Sandy Hook Is Obama's 9/11


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Back on September 11th, 2001 our eyes were opened to a very real threat that was right in front of our faces but we chose to ignore with our neglect. After watching the smoke rising up from the World Trade Center and all of the horror that followed it was clear that something was wrong with our national defense. It just wasn't designed to protect us from attackers from within. When Bush stood on the pile of rubble surrounded by first responders he decided he would not let anything stop him from exacting vengeance against the perps who caused that disaster. I believe that this latest tragedy is the same thing to Obama.

Months ago I said that Obama would try to push gun control in his second term. He already has a huge pile of regulations waiting to be put into action. He had directed Cass Sunstein, his regulation czar, to write them before he went back to his cushy job at Harvard. A couple of days ago he announced that Joe Biden will head the White House search for solutions to gun violence. Good thing Uncle Joe's work is already done for him. This issue is what Fast & Furious was about. It almost makes it worthwhile in retrospect, doesn't it?

I'm already seeing reactions from Hollywood. They're beginning to edit out some of the more violent scenes in the movies that are close to their scheduled release date. Quentin Tarantino's "Django Unchained" has been delayed until the smoke clears (no pun intended) because of the all of the gun violence the movie contains.

The media is getting into the act. Discovery has cast out gun enthusiast Ted Nugent claiming that he will never be allowed back on the station. Conservative talk-shows were in the middle of negotiations on XM radio and now talks have fallen thru. The censorship of conservative talk radio has begun.

So who is the enemy in all of this? The GOP and their special interests in the NRA included. Liberals are calling for the deaths of NRA members. Senator Dianne Feinstein was one of the first to call for new laws banning what the left calls assault weapons. Funny, Sen Feinstein has a conceal carry permit in CA herself. The calls for action against gun ownership is reaching a fever pitch. It's getting out of hand. Kind of reminds me of the reaction after 9/11.


Blog: Culture War -- with Guns

Paramount Re-Editing 'Jack Reacher' Gun Scenes In Wake Of CT Shooting

Dallas Woman Whines About Gun-Toting Chuck Norris Cutout at Mall

White House: 'No Question' Mental Health Part Of Violence Reduction

Campaign Donation Link in Obama Email About Sandy Hook

Quentin Tarantino Isn't Fazed By 'Django Unchained' N-Word Controversy - Music, Celebrity, Artist News |

EXCLUSIVE: Ithaca College President Calls for More Gun Control on Behalf of Entire School

Flashback: Sen. Dianne Feinstein Has Conceal Carry Permit
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People blame Bush for 911. We can blame ALL the mass shootings on this fuck, right?
Sandy Hook is the 9-11 of shootings

It is a game changer and we will not go back to where we were a week ago
They will start a media/pr blitz to demonize owning a gun. Any gun. Much like the way they did with smoking. Make it 'uncool', bend people's thoughts (especially the younger ones) so some years down the road owning a gun for protection will seem as odd as smoking a ciggie in a bar.

One by one, inch by inch . . . . .
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I'm seeing all kinds of irrational responses already, but I also expect a backlash against defense spending down the road. After all, the military has guns. I'm waiting for some nut-case to make the case that Sandy Hook is an example that can be used to draw back on our defenses around the world. China called for the end of guns in America.

Pretty pathetic if you ask me.

This morning a talk-show host was talking about some light weight body-armor for kindergardners needed to be invented.

Pretty much an example of the growing anti-gun fever in America.
muddy..... you're like a fat lady in a maltshop, grasping for straws. :lol: Obama didn't invite the nra into the whitehouse to craft legislation like cheney did w/ his *cough* "energy task force" (tax-payer subsidized, carbon fuel producer (Big Oil) give-aways)
Sandy Hook is the 9-11 of shootings

It is a game changer and we will not go back to where we were a week ago

So this is the only shooting that mattered?

We shall find that out

Another careless liberal. 20 kids died, so that agenda for gun control might actually coem into play. Do not worry about the other mass shootings. Them people do not matter. This one does because it is the most talked about. Do I have your mentality correct?
So this is the only shooting that mattered?

We shall find that out

Another careless liberal. 20 kids died, so that agenda for gun control might actually coem into play. Do not worry about the other mass shootings. Them people do not matter. This one does because it is the most talked about. Do I have your mentality correct?

They say this is the shooting that matters because this is the shooting that will start the gun banning. They cannot wait to take away more rights of citizens.

I wonder ... when they ban the guns but the shootings continue, what will they come after then?

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