Sanders now saying Hillary not qualified to be president

bernie sanders lied when he claimed that hillary supposedly said he was unqualified.

joe scarborough asked her that question, trying to bait her, and she answered gracefully and substantively.

"And she has been saying lately that she thinks that I am, 'not qualified to be president,’ " he told the crowd. :eusa_liar:

^ bernie completely fabricated that lie in order to justify his own shameless bluster.

one journalist asks a question and another writes a headline...

and lying bernie tells his fans that hillary said something she did not say. :eusa_liar:

During an April 6 rally at Temple University in Philadelphia, Sanders contended that in the wake of Clinton's loss in Wisconsin, she is getting a little nervous. "And she has been saying lately that she thinks that I am, 'not qualified to be president,’ " he told the crowd.

"So is he qualified?" Scarborough said, asking if she thought Sanders was "ready to be president." Clinton said she thought Sanders hadn't done his homework and "that does raise a lot of questions."

Scarborough tried again, asking "But do you think he is qualified?" Again, Clinton didn't give a yes or no answer.

The lead paragraph on the Washington Post story: "Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton on Wednesday questioned whether her rival in the Democratic presidential primary, Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.), is qualified to be president."

But Clinton saying that Sanders' answers raise questions about his qualifications is very different from saying he's "not qualified."

Did Hillary Clinton say Bernie Sanders 'not qualified' to be president? Not directly

i actually heard the audio clip on the radio this morning and his lie is even worse than i thought.

bernie actually said "quote unquote" before he proceeded to lie with a made up quote. :nono:

i actually heard the audio clip on the radio this morning and his lie is even worse than i thought.

bernie actually said "quote unquote" before he proceeded to lie with a made up quote. :nono:

Lying Bernie, Lying Hillary. Dishonesty in the Democrat Party is rampant.
Question for you stupid Moon Bats.

You assholes hate guns. The Democrat Party is anti keep and bear arms.

Why should there be armed guards at the Moon Bat Convention?

If firearms are so damn dangerous why don't you ban them from everybody at the Convention? All you have to do is declare it to be a gun free facility and your worries go away, right?
Most Texans are smart people.

However, there are a few dumbasses.

This chick that got murdered at UT is one of the dumb ones.

She signed a petition to not allow carry on campus.

If she hadn't been such a dumbass maybes she (or someone else) could have protected her.

These Libtards never learn, do they?

Question for you stupid Moon Bats.

You assholes hate guns. The Democrat Party is anti keep and bear arms.

Why should there be armed guards at the Moon Bat Convention?

If firearms are so damn dangerous why don't you ban them from everybody at the Convention? All you have to do is declare it to be a gun free facility and your worries go away, right?
There shouldn't be any concealed carry weapons at any conventions unless they are being carried by law enforcement.
Most Texans are smart people.

However, there are a few dumbasses.

This chick that got murdered at UT is one of the dumb ones.

She signed a petition to not allow carry on campus.

If she hadn't been such a dumbass maybes she (or someone else) could have protected her.

These Libtards never learn, do they?

Some dumbfucks think guns should be allowed in bars too. What could go wrong there?

Some dumbfucks think guns should be allowed in bars too. What could go wrong there?

Impaired mental functions (like being under the influence of alcohol) and firearms is always a bad idea.

However, providing for personal protect is always a good idea.

You do understand the difference, don't you?

Some dumbfucks think guns should be allowed in bars too. What could go wrong there?

Impaired mental functions (like being under the influence of alcohol) and firearms is always a bad idea.

However, providing for personal protect is always a good idea.

You do understand the difference, don't you?
Yes, in fact I understand it so well that I know better than to trust just any random dumbfuck to know how to handle firearms, or to be smart enough to not shoot the wrong people by mistake.

Yes, in fact I understand it so well that I know better than to trust just any random dumbfuck to know how to handle firearms, or to be smart enough to not shoot the wrong people by mistake.

Good for you. I may let you serve as a rifleman in my militia.:eusa_angel:
Yes, in fact I understand it so well that I know better than to trust just any random dumbfuck to know how to handle firearms, or to be smart enough to not shoot the wrong people by mistake.
Good for you. I may let you serve as a rifleman in my militia.:eusa_angel:

Lol, that is a bigger mistake than letting in a Fed. The Limnals will not only inform on you, but will screw up everything they touch.
Yes, in fact I understand it so well that I know better than to trust just any random dumbfuck to know how to handle firearms, or to be smart enough to not shoot the wrong people by mistake.
Good for you. I may let you serve as a rifleman in my militia.:eusa_angel:

Lol, that is a bigger mistake than letting in a Fed. The Limnals will not only inform on you, but will screw up everything they touch.
Spoken like a Trump follower.

Yes, in fact I understand it so well that I know better than to trust just any random dumbfuck to know how to handle firearms, or to be smart enough to not shoot the wrong people by mistake.

Good for you. I may let you serve as a rifleman in my militia.:eusa_angel:
I've considered forming my own local militia. The way things are going you never know when you might need to defend your neighborhood from other militias.
Just reported by Rachel Maddow. Looks like Sanders is turning really nasty. So much for his "clean" campaign.

Apparently his senility is getting the best of him - because he is apparently under the impression that Hillary had previously said on Morning Joe that he was not qualified to be president - but Hillary never said that.
she's not qualified.

not even close, her grasp of reality is tenuous at best.

damn, her blaming bengazi on a video should've sank her career

The video was involved.
If Bernie wins New York it's as good as over for Hilary.

Yes, in fact I understand it so well that I know better than to trust just any random dumbfuck to know how to handle firearms, or to be smart enough to not shoot the wrong people by mistake.

Good for you. I may let you serve as a rifleman in my militia.:eusa_angel:
I've considered forming my own local militia. The way things are going you never know when you might need to defend your neighborhood from other militias.

I belong to an Old Farts militia. We sit around telling exaggerated war stories, eating BBQ, bragging about our shooting skills, complaining about our ailments and bad mouthing Obama.

Yes, in fact I understand it so well that I know better than to trust just any random dumbfuck to know how to handle firearms, or to be smart enough to not shoot the wrong people by mistake.

Good for you. I may let you serve as a rifleman in my militia.:eusa_angel:
I've considered forming my own local militia. The way things are going you never know when you might need to defend your neighborhood from other militias.

I belong to an Old Farts militia. We sit around telling exaggerated war stories, eating BBQ, bragging about our shooting skills, complaining about our ailments and bad mouthing Obama.
Sounds a lot like the same group I hang around with. I shoot NSSA skirmish team competition.
Just reported by Rachel Maddow. Looks like Sanders is turning really nasty. So much for his "clean" campaign.

Apparently his senility is getting the best of him - because he is apparently under the impression that Hillary had previously said on Morning Joe that he was not qualified to be president - but Hillary never said that.
she's not qualified.

not even close, her grasp of reality is tenuous at best.

damn, her blaming bengazi on a video should've sank her career

The video was involved.
are you a liar or really really dumb?
Just reported by Rachel Maddow. Looks like Sanders is turning really nasty. So much for his "clean" campaign.

Apparently his senility is getting the best of him - because he is apparently under the impression that Hillary had previously said on Morning Joe that he was not qualified to be president - but Hillary never said that.
she's not qualified.

not even close, her grasp of reality is tenuous at best.

damn, her blaming bengazi on a video should've sank her career

The video was involved.
If Bernie wins New York it's as good as over for Hilary.
I hope he does win.

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