SanFran DA Erasing Marajuana Convictions going back DECADES

[QUOTE="Golfing Gator, post: 19195457, member: 61808
More childish bullshit. [/QUOTE]
Please explain, snowflake.

The decades of convictions are on the books. The DA declares he is going to overturn them. Overturning them means paperwork, man hours to actually do the work that he just declared he was initiating.

I pointed out that is going to take even more tax dollars to accomplish...or are you suggesting the DA is going to get VOLUNTEERS to do all that work for no money?

You are so triggered you rush to respond by saying 'uh-uh' before you even take the time to THINK....

8 years of Obama violating both Constitution and Law, Democrats running a proven felon as their 2016 Presidential candidate, Re-writng history, wiping legitimate crimes off the books, letting felons vote, standing with Illegals over Americans to shut down the govt.....

The Democratic Party is officially the Anti-Constitution / Anti-Rule of Law Party.....

San Francisco DA to erase marijuana convictions going back decades

'The district attorney there, a man named George Gascon, has decided he is going to apply California’s marijuana legalization law retroactively. That means thousands of misdemeanor and felony marijuana convictions going back for decades will be erased or reduced.'

IMHO people should not be convicted if caught with weed, it's not like it's Meth or Crack, I also do not think that ANY drug addict should be in prison, it's the drug dealers who should be in prison, well actually I fully support President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines approach that is roaming Death Squads shooting drug dealers where they stand, nobody should care what happens to those wastes of human skin, they have no human rights and they are a cancer on any society.
8 years of Obama violating both Constitution and Law, Democrats running a proven felon as their 2016 Presidential candidate, Re-writng history, wiping legitimate crimes off the books, letting felons vote, standing with Illegals over Americans to shut down the govt.....

The Democratic Party is officially the Anti-Constitution / Anti-Rule of Law Party.....

San Francisco DA to erase marijuana convictions going back decades

'The district attorney there, a man named George Gascon, has decided he is going to apply California’s marijuana legalization law retroactively. That means thousands of misdemeanor and felony marijuana convictions going back for decades will be erased or reduced.'
Reefer Madness!!!! Reefer Madness!!!! EEEEEEKKKKK!!!!!!!! Reefer Madness
Good for him. Quit wasting taxpayer money on a failed war on drugs.
It will take MORE tax dollars now to go back and re-write al that history.


LMFAO Holy God I hope you're joking. That statement's too ridiculous for words.
Another genius snowflake who thinks all that paperwork / erasing of decades of convictions is just going to magically happen - at no cost - now that the DA said he was going to make it happen.

You snowflakes should really get a job and see how the world works instead of sitting on the couch, going out one time a day, and finding your Welfare / Un-employment checks have 'magically' arrived in your mailbox.

Good for him. Quit wasting taxpayer money on a failed war on drugs.
It will take MORE tax dollars now to go back and re-write al that history.


LMFAO Holy God I hope you're joking. That statement's too ridiculous for words.
Another genius snowflake who thinks all that paperwork / erasing of decades of convictions is just going to magically happen - at no cost - now that the DA said he was going to make it happen.

You snowflakes should really get a job and see how the world works instead of sitting on the couch, going out one time a day, and finding your Welfare / Un-employment checks have 'magically' arrived in your mailbox.


LMFAO! Nice strawman, dickless. I get that paperwork requires man hours, but so does housing hippy pot dealers. Are you really going to tell me that altering records for a few thousand people is going to be more expensive than keeping the imprisoned ones incarcerated?

Also, even if this was a move that was going to prove to cost more in paperwork hours than it freed up in prison costs, I'd personally be willing to put up on that fund. I'm not a fan of the nanny/welfare state and I'm at least as opposed to insane government spending in dipshit states like California as the next guy, but a relatively tiny pittance for paperwork to free up reasonably harmless people from the stigmatization of authoritarian policies seems like a better value than 90 percent of the silly shit our representatives are spending money on, now.
'The district attorney there, a man named George Gascon, has decided he is going to apply California’s marijuana legalization law retroactively. That means thousands of misdemeanor and felony marijuana convictions going back for decades will be erased or reduced.'

8 years of Obama violating both Constitution and Law, Democrats running a proven felon as their 2016 Presidential candidate, Re-writng history, wiping legitimate crimes off the books, letting felons vote, standing with Illegals over Americans to shut down the govt.....

The Democratic Party is officially the Anti-Constitution / Anti-Rule of Law Party.....

San Francisco DA to erase marijuana convictions going back decades

'The district attorney there, a man named George Gascon, has decided he is going to apply California’s marijuana legalization law retroactively. That means thousands of misdemeanor and felony marijuana convictions going back for decades will be erased or reduced.'

Since when does the District Attorney have that kind of power? Only a judge can alter a sentence or vacate a conviction but then again everything is upside down and ass backwards on the left coast.
Will the crimes committed by drug addicts while under the influence be erased too?

lol.... dope smokers don't commit crimes to feed their addiction- in fact, they are more inclined to feed their munchie craving, watch a comedy & get the giggles.

They don't kill their wives or eat the eyeballs out of someone's head? That's news! It's also not true.
I can understand an employer who decides that he or she will not use a drug conviction against a prospective employee. I cannot understand vacating these convictions and concealing the true nature of the ex convict.
8 years of Obama violating both Constitution and Law, Democrats running a proven felon as their 2016 Presidential candidate, Re-writng history, wiping legitimate crimes off the books, letting felons vote, standing with Illegals over Americans to shut down the govt.....

The Democratic Party is officially the Anti-Constitution / Anti-Rule of Law Party.....

San Francisco DA to erase marijuana convictions going back decades

'The district attorney there, a man named George Gascon, has decided he is going to apply California’s marijuana legalization law retroactively. That means thousands of misdemeanor and felony marijuana convictions going back for decades will be erased or reduced.'
What the fuck?

I actually agree with something SanFran is doing?

Holy SHIT!!!
As usual, I'm the voice of sanity. Those marijuana users broke the law. And, in many cases, the drug conviction was a plea to avoid trial for violent crimes.

Wiping out their convictions is like if the speed limit on a road is raised from 55 to 65, and then government wipes out all the speeding tickets from when the speed limit was lower.
As usual, I'm the voice of sanity. Those marijuana users broke the law. And, in many cases, the drug conviction was a plea to avoid trial for violent crimes.

Wiping out their convictions is like if the speed limit on a road is raised from 55 to 65, and then government wipes out all the speeding tickets from when the speed limit was lower.

This is the one place where I'm dubious of this decision. Plea deals. I'd like to think that they're taking into account what the original charges were and how the particulars of the convictions came about, but this is California, after all. If the Obama admin didn't bother to look that deeply into the background of drug dealers that got pardoned, I see no reason to assume that Cali's going to go that extra mile, particularly when most of the American left and most libertarian types will support this move on face value alone.

That said, still worth it, in my opinion. Insofar as the only proper purpose of a penal system is to protect the innocent through the disincentivization of forceful victimization, I'm of the mind that letting some of the guilty go free is better than locking up the innocent. Thus, decriminalizing hippies and potheads who sold some buds to their buds to pay for their buds, even at the cost of decriminalizing some bad actors guilty of things more malevolent than small bagging, is something I view as a positive.
Will the crimes committed by drug addicts while under the influence be erased too?

lol.... dope smokers don't commit crimes to feed their addiction- in fact, they are more inclined to feed their munchie craving, watch a comedy & get the giggles.

They don't kill their wives or eat the eyeballs out of someone's head? That's news! It's also not true.

not unless it was laced with bath salts. which is true.
Will the crimes committed by drug addicts while under the influence be erased too?

lol.... dope smokers don't commit crimes to feed their addiction- in fact, they are more inclined to feed their munchie craving, watch a comedy & get the giggles.

They don't kill their wives or eat the eyeballs out of someone's head? That's news! It's also not true.

not unless it was laced with bath salts. which is true.
Nope. The face eater was just high on pot. Becsuse of the violence of the attack, bath salts was suspected. It turned out it was just pot. The man that killed his wife only had edibles.
[QUOTE="Golfing Gator, post: 19195457, member: 61808
More childish bullshit.
Please explain, snowflake.

The decades of convictions are on the books. The DA declares he is going to overturn them. Overturning them means paperwork, man hours to actually do the work that he just declared he was initiating.

I pointed out that is going to take even more tax dollars to accomplish...or are you suggesting the DA is going to get VOLUNTEERS to do all that work for no money?

You are so triggered you rush to respond by saying 'uh-uh' before you even take the time to THINK....


Aren't the 'man hours' already being paid to existing employees?
I can see validity in doing this. If pot is now legal why should John have a felony conviction fucking up his life if Ted can do the same thing without consequences.

Equal treatment under the law and all that shit.
8 years of Obama violating both Constitution and Law, Democrats running a proven felon as their 2016 Presidential candidate, Re-writng history, wiping legitimate crimes off the books, letting felons vote, standing with Illegals over Americans to shut down the govt.....

The Democratic Party is officially the Anti-Constitution / Anti-Rule of Law Party.....

San Francisco DA to erase marijuana convictions going back decades

'The district attorney there, a man named George Gascon, has decided he is going to apply California’s marijuana legalization law retroactively. That means thousands of misdemeanor and felony marijuana convictions going back for decades will be erased or reduced.'
Meanwhile 54,000 car break ins the last 7 years with 13 arrests.
Will the crimes committed by drug addicts while under the influence be erased too?
Marijuana isn't an addictive drug. There are no weed addicts. That said, if someone got a DUI while on weed, they would still be in trouble.

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