Santorum Wants to Enslave People Who Have Unconventional Sex


Rabbi has proven that even when given a direct answer, he will respond by repeating his non-answers and self-congratulatory schtick.

Rabbi has proven that even when given a direct answer, he will respond by repeating his non-answers and self-congratulatory schtick.

So you have no arguments left (like you had any to begin with). All you are left with is a bitter feeling of defeat. Don't dwell on it. Life goes on. There are plenty of other threads for you to display your mastery of all things on.
I gave a concrete answer and repeated it a half dozen times, I agree it is closed, you'll have me repeat it until the keyboard breaks before it sinks in.

You're right. I doubt it will ever sink in with you.
Most people though understand that there is no double standard here. That is why gay marriage has been a loser on the vast majority of ballots.

Perhaps we should allow hermaphrodites to marry themselves and get extra tax deductions. Equal rights for Hermaphrodites!

So..tell us why you think it is ok for the government to discriminate against law abiding tax paying citizens based on their gender.

Tell me why you think it's OK to lie.
I believe in every state one must obtain a marriage license and pay a fee.
Anything that requres a license and fee is not a right.
Gun ownership is a right yet citizens of jurisdictions must get a license and pay a fee. Voting is a right, provided one is registered.

Permits and fees are often required to freely assemble and speak; members of the press are often required to obtain credentials.
I believe in every state one must obtain a marriage license and pay a fee.
Anything that requres a license and fee is not a right.
Gun ownership is a right yet citizens of jurisdictions must get a license and pay a fee. Voting is a right, provided one is registered.

Permits and fees are often required to freely assemble and speak; members of the press are often required to obtain credentials.

None of those are germane here.

IL and probably NJ violate their citizens' rights with regard to firearms. By Federal law no fee or license is required.
No one pays a fee to register to vote.
Assembly permits only kick in at a certain point and the right to do so is balanced by the public interest.
No reporter needs credentials to practice his trade. What credential does Matt Drudge have?

There is no right to drive on the public thoroughfares. Ergo there is a driver's license with fee.
There is no right to operate a business. Ergo there are business licenses and fees.
There is no right to construct something. Ergo there are permits and fees.
There is no right to marriage. Ergo there are licenses and fees.
Is marriage a right?


Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," fundamental to our very existence and survival. Skinner v. Oklahoma, 316 U.S. 535, 541 (1942). See also Maynard v. Hill, 125 U.S. 190 (1888).

From : Loving v. Virginia

Not to mention...

TURNER V. SAFLEY, 482 U. S. 78 (1987)


ZABLOCKI v. REDHAIL 434 U.S. 374 (1978)

You look at these rulings along with Lawrence v far as precedent goes...and you'll understand why Scalia was freaking out over Lawrence v TX.
If one passes all of the criteria and pays their tax then they have a right to it the same as the next person be they gay or straight.
It would appear to be a privilege.

Not according to Loving v. Virginia. Supreme Court, in their decision, stated that marriage is a fundamental right.

I believe in every state one must obtain a marriage license and pay a fee.
Anything that requres a license and fee is not a right.

Sorry, if states did not offer marriage licenses at would be correct (except people would STILL get married, wouldn't they)

The issue is...states that offer marriage licenses with all the protections, privileges and responsiblities to Group A....are expected to also provide EQUAL protections, etc. to Group B UNLESS there is a clear and easily provable reason to withhold such EQUAL protections. Got some?
Rabbi shouldnt come back to the thread without conceding that marriage is a right. 1The odds are even money.

Rabbi has proven that even when given a direct answer, he will respond by repeating his non-answers and self-congratulatory schtick.

So you have no arguments left (like you had any to begin with). All you are left with is a bitter feeling of defeat. Don't dwell on it. Life goes on. There are plenty of other threads for you to display your mastery of all things on.

Thanks for the neg rep. From you, it's like a badge of honor. :clap2::clap2:

I've always got arguments that will defeat you. Just like the sun always comes up every morning. You're the one who can't even be the slightest bit objective or non-partisan.
Rick Santorum wants to invade your bedroom in the middle of sex and arrest you for doing sexual acts he doesn't like.

He believes in upholding the current sodomy laws that imprison people for up to 1 to 15 years for acts such as falatio, anal, and other acts that aren't missionary position. This law extends to straight people and even married couples.

If you're gay, you especially better watch out because simply identifying as "gay" will immediately make you suspect to being indicted for sodomy. This means only gay virgins are safe, but if you're a sexually active gay, you will be enslaved.



Does this mean that rug-munching is okay????

I mean, how can you get your ole lady to cum like Mount St. Helens if you don't prime the pump beforehand.

Personally, I think the government needs to stay out of our bedrooms.

If I wanna fuck someone in the ass I don't want big-brother telling me no.

Even if he says I can't I'm going to.

Now if I can just get the okay from the ole lady.
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Not according to Loving v. Virginia. Supreme Court, in their decision, stated that marriage is a fundamental right.

I believe in every state one must obtain a marriage license and pay a fee.
Anything that requres a license and fee is not a right.

Sorry, if states did not offer marriage licenses at would be correct (except people would STILL get married, wouldn't they)

The issue is...states that offer marriage licenses with all the protections, privileges and responsiblities to Group A....are expected to also provide EQUAL protections, etc. to Group B UNLESS there is a clear and easily provable reason to withhold such EQUAL protections. Got some?

What privieleges are granted to "Group A" (whoever that is) that aren't granted to "Group B" (whoever that is)?

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