be stupid if we dont want professional career politicians, right?

Lol, no, we are tired of these whores in suits and we are taking our country back, even if we have to burn the whole damned thing down first to get it done.

I have a feeling that they will wish they had really destroyed ISIS before this is all over.

:lol: interesting. you aim to take our country back from whom?
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I am starting to wonder if the Democrats are about to descend into the pit of Civil WAr that the GOP has.

Sanders ticks off ways Clinton not ‘qualified’ to be president

Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders on Wednesday said that he does not believe Hillary Clinton is qualified to be president based on her acceptance of special-interest money, her support of free trade and her vote for the Iraq War.

Sanders’s blunt assessment at a raucous rally here came at the end of a day of testy exchanges between the two White House contenders in a race that Sanders has prolonged by continuing to win nominating contests, despite Clinton’s formidable lead in the delegate count....

Appearing at a rally at Temple University, Sanders told supporters that “Secretary Clinton appears to be getting a little bit nervous.”

“She has been saying lately that she thinks I am quote-unquote not qualified to be president,” Sanders said. “Let me just say in response to Secretary Clinton, I don’t believe that she is qualified if she is through her super PAC taking tens of millions of dollars in special-interest money. I don’t think you are qualified if you get $15 million through Wall Street for your super PAC.”

As a conservative, not a Republican btw, I feel like Bernie telling Hillary she is unfit to be president is like a blind man telling a quadriplegic he is unfit to fly a plane.
Your lies have no basis in fact.




ROFLMFAO, the security specialist responsible for Benghazi testified under oath that the budget had NO EFFECT on security decisions. You're nothing but a lying propagandist whore.

Why didn't you NaziCons try to politicize the consulate/embassy deaths under Bush?


Bush didnt try to hide the reasons for the attacks and he had nothing to do with them.
Benghazi hilary was trying to hide the transfer of weapons to our enemies.

UHHHHHH, NO! you can speculate all you want along with all those trying to sell their books, but all the benghazi hearings held by REPUBLICANS in Congress proved otherwise! AND if you still choose to believe your conspiracy theories on this instead, then your conservative republican representatives are lying to us, just like you all claim Hillary did....and if all of them are lying including all the witnesses interviewed, then that's one heck of a top secret program with some sort of mind control abilities used on all of them.... :rolleyes:

The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence concluded in its 2014 report, "The CIA was not collecting and shipping arms from Libya to Syria."

The committee's report cited eyewitness testimony and thousands of pages of documents. Witnesses testified that they only saw "standard CIA security weapons" at the annex.

"The Benghazi annex was not itself collecting weapons," the report states. "The Committee has not seen any credible information to dispute these facts."

Rep. Pompeo's office has not responded to a request for comment on whether he disputes the committee's findings.

Pompeo's questioning and Paul's comments point to an underlying question about the attacks that the public may never fully know the answer to: what was the CIA doing in Benghazi?

"The CIA's mission in Benghazi was to collect foreign intelligence. From the annex in Benghazi, the CIA was collecting intelligence about foreign entities that were themselves collecting weapons in Libya and facilitating their passage to Syria," the House Intelligence Committee concluded, citing interviews with officials and witnesses.

"All CIA activities in Benghazi were legal and authorized," the committee's report said. "On-the-record testimony establishes that CIA was not sending weapons (including MANPADS) from Libya to Syria, or facilitating other organizations or states that were transferring weapons from Libya to Syria."

Like they're going to admit it....
Sooooo, if for some reason you are correct and the Republicans in Congress can't admit it, because it is super duper TOP SECRET, then why call Hillary the liar and blame her for this CIA program and no one else that had to keep their mouths shut on it due to it being a CIA Top secret program?

just political posturing and shenanigans....?
Many Sanders supporters have already said they won't support Hilary in the general election, they'll vote third party or simply not vote at all. And we know what low voter turn out always means for Democrats.

They say that now. But many of them might change their minds depending on the platform and what happens the over the next few months.
I wouldn't count on it. The TV political pundits haven't been right about anything yet. I won't vote for Clinton under any circumstances.

Then Sanders will end up campaigning for Hillary or subtley sabortage his campaign..He want to reshape the Democrats agenda, not lead them into the Whitehouse.
Wrong again, that's what the corporate media would like us to believe.

Actually, Sanders talked about this years ago. He talked about the ups and downs of running for the nomination and how an outside campaign is actually can reshape the agenda.

You don't need to win. You just need the party to agree with some of your ideas.

All his attacks are based on old Democrats ideas.

Free trade, campaign reform, a firm but cautious foreign policies---even breaking up banks. All old Democrats ideas and promises!

If anything, Sanders campaign is like the ghost of the Democrats past. Before they became the face of Wall street.
It's not a stupid thread, but Bernie stupidly stepped in a pile of dog shite for no reason. Hillary was baited with a question of Bernie being qualified, but she wisely didn't bite, because in fact he is qualified. What's qualified mean? He's legally qualified. He's got a history of pretty left economic proposals. The fact than more than halfway through the race he hasn't given much thought to foreign policy, and that most of his policies are politically impossible, regardless of whether or not they are "good," are reasons to not vote for him.

Hillary's ties to Wall St, or at least her not publishing her speeches to Wall St, are reasons not to vote for her. But she is qualified.

When you start saying a person in your own party isn't qualified, you're verging onto personal and worse you're putting up barriers to reconciliation after the nomination, and it's probably a 90% certainty that Hill will be the nominee, given the polls and delegate count .... unless she's indicted, and I don't think she will be.
Clinton has been on the wrong side of every important issue for decades........Iraq War, NAFTA and other so called free trade agreements, and let's not forget about her tenure as Secretary of blunder after another. Clinton is the worst possible candidate the Democrat establishment could have chosen.
hillary was trying to force him to get past the simpleton platitudes and be more specific as to how policy proposals actually get accomplished...

naturally, he flipped out and tried to turn the tables because platitudes!!! :lol:
Kasich is a great candidate, but too many GOP voters are acting like retards these days.

Pawlenty, Kasich, Christie...all qualified, but rejected by the knuckle dragging Tea Party factions

So the public must be stupid if we dont want professional career politicians, right?

Lol, no, we are tired of these whores in suits and we are taking our country back, even if we have to burn the whole damned thing down first to get it done.

I have a feeling that they will wish they had really destroyed ISIS before this is all over.
The "public" isn't stupid, just you are, and so are Tea Partiers.

What you'll get from non career politicians...are people who will become politicians within a year's time.

They're bamboozling you into thinking that THEY can change Washington, when without exception....Washington changes all who enter eventually
bill was just the first to get caught...

our kids ended up seeing blowjobs on the evening news because unhinged partisan lunatics made sure of it.
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