Santorum Wants to Enslave People Who Have Unconventional Sex

Awwww...look. You continue to post thinking the last person to post "wins". That's so cute. Meanwhile, the actual discussion has whithered because once several of us presented arguments you couldnt refute, you devolved into this.

Well maybe not devolved. You were already at this level.

You can't refute stupidity and ignorance, "councilor."

The fact is that gay men and straight men have equal rights in this country. The law does not distinguish between them. Thus any statement otherwise is simply false.

Now go beat your breast elsewhere. Fraud.
Nah, it's not false. No matter how many times you furiously type it.

So cute. Even after I've proven you wrong about so many things you keep coming a battered wife or a mistreated pet.
Is that his plan for getting us out from under our massive debt load?
It's always been fairly-profitable for the "conservative"-cleric$!!

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Pat Robertson's evil, twisted view on Gay Marriage‬‏[/ame]​
Gays have exactly the same access to marriage as anyone else.

Where have I heard that argument before...:eusa_think:

Oh was used during the discussions on legalizing interracial marriage. See, the racist bigots opposed to interracial marriage argued that laws prohibiting them were not discriminatory because they applied equally to men and women.

They were wrong too...

Why were they wrong?

And you never heard that argument before because you are about 19 years old.

Why were they wrong to say that bans on interracial marriage were not discriminatory? You honestly have to ask that?

Ah, I only wish I were still 19. 19 was a very long time ago I'm afraid. At 19 I was out serving my country. What were you doing at 19?
Gays don't have the same access to marriage as straight people? WTF are you smoking?

Tell me what a straight person can do that a gay cannot do.

Legally marry the consenting adult partner of their know, the one they want to love and care for the rest of their lives?

Of course they can. As long as that legally consenting partner is of the opposite sex and not consanguinous and not already married. Just like everyone else.
Where have I heard that argument before...:eusa_think:

Oh was used during the discussions on legalizing interracial marriage. See, the racist bigots opposed to interracial marriage argued that laws prohibiting them were not discriminatory because they applied equally to men and women.

They were wrong too...

Why were they wrong?

And you never heard that argument before because you are about 19 years old.

Why were they wrong to say that bans on interracial marriage were not discriminatory? You honestly have to ask that?

So you can't answer the question. Thanks for clarifying.
Tell me what a straight person can do that a gay cannot do.

Get married in the state of alabama (where I live) with the full privileges and rights therewith.

Do you just sit there thinking of stupid shit to type or does it come to you naturally? :cuckoo:

The state of AL doesn't issue marriage licenses? First I've heard.

Oh they do...but not to my partner and I. Better yet, when when a heterosexual marries their 1st cousin in Alabama and then moves to another state, even one that puts prohibitions on 1st cousins getting married, their marriage license is recognized. My legal marriage in California is only recognized in a handful of states.

Hmmm, that seems to violate the Constitution doesn't it? (Full faith and credit and all)
I'm sure he's never heard of the Full Faith and Credit clause. Much less understand it.
Of course there's an issue of EP, whether you, in your personal stupidity, ignore the protected class of sexual orientation or not. The SCOTUS does...and that's why gay marriage will be the law of the land in 50 years or less.

Kinda sucks to see the train coming down the tracks when you're tied to it, doesn't it? :eek: :eusa_whistle:

I'm betting less than 10 years...
Get married in the state of alabama (where I live) with the full privileges and rights therewith.

Do you just sit there thinking of stupid shit to type or does it come to you naturally? :cuckoo:

The state of AL doesn't issue marriage licenses? First I've heard.

Oh they do...but not to my partner and I. Better yet, when when a heterosexual marries their 1st cousin in Alabama and then moves to another state, even one that puts prohibitions on 1st cousins getting married, their marriage license is recognized. My legal marriage in California is only recognized in a handful of states.

Hmmm, that seems to violate the Constitution doesn't it? (Full faith and credit and all)

But handgun carry permit isn't good in CA either. So don't give me full faith and credit.
No one is denying you civil rights. They are denying you extra rights, that the rest of us don't have. Please explain why someone should get extra rights because he likes to screw men.
Why were they wrong?

And you never heard that argument before because you are about 19 years old.

Why were they wrong to say that bans on interracial marriage were not discriminatory? You honestly have to ask that?

So you can't answer the question. Thanks for clarifying.

The question was answered by the Supreme Court of the United States who declared that anti miscegenation laws were unconstitutional.
Gays are not a protected class under Federal law.
No one said they were. And private employment discrimination isn’t the issue; at issue is a given jurisdiction enacting measures to exclude same sex couples from equal access to marriage laws. The issue is the un-Constitutional infringement by the state with regard to one’s privacy rights, as stated in Lawrence and Perry.

Privacy rights are not the same as marriage rights . There is no provision for "couples." Couples do not have rights under the Constitution, individuals do.

Individuals and corporations. Hey, that's it! Gays should just incorporate. :lol:
No one said they were. And private employment discrimination isn’t the issue; at issue is a given jurisdiction enacting measures to exclude same sex couples from equal access to marriage laws. The issue is the un-Constitutional infringement by the state with regard to one’s privacy rights, as stated in Lawrence and Perry.

Privacy rights are not the same as marriage rights . There is no provision for "couples." Couples do not have rights under the Constitution, individuals do.

Individuals and corporations. Hey, that's it! Gays should just incorporate. :lol:

Fine with me. I've long advocated business partnership law as a model for gay couples to deal with some of the real issues they face.
Or used to. Then I realized the gay advocacy groups were not interested in solving problems, they were interested in tearing down the structure of Western morality. So fuck them.
Privacy rights are not the same as marriage rights . There is no provision for "couples." Couples do not have rights under the Constitution, individuals do.

Individuals and corporations. Hey, that's it! Gays should just incorporate. :lol:

Fine with me. I've long advocated business partnership law as a model for gay couples to deal with some of the real issues they face.
Or used to. Then I realized the gay advocacy groups were not interested in solving problems, they were interested in tearing down the structure of Western morality. So fuck them.

And there we have one of the (invalid) underpinnings of Rabbi's rabid thought process. Gayz r evul.
The state of AL doesn't issue marriage licenses? First I've heard.

Oh they do...but not to my partner and I. Better yet, when when a heterosexual marries their 1st cousin in Alabama and then moves to another state, even one that puts prohibitions on 1st cousins getting married, their marriage license is recognized. My legal marriage in California is only recognized in a handful of states.

Hmmm, that seems to violate the Constitution doesn't it? (Full faith and credit and all)

But handgun carry permit isn't good in CA either. So don't give me full faith and credit.
No one is denying you civil rights. They are denying you extra rights, that the rest of us don't have. Please explain why someone should get extra rights because he likes to screw men.

Extra rights? Where the fuck do you come up with extra? I hear this shit all the time. Gays want special rights. No they don't. If you'd let them do what everybody else gets to do...marry the person of their choice...there wouldnt be a problem.

But, as we see, you want to penalize them for what you perceive to be their evil agenda. Pathetic.
The state of AL doesn't issue marriage licenses? First I've heard.

Oh they do...but not to my partner and I. Better yet, when when a heterosexual marries their 1st cousin in Alabama and then moves to another state, even one that puts prohibitions on 1st cousins getting married, their marriage license is recognized. My legal marriage in California is only recognized in a handful of states.

Hmmm, that seems to violate the Constitution doesn't it? (Full faith and credit and all)

But handgun carry permit isn't good in CA either. So don't give me full faith and credit.
No one is denying you civil rights. They are denying you extra rights, that the rest of us don't have. Please explain why someone should get extra rights because he likes to screw men.

Slight difference between Civil Marriage licenses and Handgun Permits. A State either recognizes reciprocity with another state for all Handgun Permits or it recognizes none. No state that I know of determines the recognition of their reciprocity laws depending on the gender of the person who was issued the gun license.

Privacy rights are not the same as marriage rights . There is no provision for "couples." Couples do not have rights under the Constitution, individuals do.

Individuals and corporations. Hey, that's it! Gays should just incorporate. :lol:

Fine with me. I've long advocated business partnership law as a model for gay couples to deal with some of the real issues they face.
Or used to. Then I realized the gay advocacy groups were not interested in solving problems, they were interested in tearing down the structure of Western morality. So fuck them.

There are multiple states, I know Virginia is one and I believe Wisconsin is another, that contract law is not an option as the amendment to the Constitution clearly says that contracts attempting to duplicated aspects of Civil Marriage are void between members of the same sex.

Awwww...look. You continue to post thinking the last person to post "wins". That's so cute. Meanwhile, the actual discussion has whithered because once several of us presented arguments you couldnt refute, you devolved into this.

Well maybe not devolved. You were already at this level.
Are you ever actually going to accomplish something to merit the level of arrogance you display? Please note that "being a liberal" isn't really an accomplishment.
Oh they do...but not to my partner and I. Better yet, when when a heterosexual marries their 1st cousin in Alabama and then moves to another state, even one that puts prohibitions on 1st cousins getting married, their marriage license is recognized. My legal marriage in California is only recognized in a handful of states.

Hmmm, that seems to violate the Constitution doesn't it? (Full faith and credit and all)

But handgun carry permit isn't good in CA either. So don't give me full faith and credit.
No one is denying you civil rights. They are denying you extra rights, that the rest of us don't have. Please explain why someone should get extra rights because he likes to screw men.

Extra rights? Where the fuck do you come up with extra? I hear this shit all the time. Gays want special rights. No they don't. If you'd let them do what everybody else gets to do...marry the person of their choice...there wouldnt be a problem.

But, as we see, you want to penalize them for what you perceive to be their evil agenda. Pathetic.

AS mentioned ad nauseam and never refuted, gays have exactly the same rights as straight people. There are no differences, none. So if they want some other right, that is an additional one. Just by definition.

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