Santorum Wants to Enslave People Who Have Unconventional Sex

More rabid ramblings from the Rabbi.

Translation: I hadn't thought of dat. Duh.......

Listen, buddy, you lost. Get over it.

Gays do not have equal rights in this country. It's as simple as that. They are not allowed to marry the people that they love, while straight people are. It's not that fucking hard.

Get it through your thick skull.

Declaring victory is easier than arguing for a mental midget like yourself.

In fact straight people cannot marry those they love if those they love are 1) married to someone else, 2) consanguineous, 3) under age, or 4) of the same gender. Last I checked it didnt matter whether anyone was gay or straight.
Rabbi's just going to sit there repeating the same erroneous drivel he has for 20 pages. But in his mind he's some logical genius. The problem is...his keyboard cowboy fantasies...are just fantasies.
Rabbi's just going to sit there repeating the same erroneous drivel he has for 20 pages. But in his mind he's some logical genius. The problem is...his keyboard cowboy fantasies...are just fantasies.

If it were erroneous drivel it ought to be a cinch for you to refute it, "counselor." But since your response is either a) I am right because I am a lawyer and wrote for Harvard, or b) you are wrong because I am a lawyer and wrote for Harvard, or c) Dickhead! it tells me you don't have a fucking clue.
Rabbi's just going to sit there repeating the same erroneous drivel he has for 20 pages. But in his mind he's some logical genius. The problem is...his keyboard cowboy fantasies...are just fantasies.
The important thing is others reading the thread will have the information needed to do their own research to realize the truth of the issue – consequently the rabbi is irrelevant.
So you challenge me on what I've accomplished, then you turn around and talk about how everything I'm saying is unprovable? Of course it is, dipshit. Nor do I care wtf you think about me. You're the fat bastard with a bad haircut that got what you asked for.
Yes, I did. I got a lot of amusement out of a self-important prick. Thanks! :clap2:
Btw, I've already noted that you havent been discussing the main topic. You're not alerting me to anything new.
Of course I am. You're apparently unaware that you're a self-important prick. :lol:
The thread's been over. I'm just pissing on your grave now.
You never answered my question: Do you do that in court? How many times have you been found in contempt for being a dumbass? :lol:
That makes the 9000th time I've pointed that out. Maybe 9001 will penetrate.
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 1,997

So, I guess they don't spend too much time on math in law school.
I think you like your ass penetrated actually. Your circle jerk buddy Daveman said so.
Typical leftist: Lying sack of shit, and homophobic as well.

Tell me: Where did you ever get the ridiculous notion that people should kiss your ass?
this is the real social conservative agenda. they are the most dangerous people in our country
Rabbi's just going to sit there repeating the same erroneous drivel he has for 20 pages. But in his mind he's some logical genius. The problem is...his keyboard cowboy fantasies...are just fantasies.
The important thing is others reading the thread will have the information needed to do their own research to realize the truth of the issue – consequently the rabbi is irrelevant.

IOW you want people to look at the same biased media outlets you do so they can be brainwashed just like you are. Got it.

People don't want gay marriage. That's just the truth. They have nothing against gays per se but object to the term marriage. The Left cannot respect the will of the people so does everything it can to subvert it.
Dressing up the movement as a successor to the civil rights movement is brilliant but wrong. In CA the black churches were the strongest force against legalizing gay marriage. They certainly know what's up.
Rabbi's just going to sit there repeating the same erroneous drivel he has for 20 pages. But in his mind he's some logical genius. The problem is...his keyboard cowboy fantasies...are just fantasies.
The important thing is others reading the thread will have the information needed to do their own research to realize the truth of the issue – consequently the rabbi is irrelevant.

IOW you want people to look at the same biased media outlets you do so they can be brainwashed just like you are. Got it.

People don't want gay marriage. That's just the truth. They have nothing against gays per se but object to the term marriage. The Left cannot respect the will of the people so does everything it can to subvert it.
Dressing up the movement as a successor to the civil rights movement is brilliant but wrong. In CA the black churches were the strongest force against legalizing gay marriage. They certainly know what's up.

A LIFE CHOICE is NOT the same as Slavery and RACE...and these assholes know it.
People don't want gay marriage. That's just the truth. They have nothing against gays per se but object to the term marriage. The Left cannot respect the will of the people so does everything it can to subvert it.

Really? Will of the people eh?

Poll: Majority now favors same-sex marriage

For First Time, Majority of Americans Favor Legal Gay Marriage

Now let's play "compare and contrast" shall we?

Let us harken back to 1968, one year after the SCOTUS ruled on Loving v Virginia, nullifying anti miscegenation laws. At that time a Gallup poll showed that only 20% of Americans supported marriage between blacks and whites.


Now, we've already pretty well established that you are racist as well as harboring anti-gay bigotry, but reasonable human beings cannot help but find this bit of history interesting.

Interracial marriage was legal despite having an overwhelming majority of Americans opposing it. Why is that, one might ask? Well, it's pretty simple actually...we don't vote on civil rights, for if we had, interracial marriage would not have been legal until the 1970s.

You might not like the comparisons, but the parallels are there for all to see and it is obvious why you don't want these parallels to be pointed out. The hate-filled, bigoted and discriminatory positions always lose...
People don't want gay marriage. That's just the truth. They have nothing against gays per se but object to the term marriage. The Left cannot respect the will of the people so does everything it can to subvert it.

Really? Will of the people eh?

Poll: Majority now favors same-sex marriage

For First Time, Majority of Americans Favor Legal Gay Marriage

Now let's play "compare and contrast" shall we?

Let us harken back to 1968, one year after the SCOTUS ruled on Loving v Virginia, nullifying anti miscegenation laws. At that time a Gallup poll showed that only 20% of Americans supported marriage between blacks and whites.


Now, we've already pretty well established that you are racist as well as harboring anti-gay bigotry, but reasonable human beings cannot help but find this bit of history interesting.

Interracial marriage was legal despite having an overwhelming majority of Americans opposing it. Why is that, one might ask? Well, it's pretty simple actually...we don't vote on civil rights, for if we had, interracial marriage would not have been legal until the 1970s.

You might not like the comparisons, but the parallels are there for all to see and it is obvious why you don't want these parallels to be pointed out. The hate-filled, bigoted and discriminatory positions always lose...

Then explain why gay marriage has been a failure at the ballot box.
As to comparisons to mixed race marriage, we've already debunked that as any valid comparison.
This isn't a civil rights issue, as much as the fudge packers try to push that angle and assume the mantle of civil rights workers.
People don't want gay marriage. That's just the truth. They have nothing against gays per se but object to the term marriage. The Left cannot respect the will of the people so does everything it can to subvert it.

Really? Will of the people eh?

Poll: Majority now favors same-sex marriage

For First Time, Majority of Americans Favor Legal Gay Marriage

Now let's play "compare and contrast" shall we?

Let us harken back to 1968, one year after the SCOTUS ruled on Loving v Virginia, nullifying anti miscegenation laws. At that time a Gallup poll showed that only 20% of Americans supported marriage between blacks and whites.


Now, we've already pretty well established that you are racist as well as harboring anti-gay bigotry, but reasonable human beings cannot help but find this bit of history interesting.

Interracial marriage was legal despite having an overwhelming majority of Americans opposing it. Why is that, one might ask? Well, it's pretty simple actually...we don't vote on civil rights, for if we had, interracial marriage would not have been legal until the 1970s.

You might not like the comparisons, but the parallels are there for all to see and it is obvious why you don't want these parallels to be pointed out. The hate-filled, bigoted and discriminatory positions always lose...

Then explain why gay marriage has been a failure at the ballot box.

Boy, you just completely missed the point didn't you? Interracial marriage would have been a failure "at the ballot box" as well. This is why we don't vote on civil rights. Never heard of the whole "tyranny of the majority thing" have you?

Marriage equality isn't supposed to win or lose "at the ballot box", but it WILL be won in a court of law...exactly the same way interracial marriage did.

As to comparisons to mixed race marriage, we've already debunked that as any valid comparison.

LOL...By saying "nuh uh"? Nobody is comparing race and sexual orientation, but the discrimination. Some people thought it "morally wrong" for blacks to marry whites. Some people think it is "morally wrong" for consenting adult gays and lesbians to marry each other. Some states passed laws that prohibited blacks from marrying whites. Some state passed laws that prohibit marriage equality for gays. Are the parallels coming a little clearer for you now?

This isn't a civil rights issue, as much as the fudge packers try to push that angle and assume the mantle of civil rights workers.

It is a civil rights issue no matter how often the bigots try to insist it isn't.
Dismissed by you, perhaps. We all know what your opinion is worth though.


Less than nothing...

Scum under a rock...

Rabbi's opinion
So your entire argument is that gays are the new blacks and are being denied rights?
Forget it. Dismissed.

Gays and lesbians ARE being denied equal rights. Why do you think anti-gay marriage laws keep losing in the courts?

Discriminatory positions don't win. You are on the losing side. I also have no doubt that you would have been on the losing side of the anti miscegenation debate as well seeing as you are racist and anti-gay bigoted.
So your entire argument is that gays are the new blacks and are being denied rights?
Forget it. Dismissed.

Gays and lesbians ARE being denied equal rights. Why do you think anti-gay marriage laws keep losing in the courts?

Discriminatory positions don't win. You are on the losing side. I also have no doubt that you would have been on the losing side of the anti miscegenation debate as well seeing as you are racist and anti-gay bigoted.

What rights do gay men and women not have that straight men and women do have? None. We have hashed this over many times and no one can name a single right.
THey can win only in courts because they can persuade queer judges that the will of the people is meaningless.
Rabbi you've been answered and put to bed without your supper. It's cute though that you keep coming back. *pats head*

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