Sanders: Toddlers Should Run Around Naked and Touch Each Other's Genitals

Oh look! That girl is giving her daddy a peck on the cheek because she loves him. What a lucky man he is to have such a loving family.

I'm not sure that I've seen enough comments on the Ivanka picture to know for sure, but wouldn't you bet that the same folks who are sexualizing this picture of normal, wholesome affection between a father and daughter, are the same ones who defend the overt sexual manipulation and exploration of schoolchildren by way of promoting the homosexual;/transsexual/pedophile agenda in public schools, the “Drag Queen Story Hour”, the underage drag queens such as “Desmond is Amazing”, and so on?
Did you see the look on O'Brien's face as he said that stuff? I hope he gets his ass sued off.
I never said or implied that he DID anything to her. I was responding to a poster who thought it was innocent. Just her posing like such a 'sex kitten' and like you said, she was beautiful.

Again, if you're seeing “sex kitten” in that picture, then the problem is with you.

Like the Supreme Court ruled, "Obscenity is in the eye of the beholder."

But I find it curious that while the left finds that picture of Trump and his daughter "obscene", they have no problem with cross-dressers, drag queens, sodomy, and creating sexual freaks through surgical mutilation of the genitalia. Those are beautiful to them.
Like the Supreme Court ruled, "Obscenity is in the eye of the beholder."

But I find it curious that while the left finds that picture of Trump and his daughter "obscene", they have no problem with cross-dressers, drag queens, sodomy, and creating sexual freaks through surgical mutilation of the genitalia. Those are beautiful to them.

As I keep saying, and as keeps being proven, modern LIbEralism is both a mental disease and a moral disease.
Before someone says this was all "made up", this was known all the way back in 2016...

"Republicans could hammer the back-seat foreign policy Sanders conducted as a mayor in Vermont: going to Cuba to seek a meeting with Fidel Castro, visiting Lenin’s tomb in the Soviet Union, and traveling to Nicaragua, where he met with Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega and praised the country’s cultural minister as a “hippie” whose government was “teaching poetry not only to peasants and to workers but in the military.” They could go after Sanders’ countercultural mockery of “respectful clerks, technicians and soldiers.” They could rehash his attacks on compulsory schooling, dairy laws, and fluoridation, or his Freudian analysis of napalm use in Vietnam, or his advocacy of public toddler nudity and genital touching as cures for porn, or the sexual quackery through which he attributed breast cancer and cervical cancer to orgasm deficiency and capitalist conformity..."

Polls Say Bernie Is More Electable Than Hillary. Don’t Believe Them.
If I wanted to listen to that fat ass druggie dropout Limbaugh, I'd tune into his show. I don't need your regurgitation.
You're free to leave the thread at any time.
Shit. I'll drive.
Here's a creepy thought. Who would you rather hire as a babysitter, Biden or Sanders?
Before someone says this was all "made up", this was known all the way back in 2016...

"Republicans could hammer the back-seat foreign policy Sanders conducted as a mayor in Vermont: going to Cuba to seek a meeting with Fidel Castro, visiting Lenin’s tomb in the Soviet Union, and traveling to Nicaragua, where he met with Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega and praised the country’s cultural minister as a “hippie” whose government was “teaching poetry not only to peasants and to workers but in the military.” They could go after Sanders’ countercultural mockery of “respectful clerks, technicians and soldiers.” They could rehash his attacks on compulsory schooling, dairy laws, and fluoridation, or his Freudian analysis of napalm use in Vietnam, or his advocacy of public toddler nudity and genital touching as cures for porn, or the sexual quackery through which he attributed breast cancer and cervical cancer to orgasm deficiency and capitalist conformity..."

Polls Say Bernie Is More Electable Than Hillary. Don’t Believe Them.
If I wanted to listen to that fat ass druggie dropout Limbaugh, I'd tune into his show. I don't need your regurgitation.
You're free to leave the thread at any time.
Shit. I'll drive.
We need to stop at My sisters. She has a friend...
reminds me of the bullshit lie about obama wanting kindergartners to have sex education classes...
Do you have a link to that alleged lie by unnamed rightwingers?

take yer pick:

obama kindergarten sex education - Google Search

yer welcome.
You seem to be confirming that the embarrassing fact about obama was not a lie

so its a lie to say that rightwingers lied about obama

wrong. obama didn't say that. the search confirms it by several sources. you enjoy fake news because that's all you got. even when undenialable truth is right in front of you.

that's the deplorable way. you can at least shower once in awhile.
Even your leftwing sources agree that obama supported those wacky ideas

actually obama didn't support anything like what was peddled. do you even know what the word 'comprehensive' means? me thinx not - given you fail with reading comp. but you go on with your fake news cause that is all you got.
reminds me of the bullshit lie about obama wanting kindergartners to have sex education classes...
so now liberals are lying about each other?

called "eating your own". have fun.

what is wrong with you people - y'all flunk reading comp? obama never said that but was reported by rw nutters that he did.

i have no doubt that is what is happening now - & if you think mike bloomberg & his spin machine are liberals then you need a lot more education.
Of course he did. More than once.

Sex Ed for Kindergartners?

age appropriate is not 'comprehensive' ... which is what it was spun into. rw nutters tried to peddle that he wanted sex ed classes like what you would get in middle or high school.
reminds me of the bullshit lie about obama wanting kindergartners to have sex education classes...
so now liberals are lying about each other?

called "eating your own". have fun.

what is wrong with you people - y'all flunk reading comp? obama never said that but was reported by rw nutters that he did.

i have no doubt that is what is happening now - & if you think mike bloomberg & his spin machine are liberals then you need a lot more education.
i wasn't referring to obama, but sanders. in any event, i think it's funny the left is eating their own and now you're defending the left FROM the left.

makes me giggle.

carry on in your circular logic.

i am defending truth - not fake news... the story about obama didn't come from the left - so where you get that is another mystery & doesn't hold water. but you go on defending the OP & it's bullshit - - - cause fake news is all that can be championed.

i challenged the OP to find the actual article that says what bernie is claimed to have said. it won't show up, because - per usual the basket dwellers - thrive on fake news that cannot be factually backed up.
i am addressing what was said about bernie. you're lobbing sideshow bob in there as a weak defense and making you look more stupid than normal.

is bloomberg lying about sanders? doesn't appear to be. does appear to be VERY OLD things sanders said, but he said it. if you would like to "play" then how about doing more than committing atrocities on your keyboard with bullshit opinions and defenses and actually go find the stories from credited sources that back up your claims.

lol... where is the article then? what are the exact words? link it.
reminds me of the bullshit lie about obama wanting kindergartners to have sex education classes...
so now liberals are lying about each other?

called "eating your own". have fun.

what is wrong with you people - y'all flunk reading comp? obama never said that but was reported by rw nutters that he did.

i have no doubt that is what is happening now - & if you think mike bloomberg & his spin machine are liberals then you need a lot more education.

Playtime is over, kid. Obama has been put away in his crib for a nap. The adults are now in the room and are running things as they should be.

posting an OP based on what somebody said instead of what the facts are is childish. where is the article that bernie wrote stating what the dude on CNN claims? ggot that article?

children make shit up in hopes to fool dupes. kinda like what donny does for you all.

where's the article?
reminds me of the bullshit lie about obama wanting kindergartners to have sex education classes...
so now liberals are lying about each other?

called "eating your own". have fun.

what is wrong with you people - y'all flunk reading comp? obama never said that but was reported by rw nutters that he did.

i have no doubt that is what is happening now - & if you think mike bloomberg & his spin machine are liberals then you need a lot more education.
Of course he did. More than once.

Sex Ed for Kindergartners?
here is what was said:

"Obama responded to the attack in 2004 by saying that he wants young children, including his own daughters, to know the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touching because he has family members and friends who suffered abuse at early ages.

He also indicated in his 2004 campaign that he thought schools needed state standards which could guide them as they face basic questions about the reproductive system.

"Nobody's suggesting that kindergartners are going to be getting information about sex in the way that we think about it," said Obama in 2004, according to a Daily Herald clip provided by the Obama campaign. "If they ask a teacher 'where do babies come from,' that providing information that the fact is that it's not a stork is probably not an unhealthy thing. Although again, that's going to be determined on a case by case basis by local communities and local school boards.'"

so obama said ELEMENTS of sex education and then later defined what he meant by that. it seems romney, whose own state was already ahead of this in their own actions, chose to blow it out of proportion and IMPLY what obama meant vs. clarify.

then playtime here is ignoring that obama did say this then it was taken out of context as people "in power" love to do in order to demonize people for those who already hate said person and are very willing to believe the worst anyway.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i said it reminded me of the bullshit that was peddled - that he wanted sex ed for kiddies - you if he wanted the same kind of classes held for upper grades.

gimmee a break.
reminds me of the bullshit lie about obama wanting kindergartners to have sex education classes...
so now liberals are lying about each other?

called "eating your own". have fun.

what is wrong with you people - y'all flunk reading comp? obama never said that but was reported by rw nutters that he did.

i have no doubt that is what is happening now - & if you think mike bloomberg & his spin machine are liberals then you need a lot more education.
Of course he did. More than once.

Sex Ed for Kindergartners?
here is what was said:

"Obama responded to the attack in 2004 by saying that he wants young children, including his own daughters, to know the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touching because he has family members and friends who suffered abuse at early ages.

He also indicated in his 2004 campaign that he thought schools needed state standards which could guide them as they face basic questions about the reproductive system.

"Nobody's suggesting that kindergartners are going to be getting information about sex in the way that we think about it," said Obama in 2004, according to a Daily Herald clip provided by the Obama campaign. "If they ask a teacher 'where do babies come from,' that providing information that the fact is that it's not a stork is probably not an unhealthy thing. Although again, that's going to be determined on a case by case basis by local communities and local school boards.'"

so obama said ELEMENTS of sex education and then later defined what he meant by that. it seems romney, whose own state was already ahead of this in their own actions, chose to blow it out of proportion and IMPLY what obama meant vs. clarify.

then playtime here is ignoring that obama did say this then it was taken out of context as people "in power" love to do in order to demonize people for those who already hate said person and are very willing to believe the worst anyway.
The problem is that liberal pop culture is obsessed with sex

which is sexualizing children at a younger age

lib adult attitudes are affecting children

you mean like beauty pageants - like teen miss universe where donny would walk in to inspect the contestants while they were nude or semi dressed? like that?
reminds me of the bullshit lie about obama wanting kindergartners to have sex education classes...
so now liberals are lying about each other?

called "eating your own". have fun.

what is wrong with you people - y'all flunk reading comp? obama never said that but was reported by rw nutters that he did.

i have no doubt that is what is happening now - & if you think mike bloomberg & his spin machine are liberals then you need a lot more education.
Of course he did. More than once.

Sex Ed for Kindergartners?
here is what was said:

"Obama responded to the attack in 2004 by saying that he wants young children, including his own daughters, to know the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touching because he has family members and friends who suffered abuse at early ages.

He also indicated in his 2004 campaign that he thought schools needed state standards which could guide them as they face basic questions about the reproductive system.

"Nobody's suggesting that kindergartners are going to be getting information about sex in the way that we think about it," said Obama in 2004, according to a Daily Herald clip provided by the Obama campaign. "If they ask a teacher 'where do babies come from,' that providing information that the fact is that it's not a stork is probably not an unhealthy thing. Although again, that's going to be determined on a case by case basis by local communities and local school boards.'"

so obama said ELEMENTS of sex education and then later defined what he meant by that. it seems romney, whose own state was already ahead of this in their own actions, chose to blow it out of proportion and IMPLY what obama meant vs. clarify.

then playtime here is ignoring that obama did say this then it was taken out of context as people "in power" love to do in order to demonize people for those who already hate said person and are very willing to believe the worst anyway.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i said it reminded me of the bullshit that was peddled - that he wanted sex ed for kiddies - you if he wanted the same kind of classes held for upper grades.

gimmee a break.
By his own words shitstain obama wants teachers to discuss sex with kindergartners. This was not ambiguous.
what is wrong with you people - y'all flunk reading comp? obama never said that but was reported by rw nutters that he did.

i have no doubt that is what is happening now - & if you think mike bloomberg & his spin machine are liberals then you need a lot more education.
Of course he did. More than once.

Sex Ed for Kindergartners?
here is what was said:

"Obama responded to the attack in 2004 by saying that he wants young children, including his own daughters, to know the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touching because he has family members and friends who suffered abuse at early ages.

He also indicated in his 2004 campaign that he thought schools needed state standards which could guide them as they face basic questions about the reproductive system.

"Nobody's suggesting that kindergartners are going to be getting information about sex in the way that we think about it," said Obama in 2004, according to a Daily Herald clip provided by the Obama campaign. "If they ask a teacher 'where do babies come from,' that providing information that the fact is that it's not a stork is probably not an unhealthy thing. Although again, that's going to be determined on a case by case basis by local communities and local school boards.'"

so obama said ELEMENTS of sex education and then later defined what he meant by that. it seems romney, whose own state was already ahead of this in their own actions, chose to blow it out of proportion and IMPLY what obama meant vs. clarify.

then playtime here is ignoring that obama did say this then it was taken out of context as people "in power" love to do in order to demonize people for those who already hate said person and are very willing to believe the worst anyway.
The problem is that liberal pop culture is obsessed with sex

which is sexualizing children at a younger age

lib adult attitudes are affecting children
we seem more obsessed with blowing things out of proportion. obama said he wants kids to know whats appropriate and inappropriate touching.

tell me how that is wrong? if he went BEYOND that, you'll have to show me cause all i see beyond that is people implying he said more.

tired of that mantra taking over either side.
First liberals denied that obama wanted sex education in kindergarten

now you concede he did

thats the bottom line

i said the BULLSHIT that rw nutters tried to peddle - which was more than what he said was appropriate.
so now liberals are lying about each other?

called "eating your own". have fun.

what is wrong with you people - y'all flunk reading comp? obama never said that but was reported by rw nutters that he did.

i have no doubt that is what is happening now - & if you think mike bloomberg & his spin machine are liberals then you need a lot more education.
Of course he did. More than once.

Sex Ed for Kindergartners?
here is what was said:

"Obama responded to the attack in 2004 by saying that he wants young children, including his own daughters, to know the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touching because he has family members and friends who suffered abuse at early ages.

He also indicated in his 2004 campaign that he thought schools needed state standards which could guide them as they face basic questions about the reproductive system.

"Nobody's suggesting that kindergartners are going to be getting information about sex in the way that we think about it," said Obama in 2004, according to a Daily Herald clip provided by the Obama campaign. "If they ask a teacher 'where do babies come from,' that providing information that the fact is that it's not a stork is probably not an unhealthy thing. Although again, that's going to be determined on a case by case basis by local communities and local school boards.'"

so obama said ELEMENTS of sex education and then later defined what he meant by that. it seems romney, whose own state was already ahead of this in their own actions, chose to blow it out of proportion and IMPLY what obama meant vs. clarify.

then playtime here is ignoring that obama did say this then it was taken out of context as people "in power" love to do in order to demonize people for those who already hate said person and are very willing to believe the worst anyway.
The problem is that liberal pop culture is obsessed with sex

which is sexualizing children at a younger age

lib adult attitudes are affecting children

you mean like beauty pageants - like teen miss universe where donny would walk in to inspect the contestants while they were nude or semi dressed? like that?
He was the owner. No one suggested he discuss the contestants sex lives with them. Any time there is a staged event backstage is going to be filled with people going around. There were no private dressing rooms. If the girls are shy showing their bodies they should stay home.
so now liberals are lying about each other?

called "eating your own". have fun.

what is wrong with you people - y'all flunk reading comp? obama never said that but was reported by rw nutters that he did.

i have no doubt that is what is happening now - & if you think mike bloomberg & his spin machine are liberals then you need a lot more education.
Of course he did. More than once.

Sex Ed for Kindergartners?
here is what was said:

"Obama responded to the attack in 2004 by saying that he wants young children, including his own daughters, to know the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touching because he has family members and friends who suffered abuse at early ages.

He also indicated in his 2004 campaign that he thought schools needed state standards which could guide them as they face basic questions about the reproductive system.

"Nobody's suggesting that kindergartners are going to be getting information about sex in the way that we think about it," said Obama in 2004, according to a Daily Herald clip provided by the Obama campaign. "If they ask a teacher 'where do babies come from,' that providing information that the fact is that it's not a stork is probably not an unhealthy thing. Although again, that's going to be determined on a case by case basis by local communities and local school boards.'"

so obama said ELEMENTS of sex education and then later defined what he meant by that. it seems romney, whose own state was already ahead of this in their own actions, chose to blow it out of proportion and IMPLY what obama meant vs. clarify.

then playtime here is ignoring that obama did say this then it was taken out of context as people "in power" love to do in order to demonize people for those who already hate said person and are very willing to believe the worst anyway.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i said it reminded me of the bullshit that was peddled - that he wanted sex ed for kiddies - you if he wanted the same kind of classes held for upper grades.

gimmee a break.
By his own words shitstain obama wants teachers to discuss sex with kindergartners. This was not ambiguous.

rw nutters were claiming obama wanted

now read this very slowly....


that is NOT what he said, nor advocated. why do you insist that is what happened? why do you lie? cause it looks better for you or the rest of you basket dwellers? lol...

you love fake news.
what is wrong with you people - y'all flunk reading comp? obama never said that but was reported by rw nutters that he did.

i have no doubt that is what is happening now - & if you think mike bloomberg & his spin machine are liberals then you need a lot more education.
Of course he did. More than once.

Sex Ed for Kindergartners?
here is what was said:

"Obama responded to the attack in 2004 by saying that he wants young children, including his own daughters, to know the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touching because he has family members and friends who suffered abuse at early ages.

He also indicated in his 2004 campaign that he thought schools needed state standards which could guide them as they face basic questions about the reproductive system.

"Nobody's suggesting that kindergartners are going to be getting information about sex in the way that we think about it," said Obama in 2004, according to a Daily Herald clip provided by the Obama campaign. "If they ask a teacher 'where do babies come from,' that providing information that the fact is that it's not a stork is probably not an unhealthy thing. Although again, that's going to be determined on a case by case basis by local communities and local school boards.'"

so obama said ELEMENTS of sex education and then later defined what he meant by that. it seems romney, whose own state was already ahead of this in their own actions, chose to blow it out of proportion and IMPLY what obama meant vs. clarify.

then playtime here is ignoring that obama did say this then it was taken out of context as people "in power" love to do in order to demonize people for those who already hate said person and are very willing to believe the worst anyway.
The problem is that liberal pop culture is obsessed with sex

which is sexualizing children at a younger age

lib adult attitudes are affecting children

you mean like beauty pageants - like teen miss universe where donny would walk in to inspect the contestants while they were nude or semi dressed? like that?
He was the owner. No one suggested he discuss the contestants sex lives with them. Any time there is a staged event backstage is going to be filled with people going around. There were no private dressing rooms. If the girls are shy showing their bodies they should stay home.

actually there were dressing rooms. with doors. but donny thoughtt he could walk in anytime he wanted. you are making excuses cause it seems you are ok with that.

why would you be ok with that?
Of course he did. More than once.

Sex Ed for Kindergartners?
here is what was said:

"Obama responded to the attack in 2004 by saying that he wants young children, including his own daughters, to know the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touching because he has family members and friends who suffered abuse at early ages.

He also indicated in his 2004 campaign that he thought schools needed state standards which could guide them as they face basic questions about the reproductive system.

"Nobody's suggesting that kindergartners are going to be getting information about sex in the way that we think about it," said Obama in 2004, according to a Daily Herald clip provided by the Obama campaign. "If they ask a teacher 'where do babies come from,' that providing information that the fact is that it's not a stork is probably not an unhealthy thing. Although again, that's going to be determined on a case by case basis by local communities and local school boards.'"

so obama said ELEMENTS of sex education and then later defined what he meant by that. it seems romney, whose own state was already ahead of this in their own actions, chose to blow it out of proportion and IMPLY what obama meant vs. clarify.

then playtime here is ignoring that obama did say this then it was taken out of context as people "in power" love to do in order to demonize people for those who already hate said person and are very willing to believe the worst anyway.
The problem is that liberal pop culture is obsessed with sex

which is sexualizing children at a younger age

lib adult attitudes are affecting children

you mean like beauty pageants - like teen miss universe where donny would walk in to inspect the contestants while they were nude or semi dressed? like that?
He was the owner. No one suggested he discuss the contestants sex lives with them. Any time there is a staged event backstage is going to be filled with people going around. There were no private dressing rooms. If the girls are shy showing their bodies they should stay home.

actually there were dressing rooms. with doors. but donny thoughtt he could walk in anytime he wanted. you are making excuses cause it seems you are ok with that.

why would you be ok with that?
Backstage has no dressing rooms. I'm okay with nothing being out of the ordinary.

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