Sanders now saying Hillary not qualified to be president

Many Sanders supporters have already said they won't support Hilary in the general election, they'll vote third party or simply not vote at all. And we know what low voter turn out always means for Democrats.
Many Sanders supporters have already said they won't support Hilary in the general election, they'll vote third party or simply not vote at all. And we know what low voter turn out always means for Democrats.

They say that now. But many of them might change their minds depending on the platform and what happens the over the next few months.
Many Sanders supporters have already said they won't support Hilary in the general election, they'll vote third party or simply not vote at all. And we know what low voter turn out always means for Democrats.

So, would they prefer Trump or Cruz? Are Sanders supporters really that stupid?
Also, Sanders needs the Democrats to win. So I expect he is not going the Trump route.
sixty days from now he'll be singing another tune and the DNC will sing kumbaya for hillary.
Many Sanders supporters have already said they won't support Hilary in the general election, they'll vote third party or simply not vote at all. And we know what low voter turn out always means for Democrats.

They say that now. But many of them might change their minds depending on the platform and what happens the over the next few months.
I wouldn't count on it. The TV political pundits haven't been right about anything yet. I won't vote for Clinton under any circumstances.
Many Sanders supporters have already said they won't support Hilary in the general election, they'll vote third party or simply not vote at all. And we know what low voter turn out always means for Democrats.

So, would they prefer Trump or Cruz? Are Sanders supporters really that stupid?
So once again we get the choice of dogshit or horseshit. I don't think you quite understand what's happening in this country, the old standards of acceptability don't work any more, a point of critical mass has been reached. Both major political parties no longer serve the needs of the American people, their corporate masters come first.
Many Sanders supporters have already said they won't support Hilary in the general election, they'll vote third party or simply not vote at all. And we know what low voter turn out always means for Democrats.

So, would they prefer Trump or Cruz? Are Sanders supporters really that stupid?
So once again we get the choice of dogshit or horseshit. I don't think you quite understand what's happening in this country, the old standards of acceptability don't work any more, a point of critical mass has been reached. Both major political parties no longer serve the needs of the American people, their corporate masters come first.

No shit, Sherlock - but Sanders isn't the answer.
I am starting to wonder if the Democrats are about to descend into the pit of Civil WAr that the GOP has.

Sanders ticks off ways Clinton not ‘qualified’ to be president

Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders on Wednesday said that he does not believe Hillary Clinton is qualified to be president based on her acceptance of special-interest money, her support of free trade and her vote for the Iraq War.

Sanders’s blunt assessment at a raucous rally here came at the end of a day of testy exchanges between the two White House contenders in a race that Sanders has prolonged by continuing to win nominating contests, despite Clinton’s formidable lead in the delegate count....

Appearing at a rally at Temple University, Sanders told supporters that “Secretary Clinton appears to be getting a little bit nervous.”

“She has been saying lately that she thinks I am quote-unquote not qualified to be president,” Sanders said. “Let me just say in response to Secretary Clinton, I don’t believe that she is qualified if she is through her super PAC taking tens of millions of dollars in special-interest money. I don’t think you are qualified if you get $15 million through Wall Street for your super PAC.”

Bernie and Hillary look like 9 year old girls having a Tea Party, compared to the GOP's MMA style bouts.
Does Clinton really have 2.5 million more votes than Sanders?

Hillary currently has about 2.5 million more votes than Sanders. Hillary is working within the system of campaign finance laws - just like the Republicans. Sanders is the only socialist running for president - so it is only natural that he would not directly accept corporate money. However, how many of his contributors work for corporations?
Many Sanders supporters have already said they won't support Hilary in the general election, they'll vote third party or simply not vote at all. And we know what low voter turn out always means for Democrats.

They say that now. But many of them might change their minds depending on the platform and what happens the over the next few months.
I wouldn't count on it. The TV political pundits haven't been right about anything yet. I won't vote for Clinton under any circumstances.

Then Sanders will end up campaigning for Hillary or subtley sabortage his campaign..He want to reshape the Democrats agenda, not lead them into the Whitehouse.
Many Sanders supporters have already said they won't support Hilary in the general election, they'll vote third party or simply not vote at all. And we know what low voter turn out always means for Democrats.

So, would they prefer Trump or Cruz? Are Sanders supporters really that stupid?
So once again we get the choice of dogshit or horseshit. I don't think you quite understand what's happening in this country, the old standards of acceptability don't work any more, a point of critical mass has been reached. Both major political parties no longer serve the needs of the American people, their corporate masters come first.

No shit, Sherlock - but Sanders isn't the answer.
Hilary is completely unacceptable and obviously vulnerable in the general election. Sanders polls far better against Trump or Cruz.
Many Sanders supporters have already said they won't support Hilary in the general election, they'll vote third party or simply not vote at all. And we know what low voter turn out always means for Democrats.

They say that now. But many of them might change their minds depending on the platform and what happens the over the next few months.
I wouldn't count on it. The TV political pundits haven't been right about anything yet. I won't vote for Clinton under any circumstances.

Then Sanders will end up campaigning for Hillary or subtley sabortage his campaign..He want to reshape the Democrats agenda, not lead them into the Whitehouse.
Wrong again, that's what the corporate media would like us to believe.

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