Sandusky verdict is in

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
but hasn't been announced yet.

Can't imagine that he won't be found guilty on most or all. Turns out he also sexually abused his own adopted son and possibly the other kids he adopted.

I hope he shares a cell with a big mean Butch who has a young son he adores.

There are others who knew and didn't do a damn thing but they'll go free. I hope they never sleep a full night again and can never look at their own faces in the mirror.

No excuse for this to have gone on so long.
If there was ever a scumbag who deserved the death penalty...
I heard the jury was just back from break and would be at it all night....didn't hear they made a decision.
The question is what did Penn State know and when did they know it and what evidence did the local Police department ignore through the years because the Coach was involved? It's interesting that there were cheers from the crowd in the football town. Is there a disconnect between the common people and the university staff who all but run the government?
Now he will get all the dicks he wants. Prison may not be the punishment for Sandusky that many think it should be.
The left still seems to think that the Boy Scouts of America should be forced to hire homosexuals.

I don't see anybody from "the left" agreeing with Mr Sandusky's actions.

The defense attorney's impromptu press conference was very strange. It looked like he was running for office instead of conceding defeat. The locals even heckled him when he made a quantum leap of credibility by suggesting that some innocent people may have been executed by the state in the past even though his client was convicted of 48 counts of sexual abuse.
Sorry, Sunni - but pedophiles are not homosexual.

Most sexual predators, like most serial killers, seem to be male: I think the ratio is about 99 males per 100 abusers.

Homosexuals are similar numbers for males and females - between 5-10% of any group ever studied. There SEEMS to be some genetic componant, and that seems to be stronger in males.
This is just more evidence why homosexuals should never be allowed to be around children.

The concept is simple. Men are never allowed unsupervised contact with young girls in a municipal or commercial setting. It's just common sense to prevent allegations of improper behavior and to protect young girls. Homosexual men should never be allowed unsupervised contact with young boys for the same reasons. It's simple logic in a world of litigation as well as potential danger.
This is just more evidence why homosexuals should never be allowed to be around children.

Your an idiot. Predators are not more likely to be gay than straight. Simple FACTS. Cite one single solitary source that has any credibility that lead a study showing that gays are more likely to be a pedophile. Good luck finding it.

Straight men are just as likely to rape a young boy as a young girl. The end goal has nothing to do with the actual act but rather the power. These people are sick. Period. If you are so fucked in the head that you want to abuse a child in that manner then you are not going to care about orientation. Your already too far gone.

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