Sanders now saying Hillary not qualified to be president

Wait for it.......

Your lies have no basis in fact.




ROFLMFAO, the security specialist responsible for Benghazi testified under oath that the budget had NO EFFECT on security decisions. You're nothing but a lying propagandist whore.

Why didn't you NaziCons try to politicize the consulate/embassy deaths under Bush?


Good, good little regressive, get your ass kicked and you deflect to change the subject. Please keep it up, you're entertaining as hell.

Yeah, ain't facts a bitch!!!!!

Your lies have no basis in fact.




ROFLMFAO, the security specialist responsible for Benghazi testified under oath that the budget had NO EFFECT on security decisions. You're nothing but a lying propagandist whore.

Why didn't you NaziCons try to politicize the consulate/embassy deaths under Bush?

How many American's were killed in those attacks, and not just LOCALS who worked there?.....And how many made RADIO CALLS FOR HELP that went UNANSWERED?.....You certainly are a piece of shit!

ROFLMFAO, the security specialist responsible for Benghazi testified under oath that the budget had NO EFFECT on security decisions. You're nothing but a lying propagandist whore.

Why didn't you NaziCons try to politicize the consulate/embassy deaths under Bush?

How many American's were killed in those attacks, and not just LOCALS who worked there?.....And how many made RADIO CALLS FOR HELP that went UNANSWERED?.....You certainly are a piece of shit!

It's hilarious to watch you deranged NaziCons just make up shit with no "credible" proof to back it up.

Your lies have no basis in fact.




ROFLMFAO, the security specialist responsible for Benghazi testified under oath that the budget had NO EFFECT on security decisions. You're nothing but a lying propagandist whore.

Why didn't you NaziCons try to politicize the consulate/embassy deaths under Bush?

How many American's were killed in those attacks, and not just LOCALS who worked there?.....And how many made RADIO CALLS FOR HELP that went UNANSWERED?.....You certainly are a piece of shit!

It's hilarious to watch you deranged NaziCons just make up shit with no "credible" proof to back it up.
Everyone understand how you lie, and make shit up...but hey, let me help you with your Bern problem as that fat queer from Mass. has stEpped into help THE Beasty, because she is getting her ASS BEAT BY AN OLD, WHITE JEW, BORN IN BKLYN! ROTFLMFAO!!!!

  • Hillary Fan Barney Frank Accuses Bernie Sanders of 'McCarthyism'
    NewsBusters ^ | Mark Finkelstein
    Bernie Sanders: rabid right-winger? A senior Hillary surrogate has accused Bernie Sanders of "McCarthyism," of all things. Has Bernie's big Wisconsin win knocked the Clinton campaign off its moorings? Five years ago, I wrote that the irascible Barney Frank could pick a fight in a phone booth. Further proof came on Chris Hayes' MSNBC show tonight, as Hillary-fan Frank jumped ugly with the Bernie-backer Robert Reich. The ostensible topic was whether Sanders had the substance to back up his plan to break up the big banks. But the big bottom line is that Barney Frank accused Sanders of "McCarthyite" tactics...
Your lies have no basis in fact.




ROFLMFAO, the security specialist responsible for Benghazi testified under oath that the budget had NO EFFECT on security decisions. You're nothing but a lying propagandist whore.

Why didn't you NaziCons try to politicize the consulate/embassy deaths under Bush?

How many American's were killed in those attacks, and not just LOCALS who worked there?.....And how many made RADIO CALLS FOR HELP that went UNANSWERED?.....You certainly are a piece of shit!

It's hilarious to watch you deranged NaziCons just make up shit with no "credible" proof to back it up.
Everyone understand how you lie, and make shit up...but hey, let me help you with your Bern problem as that fat queer from Mass. has stEpped into help THE Beasty, because she is getting her ASS BEAT BY AN OLD, WHITE JEW, BORN IN BKLYN! ROTFLMFAO!!!!

  • Hillary Fan Barney Frank Accuses Bernie Sanders of 'McCarthyism'
    NewsBusters ^ | Mark Finkelstein
    Bernie Sanders: rabid right-winger? A senior Hillary surrogate has accused Bernie Sanders of "McCarthyism," of all things. Has Bernie's big Wisconsin win knocked the Clinton campaign off its moorings? Five years ago, I wrote that the irascible Barney Frank could pick a fight in a phone booth. Further proof came on Chris Hayes' MSNBC show tonight, as Hillary-fan Frank jumped ugly with the Bernie-backer Robert Reich. The ostensible topic was whether Sanders had the substance to back up his plan to break up the big banks. But the big bottom line is that Barney Frank accused Sanders of "McCarthyite" tactics...

What the hell does Barney Frank have to do with the OP and what Sanders said about Hillary?

Your lies have no basis in fact.




ROFLMFAO, the security specialist responsible for Benghazi testified under oath that the budget had NO EFFECT on security decisions. You're nothing but a lying propagandist whore.

Why didn't you NaziCons try to politicize the consulate/embassy deaths under Bush?

How many American's were killed in those attacks, and not just LOCALS who worked there?.....And how many made RADIO CALLS FOR HELP that went UNANSWERED?.....You certainly are a piece of shit!

It's hilarious to watch you deranged NaziCons just make up shit with no "credible" proof to back it up.

You get all your news through the HuffingPaintPost dont you..?
Your lies have no basis in fact.




ROFLMFAO, the security specialist responsible for Benghazi testified under oath that the budget had NO EFFECT on security decisions. You're nothing but a lying propagandist whore.

Why didn't you NaziCons try to politicize the consulate/embassy deaths under Bush?

How many American's were killed in those attacks, and not just LOCALS who worked there?.....And how many made RADIO CALLS FOR HELP that went UNANSWERED?.....You certainly are a piece of shit!

It's hilarious to watch you deranged NaziCons just make up shit with no "credible" proof to back it up.

You get all your news through the HuffingPaintPost dont you..?

No, but it's a great source for headlines.
ROFLMFAO, the security specialist responsible for Benghazi testified under oath that the budget had NO EFFECT on security decisions. You're nothing but a lying propagandist whore.

Why didn't you NaziCons try to politicize the consulate/embassy deaths under Bush?

How many American's were killed in those attacks, and not just LOCALS who worked there?.....And how many made RADIO CALLS FOR HELP that went UNANSWERED?.....You certainly are a piece of shit!

It's hilarious to watch you deranged NaziCons just make up shit with no "credible" proof to back it up.

You get all your news through the HuffingPaintPost dont you..?

No, but it's a great source.

Compared to the Sunday comics?
Why didn't you NaziCons try to politicize the consulate/embassy deaths under Bush?

How many American's were killed in those attacks, and not just LOCALS who worked there?.....And how many made RADIO CALLS FOR HELP that went UNANSWERED?.....You certainly are a piece of shit!

It's hilarious to watch you deranged NaziCons just make up shit with no "credible" proof to back it up.

You get all your news through the HuffingPaintPost dont you..?

No, but it's a great source.

Compared to the Sunday comics?

You seem dumber than owl shit. Are you from Texass?
How many American's were killed in those attacks, and not just LOCALS who worked there?.....And how many made RADIO CALLS FOR HELP that went UNANSWERED?.....You certainly are a piece of shit!

It's hilarious to watch you deranged NaziCons just make up shit with no "credible" proof to back it up.

You get all your news through the HuffingPaintPost dont you..?

No, but it's a great source.

Compared to the Sunday comics?

You seem dumber than owl shit. Are you from Texass?

Can you read?

Your lies have no basis in fact.




ROFLMFAO, the security specialist responsible for Benghazi testified under oath that the budget had NO EFFECT on security decisions. You're nothing but a lying propagandist whore.

Why didn't you NaziCons try to politicize the consulate/embassy deaths under Bush?


Good, good little regressive, get your ass kicked and you deflect to change the subject. Please keep it up, you're entertaining as hell.

Yeah, ain't facts a bitch!!!!!

You wouldn't know a fact if it bitch slapped you.
Your lies have no basis in fact.




ROFLMFAO, the security specialist responsible for Benghazi testified under oath that the budget had NO EFFECT on security decisions. You're nothing but a lying propagandist whore.

Why didn't you NaziCons try to politicize the consulate/embassy deaths under Bush?


Good, good little regressive, get your ass kicked and you deflect to change the subject. Please keep it up, you're entertaining as hell.

Yeah, ain't facts a bitch!!!!!

You wouldn't know a fact if it bitch slapped you.

What have I said that is untrue?
Just reported by Rachel Maddow. Looks like Sanders is turning really nasty. So much for his "clean" campaign.

Apparently his senility is getting the best of him - because he is apparently under the impression that Hillary had previously said on Morning Joe that he was not qualified to be president - but Hillary never said that.

Hillary Clinton is not qualified to be President of this fine nation, but to be really honest only a select few would be and none are running. Huntsman was the last candidate that was qualified...

ROFLMFAO, the security specialist responsible for Benghazi testified under oath that the budget had NO EFFECT on security decisions. You're nothing but a lying propagandist whore.

Why didn't you NaziCons try to politicize the consulate/embassy deaths under Bush?
How many American's were killed in those attacks, and not just LOCALS who worked there?.....And how many made RADIO CALLS FOR HELP that went UNANSWERED?.....You certainly are a piece of shit!
Who were they calling? Cause I heard Hillary's blackberry wasn't working that night as she was having email server issues that were locking up the phone.

ROFLMFAO, the security specialist responsible for Benghazi testified under oath that the budget had NO EFFECT on security decisions. You're nothing but a lying propagandist whore.

Why didn't you NaziCons try to politicize the consulate/embassy deaths under Bush?


Bush didnt try to hide the reasons for the attacks and he had nothing to do with them.
Benghazi hilary was trying to hide the transfer of weapons to our enemies.

UHHHHHH, NO! you can speculate all you want along with all those trying to sell their books, but all the benghazi hearings held by REPUBLICANS in Congress proved otherwise! AND if you still choose to believe your conspiracy theories on this instead, then your conservative republican representatives are lying to us, just like you all claim Hillary did....and if all of them are lying including all the witnesses interviewed, then that's one heck of a top secret program with some sort of mind control abilities used on all of them.... :rolleyes:

The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence concluded in its 2014 report, "The CIA was not collecting and shipping arms from Libya to Syria."

The committee's report cited eyewitness testimony and thousands of pages of documents. Witnesses testified that they only saw "standard CIA security weapons" at the annex.

"The Benghazi annex was not itself collecting weapons," the report states. "The Committee has not seen any credible information to dispute these facts."

Rep. Pompeo's office has not responded to a request for comment on whether he disputes the committee's findings.

Pompeo's questioning and Paul's comments point to an underlying question about the attacks that the public may never fully know the answer to: what was the CIA doing in Benghazi?

"The CIA's mission in Benghazi was to collect foreign intelligence. From the annex in Benghazi, the CIA was collecting intelligence about foreign entities that were themselves collecting weapons in Libya and facilitating their passage to Syria," the House Intelligence Committee concluded, citing interviews with officials and witnesses.

"All CIA activities in Benghazi were legal and authorized," the committee's report said. "On-the-record testimony establishes that CIA was not sending weapons (including MANPADS) from Libya to Syria, or facilitating other organizations or states that were transferring weapons from Libya to Syria."

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