Santorum drops out of GOP nomination race

The thing is, most Jews don't really believe that Exodus is anything more than a fairy story.

Really? and I have been talking to vastly different groups of Jews. The ones I talk to hold on the the story of the Exodus like it was a goose that shit golden nuggets.

I stopped being a catholic around 1983 or so. My family did not turn on me, did not reject me and did not stop talking to me.

THis is perfectly acceptable behavior for Mormons...

Well #1 I know a whole lot of Mormons who left the church and have not been shunned. #2 if you want to talk about shunning you might want to focus on the Amish who are WAY worse in that regard. I assume you hate the Amish with equal passion. #3 Islam is also far worse than the Mormons in that regard so I assume you hate all Muslims too on that basis. #4 if all that is true...who the fuck don't you hate? I am assuming anyone who doesn't think like you do...which of course makes you...A BIGOT
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The thing is, most Jews don't really believe that Exodus is anything more than a fairy story.

Really? and I have been talking to vastly different groups of Jews. The ones I talk to hold on the the story of the Exodus like it was a goose that shit golden nuggets.

Really? I haven't met one yet. In fact, most Jewish folks I know are pretty not-religious at all.

I stopped being a catholic around 1983 or so. My family did not turn on me, did not reject me and did not stop talking to me.

THis is perfectly acceptable behavior for Mormons...

Well #1 I know a whole lot of Mormons who left the church and have not been shunned. #2 if you want to talk about shunning you might want to focus on the Amish who are WAY worse in that regard. I assume you hate the Amish with equal passion. #3 Islam is also far worse than the Mormons in that regard so I assume you hate all Muslims too on that basis. #4 if all that is true...who the fuck don't you hate? I am assuming anyone who doesn't think like you do.

Okay, short version-

1) Yeah, the Mormons don't like to talk about shunning, but it's real. In fact, one of those shunned, Ironically enough, if Mitt's cousin, Park Romney.

Park Romney: Mormonism Is A Fraud - Mormon Dialogue & Discussion Board

2) I don't worry about the Amish, a weird cult simply that keeps to itself,doesnt' send people to your door to try to convert you and doesn't try to sneak one of their members into national prominance. . It also allows its young people to experience the non-Amish lifestyle and make a choice whether to continue in this weird cult.

3) Why do you jokers first always assume Islam is this monolithic group? I find it amusing that you criticize me for having a "monolithic" view of LDS< but then try to pull the same shit with the world's 1 BILLION Muslims, which have no heirarchy to compare to LDS.

4) Having blasted huge holes in your tiresome arguments, I expect you to drolly continue.
Hmmmm......well I don't believe there was ever an Exodus. There's not a scrap of evidence that the Jews were even slaves of the Egyptians let alone that they wandered around the desert for decades. If they did it was the best kept archaeological secret in history because they didn't leave so much as a pile of trash in all those years to mark the occasion and the Egyptians (who kept some pretty damned detailed records) doesn't say a fucking thing about them. But I don't hate Jews. I don't think their religion is bullshit. I don't think they are liars. I don't refuse to do business with them. I will punch one in the face if he's an asshole and I will fuck one 'til her teeth chatter if she turns me on.

Why? Because while I may or may not believe this thing or that thing, I won't say that someone else is "wrong" for believing as they see fit, nor will I condemn someone for doing so. I may challenge their beliefs. I may ask them to justify their beliefs. I may even point out historical errors that contradict their beliefs. But I will never tell anyone that their relationship with God is "wrong" or insist that such a relationship exist on terms that I find acceptable.

You apparently have no problem with that. You are entitled to your position. I am entitled point out that you are a bigot for doing so.

And you're a complete retard for doing so, but thanks for bringing up the Apples to Oranges comparison.

The thing is, most Jews don't really believe that Exodus is anything more than a fairy story.

But if you're a Mormon who says, "I think the Book of Mormon was made up by Joseph Smith so he could de-virginize teen girls", your family is REQUIRED to turn its back on you.

Which is one of the many things I find so contemptable.

I stopped being a catholic around 1983 or so. My family did not turn on me, did not reject me and did not stop talking to me.

THis is perfectly acceptable behavior for Mormons...

"your family is REQUIRED to turn its back on you. "

Hmmmm......well I don't believe there was ever an Exodus. There's not a scrap of evidence that the Jews were even slaves of the Egyptians let alone that they wandered around the desert for decades. If they did it was the best kept archaeological secret in history because they didn't leave so much as a pile of trash in all those years to mark the occasion and the Egyptians (who kept some pretty damned detailed records) doesn't say a fucking thing about them. But I don't hate Jews. I don't think their religion is bullshit. I don't think they are liars. I don't refuse to do business with them. I will punch one in the face if he's an asshole and I will fuck one 'til her teeth chatter if she turns me on.

Why? Because while I may or may not believe this thing or that thing, I won't say that someone else is "wrong" for believing as they see fit, nor will I condemn someone for doing so. I may challenge their beliefs. I may ask them to justify their beliefs. I may even point out historical errors that contradict their beliefs. But I will never tell anyone that their relationship with God is "wrong" or insist that such a relationship exist on terms that I find acceptable.

You apparently have no problem with that. You are entitled to your position. I am entitled point out that you are a bigot for doing so.

And you're a complete retard for doing so, but thanks for bringing up the Apples to Oranges comparison.

The thing is, most Jews don't really believe that Exodus is anything more than a fairy story.

But if you're a Mormon who says, "I think the Book of Mormon was made up by Joseph Smith so he could de-virginize teen girls", your family is REQUIRED to turn its back on you.

Which is one of the many things I find so contemptable.

I stopped being a catholic around 1983 or so. My family did not turn on me, did not reject me and did not stop talking to me.

THis is perfectly acceptable behavior for Mormons...

"your family is REQUIRED to turn its back on you. "


Not that I've seen, no.
Really? I haven't met one yet. In fact, most Jewish folks I know are pretty not-religious at all.

We have definitely been talking to different Jews.

Okay, short version-

1) Yeah, the Mormons don't like to talk about shunning, but it's real. In fact, one of those shunned, Ironically enough, if Mitt's cousin, Park Romney.

I never said it wasn't real. It's just not very widespread from my experience. Of course I have always lived in Idaho, Arizona, and Oregon which is prime Mormon country. Not sure where you have lived but I would say that the Mormons I have lived my life dealing with sure as hell are a different bunch than you have dealt with.

2) I don't worry about the Amish, a weird cult...

Oh so the Amish are a cult? Frankly they hold on to a more fundamentalist form of Christianity than most of Christian society...but that makes them a cult now. Good fucking Christ on a string.

3) Why do you jokers first always assume Islam is this monolithic group? I find it amusing that you criticize me for having a "monolithic" view of LDS< but then try to pull the same shit with the world's 1 BILLION Muslims, which have no heirarchy to compare to LDS.

I don't. Islam is a very deep, technical religion. There are nuances aplenty in Islam, but nuances are something that you don't seem to appreciate. You assign all or nothing. If someone is Mormon they are "bad". You have said so yourself many times and reiterated as much in this thread alone. You attempt justification upon monolithic criteria so when the same criteria is applied to other religions you are forced to either admit your bigotry or come up with some lame reasoning why "in this case it doesn't apply".

When we boil it down to the origin of the argument you have done nothing to dispel the original point despite your many attempts at deflection. You hate Romney because he is Mormon and that's pretty much it. The rest is all bullshit attempts to justify your ignorance and bigotry and despite all your efforts, your personal attacks, your deflections, and your apparent claims of victory and vindication (which I can only assume you have made in the hopes that you will convince others that you are actually making salient points), in the end you are a bitter, hate-filled, discriminatory, bigot. Say whatever else you want, but that much is clearly apparent.
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Hmmmm......well I don't believe there was ever an Exodus. There's not a scrap of evidence that the Jews were even slaves of the Egyptians let alone that they wandered around the desert for decades. If they did it was the best kept archaeological secret in history because they didn't leave so much as a pile of trash in all those years to mark the occasion and the Egyptians (who kept some pretty damned detailed records) doesn't say a fucking thing about them. But I don't hate Jews. I don't think their religion is bullshit. I don't think they are liars. I don't refuse to do business with them. I will punch one in the face if he's an asshole and I will fuck one 'til her teeth chatter if she turns me on.

Why? Because while I may or may not believe this thing or that thing, I won't say that someone else is "wrong" for believing as they see fit, nor will I condemn someone for doing so. I may challenge their beliefs. I may ask them to justify their beliefs. I may even point out historical errors that contradict their beliefs. But I will never tell anyone that their relationship with God is "wrong" or insist that such a relationship exist on terms that I find acceptable.

You apparently have no problem with that. You are entitled to your position. I am entitled point out that you are a bigot for doing so.

And you're a complete retard for doing so, but thanks for bringing up the Apples to Oranges comparison.

The thing is, most Jews don't really believe that Exodus is anything more than a fairy story.

But if you're a Mormon who says, "I think the Book of Mormon was made up by Joseph Smith so he could de-virginize teen girls", your family is REQUIRED to turn its back on you.

Which is one of the many things I find so contemptable.

I stopped being a catholic around 1983 or so. My family did not turn on me, did not reject me and did not stop talking to me.

THis is perfectly acceptable behavior for Mormons...

No. They aren't required to turn their back on them. Quite the opposite. We are encouraged to love them regardless how obnoxious or insulting they can become.
Apparently, SickRick didn't even bother to endorse Mittens.

I wouldn't get too exited about Noot since his $500 check for the Utah primary bounced.

Sorry, rw's, but you're stuck with Mittens. LOL
It's time for the Republicans and Independents to rally against Obama in an united front. Hope everyone follows soon.

Either we pubs get together in an united front (no, extremist right wing, you don't get to lead but only vote), or the dems and the independents will massacre our candidates this fall.
Good, he was holding up the republican party by staying in the race so long even after he had mathematically almost no chance to win whatsoever (unless Romney died) . Now they can quit wasting so much money on the primaries and go after Obama.
Family should always come first.
Yeah.....that's a good excuse.


HIS FAMILY is probably a big part of his decision. Having a disabled child takes up a lot of his time no doubt.

He probably should have thought about his family before entering the race in the first place. It's not like becoming president would have freed up a lot of his time after the election.
Apparently, SickRick didn't even bother to endorse Mittens.

I wouldn't get too exited about Noot since his $500 check for the Utah primary bounced.

Sorry, rw's, but you're stuck with Mittens. LOL

And why exactly would any of us be upset about being "stuck" with an effective leader? You guys are stuck with Obama. Now that's got to suck.
Yeah.....that's a good excuse.


HIS FAMILY is probably a big part of his decision. Having a disabled child takes up a lot of his time no doubt.

He probably should have thought about his family before entering the race in the first place. It's not like becoming president would have freed up a lot of his time after the election.

Santorum had to drop out of this race or risk getting his butt kicked in his home state of PA--and that is why he dropped out now. In my opinion--hauling a sick little girl all over the country on the campaign trail--and or being home with her was much more important than his political ambitions. In fact--if a female politician would have done that Santorum wouldn't have had any problems telling her to go home and take care of her kids. In fact, that is exactly what he said to Sarah Palin.
Apparently, SickRick didn't even bother to endorse Mittens.

I wouldn't get too exited about Noot since his $500 check for the Utah primary bounced.

Sorry, rw's, but you're stuck with Mittens. LOL

And why exactly would any of us be upset about being "stuck" with an effective leader? You guys are stuck with Obama. Now that's got to suck.

Don't be ridiculous. We don't view ourselves as 'stuck' with him anymore than you view yourself as being 'stuck' with Mitt.
Apparently, SickRick didn't even bother to endorse Mittens.

I wouldn't get too exited about Noot since his $500 check for the Utah primary bounced.

Sorry, rw's, but you're stuck with Mittens. LOL

And why exactly would any of us be upset about being "stuck" with an effective leader? You guys are stuck with Obama. Now that's got to suck.

Don't be ridiculous. We don't view ourselves as 'stuck' with him anymore than you view yourself as being 'stuck' with Mitt.

Yeah. Difference is you guys didnt have a choice. We did.
And why exactly would any of us be upset about being "stuck" with an effective leader? You guys are stuck with Obama. Now that's got to suck.

Don't be ridiculous. We don't view ourselves as 'stuck' with him anymore than you view yourself as being 'stuck' with Mitt.

Yeah. Difference is you guys didnt have a choice. We did.

We did have a choice. You are seriously not making any sense.

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