Sanders Rails Against Capitalism From Summer Mansion

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Damn, these stupid libtardos getting nuttier by the day. Why doesn't this dirty capitalist pig spread some of his wealth.

NORTH HERO, VT—Senator Bernie Sanders delivered a passionate monologue to a dozen lunch guests in the ornate living room of his summer vacation home on Lake Champlain Monday, railing against the evils of unbalanced capitalism, wealth accumulation, and the upper class, sources reported.

“We will never survive in this country while so few greedy rich people own so much!” he reportedly exclaimed inside the $600,000 lakeside home he and his wife recently added to their real estate portfolio, which already included homes in Burlington, VT and Washington, D.C. “How many cars, boats, and houses do these people need? Don’t they know there are people who have nothing? How can they even sleep at night?!”

Finishing caviar hors d’oeuvres and setting down his glass of Dom Pérignon, the United States Senator, who earned over $1 million dollars last year, including $858,750 in book royalties—firmly placing him in the top 1% of the nation—went on to passionately describe the dangers of the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few “gluttonous wealth-hoarders.”

“I will fight back against this corrupt system until the day I die!” he assured his guests, before soliciting donations from them and then retiring to work on his next lucrative book.

Bernie Sanders Rails Against 'Greedy Rich People' From Third House
If our capitalist system is as corrupt as he says then it means our gov't has done a very poor job regulating it. Doesn't really matter what economic model you use, it's still going to be run by people who are heir to the same human failings and vices that all of us are. And don't give me this bullshit that it's all on the GOP; the Dems are no better at preventing corruption than the Repubs are.
Socialism: a system where the political elite want you to give them power to turn you into a slave while they live like a .01% and the base says, "Go Bernie!"

Why the fuck are these people allowed to vote?
Bernie Sanders is an absolute hypocrite and a piece of shit and should be treated as such
How many cars, boats, and houses do these people need?
idk bernie, how many homes do YOU need?
Fucking hypocritical sell out.
Socialism: a system where the political elite want you to give them power to turn you into a slave while they live like a .01% and the base says, "Go Bernie!"

Why the fuck are these people allowed to vote?
Instead of having land owners vote, now we have every tom dick and harry with their hand out helping decide how to run the country.
Im not one to strip rights, i just wish it never got changed.
It's all about trickle down economics.
The more money that Bernie and other wealthy people have the better off we all are.
Don't you people know anything?
It's all about trickle down economics.
The more money that Bernie and other wealthy people have the better off we all are.
Don't you people know anything?

American Politicians aren't supposed to get wealthy from politics.

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