Santorum drops out of GOP nomination race

Whose "Us" Paleface.

Actually, conservatives staying home would be a boon to them. It'll remind the GOP they can't win by trying to get to the left of Democrats.

of course, even if he can get the GOP to show up (they really haven't in the primaries so far), Romney's numbers with hispanics (Losing them 71-14 against Obama) and Women under 50 (losing them 60-35) are so bad he's probably dead in the water anyway.

You are not a Repub, JoeB, so your points don't count.

You mean you can't deal with them, Fakey-Boy. Well, enjoy your moment. When Romney loses, the guys who foisted him up won't be able to show their faces in public.

JoeB, the ad hom only shows you up. Romney will win and we will get rid of the extreme right at that point.
You are not a Repub, JoeB, so your points don't count.

You mean you can't deal with them, Fakey-Boy. Well, enjoy your moment. When Romney loses, the guys who foisted him up won't be able to show their faces in public.

JoeB, the ad hom only shows you up. Romney will win and we will get rid of the extreme right at that point.

Uh, no. Romney will lose bigger than McCain.

You are going to suddenly find all those media folks who loved Romney during the primaries are going to spend the next seven months ripping into him.

It'll be too funny.
Uh, yes, Romney will win.

Your second line makes no sense.

Only because you aren't very bright.

Okay, remember 2008, and the Media spent all that time telling us what a swell guy John McCain was? How if more Republicans were like McCain, they could almost stand Republicans.

Then he got the nomination, and he was John McCrazy, ready to blow up the world, pretty much. And when he picked Palin, that was it!

Same thing is already happening with Mint RawMoney. Media is starting to go after him now.

He isn't going to get away with the kinds of lies he told about Newt and Rick with Obama. They'll call him on it.
Uh, yes, Romney will win.

Your second line makes no sense.

Only because you aren't very bright.

Okay, remember 2008, and the Media spent all that time telling us what a swell guy John McCain was? How if more Republicans were like McCain, they could almost stand Republicans.

Then he got the nomination, and he was John McCrazy, ready to blow up the world, pretty much. And when he picked Palin, that was it!

Same thing is already happening with Mint RawMoney. Media is starting to go after him now.

He isn't going to get away with the kinds of lies he told about Newt and Rick with Obama. They'll call him on it.

So in addition to being an anti-mormon bigot you also engage in revisionist history:

"Many forget, after all, where McCain stood before the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers. Gallup measured McCain ahead for 9 straight days until September 15. After that day, McCain never again led Obama. Obama had only won a majority once before September 15th. And that was at the peak of his convention bounce. After the stock market first crashed, Obama surpassed or met that 50-percent threshold 33 times."

"By the Gallup Poll's tracking, Democrats were winning about 55 percent of the Hispanic vote before the first stock market crash. McCain was winning the college graduate vote. By September's close, Democrats were winning roughly 65 percent of the Hispanic vote and college graduates.

Obama won nine states Bush took in 2004. But in six of those states, including Florida and Ohio, John McCain was ahead or tied prior to the first stock market crash on September 15. Nearly to the day of the dive, Obama rose in all nine states to soon sustain a national majority for the first time."

RealClearPolitics - The Crash, Obama and the Disappearing Dem Majority
A cynic might say that he is shamelessly exploiting his young daughter's illness for political gains. Plus, he knew he was going to lose his home state.

Good riddance.

A cynic, in this case, would be wrong.

Yes, he knew he would lose PA, and if he wants a political future, he needs to get out now.

So he takes care of his daughter and protects his career.

Smart, moral and correct decisions.
Uh, yes, Romney will win.

Your second line makes no sense.

Only because you aren't very bright.

Okay, remember 2008, and the Media spent all that time telling us what a swell guy John McCain was? How if more Republicans were like McCain, they could almost stand Republicans.

Then he got the nomination, and he was John McCrazy, ready to blow up the world, pretty much. And when he picked Palin, that was it!

Same thing is already happening with Mint RawMoney. Media is starting to go after him now.

He isn't going to get away with the kinds of lies he told about Newt and Rick with Obama. They'll call him on it.

So in addition to being an anti-mormon bigot you also engage in revisionist history:

"Many forget, after all, where McCain stood before the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers. Gallup measured McCain ahead for 9 straight days until September 15. After that day, McCain never again led Obama. Obama had only won a majority once before September 15th. And that was at the peak of his convention bounce. After the stock market first crashed, Obama surpassed or met that 50-percent threshold 33 times."

"By the Gallup Poll's tracking, Democrats were winning about 55 percent of the Hispanic vote before the first stock market crash. McCain was winning the college graduate vote. By September's close, Democrats were winning roughly 65 percent of the Hispanic vote and college graduates.

Obama won nine states Bush took in 2004. But in six of those states, including Florida and Ohio, John McCain was ahead or tied prior to the first stock market crash on September 15. Nearly to the day of the dive, Obama rose in all nine states to soon sustain a national majority for the first time."


Oh, please. McCain was trailing Obama for almost the entire election season in the polls.

See, here's a chart with all of the polling data from 2008.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2008 - General Election: McCain vs. Obama

McCain lead- BREIFLY- after the GOP convention for maybe a week or two. But you know what, everyone is ahead around the convention.

NOw, yeah, the Stock Market Crash was a blow to McCain, but so was the fact the media kept after him pretty much all the time.

Which they will do to your weird Mormon Robot. And feel less bad about it.
Had dinner last night with a good friend of mine that is a long time Lockheed employee.
He stated with a straight face that if Romney is elected this will happen:
Unions will be strangled and there will be a national effort to close all unions.
Wages will drop amongst all union and hourly employees in America.
Managers and executives of companies will get large raises and bonuses.
Every American corporation out there will be encouraged to move their business over seas.
Every small business in America will be bought out, the workers fired, the companies reorganized and restructured and then sold.
Same with all of the large businesses.
And the best one is of course their sing song phrase they close with:
"The rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer"
Amazing how ignorant the union worker is although they do not believe this stuff.
They HAVE to say it because THE MOB says it.
Oh, please. McCain was trailing Obama for almost the entire election season in the polls.

See, here's a chart with all of the polling data from 2008.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2008 - General Election: McCain vs. Obama

McCain lead- BREIFLY- after the GOP convention for maybe a week or two. But you know what, everyone is ahead around the convention.

NOw, yeah, the Stock Market Crash was a blow to McCain, but so was the fact the media kept after him pretty much all the time.

Which they will do to your weird Mormon Robot. And feel less bad about it.

yeah doesn't matter how you start, it matters how you finish. If you honestly think that Obama would have won without the market crash, we can add "delusional" to your list of impressive qualities alongside "bigoted"
Had dinner last night with a good friend of mine that is a long time Lockheed employee.
He stated with a straight face that if Romney is elected this will happen:
Unions will be strangled and there will be a national effort to close all unions.
Wages will drop amongst all union and hourly employees in America.
Managers and executives of companies will get large raises and bonuses.
Every American corporation out there will be encouraged to move their business over seas.
Every small business in America will be bought out, the workers fired, the companies reorganized and restructured and then sold.
Same with all of the large businesses.
And the best one is of course their sing song phrase they close with:
"The rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer"
Amazing how ignorant the union worker is although they do not believe this stuff.
They HAVE to say it because THE MOB says it.

And what have you heard from Romney that is in opposition to what he believes. Or even what America has been going through for the past 30 years or so, with the reorganizing, selling off, and going overseas?

Maybe he's believing his own eyes and ears.
Had dinner last night with a good friend of mine that is a long time Lockheed employee.
He stated with a straight face that if Romney is elected this will happen:
Unions will be strangled and there will be a national effort to close all unions.
Wages will drop amongst all union and hourly employees in America.
Managers and executives of companies will get large raises and bonuses.
Every American corporation out there will be encouraged to move their business over seas.
Every small business in America will be bought out, the workers fired, the companies reorganized and restructured and then sold.
Same with all of the large businesses.
And the best one is of course their sing song phrase they close with:
"The rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer"
Amazing how ignorant the union worker is although they do not believe this stuff.
They HAVE to say it because THE MOB says it.

And what have you heard from Romney that is in opposition to what he believes. Or even what America has been going through for the past 30 years or so, with the reorganizing, selling off, and going overseas?

Maybe he's believing his own eyes and ears.

New study out by Cornell that the rich are not getting richer and the poor are not getting poorer. In fact the opposite has happened over the last 30 years.
Do not believe liberal media or Democrats. They lie to you.
Example of the Buffet rule Obama is pushing. Listen up.
The Buffet rule Obama is pushing HARD will make the minimum effective tax rate for millionaires 30%.
The independent Joint Committee on Taxation states this will bring in an additional 5 billion a year in taxes to the Treasury. Collect the additiona tax revenues the Buffet Tax brings in for the next 250 TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS and that still DOES NOT COVER the Obama deficit for LAST YEAR, 2011.

The Buffet rule is a farce and you know it but Obama pushes it because he can lie, spin and make you believe it those evil Romney businessmen that cause all the problems.

Spendig is the problem. My neighbor who iw wealthy just bragged the other day that her social security disability came in. She has pre arthritic hands. Saw her this morning in her garden.
The ENTITLEMENT MENTALITY is the problem. Wake up and vote Romney or we will go bankrupt.
Had dinner last night with a good friend of mine that is a long time Lockheed employee.
He stated with a straight face that if Romney is elected this will happen:
Unions will be strangled and there will be a national effort to close all unions.
Wages will drop amongst all union and hourly employees in America.
Managers and executives of companies will get large raises and bonuses.
Every American corporation out there will be encouraged to move their business over seas.
Every small business in America will be bought out, the workers fired, the companies reorganized and restructured and then sold.
Same with all of the large businesses.
And the best one is of course their sing song phrase they close with:
"The rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer"
Amazing how ignorant the union worker is although they do not believe this stuff.
They HAVE to say it because THE MOB says it.

Maybe they believe this stuff because they've been watching the bloodsuckers do it for the last 30 years.
Had dinner last night with a good friend of mine that is a long time Lockheed employee.
He stated with a straight face that if Romney is elected this will happen:
Unions will be strangled and there will be a national effort to close all unions.
Wages will drop amongst all union and hourly employees in America.
Managers and executives of companies will get large raises and bonuses.
Every American corporation out there will be encouraged to move their business over seas.
Every small business in America will be bought out, the workers fired, the companies reorganized and restructured and then sold.
Same with all of the large businesses.
And the best one is of course their sing song phrase they close with:
"The rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer"
Amazing how ignorant the union worker is although they do not believe this stuff.
They HAVE to say it because THE MOB says it.

Maybe they believe this stuff because they've been watching the bloodsuckers do it for the last 30 years.

Joe, how come you do not save your $$$ and open up your own business?
Why do you have to rely on the discipline, planning and dedication of others to provide you with a job? Why are you jealous and envious of us that have more on our fast balls than you do? Why does it make you angry that since you have nothing of any substance in the game that when we do hire you we expect you to do what we tell you to do?
If you do not like it you are free to go somewhere else and work there.
Or get off your whiny ass and start your own business with your own capital. What stops you from doing that?
Maybe they believe this stuff because they've been watching the bloodsuckers do it for the last 30 years.

Joe, how come you do not save your $$$ and open up your own business?
Why do you have to rely on the discipline, planning and dedication of others to provide you with a job? Why are you jealous and envious of us that have more on our fast balls than you do? Why does it make you angry that since you have nothing of any substance in the game that when we do hire you we expect you to do what we tell you to do?
If you do not like it you are free to go somewhere else and work there.
Or get off your whiny ass and start your own business with your own capital. What stops you from doing that?

Why should I do that?

I'd rather just vote in people who keep bloodsuckers in line.

You know what I've seen in the 20 years since I left the military?

I saw a young lady get fired by one of your heroes because despite working for the company for 14 years, she brought her girlfriend to the party and they didn't like the ghey.

I've seen a company fire it's long term employees to keep younger employees who worked cheaper. They are now being sued for age discrimination.... I just hope they call me as a witness, I have a nice little bombshell to drop on that one.

I've seen women get fired for getting pregnant.

I was personally fired because I had an allergic reaction to something they didn't bother to tell me about. Oh, I called OSHA and they shut those assholes down.. Heh, heh, heh.

Oh, yeah, and the personal capper. My father died at the age of 56 because the "job providers" you so praise told him the asbestos he was working with was perfectly safe.

So seriously, fuck you and all the other bloodsuckers. The more rules and taxes on you assholes, the better.

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